Democratic Poor People

The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Weekend Finisher
A look into the mind of God And a Brick Wall
This will be the most important writing that I will ever write explaining why most ministers have been preaching a type of Christianity that has not lead toward salvation for most. I have looked deeply into most religions of relevant and found that with all the flaws there are in Christianity it's still the only religion on earth that can better lead mankind toward a greater love and peace for the world. It will make a better human race and offer the greatest hope of salvation after death for all those who seek God through Jesus Christ in a way that will warrant a kingdom outcome of victory.

You see I had a life changing moment that shook my very foundation of what I thought I knew. It happened when I looked into the heavens and had an UFO experience. This is when I began to think there is more.  I saw moving stars form different positions forming lines and a great four sided object that moved across the heaven and placed itself before becoming stars or objects once more.

From this I learned that there is more. That there is something bigger going on in our destiny than what we are told. I needed to find out more. I needed to know what is beyond death. I believe I stumbled upon a large part of eternity.

But before entering God's mind  I must submit to thought not of this world. I must enter into the mind of God through every bit of scripture I've ever eating. I have to swallow and taste the sweetness there of. Heaven is in me and I in it.

This message is so powerful that it warrant two titles,"A look into the mind of God" and "a brick wall."  Why? Because first, I dare to do something that most can just touch on or imagine before they meet with brick walls. That is, while attempting to search "the mind of God" most have tried to think on God's existence for Christians after death just to come to wall after wall forming a weak theory thinking of, "that's it", "I got it", then suddenly slamming into a brick wall where their mind shut down.

For me, I have been to and over many walls of thought and Just when I thought I got over one wall, another wall suddenly slammed in front of me. I then shut down. No more thought. But I didn't stop. I looked at this wall. Something different about it. This particular wall seemed to beckon me. Challenging me to come and see. And I wanted to see real bad.... continue....

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Weekend Finisher
Forever Building Churches-a Con job

Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
2 Timothy 3:7 

The newest but oldest method of gathering a quick flock of baby sheep's is to build something nice, shinny and bright. We no that babies are attractive to bright and odd shaped objects. We also know they are drawn to anything new with a fresh smell. Just like being in a toy store a baby gotta go touch it or get in it.

Smart pastors that have come into certain amounts of money working together have gotten together and discovered there is a way to take a little bit and make a small fortune with it. How do you do it. Just convince sheep's they need an oversize pasture that they can run around, stretch their legs and have plenty of free grass to graze in and eat. For a price of course!

Pastors discovered nearly a handstand years ago that the way to most people hearts was not God but things and stuff. Adults,  like small children, are drawn to the most best looking and biggest churches. The way to get people into them is to fine a few people then give a little money to pay a bill they should be taken care of themselves and the word spread to those who look for something for nothing. Give a few people vacation money and the word gets out really fast that this pastor and Church really care about people.

Notice that I did not mention offering these people God because no minister today, that I've found, does this without involving sad lies into their messages to keep folks giving  of their pocket books into their, or I mean, to God's. They play on the mental state of the very weak. It is the very weak sheep's that these slick pastor's prey on today.

A well seasoned minister, from observing the con jobs of other high class minister, have learned .... continue......

Friday, March 15, 2013

Weekend Finisher

Who are more powerful, the Pope or God?

Some may see this as just talking or a person who need to get a life. I do have a life but as a minister I have an obligation to God to reach out to folks and try my best to reason with them. It seem that most of the fundamental Christians are afraid to challenge what they see as the biggest threat to Jesus's kingdom. The Pope and the Vatican!

Yes, this is a Church but a Church does not have to represent God just as sinners that no of God does not represent him. A Church can be what ever one want it to be. The Church of Scientology or the Church of Satan for example. Saying the Catholic Church represent the main stream Protestants Churches is like Satan saying he now sit as King of the world of the elect. Not! But he can be if you, in your thoughts and actions, let him be.

The Vatican elected another Pope name Pope Francis March, this month, who now sit in this God like position to rule the world. This Pope already has caused millions to bow and cheer for his appointment claming him as the "Humble". All of the main stream media say he is the one that will look out for the protection of children and poor people all over the world. ("Suffer little children to come unto me.") (the Pope is an imposter of Jesus).

This Pope is even filled with tricks and  false habits to fools the eyes of those who really know who is by pretending to be like the lowest. Riding on the same white horse (Rev.) or I mean, the bus as his Cardinals. Staying in cheap hotels. Cooking his own food and such.

