Democratic Poor People

The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Minister's Stealing Then Giving

There's a game going on in the Church call legal money laundering. it has been going on for many many decades by slick talking lizard licking pastors who have found ways to make a lot of cash or should I say, get rich by preaching,  "God will answer all of your prayers if you just believe in him" messages.

Most pastors have their own gimmicks at how to control their members. First, they must get their members to believe they are the real thing buy talking about all the things the congregation doesn't like being a member of the Church.

Things like, other people doing drugs, using foul language, courting on their husbands or wives, abortion, love of brother in the Church, caring for the sick, overseas missionary duties, local missionary duties, lusting and other things these members really don't live up to but love to hear the pastor talk against anyway because it send a signal that "that man is a man of God" and "that's who we need to lead us", "Hallelujah!!"

These money ministers spent many nights in study with other friendly ministers who already seem to have made it while getting training on how to reach folks hearts and pocket books. That is, has manage to get their congregation to buy them cars, airplanes, luxurious homes and great big bank accounts with smooth talking.

People are always gullible at Church. Especially when they are sick or going through hard times. They turn to the Church and pastor for help. The pastor, who only see money, know how to manipulate these concerns. This is when he become bold with bold saying to sooth the troubled conscience and get their heart by saying, "God don't want want you to be sick",  "he want you well", "he knows all about your troubles but you must surrender to him"

From this, they now teach tithing "is the way to God's heart." They say, "pay your tithes and be blessed." "You want get any blessing if you do not tide and tide really big". They quote scriptures, "It better to give than receive". "Give your very best". "Gottcha"!!

I recently saw a certain minister on CNN who make quite a few showings. Well, it was Rick Warren. The conversation was on "giving back". Quickly I thought about all the poor and helpless people sick and in need, troubled and down trotting who's money this guy has taken to make himself filthy rich. He took from the needy to fill his pockets from slick books he's written.

Now after he has packed the banks with their money now he want to give it a little back to those in need. Give back just enough to where people can see he's giving but not enough to dampen his personal million of dollars stash. The devil is slick. He encouraged Mr. Warren and others like him to take from the sick and dying, the poor and needy with no sorrow in mind. Give them false hope, then take them for everything they can get out of them.
These type of slick ministers have told the dying to turn it over to God. God will heal them if they would be obedience and send back money and a hand print that has many different amounts of money to pick from that's been mailed to them. Of course you get better blessing the more money you send. However, most die.

Pastors write books about life that every one already knows about. They tell someone that when they see a red light they should stop. Running the light could get you a ticket, get you into a wreck or even killed. However the ignorance, think this is good news coming from the pastor and holler "amen pastor, you tell em".

Every one all ready know this. Why should you keep paying some one to keep telling you the same thing you already know? This is stupidity to the highest level, but people doesn't know any better.
Why should I pay some one great amounts of money to tell me the gospel of the Lord when all I have to do is pick up the bible and read it for myself. It would be different if I was hearing something I never heard before or what was being told really was making a better Christian out of me.

Today's pastors are in business or should I say in Church business for one thing. It's an very easy way to steal and rob without going to jail. It's a short cut to riches available to the most slickest ministers. Get ordained and start a Church. Get ordain and work your way up.

Church is big business and the door for wolves are wide open. They are tearing the doors down teaching lies and twisted religion to keep hold onto the people. They steal then give back trying to fool God into thinking they care about those they give too. But their sights are set on more and more money for themselves. God know the different.

When will you ever graduate? When are you going to become the school teacher instead of the student? To go to heaven you got to graduate before the season ends. You think about it!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Weekend Finisher

So-called Christian Guns and Scho Teac's
Has you, as a Liberal Christian, been able to figure how and why so-called Christians conservatives and nutty gun totting Liberals want to die while having their guns “pried from their cold dead hands“.? What’s up with that?”

What do guns have to do with God? Why do so many Christians have them and since the Connecticut shootings went out and bought more guns? The only thing this shooting did was inspire so-called Christians conservatives to look for the type of gun used in the shooting just to have one like it and stock pile more other guns.

They are talking in ways that suggest they are still living in the silly gene season. They are not concerned about gun control. They
want to bring back the old west where the fastest gun wins. Where there is a gun in every house and on every plate.

 First  scenerio:

In this case, they want to arm sweet little ole Miss Sue, the first grade teacher, with a high powered pistol and a shoulder riffle.  Waiting just out side the doors are a tank and two gun ship helicopters. Sweet Miss Sue is now Jekyll and Hyde on a high.

In High school Miss Annie Oakley might throw down on students if threaten by them and there start an "ok coral shoot out" "gun blasting show down" in the class room where many innocent student will get shot and killed by pistol swinging Annie.

On the roof the principle spend every three hours monitoring three fixed machine guns and an areal mounted radar system that an attacker will soon steal and sell.  The janitor walks around with a shoulder bazooka and hand grenades that frighten the kids into night time bad dreams while the attackers plan a way to take them from him and bomb the school and bazook the nearest police station.

Some of this gun power the teachers have is locked up............. Continue

Friday, December 14, 2012

Weekend Finisher

My Sympathy, God, Guns and Warped Christians

Today mark the greatest sorrow a parent(s) and a so-called civilized country can endure when the life of our children's are allowed to be at risks because a great number of Christians want the right to bear arms. For such behavior of wanting to kill something has lead to the lost of beautiful little children. To the parent I feel sorrow and offer my condolences for your loss.

Guns in the hands of Christians are there for two reasons.To kill and practice to kill. Some of you are thinking, "how do I know these were Christians"? I know because when a violent act happen in this country it's always follow mostly with a "Christian vision" and "Christian arrangements".

What does guns in the hands of Christians represent. Certainly not God. God is not training us for a war but peace. And if he was he would not use primitive weapons in the hand of untrained humans unable to battle forces maybe millions of years behead of us to get up prepared. He would use his own mighty forces. The same that led a war against Satan and cast him from heaven.

Guns and war go hand and hand. The military has always provided weapons to military troops to fight wars and protect this nation. World war 1, 11, Vietnam war or any of the wars going on now required the use of private citizens to catch a plane and enter the war with their private guns.

In the past the Constitution allowed "the right to bear arms". In a ruthless nation and unsettled territories there was no law, justice or protection. The need for personal guns was necessary. But as the country became more ruthless the people hired lawmen to reign in the terror guns and badman placed on developing towns and cities. Law bidding citizens wanting to live and walk down streets, shop and be at peace raised money to pay them.


Friday, November 30, 2012

Weekend Finisher
Christmas and false love from the Conservative South

It's time again when mostly  every one think they can make amend one day for that they neglected to care about the rest of the year. Each other. For it's the day of man made Christmas.

Christmas is the time of year set aside by the Church to give gifts and food to those they care nothing about all year long. It is a time when poor people and their children get to eat one fantastic meal and their children get a cheap toy for this one day. 

The Church pretend it's giving based on God giving Christ to us for our sins. But it's embarrassing to God to see how pretentious people are when they call themselves caring people but after this day of the twentieth fifth the Church and most people care little or nothing for those they pretended to like and love so much.

The South and especially the conservative Churches just voted to not give any help to the poor. They want the government to cut most programs used to help the under privilege and let them fend for themselves like the rest of them. They prefer to help the rich take more from the poor.

Now after voting hate and discontent about the poor so-called running up the debt, wanting hand outs, wanting something for nothing and even once cheered when a candidate said to let poor people die. They even voted to cut off healthcare to them.

Now these same people and others want to pretend they love us with their bag of "gift giving trinkle down gifts". They use their rich "look at me"  "look what I did" with my rich high seat by asking the public to be generous and compassion and give to the poor so they can have a glorious one day turkey and gravy Christmas.

There is an old saying that says, "eat now for tomorrow we die". If the poor depended on the church and others for their survival they would eat on the 25th and die on the thirtieth. No one care any more about those they gave toys to or the ones they delivered the can of porking beans to.

No matter how hard one tries to impress God with Christmas it will not work. Only true love ,and not lies and  pretending, is what God is looking for in a servant.  As I look about this season I feel sorry for those in the Church that doesn't no the different between a God and a child. In God and Santa Claus. In love and pretending to love. In truth and lies. In knowing and not knowing.

Tell me? Why would God want liars in Heaven. He don't and he want. The sad part is that most will not change because sinners and the Church love it so well. So most will die together.  The false Church and all.

