Democratic Poor People

The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Black Churches and gays, votes and Obama

Weekend Finisher

Here lately I have come upon smart but angry black Christian voters angry over other so-called black Christian voters who ignorantly say they are not going to vote for Obama because he stood up for gays.

Some blacks say he should be ashamed of himself and he is not a Christian because he turned his back on the Church and God. Any one, they say,  who does this is not a Christian and cannot get my vote.

When I heard this I was boiled over and wished I had the chance to speak in some of their Churches. Though this is impossible, because black ministers don't want any one to speak in their Churches if it seem the other Minister will tell something he or she should have told them. Many Church pastors feel the same.

Many black members tend to listen to their pastor no matter how dumb they are because many, including whites, want take up the Bible and read the written word for themselves but rather let the pastor dictate any lame brain story they can come up with to so called educate them on biblical life where as they "become dumber" and "dumber". This is not me speaking but the Bible say so. This is the last days that we have been in for decades and the Church is getting dumber. Turning away from the truth.

In my days of old I find that the lack of intelligence in all Churches are proving that God's struggle to find fighting warriors have fallen short. This is true in all buildings and establishments that call themselves Churches.

Where man should be by now, which is elevated to an higher understanding, he has fallen like Satan. That by every passing year the Church becomes weaker and weaker with less understanding of God as time passes by. Yet, he become more and more controlled by the spirit of Satan. He or she acts like Satan. That is, sneaky, refusing to comprehend or understand the truth, lazy, unteachable, wanna be know it all and less not forget, "Cowards". Yes, sneaky low down cowards not fit for the kingdom of God.

Now that I've open the minds of those desiring to pass judgement on Obama without doing some good ole fashion house closet cleaning themselves, let me talk about them.

How weird these blacks that all of a sudden are without sin can now past judgement. Passing judgement is only if you have your ducks in order and if you know what you're talking about.So lets get right to the gay issue that make these holy ready for heaven not gonna vote for Obama the gay lover suddenly righteous.

First, the Church as a whole, I mean all Churches are responsible for gays being in the positions to demand their rights and get it. Don't blame Obama for what you did not do. For what you let happen. For years of you sitting on the side lines scared to death to get out in the streets when the gays did to march against them.

It is the Church that coward behind stone buildings with shielding walls talking secretly and silently to a scarry congregation that sat quietly by hoping some body else, like non-Christians. would fight your battles. The battle God left for you to handle. For you to fight. For you to get angry and cause just as bigger wave as the gays did. But you didn't!

But you, the now big bad wolf, have the nerves to try to speak out when you know you is the one that failed God. So now you need an escape goat to blame it on. "Let's blame it on Obama" you say. 
Well, Obama did what you, the Church people, thrust on him. You let gays become so big that there was nothing else he could have done base on the number of millions of voting gays you, the Church, let grow so fast and so large.

You the black Church better be focusing now on the larger picture that is affecting your poor lives. Just now bashing Gay rights are not going to give you a job, better healthcare nor the dignity to know you are just as much a Constitutional American as any body else.  That you deserve to have someone in government looking out for poor people as much as the rich having Mick Romney.

We must do all we can to not allow the Republican Party to take back over the country and treat us like dogs and dirty rags while believing that all poor people are just parasites on the government and want to put an end to social services as we know it and bring back suffering of untold proportions.

Enough of the foolish thoughts of not voting for Obama. Get over it and get this out of your heads. I believe you will do the right thing and vote for Obama just as strong as you did in 2008. Don't be discourage by the polls. It's just early polls that we know mostly are Republican so-called Christians that's out to destroy your way of life.

Forget about high unemployment in blacks. It's always been that way. Get a life. While looking for it, "you think about it!

Send your friends to my sight to read this message if you can't convince them.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Reports of Obama dissing Blacks at NAACP gathering is an attempt to split black votes

Weekend Finisher
Nothing is done in this country or talked about in the news unless it's an attempt to bring some one down of creditable statue. No matter how outstanding someone may be or how contributing some one once was to it meant nothing when that person is suddenly thrust into the news on a less creditable nature.

