Minister's Stealing Then Giving
There's a game going on in the Church call legal money laundering. it has been going on for many many decades by slick talking lizard licking pastors who have found ways to make a lot of cash or should I say, get rich by preaching, "God will answer all of your prayers if you just believe in him" messages.
Most pastors have their own gimmicks at how to control their members. First, they must get their members to believe they are the real thing buy talking about all the things the congregation doesn't like being a member of the Church.
Things like, other people doing drugs, using foul language, courting on their husbands or wives, abortion, love of brother in the Church, caring for the sick, overseas missionary duties, local missionary duties, lusting and other things these members really don't live up to but love to hear the pastor talk against anyway because it send a signal that "that man is a man of God" and "that's who we need to lead us", "Hallelujah!!"
These money ministers spent many nights in study with other friendly ministers who already seem to have made it while getting training on how to reach folks hearts and pocket books. That is, has manage to get their congregation to buy them cars, airplanes, luxurious homes and great big bank accounts with smooth talking.
People are always gullible at Church. Especially when they are sick or going through hard times. They turn to the Church and pastor for help. The pastor, who only see money, know how to manipulate these concerns. This is when he become bold with bold saying to sooth the troubled conscience and get their heart by saying, "God don't want want you to be sick", "he want you well", "he knows all about your troubles but you must surrender to him"
From this, they now teach tithing "is the way to God's heart." They say, "pay your tithes and be blessed." "You want get any blessing if you do not tide and tide really big". They quote scriptures, "It better to give than receive". "Give your very best". "Gottcha"!!
I recently saw a certain minister on CNN who make quite a few showings. Well, it was Rick Warren. The conversation was on "giving back". Quickly I thought about all the poor and helpless people sick and in need, troubled and down trotting who's money this guy has taken to make himself filthy rich. He took from the needy to fill his pockets from slick books he's written.
Now after he has packed the banks with their money now he want to give it a little back to those in need. Give back just enough to where people can see he's giving but not enough to dampen his personal million of dollars stash. The devil is slick. He encouraged Mr. Warren and others like him to take from the sick and dying, the poor and needy with no sorrow in mind. Give them false hope, then take them for everything they can get out of them.
These type of slick ministers have told the dying to turn it over to God. God will heal them if they would be obedience and send back money and a hand print that has many different amounts of money to pick from that's been mailed to them. Of course you get better blessing the more money you send. However, most die.
Pastors write books about life that every one already knows about. They tell someone that when they see a red light they should stop. Running the light could get you a ticket, get you into a wreck or even killed. However the ignorance, think this is good news coming from the pastor and holler "amen pastor, you tell em".
Every one all ready know this. Why should you keep paying some one to keep telling you the same thing you already know? This is stupidity to the highest level, but people doesn't know any better.
Why should I pay some one great amounts of money to tell me the gospel of the Lord when all I have to do is pick up the bible and read it for myself. It would be different if I was hearing something I never heard before or what was being told really was making a better Christian out of me.
Today's pastors are in business or should I say in Church business for one thing. It's an very easy way to steal and rob without going to jail. It's a short cut to riches available to the most slickest ministers. Get ordained and start a Church. Get ordain and work your way up.
Church is big business and the door for wolves are wide open. They are tearing the doors down teaching lies and twisted religion to keep hold onto the people. They steal then give back trying to fool God into thinking they care about those they give too. But their sights are set on more and more money for themselves. God know the different.
When will you ever graduate? When are you going to become the school teacher instead of the student? To go to heaven you got to graduate before the season ends. You think about it!
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