There's nothing wrong with celebrating. It's how and what you celebrate if it's for God. My children and grand childrens have been celebrating what I created call "Alpha and Omega" for years. "The beginning and the ending. This is thanking God through celebration and gifts for great harvest, life and blessing throught the year God gave and provided for us. We look forward toward "Alpha celebration" of beginning a new year of life. So simple!

You don't have to be like them. The Church don't have to lie like them.

So, this year like those in the past, I and my family can celebrate with toys, food, hanging of lights and all the good stuff we come up with. But we don't lie about the birth of Jesus nor sing baby Jesus songs to a God, nor put Santa Claus on the same level as God. I like being in the world but not of the world. I am different. I must refrain and endure.

You too can now have a true year end celebration of thankfulness and a clear conscious toward God by beginning to celebrate the Truth. Start celebrating "Alph and Omega".  Want to know more, write me! You think about it.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Weekend Finisher

Conquering America-The true Agenda of the Right

My intentions are to bring to you everything I find out about the Republican so-called Christian agenda of world control. Many on the left do not have one single idea of what is going on. They are so into playing God until they find themselves thinking they are doing God's will rather than actually doing it.

The left I talk about is the Democratic Church who think they are not in this world or even in the United States. In fact, they don't realized that a good Christian is a warrior. A fighter. One who stand on defending God's words no matter the out come. A true Christian is not a coward. Is not one dead to what God is looking for in a servant. Is not one who go to Church, sit and stare and call themselves a conquer, a warrior, a fighter for God.

Each Church member must realized that putting on the whole armor of God mean just that. Putting on the armor because you will be going to war against those who seek to bring down the kingdom of God here on earth. A warrior know what is going on and study how to defeat the enemy. In this case the enemy is the Devil and his dominions are the Republican so-called Churches on the right.

There is a deep dark conspiracy under foot right now to divide and split the country and take control over all that we know is right in order that Satan can be well situated when he come and attempt to control the world. To do this Satan has to have millions upon millions in positions of power to carry out his domination plan. His plan over Israel, United States and finally the world. Only people of power and influence can make this happen for him, not the poor.

Poor Churches, Poor people in general, many on the left (Democratic Churches) with many having little power cannot make this happen for Satan or the prophet. There is only one party with the richness and power to make this happen and it is the Republican Church. Why? Because it is this Church with so many hateful and evil minds.

It is this party that embrace liars that no not that they are liars. It is this party that despise given and helping lesser people. It is this party that believe in trickle down given rather than "hand outs". Hand outs was what wealthy farmers was told to leave in the fields. It was left over food for poor people called "gleaming". These hand outs was to workers and friends and those who could not feed themselves.

As we watched through many processes of voting we find each year the Republican Party becoming more like a dictator. Becoming more full of twisting lies. More full of crafted slick underhanded tricks. More and more they become more like the father they work for. They are even deceving. And they are being deceived thinking they are working for the true God of heaven rather than for the god of the underworld. And they want us to believe them.

The Right has broken with the Left. Both supposing to be Christians. The Church is split or is it? The Democratic Church is not aware that by standing aside and allowing the "Right" to proceed with their corruptive behavior are damaging the creditability of their standing with God and the kingdom of God.

As time move forward, creditability in the church has lost it's pureness. The secular world, whom we the church are supposed to be witnessing to, no longer believe in us though believing in a God. This is because they have seen so many fowled and corrupted Church officials fall from grace.  They now see these same groups, Christian Democrats and so-called Christian Republicans fighting between themselves after spending years telling secular people they should be like them. Sick! Continue by clicking sight below...

Friday, November 16, 2012

Weekend Finisher
So-called bible belt Christians and Confederacy Rule
Just when I sit and wait to be proven wrong, what pops up? These southern god filled wolves in gray uniforms want to return the South to confederacy rule prove me right about the demonizing attitudes of Conservative Republican pretenders attempting to be Christians. Whew!!!

What they are now doing is raising 25,000 signatures, which is what it take to submit to the government, to get the government to let them secede or leave the unionto start themselves an independent state.  (United States constitutes a union like marriage)

These are the southern racists states still upset and hateful toward Obama getting reelected. These are the pastors and ministers, most of them, along with their congregations that can't shake their feelings of wanting to be masters over other races and those that oppose them. They cannot stand the fact that God let a black man get reelected over a rich white man.

Well, God had nothing to do with it and your god let you down. It was the people that voted and it was the people that said they didn't want your kind of religion nor the way of life you choose to hand out to poor and helpless people.

North Carolina is one of over 20 states that don't want to be considered part of the United States. They want their own president and governing body along with their own military and laws.

These devilish people think the government will give them the right to do so  and promote hate in the midst of the rest of the states. Maybe back during Civil War days this had a chance of working but not in a modern country of 50 states and 300,0000,000 Americans. We can't risk a war between the nations by mindless outsiders.

Such a move will break down our system. Can you imagine border lines and states once again going to war against each other. Well, this will happen. Why? Just take a look at the gun totters insanity and their dislike with any body that disagree with them. With out control, the first thing these rogue outlaw gunslingers will do is run to their guns which will trigger the government of the union to use federal forces against them to protect the union.

I often talk against Conservatives Churches and that they are the problem with society being against itself. It is this same majority of Conservatives and Republican so-called Church stupedow's ( I don't no whether that is a word or not) that want to tear the country apart and create an atmosphere where they can legally hate and discriminate with a governing law that will turn the other way.

What kind of god directs the mind of people to act and be this way? I have only one name in mind. Satan! Conservatives have torn Christianity apart in this country. They make people think that our religion is false when  Republican so-called Christians war against Democratics Christians. What's going on here?

They have shown they have always harvested deep ill wills for other races but held it inside thinking they would never be discovered while preaching and acting an actor's life of pretending.
But, what is inside you will come out of you. Remember the bible is true for those who truly use it. It reads,

Mark 7:15 (King James Version)

"There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: But
the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man".

In this case Rebublicans took foolishness in a long time ago. If stayed there because they liked it. They tried to surpress it, but there came a time when it had to come to the surface. Numbers 32:23:  Be sure your sin will find you out. or show you up!

Luke 6:45 (NIV)

A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart,
Conservative so-called Church - and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. ~
Why would the Church or God want to divide his people? Is this Christanity? No! No one should never trust in and believe in another TV or Republican pastors or their members. I don't! I ask them to come to true repentent or hell will be their reward.

Last words....
You must understand that most voters consider themselves Christians with a small amount of other religions. Most of Romney voter was so-called Evangelicals. Read more

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Weekend Finisher
The High Seat
What is missing in the church

 I want to talk about people and their ministers. First of all , we have so many churches on every corner, it seem, in every city and spare space or hole in the wall until I wonder why God allow the mockery of his name to continue. We have enough churches and pastors to save the world if it was possible, but they do not know how to preach the basic of our Christianity. Many haven't preached about it for so long until they themselves have forgotten what it is to fear God and work constantly at completing his mission here on earth.

Many members of churches know very little about God and salvation. They talk about it, and tell others they should have it, but they themselves do not have it and if they did  they do not know how to use it.
Our Churches are moving further and further away from the true Church and no one seem to know what‘s the matter. People inside Churches are getting meaner and meaner, slicker and slicker, angrier and angrier, and more ignorance in the word of God.

They are being taught more bible by more educated pastors than any time in history, yet, Church people remain dumb founded to the main reason they became Christian, or why Jesus gave up his life for them (us). That’s right!! Many attending Church has no real clue of what’s going on. They just go through life pretending they  are save, yet cannot tell you what salvation is and how to live a salvation life. Most live a double life.

Think on double life right now and apply it to your self? Are you a Jekyll and Hyde?  Or are you living a true Christian life?

Who's fault is it when people cannot come together on one accord? Who's fault is it when arguments in Church seems to be as common as eating apple pie? Who's fault is it when the Church  rise  up against their  minister or the minister rise up in favor of special members and against others because of certain standings they have with them or who‘s giving more money?

The fault is the pastor. They have taken the “High Seat” of power. Read more

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Why I question white Republican's Christianity

Weekend Finisher

First  of all let me make this perfectly up front and personal. What I'm about to write has to do with the "black race" and "white race".  It does not make me racist to do so. What I'm trying to do is give you the feel of what went down between whites and blacks long ago and how blacks can forgive and let live and how white Republicans and many Democrats are still possessing slave master mentality wanting to Rule and dominate others through cleansing of the raciest. Their plans has an Hitler agenda that's embedded into their DNA using God and Church as a means to super impose their will on the people.