Believe it or not, we in this country are not really each other's friend as we say we are. No sooner than that friend get in trouble it is that other friend that help bring them down. I'm talking about false friends not true friends. I'm talking about friends such as those we fine in business, government, news media's, television and yes, the one right next to you.

Such is the case with Obama. He's played up by CNN cable news as a good guy towards the NAACP for speaking there in 2008. But no sooner than he miss speaking to an NAACP gathering this month, 2012, he is labeled as "is he taking blacks votes for granted" and "Mick Romney showed up out of respect" and "Obama should have done the same". This was said by Wolf Blitzer, host of CNN news. This has come up over and over even though NAACP gatherers really do not care and understand why.

It seem that most who attempt to explain the "why" seem reluctant to speak their true feelings, so I will say what they should say. The fact is that Obama does not take the black vote for granted but know that he will get the black vote. Not that because he is black but because he is the best person running for President to best serve the poor people of America.

The other thing is that he knows he will get them, but he cannot win the White House again with just black votes or Latino votes. He needs white votes too. Blacks understand that there are strategic areas in this country that need Obama's attention more than speaking at black conventions.

There are serious states with compassionate Republicans, Democrats and Independents that won him the last election and need these same ones to vote for him again. He knows that some of these are not so sure. These are those he need to convince to continue to believe in him as the best choice again to lead this country forward.

Without these states even with the black and Latino votes he cannot win. We as blacks understand that. So if we can understand that then every body else that's not black should get off the" let's make news wagon" or "let's attempt to split the black Democratic votes slickko move" and forget about him not speaking there.

Unemployment is 14% higher in blacks than any race. This is not Obama's fault. This is just the way it is when most businesses are controlled by whites. Obama cannot make a business hire a minority. This has to be in the heart of the employer and they prefer to hire whites.

I don't blame white establishment too much as much as I blame black and powerful black people in position's that know how to create black businesses for their own people like whites do for themselves but want.

I have on many occasions stated that all black organizations do is talk. Mostly about setting up some job fair for blacks that lead to no where thinking they've done something. More than often this lead to nowhere. It does nothing to cut away at the 14% unemployment now and before the percentage got so high. It's always been this way for blacks.

High unemployment will never reach a satisfactory level until blacks began to build their own businesses. This has nothing to do with racism but what has to be done. We need to stop depending on other races to do for us what we should be responsiblely enough to do for ourselves.

Businesses can be built easily by our Churches that take millions from blacks every year all across the country. Black Churches are the bank of opportunity to do away with collateral and high interest rates to those that can create businesses and hire blacks and other races also.

Black Churches are the heart of black Christians and the communities. They are always in the better position to pass along ideals and concerns to reach massive networks of blacks. But there has to be people at the helm willing to actually care about black needs over their personal needs which always seem to figure itself into the equation causing most often a bust.

Money is never a problem when Churches really want to raise money for a Church program, Church Queen and King, organizational fees, Family and friends Day Celebrations and their is no end.
So, why not focus on finding land, determine the different types of business and employees, generating the money through Church business programs by giving and donating, locating wholesalers or creating your own products and contacting contractors.

If there is a problem with the type of businesses to focus on then there are millions of flea market professionals with thousands of already small businesses started but need financial help to grow.
There are also millions of financially ready black millionaires all over the country in many different fields that can do more than fill their yards with high cost cars or having many vacation high cost homes.

I believe this is the only way to bring down black unemployment. One can attempt to blame Obama but the fact is, blacks are some what their on fault of not having places to work. The Church must began to really care about the people they are representing and do more than sitting behind a pulpit saying "ask and it shall be given to you" but want give where it counts or when the people ask.

Until the black Church began to realize they are the ones that can help lower the high percentage of unemployment in blacks it will always be higher in our race. But the bottom line for blacks is always where to get the money? Very few will get it from local banks. The only place left is the Church.

Reports of Obama dissing Blacks at NAACP gathering is just an attempt to split black votes. Obama can only work for the nation as a whole by opening up areas that impact all. That' what a good leader does. Unfortunately for minorities, even when the bank and lending institution's doors are open, it takes great collateral to get into them.  Something most don't have. This is our downfall but don't have to be.