This is something which has been in the works for decades and soon will come to a head. Will this be the last Pope? He is young enough to be just that. He is smart enough to be just that. He's taken on a nature that's almost fooling the very elect. Is he the Prophet? Might be. Might not be. But could be.

The media are claiming this Hispanic Pope will equal God. Though I'm the only one that has the nerve to mention God, the media seem to put the Pope on the same level as God. No mentioning of Jesus. No praying to Jesus. No training young children in the name of Jesus but in the name of the Pope.

The crowd that stood outside waiting for the new Pope to be named was not looking to Jesus to lead them in the word of God but was looking toward being lead to God through the Pope. Jesus is just a second fiddler to them. A name but small in heart.

It's so sad that millions upon millions of today's practicing Catholics will go to hell. They are those that will be used in the end to hunt and kill the righteous through Jesus that stand against them and their rise to crowning the Antichrist and keeping him in power.

Truly the true Church has been given a heads up as to how changing events will usher in other events then another and another until BAM!!!!. Yea, you guessed it. The last leg of unfolding seven years of so-called peace from war before the big break-up middle way.
I'm talking the Beast...continue......

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Weekend Finisher
 Does Walking Around a House Seven Times bless it?
Recently I was invited to a house warming. You know, when one move into a new house. For some reason the occupants believe that their home and land  will be blessed if they get a pastor or regular minister to do a blessing or cleansing. This is done by walking around a house seven times while praying. I heard of people doing this but never up close and personal.

This idea of seven times came from the bible where incidents relating to the number seven appeared in the bible quite often. Some one made note of this and it took off like superman, only wobbling and twisting never being able to get straight.

I'm not going to spend time on explaining places where seven is mention. I see no salvation in it except trying to show how smart I am about the subject. However, I no very little about it and knowing all the places just don't raze my berry. Some things are not worth spending time on.

But there is a seven I do want to talk about and it's found in Joshua 6:1-6.You can read it for yourself but it speak of God telling the Israelites to walk around the walls of Jericho six days and on the seventh day to walk around Jericho seven times and the priest's was to blow the ram's horns and the walls will come tumbling down. They did and the wall fell giving them victory over their enemy.

This is totally different than one trying to bless a house. Yet, many undenominational Church pastors took this to be a thing to bless new homes and land of their congregation.  What blessings there're looking for God to perform is unknown and right out there with flying monkeys and striped elephants.

But weak pastors wanting power over the people lie on God to fool the ignorance into believing this is to be done because this type of blessing bring the house and land so called "good luck (pagan)."  Many in the so-called Holiness Churches believe such foolishness with out question or thought. Even some in other Churches believe the same.

Any way, this was done at a house I attended recently unaware what was to happen. It started inside with women pastors draped in Jewish head covering praying and pretending to speak in false demonic tongues followed with wolf hollering, it sounded like. continue

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Weekend Finisher

The End of a Pope - Not mine

As you know the Pope of Rome, King of the Vatican and leader of millions of Catholic followers has stepped down from his rule. Many of his followers are crying and filled with sadness and much woe as their leader and their connection with God is no longer possible or temporary broken.

Soon there will be another Pope to take his place and the kissing of hands, bowing and giving the highest respect, glory and praise will once again be given to this new Pope of the world.

As I have said many times, the world has a big problem with who exactly is God? Better than this, who is Jesus? What role do Jesus play in the Catholic Church?  I am told by the Bible there were only one mediator between God and man and this was Jesus.

There is only one way that man much come to God and that's through Jesus. But in the Catholic Church one must come through the Pope.The Catholic Church consider Popes to be mediators between man and God or is it mediator between man and Jesus. 1 Timothy 2: 5: "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus."

So, why do Catholic followers come out in droves, filling streets, waving and shouting through open windows with tears of joy while others push and shove through large crowds trying to get to touch the Pope or even asking a blessing from him for sickness and other problems? They think he has some special connection with God because of how he present himself.

Like Protestants pastors, he can't bless any one nor can he heal any one. If he could you would think he would heal all the health problems he has that forced him from his position. The question must be asked, why can't he heal himself? This is a fair question posed not only to the Pope and the Catholic Church but to all pastors and their followers as well. They can't!

Many in the Catholic Church see the Pope as a way to Christ and God for them. That the Pope and the Church have been given the power to.......... continue