We in this country have a problem saying what color or race one is without having someone thinking we are raciest's. It's what comes out of ones mouth and how it's delivered that make one a raciest. A raciest is acting like they are better than another simply because of their color and persona. They have become God and God has become their creation.

How can one question God when God created all the races in his image and gave them colors for beauty and distinctions. He called black, black, white, white, red,red, yellow, yellow, and brown, brown. Some make what God tinted a bad thing to mention. All of a sudden we, not me, think God should have just said, the "people", that "person" or "him" or "her".

So, if God can create love and paint his colors and name his masterpieces how he want them then who am I or you not to love what he created. Who are so called Republican Christians to say he made a mistake, to say it is up to them to correct God's mistake?

I will identify racism and you will see that deep rooted racism started completely with white American Christians. From the beginning it was the Christian church that bought, brought  and stole black men, women and children from Africa. They like today lied to African Chiefs under pretense of giving these young black men good jobs and money when they got to the new world and they would send back goods and things home to their families left behind.

African Chiefs was tricked by Christians giving them jewelry and pretty trinkets and color clothing and telling them more will come to them if they sold their best men, women and children to them. When African men discovered what the white sailors's true intention were they tried to escape them but was captured and dragged upon their ships.

On board the ships Christian sailors and it's captains had the African men and women chained down to prevent them from jumping overboard to freedom. Along the long voyage to America many died. The sick and the dead was cast ........  To read more go to

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mitt Romney lies, Yet, Republican Christian still back him

You know, I'm still perplexed how after the last debate Republican and conservative so-called Christians are still backing Mitt Romney after hearing clear indication of him being a type of Satan or an out right liar.

Being a minister my self I am taught to rebuke liars not mingle with or condom a pathological liar as Mitt Romney has proved to be. The other thing I find confusing is that nearly if not all Republican ministers know Mitt Romney is lying but still back him as the right man for the job or President of the United States.

I just want you to see that these are the same ministers you watch on TV and pastor very large Churches who get on the pulpits every Sunday and attempt to teach one how to love God. How can they teach anybody about how to behave or how one's character and attitudes must change or one must put away sins and make a commitment to follow the word of God to be called a Christian if they cannot follow or believe in what they teach themselves.

One of the biggest sins of them all is a liar and a coconspirators to a lie. A liar is no good to God what so ever. There is nothing a liar can do for God other than destroy and distort his words. This is what Republican ministers are doing. They have no business behind the pulpit proclaiming the works of God but promoting the works of Satan even more.

Just Imagine the damage they are doing to childrens. They are teaching them how to lie and how to hate. How when you can't get your way it is alright to lie your way in. This is what Republican ministers teach. They feel it is alright to lie in the name of God. They do it by finding one things they think fit their concern then stay with it and teach that it is what God want, to weak minds, and they all become followers of the same lie.

Now I have a question for those who follow them. Do you have a conscience? Do you have a Christian spirit indwelled in you? Do you need the pastor to Guide you or do you need God? Why can't you tell the different between right and wrong? Why can't you, with the spirit of God, recognized the different between a lie and truth? Will you let your relationship with your pastor cause you to become defiled and miss out on your salvation? And last, you must learn to walk along.

Romney has proven to be a liar and a twister of the truth and yes he is deem ok and fit to rule by Republican pastors and their flocks. Pastors flock see no wrong and is following them like a duck toward hell. Their actions are why I find the need to question what religion they're in. A need to reach out and exposed their actions against God.  Or should I say, using God to push their agenda of robbery of the people in the name of God.
No liars shall enter the Kingdom of God. No matter how great they seem to be in this world. Think about it..

Friday, October 12, 2012

Life is in the blood and not at conception

Life is in the blood and not at conception - Leviticus 17:11
Why do I have to keep showing Republicans pastors and Catholic priests this scripture in the Bible. They claim to be God called yet will not stick with the written word of God. So here it is again. It reads:

11. For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.’

This clearly states life is flesh and it is the blood that make it life. Only the blood can make atonement for the soul. The soul can only come from life.

Sperm and semen is not blood.  Therefore, according to the Bible it cannot be life. Therefore again, life cannot be obtain at conception. It's only a preparation for life that take stages to reach.

Why want Democratic Christians quote the bible as written. It is true. Republicans cannot find anywhere in the Bible that life start at conception except scriptures they are twisting to prove themselves.
Life is in the blood!

Is God really in the healing business. No! but you can read more at my website.

Friday, October 5, 2012

The Conservative False Church And Islamic Terrorists

Weekend Finisher

It is time for the Conservative Republican Churches to be expose to who they really are. They
have used the Bible for decades to promote hate and discontent between brothers and sisters in all races. They care nothing for the poor nor do they really care about children's in shelters and
home needing mothers and fathers who can, with all their wealth, take care of them.

This False Church, as I will call the conservative so-called Christians Republican and
Conservative others, have many ministers posing as men of God that has lied to most people
using God's name as a pretext to twist their spiritual thinking toward believing in them rather
than God and his word as written. That it is they, not any other organization or people, that God
uses to promote his agenda of creating worthy folks for the kingdom of God.

All Conservative Churches build their fortunes off the backs of wealthy and rich people and yes
poor unknowing people who think they can buy some kind of miracle from God by donating their
money. The Church has taught these people that through paying large amounts of (money) tithes
to their Churches that God will heal their diseased bodies and give longevity to their old age and
protect their bank accounts and even cause them to grow through their faithful giving. This
slickness has made it possible for many high tech mega churches to grow and bring great wealth
to their pastors and friends.

Teaching the love of God to their followers are quite different than how it is taught in
Democratic Churches. For example, the Bible teach us to love God. This is something the False
Church doesn't understand. Let's read in Matthew 22:27, it read

"Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind".

They fail to see that this mean that they should obey and follow in the teaching that God believe in. That is, in loving not only him but having a heart for others that are not of you. Lets read, John 13:34

 "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also
love one another".

Now we see it was commanded that Christians should love each other. This scripture doesn't stop
there, it mean to love everybody whether Christian or not. There is no way one can care about
another or go out into the harvest and try to bring others into Christianity without having a love
for them that will produce the same type of love in them toward others. 

It is possible to spread a false love out side of the bible by twisting it to mean something it really
doesn't mean. If that false love is achieved then the recruits from it has nothing to build upon
except false love reasoning based on what and how they was taught by their leaders. Reason
being, false love include twisted lies.

It is the Church responsibility whether Democratic or Republican to show genuine love all the
time rather than presenting a part time love for 3 years 11 months that end up showing your true
self and false love at the ballot box. This is the time when Conservatives Churches vote against
that which could help the poor. Voting time is when the False Church of conservatives show
their true selves using reverse love. Vomiting up what's buried deep within their churning and
burning stomachs that can no longer be held within. Bursting forth is the true self and
representation of their father Satan and his ideals of what separatism should be.

Interjection... Democrats don't start thinking you are holy simply because one of the false
Churches has been exposed.....

Let me pause here to let the Democratic Church no that what I say go for them also. There is
mostly sinners in this outfit as well, yet, there are a few who believe God is still in charge and is
stilling ruling the hearts and souls of those that will do his will. Those that believe in love of all
men no matter of color, religion or nationality. Ready to defend every word of God that Jesus
delivered from God. To defend those messages after the death of Jesus which was divinely
inspired and giving to disciples to further inspire and excel upon that which has and has not
reached the ears of the knowing and unknowing. To explain and clarify. To tell the truth and
nothing but the truth..... That sounded so good it made me shake!... Now back to the False

Terrorists are like Hard core Republicans
Over the past years the Conservative false Church, their behavior and attitudes against the word
of God, has given me no choice but to treat them as I treat Islamic terrorists. Not hating but
having deep desire to speak with them and share the real love of a real God with them. To get
them to shut up for a while and just listen with common sense.

I find both are interested in nothing but country, Constitution, guns, founding fathers,
suppression, slavery, killing and separation of races all in the name of their God.  And Yes! both
believe they are doing their God's will. And yes, both will use their God in any way possible to
achieve their goal of one nation and one party with out any other parties to oppose them or their
views. Both want control of the world, their nations and their governments even if they have to
lie  twist and kill to achieve their objectives.

Some of you may say this False Church will not kill, but let me refresh your history. This false
Church is a make up of the most notorious hate groups in the United States that call themselves
Christians. There are millions across the internet on twitter and websites that spew out hate daily
that claim to be Christians. There are pastors who stand up in Church and secretely teach hate
through secret code words.