So where does the black entrepreneur turn? It should be the Church. Caring for the people is always the responsibility of the Church.  After all. Isn't the people the Church. You think about it!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Breaking New! An Old Republican Silly Gene Particle has just been discovered

Weekend Finisher

How fascinating that an old gene particle has just been rediscovered deep within so-called Christian character and attitudes. The discovery was within the pages of the Holy Bible all the while but has been over looked by Republican ministers and their churches for thousands of years.

The discovery was a "Silly Gene" (SG) that Democrats have long believed was the reason why Republicans act and vote the way they do. This gene was discovered deep within the Energy Grid Atom EGA) that supply life to all particles within it.

Deep within the Silly Gene was found other irrational particles that floated around the inside of the "Silly Gene". These particles are believed to be the "Satan Particle" Known as the "Stupid Gene". It floats from inside to outside of the Silly Gene Particle reacting in a different way each time. That is, blinking "false love" false hope and lifetime of "hate and twisted lies". It's function is to prevent lesser poor particles within the Energy Grid Atom from getting energy.

Proof that the silly gene was the greatest discovery yet, was what was seen inside it's core. Detected was large particles of hate, lying, stealing from the poor, cheating and twisting genes that has been the cause of discontent since the world began.

The "SSP" or  Satan Stupid Particles are the direct cause of hunger and discontent because of business greed. It infiltrate the ranks of poor particles and scare them the most because they depend on the Energy Grid Atom for jobs, healthcare, and other SSPhings so needed by poor particles.Stan Stupid Particles believe if they can control the poor then they can control the money for themselves or I mean, "the Energy Grid Atom' or both.

Another particle discovered was an artificial particle posing as the Republican Church, I mean the "Judas gene".  It's function is to rob and steal from the poor by causing the poor particles to think it's there to protect them.

The Energy Grid Atom is losing power because the Silly Gene slickly stole more energy than it needed, thus causing and economic slow down of creating more particles to keep the EGP running at full strength.

The Silly Gene has always believed that if you take away from the Poor Genes then more silly genes can grow along with their pocket books, I mean within the Energy Grid Atom, leaving the poor gene particles to become weaken particles not able to contribute much to the Energy Grid Atom and gradually dye off then leaving the Silly Gene to rule the "EGA."

Fortunately, an old and powerful Democratic Gene Particle (DGP) known as the "Compassionate gene Particles' (CGP) still exist within the EGA.  It fight for energy for all and provide means for poor particles to contribute to the Energy Grid Atom and vice versa.

The Democratic Gene Particle stay close to the Silly particles but far away so not to be sucked into their Stupidity Gene Particle's path. "DGP" give protection to the poor particle and keep them from having their energy robbed from them..

However, Democratic Gene Particles all around are not mystified at this old discovery. They knew that something was out their not wanting them to help poor particles. But what's not surprising is that the "DGP's" have their high powered particle beam "Bama Blaster" in play to deliver periodic burst of helping energy to rejuvenate and revive poor gene particles to fight back against silliness and stupidity and protect the Energy Grid Atom at all cost.

The crew of the "Obama Blaster Ship" sore throughout the Energy Grid Atom blasting, love, care, help, togetherness and "all for one and one for all". Secondary blasts containing antibiotic is blasted onto "Silly Genes" to minimize them. So for, the Silly genes have rejected  the antibiotic and come up with other ways to break the back of poor particles.

Only the crew of the "Obama Blaster Ship" can propel the Silly Gene Particles from destroying the Energy Grid Atom and poor particles. We, as members of the Democratic Gene Particle must not let the Republican so-called Christian Church of the "Silly Gene Particles" take over or the EGA will suffer once again.

A free election is taking place. The Energy Grid Atom (America, Constitution economy) and Poor Particles existence is at state. One the Crew Ship of the Obama Blaster can save it the right way.
Vote Barack Obama for President of the United States (Energy Grid Atom).

Just messing around. Hope yoou can understand it. You think about it!

This is serious. You should  read "God bless America and leave us along. Very hot! Click! or