Then there is Rush Limbaugh who is the father over all Republicans
so-called Christians. Yes, nearely, not all, has the capability to do harm. However, the only thing
that hold them back is the LAW. The criminal Justic System. Death and prisons. For example, if
Rush Limbaugh and his followers did not fear the law and had free hand as they want, do you
think they would not do harm to those they preach against? Of course they would.

So, why would one that really has a desire to serve God want to put their soul in jeopardy by
continuing to be a part of something that keeps their hearts from really opening up to God but
always being straddle the fence being neither hot nor cold and fit for nothing.

I could forgive them and continue to say they are Christians. Yes, I could. But I want! I can't!
Why? Because they have emerged themselves so deep into their conservative views that I could
not live long enough to actually forgive them. Why? Because it it they who must individually
reject the the Republican Conservative Party and Democratic Conservative stand and then I can
forgive them. Forgiveness is based on whether one has stopped  and breaking God's rules and do
right toward their fellowman.

Because this False Church has such hard core followers in it that it is almost impossible to
change many of them no matter what I say or anybody else say will make a difference. You see
how hard it is to help a terriorist. Zilk!

Like Islamic terriorists, the conservative Churches are bad for this country. It's a shame that in
our country we have anti-Christ's embedded so deep in our society. And it's bad and getting
worse. You as Christians have not been preaching the right Christianity. Now it's time to do so.
Speak to your Republican friends and or send them to my ministry website.

Many of us think that our job of salvation is nearly complete just because every one know about
Jesus. But now you are finding that salvation is an ongoing practice. And going out into the
harvest still apply. There is a whole new crowd of sinners closer than you've thought. Right next
door. The Conservative  and Conservative Republican Party. Now go out and get your name in
the Book of Life.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Christian Republicans works of the Devil

Weekend Finisher

Are so-called Christian Republicans works of the Devil

In a quest to bring all men together I have found that inbedded deep within the Republican Party a new breed or an army of devilish people I believe is influenced by Satan which has legions of his demons working his will within the Conservative False Church hiding behind Christanity.

As I end this months message I cannot forget and I want to remind you that the ones continuing to push the Obama issue of "him being a Muslim, "not a Christian", "he was not born in this country", "he is not an American", "he's a liar" is all promoted by so-called Christian Conservatives. Yes, it's the very pastors and followers you watch on your television sets Sunday after Sunday pretending like they are doing God's will and care about your problems and especially your salvation.

The problem is that they only care about the Conservatives watching them.  Like Romney, they can care less about the other 47% or Democrats that watchs them. If you are not a Republican you cannot receive the goodness of their God.

But yet, you, the innocent Democrats, are not looking at this in any other way than I want to believe in and love this pastor because I believe he or she is a man or woman of God.  Ain't that so sweet? Are you paying attention Conservative pastor?

But what they really want is to keep you fooled into believing in them long enough to get your money. this is a fact because of the way these pastors vote against you, to take away everything from you that is needed for your survival at the same time telling you "we are in this together with God".
The Bible tell us that Satan come in sheep clothing, to destroy and kill. KJV Matthew 7:15
 "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves".

Satan has conservative pastors thinking this verse is only for old bible times when God was sending prophets throughout the land to speak to Israel. But this was not just for Israel. The word of God is forever, toward all who believe or disbelive in God. To those today speaking and actually believing in God's words. 

False Prophets was then and today are still using God's word to surpress and twist the minds of people in believing God is sending a new message and it's through them. These false prophets are against what and how God really want man to live so they change the word of God to fit how they want things to be.

If you have been paying attention to Republican so-call Christians remarks and outbursts this sound just like them. Their pastors speak and teach in this exact way. How do they do it? Well, Satan give them a life long goal that will take them away from the real word of God. "Abortion!" He will give them blessing.

Satan told them that "abortion has nothing to do with salvation, but it will cause a life long commitment of dividing the people and Churches if you make people think so". "Just keep hammering on it over and over even telling them they are commiting murder. "This", "said Satan", "will keep you from ever mixing with those other heathens call Democrats which pretend to be Christians". "I'll make you great, said Satan"!

Satan implanted his demons into the ministers and pastors of this false Church and has been successful in his cause. The Republican Party has already reduced itself to killing and blowing up abortion clinics in past years in the name of their false God with pastors never denying the killing was wrong.

Say, what! Did I say killing! Isn't killing and being a part of killing the same thing. If abortionists go to hell as they put it for what they say is murder  shouldn't they go to hell also for instigating it. Yep!
Satan has them thinking they can't lie. That their lies about Obama are need lies. Beside, Abraham lied about Sarah being his wife Genesis 12:11-20 and Gen. 20:2. Therefore, there is a needed lie that God will accept. Wrong again. Abraham was an example of what lying will cause. Harm! Don't do it.

But the false Church believe because Abraham got away with it they can also. Satan told them they was right and can get away with it because they are Christians, Yet, the Bible read after Abraham that:
Proverbs 6:16-19
"There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers".
Proverbs 12:22
"Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight".
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
"Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God".

Wait a minute. Did I just read what I read. Not only does this sound like inter-country (new word) terriorists but it make it clear that God hate a liar and that all of the above will land you into hell. Doesn't matter whether you dislike abortion or not. And this party should be the one aborted.

This sound like the whole Conservative right GOP is headed for hell. I would like for them to change and I offer them the opportunity to change by getting out of that Republican Party and joining the Democratic Party.

For many, there are hard nose pastors who do not want to part with their money machine followers so therefore have to keep them fooled and confused to keep their pocket full. Right Pat Robertson and Osteen.

Satan has these people, meaning the so-called Christian false Church, in the palm of his hand and know what they want. They want to hate. So Satan set up a stage from which they can perform upon. First, Satan make them drunk from hate then blind them of truth. Then let them loose upon the nations.

Again, "Woe upon earth for Satan has come down to you". Riding a great white horse:. And following with him is his dominions of Republican. And their numberss are "many". "Gun toters", Tea Party, Rich lions and haters". And their names are called Conservatives".

Read more at NIGBITS NEWS

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday, a time to return to God

Weekend Finisher

Sunday, a time to return to God, a time to play Church
What a great day to be alive. To be amongst the living. To be in a world that Gods created and decorated with the beauty of  flowers, grasses, trees, mountains and valleys, hills and streams, oceans and rivers and races of colors, tongues and textures. ----- What a God to sit in glory and declare to the cosmos that He and his Son has created the best of the best when they created man. How proud God must be to think that out of all the many worlds created by him, this world call earth would be his shinning example to all others. He cared so much for this earth and it's people that he wanted to created something different for them after their death that He would send his only son to teach and mold earthling into the quality of beings he can use to fulfil his mission of world building.  ---- Jesus came and for 3-1/2 years preached the word of God He was sent by God to do and accomplish.

He had such a hard time getting through to many but did find worthy disciples that would listen, that  did believe, didn't compromise, didn't join in with the other crown of disbeliever, wasn't swayed by personal interest and wealth, determined, wasn't afraid to speak the truth, had very good  understanding of what God's objectives were, knew how to love, how to share love, how to feel the pain of others and how to reach out to all with the same kind of love and forgiveness that Jesus gave his life to preserve for us.

Man has turned God's word into a Sunday morning show offering love mixed with saturation of trivia games and programs to substitute for the night life of heathens many wish to partake of. It is a time of fake religion and false love where the ministers and pastors use Las Vegas type slot machines, spinning the wheel porker games blanketed in the form of tithes or money packed in envelopes where all the loot goes to the dealer being the pastor. Where less goes to benefiting the mind of followers who hunger for light than to the boss of prosperity with clever techniques.

But we see that money, power and misguided teaching has produced a people of acting in a habitual manner of pretending to shout, hollering, pretending to speak to God. lying on God by saying God told them to say what ever they are telling.  Telling the all time lie that God will heal and turn it over to Jesus and many more prepared saying and doings to captivate those viewing from their living rooms or sitting in their audiences.

The heart of this game is all about money and not about changing or molding new people into the character of God. It's a fact that most followers of all religions, if the rest was real, are not fit to ride an automobile and definitely not fit to handle immortality. When you take a look at Christianity you'll see that the Church has lost it's ability to reach out and change devilish minds into Godly minds. With a Church on every corner in most towns of America one would think our country be equal in dishing out love and more togetherness but finding most being more hateful and divided than when Jesus was here on earth. Christianity is divided into to many groups with all claiming their religion and the way they serve is better than the others. So they stay far away from each other claiming the others worshiping was not real.

Well, what is real is that pastors for decades have hustled for the majority of people that they could scheme the most money out of the easiest. TV pastors has made million off the sad stories of people lives by telling them what "faith will do for them". Stories that they know play off their feelings and cause one to become not drunken by the word of God but by a trick just launched starting with stage one, "faith" to stage two, "offering a book", stage 3, "be obedience to God", to stage 4, "God loves a cheerful giver" which is "MONEY"! Lots of money!

This trick is the same in every Church but more with Republican Churches that has the connections to robbed from rich sufferers who was told through cheerful giving their lives would be saved and they would receive many blessing if they gave big. This type of motivation has funded their lavish life styles and televangelist programs of Satanism for years. They have taught the people not of love but of receiving. But of gaining and not caring who and how you get it as long as you get it.  Then attributing this to God's word and how he want his people to prosper.

However, with all these Churches we find very little love. But we do see what money is creating. Big luxury mega Churches with rotten people inside like a rotten apple. Look good on the outside but is rotten and not fit for anything than to be cast aside and burned.

Who is God? Who Is Jesus? They are creators of all of all of us hoping we would become more than what he now see. He want a people that can get along and knows how to care for each other. To see the poor as one see themselves. To visualize at all time a world where God would appreciate us offering to change non-believers into believing the only way to God is through Jesus.

Their are character changes and attitudes that goes along with serving Christ. It is a salvation thing that goes far beyond the Church on Sunday. Far beyond saying you are a Christian and every time a rock song or rap or country song you hear you begin to twist and sing. Getting behind closed doors and doing things you are ashamed to do in public but use your home as a cover. Then rushing to Church acting like you didn't do a thing and now so Godly and precious with songs of joy after giving Satan his private time.

With as many Churches that open their doors to help people on Sunday has and is proving to be worthless. A waste of time for most. This, however, does not reflect all Churches. The problem we have is that very few know what is the true Church and how to teach about the true God. I know there are many false Churches because Jesus said, "Many many may say Lord, Lord. but I know them not". This is proof that I am right. Yet, most Churches think they are right and this is where we have the problem.

To fix it and move toward God and not hell is why every one should start to question their pastors as to why and where does the Bible say this or that is OK and to do it? Then read that scripture for your self and break each word down to see if it really say what the pastor said. You will find that much is taken out of context. Ask why you go to Church on Sunday and where does it say it? Ask why you do not get healed? Ask why your prayers are not answered? If someone says his prayers are answered, ask them to show how and compare his prayer to another person's prayer that was not answered? Is one a favorite of God that He would answer their prayer and not the another child of his. Not hardly.
Why can't we just love each other without all of the hype. We can do it just by trusting in the word of God. We can be a better person by accepting Jesus as the Son of God and abiding in him in all things like keeping our mind on God at all times meaning every hour and all day and night long.

The very intent of God is not to get us to pretend and play games of corruption but to live, love, share and enjoy each other along with enjoying the beauty of this world called earth that he want us to build upon, create things and enjoy it. He want us to do this by realizing it is he that gives all things and not Satan. He want you to worship him and give him the glory, the praise, the honor at all times. He is the only one that give life and can take it away just as fast. But most rather serve Satan of hate, division, lies, lust, despisers of those that are poor, corrupt and diseased in the mind.

Pastors on Sunday will continue in their old ways of deliverance and today most followers will leave in no better shape than when they entered in. Tomorrow,  it will be Satan's time again. All the Church will once again "do what I want to do "and "God should tend to his business".

I no the truth and want you to no the truth that this world is getting worst and worst and less and less caring about what God want. If you don't believe me then why is the Republican Church against the Democratic Church? Why is the Republican Church filled with so much hate against the Democratic Church? And there is more right before your sight. You can see it if you want to.
I hope I caused your mind to wonder on the great things God has in store for the endures.

Please read my NigBits News day by day or when ever at Nigbits

Friday, September 14, 2012

Tony Perkins supports Mitt Romney's lies, pray

Tony Perkins, President of President of Family Research Council, is speaking out boldly for Mitt Romney who promises to repeal Healthcare for poor people. Perkins are not interested in the many living boys and girls wanting parents and homes to stay in, but rather seem more interested in the unborn. Those living I guess ask to much out of his pockets.

He and others like him would make you think they dislike woman who have abortions. Yet, there are many in his circle that have taken their kids overseas to have abortions so no one can know about it.

Perkins also talked about the love of the United States, like Democrats doesn't. He stated that Obama was apologizing too much to other nations and should be strong. The fact is that Tony Perkins is a liar. There is no data showing Obama apologized to anyone. This has already been proven to be a lie, yet, Tony Perkins like Romney continue to spread it.

The so-called Christians and Tony Perkins still don't believe Obama is a Christian. His so-called Christian brothers have the Internet full of Obama Muslim images and lies.

The bad part about Tony Perkins is that he call himself a Christian. I guess he must be one of the new kind. Those belonging to the False Church of Satan. The God of Lies posted by them.

Tony, who I guess is an educator on the Bible, don't no very much about the Bible. For example, there is a segment image on CNN showing his followers, attempting to pray to God for Romney to win.

This fool ought to know that God has nothing to do with politics going on in America. Why? Because God has nothing invested in racism. In dividing races. In sticking it too the poor and protecting the rich like Tony Perkins.

What Tony has done in Christianity has amounted to nothing except raising twisted folks that quickly cradle and attach themselves to those only  in their personal circle. His lies about Christ has netted him millions of dollars. He haven't caused a one to be saved from death nor has he raised the dead or help cure the common cold. Yet, he fool people into believing God will take care of their problems as long as they continue to give him their money. Common in most ministries.

Tony Perkins is just a slick sheep in wolves clothes. Him, like the rest in the Conservative false Church is Taft amongst the wheat. As it look right now only God will be able to separate the right from the wrong.

But you as good Democratic Christians can offer Tony Perkins and all of the famous so-called rip off ministers whether on the media or not salvation. They must reject the Republican party and Conservatism. It will be hard but you got to do it.  They are a danger to God's melting pot. (melting pot meaning, "where all kind of people live together"). Jerusalem was a melting pot. hink about it!

Read more thoughts at Nig-bits News

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Conservatives, God, liars and the False Church

Weekend Finisher

In watching the DNC ,Democratic National Convention, after all the speeches and especially the great speech given by Bill Clinton, former, president, and then another great speech by Obama, my thoughts went toward all those pitiful so-called conservative Republican Christians and how they could watch knowing the Democrats are right but rather fight for a lie.

As I write this message I'm always trying to let you see that the things I write about the False Church of the Republican Party is true and backed up by the Bible. They are a party that should never use the word compassion and love until they learn what they mean.  Lets read  what the Bible say:

John 13:34, 35: " A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35 By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”

As for as Immigrants are concern:

Lev. 19:33, 34 "`When an alien lives with you in your land, do not mistreat him. 34 The alien living with you must be treated as one of your native-born. Love him as yourself, for you were aliens in Egypt. I am the LORD your God.

Deut. 10:18, 19, 20 "He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the alien, giving him food and clothing. 19 And you are to love those who are aliens, for you yourselves were aliens in Egypt. 20 Fear the LORD your God and serve him. Hold fast to him and take your oaths in his name. "

Now I know what love is. From the scriptures above God not only tell us to love each other but those who come from far off places that move into your country. These scriptures seem to elude those mighty pretenders like the Conservative Baptist Association, Southern Baptist Assoc. of America, American Baptist Assoc.,Pat Robertson, Joel Osteen, Billy Graham, John Hagee, Benny Hinn, Hal Lindsey and many many more devils who who use the Bible to rob money for their own gain.

These guys and all of the conservative ministers are leaders of hate groups and provide the fuel, messages and attitudes to those who would do harm to others.

Listen to this. It is a fact that what Republicans want to do to poor people and the country alike is to put us all in a recession where the poor have to bow to them and beg from their trickle down table. They are living about as close to God as ice is to an erupting volcano.

How can they not listen to poor people who just about beg them not to take away their medicare. Not  to make drastic cuts from funding's so important to them because it will cause them much harm. Yet, no sooner than our Thursday convention ended the so-called Christians dug right in again calling names and continuing on with lies they know are lies.

How can an Organization call themselves followers of Christ when they openly endorse lies. When one doesn't know a lie is being told to them is one thing and forgivable, but these so-called Christians know their party are liars and uphold themselves in it.

All of these television type liars spent nearly all their lives supposedly teaching about Christ. Well we know what they was really after. Money, separation of races, and promoting hate. Not teaching the true religion of Jesus Christ.

The problem with conservative ministers are that they all are smiling split lip haters. They are the red neck of the past and the new Confederates of the future. Their problem is not that they care so much for the economy, it's because they do not want a black man as president no matter how much good he's doing for the country.Conservatives would rather see the country go down than see the poor rise again.

Now, I want to tell you something and I want you to think about it. Did you know that the Republican Party, I mean the entire Republican Party consider themselves as being the voice of God in this world. Look at their platform and what they stand for while evoking God in everything.

God wouldn't back liars and that's a fact. So, point proven. Republicans are the False Church to. Pay attention how silent their Church leaders are on their political leaders lies. They say nothing, but yet, they get on Sunday morning media's pretending they are now filled with so much love for us and God. Now we know that their love is for their party and their Church only.

I don't know about you, but I can't snuggle up with them with their hypocritical false smiles. Smiles you will get until voting time. Then if you're not voting according to their false God the Devil  and their Church belief then they began to hate you and call you names.

Listen  to this.  The biggest followers of the Republican Party are the Conservative Church. It is the one calling the shots from the background. I will not and you should not attend their Churches as long as they are Republicans. They can't love universally. Why? Because they can't tell you nothing about love and how to love if they can't love. They cannot tell you how   to be compassionate when they don't have compassion for the poor and those right around them. Worst than this, they can't tell you and me anything about the Bible no matter how much a powerful jerk they are like Joel Osteen and Pat Robertson.

You tell them like I'm telling you. Tell them, "when you, the Republican so-called Christians, learn to live according to the word of God then you might be able to tell me something about God". "Til then, I don't think so". 'But you can be saved the right way and you know how".

I've found that Republican so-called Christians can smile and be friendly which is good for all of us. It is our duty as Christians to love everybody even those we know will turn against us at voting time. That's just the way it is. We as Democratic Christians will always do for the betterment of all. And that good.

Hey! let me tell you this. I almost forgot. I want to tell you how hypocritical they all for the last time in this message. Did you no that Republicans are fighting against "ObamaCare" but is using it. They are getting the same help as we but is willing to get it taken away if it mean regaining the White House. It make you shake you head doesn't it.

I'm getting tired of writing now, but be bless and always meditate on all things says the Lord. And be watchful. Now think about it.

Now read daily "Nig-bits" News  of every thing I can write about and bring to you quicker. Check it out at Nig-bits

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Democrat vote - the life you save may be your own

Weekend Finisher

Today I ventured around a bit and spoke to a few Democratic workers in different places in the lower south of North Carolina. I want mention the areas because I know what I'm going to talk about is happening all over America.

Let me tell you that what I saw was not that good in getting people signed up. It is a shame to find so many people still blind to the fact that this election is seriously about them and their way of life. It is so sad to see that many still will not vote no matter how detrimental it will be to them.

At some spots I witness first hand many blacks who said they would vote for Obama but he hadn't done nothing for them. While these voters are a sure shot for Obama and Biden it sadden me that they remain so ignorant to what the government has and is doing for them.

But, not just blacks but poor whites and Mexicans as well. It is a shame when people rather sit on the front porch or in a country mobile home park drinking beer and slurping on slurpies rather than taking 30 minutes a day to watch a good news network to enhance their understanding on who is working for them and who want to bury them under a bus sinking in quicksand. "Who love you baby"!

There were those who frankly stated, "I don't vote"! I, while standing around, could not resist the urge to step in the conversation to ask a tiny small minute teeny weenie question.  "Why, I asked"?
Gazing upon one such look and actions I knew there was some kind of problem here going on. So, I asked, do your receive benefits? They said yes. "So, how would you like for those benefits to get cut"? "Do you know that will bring a lot hardship on you"? You will have to cut back on things needed for your personal needs.

You wouldn't be able to come to this store and buy the things you normally buy as the month drag on. You would have to probably go out and beg for help, I said. "Do you know that the free medical you receive from clinics could get cut or eliminated if Romney get to be President?  "Would you like for this to happen to you"? They said "no". "So, sign up and get registered I said".

Guess what they said? "I'll do it later". I said, "why not do it now"? "The Representative is right here with the paper work, it only takes minutes".  Happily some was convinced to sign up while others said, "I have to go get something and rode off in the sunset leaving others to care more about them than they do for themselves.

Then again there was others who was not receiving benefits, working and had good jobs with no excuse for not wanting to vote except, "what different does it make, they gon do what they wanta do anyway". No excuse for not voting except "pit- tee - ful".

S blacks and Spanish people feel that Obama haven't done enough for them. The correct answer is that they haven't done enough for themselves. Obama was elected to fix the countries problem. This problem can only be fixed if concentration is focus on the whole country. When he do this every one began to benefit from it. But it take time.

Both blacks, whites, reds, yellows and browns can improve themselves when they and they only decide they are tired of the way they live. Until you get tired of your sorry behavior and attitudes your situations will continue. And guess who's fault this is? Yours! Not Obama.

So, stop blaming, and start realizing that everything the Obama Administration has done was to help poor people and the middle class. I call both class "poor people' because we all need more help getting jobs that is not in the hand of Obama but businesses. He can't make a business hire you. He can't make you get a trade. He can't make you get out of bed and look for a job. That's your job.
Romney want to put rich businesses behead of you. To control who they hire and how they should treat their workers. Doing away with safety standards and unions. Taking away your ability to fight for your jobs. Firing you at the drop of a hat. Increasing insurance hold on you to raise your policy and taking away benefits you now enjoy. When this happen we all lose. This will happen under a Romney Administration. "Don't let it happen!"

But let me say before I finish and that is that I discovered that there was well more, many many more people that was already registered to vote than those suspicious or will not vote no matter what they're told.

I was well please at those that did hear the Representatives and stopped what they were doing and signed up. The Representatives are doing a great job and the Obama Administration are doing a great job protecting us. Now get one to get one to get to the polls on November 6.

Better than that! GO EARLY VOTE the lights at some voting stations suddenly goes out. The voting station may even suddenly disappear. Then you will be told, " It's all in your mind", "You really didn't show up" or Democrats are pulling tricks again"! Now think about it!

Notice: You can register on line. Get your friends and help them register to. It's easy. Go to GOTTA REGISTER then go to GOTTAVOTE and find the location and information for early voting. See your locals.

Check out my new "Nig-bits" news page.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Evangelicals, gays, abortion, welfare reform lies and hell

Weekend Finisher

It's not often that one gets the chance to prove allegations they make against another party. But once again I'm proving true. This is the case with false lies being spread by the majority of the Republican Party which is a make up of mostly  Evangelical so-called Conservative Christians.

One such lie I'm talking about is the false video being blasted across TV screens about Obama not wanting folks to work who receive unemployment checks. This lie was approved by Romney and supported by his backers which happen to be mostly so-called Christians.

It is a fact that looking for work has always and still is the requirement for staying on unemployment. Romney knows this and so does his Church and all his backers. This is true in every state. Every one on unemployment know they have to look for a job. But it matter not. They keep playing the video any way.

So, if this is a lie then why is the Evangelicals backing it? They say they are for God. Then if this be so, are they saying God also is backing this lie. What about the remarks made by Todd Atkin, another Republican running for senate office in Missouri when he remarked that :

"From what I understand from doctors, that's really rare," said Akin said of pregnancy caused by rape. "If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. But let's assume maybe that didn't work or something. I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist."

This is what this Republican Senator said about women. Yet, he still has full support from his backers, which are mostly so-called conservative Christians. They have smothered him in love because of his ignorant stand.

You mean to tell me that God approve of rape and that woman should accept it like it never happened. What is wrong with them? ....Don't answer that!

It has already been decided for their Convention platform that they was against any type of abortion even if it was to save the mother's life. They're hardcore! These are so-called Christians that voted on such a thing. I guess their God care more for the unborn than those that are living and working amongst us. Yea, right!

There are so many lies the so-called Conservative Christians are involved in. More are things like, Obamacare is bankrupucting Medicare, he's selling the country out, Obama is a Muslim, he is a socialist, etc. All approved by their Church.

Big time conservative pastors are the leaders and is at the top of the list of these demonic lies . Their actions are enjoyable to them while turning millions of their followers toward Satan. They are his false prophets helping him get control of the country again. Once in control, like Satan, they plan to turn on the country and make the poor wear the mark of the beast as they suck the life out of the weak.

Are they part of the false Church? The answer is yes. Is Satan the liar of the false Church? The answer is yes? Is Satan the father of liars? The answer is yes? Is Satan the father of the Republican so-called Christian Conservative Party? The answer is yes.

They always pick out certain ones and certain issues like gays and abortion to jump on. They are the first to say these are a sin against God and they are standing for God to created righteous people in America and under the Constitution. That every one that break one of God's will's will go to hell so saith the Lord...Alleluia!

Hello! Hello! Hello thereeeee! Madea might say, "Hellure! Did you miss something?

So, since your pastors will not teach his flock , then I will do it for them. Read it below:

“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.” Exodus 20:16

 Proverbs 6: (16) These six [things] Jehovah hates; yea, seven [are] hateful to his soul; (17) a proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, (18) a heart that plots evil plans, feet hurrying to run to mischief, (19) a false witness who breathes lies, and he who causes strife among brothers.

Revelation 21:27 And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.

You too are going to hell for lying. Now who's better than who? This apply to all. Think about it!

Friday, August 17, 2012

So-called Evangelical conservatives backs Romney lie

Weekend Finisher
and turn on the word of God........
Now lets see what Mick Romney and Paul Ryan care about. Nothing! They can care less about medical help for the poor or given us benefits. He and his side kick, if elected, promises to cut funding to major social and school programs which will hurt the very poor and send them ever so deeper into poverty.

They promise to discontinue all of the great "Obamacare programs" which has helped  millions to date by repealing it if they get threw the doors of the White House. Yes, even medical help that Republicans themselves are enjoying they are willing to give it all up just to get Obama out of the White House or should I say, "get control of the Presidency and the country.

Mick Romney and his side kick thinks they have a good Idea and plan of attack on Obama by attacking his signature legislation "Obamacare". So, they created a great lie like that arbitrated by Satan. That lie is that Obama stole 716 billion dollars from Medicare and put it into Obamacare and that those on Medicare will be hurt by it.

The truth of the matter is that that 716 billion dollars they talk about is a twisting lie that I always have told you was the signature of the Republican Party. The 716 billion dollar cuts is the other way around. It saves medicare 716 billions dollars over the next 10 years.

How? Obamacare cuts eliminate waste by:
1.  Cutting overpayments to Medicare Advantage, private insurers who said they could do Medicare better and have proven they only do it more expensively.

 2. Stopping waste, fraud and abuse, such as when now Florida Governor Rick Scott was CEO of Columbia/HCA and the hospital group made money by defrauding Medicare.

 3. Slowing growth of payments to hospitals, health insurers and other providers. All trade associations agree with this (because of getting 32 million new people in the pool). Insurers did not.

There are NO CUTS in benefits to seniors. In fact, all the money saved goes back into health care. Some goes to help seniors pay for prescription drugs and afford wellness visits, preventive care and cancer screenings.

Some goes to fund the Medicaid expansion and insurance subsidies so the insurance companies complaining about Medicare Advantage cuts actually get the money back anyway through the exchanges.

So, there is no stealing money but Improving the care through preventing wasteful spending and thereby saving medicare 716 billion dollars. Yet, Mick Romney base is fired up and continue to spread this lie. They are backed by every so-called Christian Conservative group within the Republican Party.

How can they continually call themselves Christians when they no they are liars? first,

“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” Exodus 20:16 Secondly,

Jn:8:44: Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

I guess their father is the devil.. because they can't see the truth when it hit them square in the face. All they can see is how to move forward with that lie by adding to it and taken away from it. But, "2 Timothy 3:7, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

The Conservatives Churches, which are the Republican block of Evangelicals, care  nothing for the real truth. They use the same twisting tactics in Church that cause them to become filthy rich by taken advantage of poor people's money and given it to themselves by telling them God said to tithe. To give abundantly. Give and it shall be given to you. All the time "Robin The Hood of Church Poor Givers".

Of course, with Republicans if you tell a lie long enough you will soon find enough to believe in it. That's there strategy. Thus, making them filthy along with them.

Now they want to Rob the entire country by taken control over it. The lies must stop for the Evangelicals. There is no place in heaven for liars, non-caring people and behind the curtain sneaky out of public sight secret haters in God's kingdom.

I offer the so-called Republican Conservative Evangelical Christian and those in the Democratic Party that are not saved salvation by returning to Roman 10:10 and this time actually see your sins and truly be resentfully for them. Remember how to love. This is the only way you will be saved.
Think about it!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

So-called Christian conservatives,Votes, White Supremacists, Blacks Republicans

Weekend Finisher

This is a subject matter that have baffled me, like, forever. That is, how people can claim to be righteous Christians yet, belong to or share a party that contain the largest and most hateful groups in America.  I'm talking about none other than the white supremacist groups that are growing steadily  in this country once again when this sought of radicalism should be well behind us.

The fact remain as it has always that for hundred of years the KKK has found a home in the Republican Party under new names with the same ideology because this party best represent their cause of separation of races.

Another thing I want to point out is that these radical racists groups are the same so-called Christians attending Church on Sunday today. They are the same people that pump large sumbs of money to build big and beautiful Curches with big time Republican TV ministers as their pastors.

You're saying right now, well how do you know? I no and you will to because we hear it when so-called Republican Christians bring up the birtha issue on Obama, his autobiography, the thousands of race jokes on twitter and blogs, the many racist web sights, millions that listen to racist Rush Limbargh and follow his lead.

And lets not forget coming up with ways to prevent blacks, Latinos and young white college or non college students from early voting because the majority of early voting favors Obama.

Moving on...

I pointed out a few areas of ungodliness to let you see that these, even the Tea Party which is suddenly low key, are people who claim the Christian faith. They number probably over sixty millions in the Republican Party along.

So this mean the TV personalities, Christian networks and the local Republican Churches are some what believers in the white surpremacist cause though silently denying it. But then why both are Republicans and both believe in the same things as their political leaders does and their political leaders pray for their votes?
What would Jesus do?

From this I ask the question, "what would Jesus do? This is a phrase that seem to prove the faith that some one thought meant something if they said it. I don't think so. But either case I'll refer to it.

So, would Jesus discriminate against his own creation because of color? He colored us. Then the answer is No! Would he discriminate against another because of the way they talk or look? No! He gave the dialect and the look. Would he take from the poor and give to the rich? Of course Not! The poor is also his children. Would he support the right to bear arms when the country is not at war within? Absolutely Not! Jesus told Peter to put away his blade. He's not about violent and killing. But live and let live.

Now the kicker. Would Jesus belong to a Party where most of it's members violates the basis standard of God which is love? Would he turn from that which he intended the world to live by so others can gain by taking advantage of the weak? The answer is a big fat No!

Then why do the so-called Republican Christians feel this is God's desire for them to do so? To become conservatives, to steal undercover, to despise undercover, to be a part of hateful ideals and suspicions undercover, to be length to murderers and guns that destroy innocence lives?

They do it because simply "Birds of a kind (feather) flock together"

A very true saying that is hard to question. Enough of this....

So what is the problem with black Republicans? Why do they feel so proud and comfortable in the party of white surpremacist? Do they sometime feel like sometime hanging Democratic blacks? Would they like to hang Obama? Do they think that the insults larged at Obama by right wing racist do not apply to them also? Do they support the views of white surpremacists also? Are they taken in by so-called Republican Christians conservative twisted bible teachings?  Are they really as stupid as they seem? The answer is Yes! But it don't have to be this way.

Both blacks and so-called Republican Christians are on the wrong side of justice, love and equality for all. Though there are many Republicans in their party I cannot see the Spirit of God dwelling as the Church in the midst of them. I cannot see God happily saying "this is my Church" or "this is my party".

What would Jesus do?

But I can see Jesus belonging to the party that share the most love, the most mixed and inclusion as his races are concern, the most caring and providing and the most protective of the poor. The Democratic Party though far from pleasing God is more closer to what he want the world to look and be like. Now if he (Jesus) were trying to build a world where all can be as one, which party would you choose to best meet his expectations? You guessed it. The Democratic Party.

From this we see that the Democratic Christian Churches need to dig down and realize that there is plenty of reaching out for salvation still fresh in the United States and around the world. The time is ripe right now, if you have nothing beside your name in the judgement books, to begin to rally soldiers for the Lord to reach out to so-called Republican Christians and let them know that salvation still can be obtained. This is what Jesus would do. Nothing personal, we love you, but you must be saved. "Come out from among them, saith the Lord".

I have heard this phrase stated so many times...... "Now Go And Tell That'! You think about it!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Gays, Chicken Fil-A Appreciation Day, Republicans

Weekend Finisher

On August1st  thousands of Christians, well I guess they called themselves Christians, went out to Chick Fil-A in groves in support for "marriage is between a man and a women" This was led by Fox News Channel host and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee who declared August 1st “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day.”

Once again I see these Republicans and probably, a few Democrats sprinkle in for tough guy look at me, standing in lines and driving cars all around Chick Fil-A in protest against gay marriage. While I too am against gay marriage I could not resist the need to write about sinners who steadily throw stones. Oh! let me let you read this right quick.

1 John 8: 5, "Now Moses in the Law, commanded us, that such should be stoned" but what sayest thou?
1 John 8: 6, "This they said tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stoop down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not."
1 John 8:7, "So when they continue asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her."

Let me explain this to you before one of you start saying "well you're not perfect and you're talking about people too".

What's happening here I'll tell you in a nut shell.
Jesus want us to tell people about their sins, true. But to keep hammering at someone or others about the same sin over and over and over as though this is the only sin that will carry you to hell is ridiculous especially when your sins are just as great an offense as theirs and will carry you to hell right along with them. Jesus was probably writing on the ground saying to himself, "I wish these hypocritical nuts would leave me along and go get a life".

Sure we can continue to tell others about sin, but spend just as much time on one sin as you do another sin. We go to hell because of one or many sins. I can get deep into this but there's not enough time.

Getting back....

These folks at Chick Fil-A are looser's thinking they can win some kind of brownie points from God if , all of a sudden they get aboard, and now join together and speak out against what they say is the "worst sin there is" band wagon. Humm! What did we just learn?

I watched as young and old stood in the hot temperature blazing a trail that is going down in history as "Chick Fil-A  Appreciation Day, I was there, did you see me accomplish nothing". Woo hoooooo!
I know many was so-called Republican Christians because they are the main ones who could afford to stand in line and give money away to other rich people. I doubt very seriously any of these were poor people spending their hard earn money trying to make a point that's going no where.

The only winners here are the Chick Fil-A owners around the country that was glad to have these weirdos pack their businesses at a time when Republicans say the economy is so bad and people are hurting. Well, it didn't seem like the economy was hurting them at all. They had plenty of money to fling around. Didn't look like the economy has hurt them one bit.  To tell you the truth, they looked like "Elitists". (Those that have it all to throw about. Rich and wanna be rich).

But let us get to the good stuff cause all of what they did was a show. It was a program where the ending has already been written and played with sequences to come. It's to late to march when your marching should've been done 30 years or more ago. The Church is in a battle it has not won and can't win no matter what they do. As will be, the show boating marching and support has accomplished nothing.

Next the gays will come out and they did and all of American, meaning those who voted and support gay marriages, all the news media, every freedom rights organization, even Satanic so-called Christian Church's will glorify them in support as their support grows.

The Church will look on helplessly thinking foolishly they have a winning hand not knowing they have already lost the pot. What's gains made will not be given back.

You don't have to like the gay life style and you can keep talking about against it. maybe we can turn a few. But remember this. You cause it. Now move on to what you are suppose to be doing and that's showing love to others and how to love while covering all aspects of sin. It's in the Bible.

But wait! I got carried away! So-called Christian Republicans must first learn themselves how to love. They for sure doesn't love Democrats and immigrants and poor people, social programs and healthcare and adopting unborn children's so they can have a good Republican home when they are born and do not have to end up in child care centers. Ummm! I must be talking about pro-lifers and how Republicans care nothing for the living. I guess I am.

In either case, the Fil-A marchers would have done well if their bibleless pastors would have told them that the work of the Lord was much more than spending everybody time on one issue. Especially when the Church's are filed with hell filling fire burning sinners of "hate", oh yea! There are fornicators, adulterers, liars, stealers, false accusers, proud people which God hate, Those buffed up in pride, there are many false pastors, curser's, loud mouth and angry people, alcoholics, sex abusers and the list goes on. Any of these will send you to hell. Why? Because it is of a character that God doesn't need and it must be destroyed.

You can march and woof about gays but it's too late. After God go and place the world in your hands what do you do? You dropped the ball. It's a God ending problem now so go an attack the "Love" problem with the same zest.  Oh! you dropped the love thing too! Hummm!

But dont worry. My quest is to re-teach the people as it should be taught accordingly to the word of God and Republicans is at the top of my list to offer salvation to.
You think about it.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Black Churches and gays, votes and Obama

Weekend Finisher

Here lately I have come upon smart but angry black Christian voters angry over other so-called black Christian voters who ignorantly say they are not going to vote for Obama because he stood up for gays.

Some blacks say he should be ashamed of himself and he is not a Christian because he turned his back on the Church and God. Any one, they say,  who does this is not a Christian and cannot get my vote.

When I heard this I was boiled over and wished I had the chance to speak in some of their Churches. Though this is impossible, because black ministers don't want any one to speak in their Churches if it seem the other Minister will tell something he or she should have told them. Many Church pastors feel the same.

Many black members tend to listen to their pastor no matter how dumb they are because many, including whites, want take up the Bible and read the written word for themselves but rather let the pastor dictate any lame brain story they can come up with to so called educate them on biblical life where as they "become dumber" and "dumber". This is not me speaking but the Bible say so. This is the last days that we have been in for decades and the Church is getting dumber. Turning away from the truth.

In my days of old I find that the lack of intelligence in all Churches are proving that God's struggle to find fighting warriors have fallen short. This is true in all buildings and establishments that call themselves Churches.

Where man should be by now, which is elevated to an higher understanding, he has fallen like Satan. That by every passing year the Church becomes weaker and weaker with less understanding of God as time passes by. Yet, he become more and more controlled by the spirit of Satan. He or she acts like Satan. That is, sneaky, refusing to comprehend or understand the truth, lazy, unteachable, wanna be know it all and less not forget, "Cowards". Yes, sneaky low down cowards not fit for the kingdom of God.

Now that I've open the minds of those desiring to pass judgement on Obama without doing some good ole fashion house closet cleaning themselves, let me talk about them.

How weird these blacks that all of a sudden are without sin can now past judgement. Passing judgement is only if you have your ducks in order and if you know what you're talking about.So lets get right to the gay issue that make these holy ready for heaven not gonna vote for Obama the gay lover suddenly righteous.

First, the Church as a whole, I mean all Churches are responsible for gays being in the positions to demand their rights and get it. Don't blame Obama for what you did not do. For what you let happen. For years of you sitting on the side lines scared to death to get out in the streets when the gays did to march against them.

It is the Church that coward behind stone buildings with shielding walls talking secretly and silently to a scarry congregation that sat quietly by hoping some body else, like non-Christians. would fight your battles. The battle God left for you to handle. For you to fight. For you to get angry and cause just as bigger wave as the gays did. But you didn't!

But you, the now big bad wolf, have the nerves to try to speak out when you know you is the one that failed God. So now you need an escape goat to blame it on. "Let's blame it on Obama" you say. 
Well, Obama did what you, the Church people, thrust on him. You let gays become so big that there was nothing else he could have done base on the number of millions of voting gays you, the Church, let grow so fast and so large.

You the black Church better be focusing now on the larger picture that is affecting your poor lives. Just now bashing Gay rights are not going to give you a job, better healthcare nor the dignity to know you are just as much a Constitutional American as any body else.  That you deserve to have someone in government looking out for poor people as much as the rich having Mick Romney.

We must do all we can to not allow the Republican Party to take back over the country and treat us like dogs and dirty rags while believing that all poor people are just parasites on the government and want to put an end to social services as we know it and bring back suffering of untold proportions.

Enough of the foolish thoughts of not voting for Obama. Get over it and get this out of your heads. I believe you will do the right thing and vote for Obama just as strong as you did in 2008. Don't be discourage by the polls. It's just early polls that we know mostly are Republican so-called Christians that's out to destroy your way of life.

Forget about high unemployment in blacks. It's always been that way. Get a life. While looking for it, "you think about it!

Send your friends to my sight to read this message if you can't convince them.