Democratic Poor People

The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Governor Bev Perdue may pass State Worker's Health Insurance Bill

Increase in North Carolina State Worker's Health Insurance may be approved.
The House gave final approval last Thursday for the overhaul of health insurance plan for North Carolina state workers.  The measure, if approved, will shifts oversight away from the Legislature and demands monthly premiums  per month and higher co-pays and deductible of all active workers for the first time.
This measure was pushed pass the Democrats by the Republicans and is expected to pass the Senate.
The proposal is designed to close a half-billion-dollar projected shortfall for the 663,000-member State Health Plan for the next two year. Republicans say moving authority over the plan to the state treasurer will put it on stronger footing.
The legislation, did pass the Senate by a 29-16 vote Monday night This has divided the two largest public employee organizations in North Carolina. The North Carolina Association of Educators staunchly opposes the bill, while the State Employees Association of North Carolina largely supports it.
State Employees Association of North Carolina called the premium unfortunate, but inevitable “When the governor and both houses of the legislature are in solid agreement on an issue, that issue will be nearly impossible to defeat,” the press release said.
The more than 320,000 active workers on the State Health Plan would pay from $10.86 or $21.72 per month, depending on which of the two levels of coverage they choose, beginning this July. Retirees who receive the more generous coverage would pay $16.72 or $21.72, depending on whether they're eligible for Medicare.
After leaving the Senate it goes to the Desk of Governor Bev Perdue for final vote.
I think Bev Perdue should sign the Bill. This is a small increase compared to hundreds of dollars per month most of us are paying. It will save millions of dollars.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Senator Reid not afraid of Tea Party

House Speaker John Boehner and newly elected legislators is feeling the heat from their Tea Party supporters. 
They are being threaten and pushed in corner because of 2012  coming elections. They Republicans are scared to death.
Senator Reid, the most powerful man in the Senate, made some bold declarations about the Tea Party Wednesday. He said that the "country doesn't care much about the Tea Party," and that the Republican Party should not shackle itself to the conservative movement's demands regarding cuts to the federal budget.
He quoted from a CNN poll that 47 percent said they had a negative opinion of the Tea Party while 32 percent said they had a positive opinion and 14 percent had no opinion. Both the Democratic and Republican parties received 48 percent unfavorable ratings.
 A possible government shutdown. Government will come to a halt April 8 if a budget for the rest of the fiscal year is not passed.
The hold up is that the Republicans headed by House Speaker John Boehner who want a $61 billion dollar cuts which will force our economy back into economic turmoil and the Tea Party wants cuts promised to them back in November of $100 billion dollar cuts which will put us back deeper into inflation. Democrats cuts are 30 billion dollars which will not hurt the poor people Republicans are trying to do.
Unlike some other Democrats, Harry Reid is fighting the Tea Party hard. He speaks what he feel and stand ready to defend it.
The Tea Party is feeling the heat and we need to keep the pressure on. So far, the Poor party is the only movement speaking out nationally against the Tea Party and Republicans.
Once again, Christians live in this country and should be doing and saying more to help poor people rather than remaining silent letting others do it.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Craze Tea Party want let Obama birth go.

Craze Tea Party want let Obama birth go. Why is the question most Democrats ask? Now in Arizona there is
Legislation being looked at that would require proof of U.S. birth from presidential candidates is running side by side in Arizona with the question of whether U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants are entitled to automatic citizenship.
This legislation is being pushed by the Tea Party for a propose legislation that require a presidential candidate to prove his birth where there parents were born.
Arizona Senate committee on Wednesday endorsed the bill after deleting the provision on citizenship of a candidate's parents, but it remains in a version approved Tuesday by a House panel.
Obama's birth certificate became an issue during his election. Hawaii officials say Obama has a birth certificate in that state, but "birthers" have demanded additional proof, asserting that Obama could have been born in his father's home country, Kenya. Obama's mother was an American citizen.
Do you see why we cannot let these craze people back into the White House. They are all about division not trying to bring the country together.
Obama's term is nearly up and he's running for another term. The possibility of him winning is driving them crazy. They have nothing to run on so they attempt to stir up the haters hoping to get enough votes to win the coming 2012 election.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Was Blacks truly Republicans?

The truth about blacks being Republicans is a very short and sweet truth. Yes blacks use to be Republicans.
There is a half truth going around and being mostly spread by the so-called, Black Tea Party members, that blacks were in the wrong party. That we were first Republicans because Republicans was against slavery and did more to help free, promote and get better rights for blacks back in the late 1800's than the Democrats did.

(my dates may be off just a little bit, I'm no historian, just a plain old Minister, so bear with me)

Is this true? Yes it is. From historical records that I've read, and as bad as I want to dispute it. I can't.
The answer is yes. Blacks were Republicans! Republicans did push a lot for freedom over the Democrats, and yes, Democrats opposed blacks moving ahead. Democrats was Racists of the worst kind.

But Wait! Let's not get carried away.There is more to this story that the Republicans and Black Tea Party is not telling you, or is omitting to tell you, because they know that most poor black and white Democrats do not study or try to investigate issues and stories they hear.

It's sort of like Church. There is a lot of things being told that has another side to it. You go along with it because the person telling it, you believe them. So you end up telling what you heard from them not really knowing that what they say is the complete truth.

But, if you have a gut feeling that something doesn't sound right, some where down the line there is something wrong with it. Such is this case as blacks being Republicans.
The whole truth!
What I'm about to tell you is true and can be confirmed from any history book if only you would investigate it. I'm not going to tell you where I got this  information from because I want you to research it for yourself.

Now wait for it!  Wait for it! Wait for it! Bammm!!!! Democrats were conservatives!!!
The key word here is "Conservatives". According to North Carolina history it was the conservatives who was Democrats and they were mostly for White rule or white supremacy through the south.

They were largely made up and often came to rule government with the help of the Klu Klux Klan. The klan was very large, but when the conservative Democrats came into office and they did quite a lot, the Klan slowly disappeared for awhile.

In 1874 -76 the Klan didn't need to raise sand about blacks having rights because the Democratic Conservatives views was the same as theirs.

Conservative meant death to slaves or blacks trying to get equal or fair opportunity. Just like today. Conservative took from lesser poor people and kept for themselves through clever manipulations.

Back then conservatives used the same issues then as they use today to gain power over the government and eventually get rich from it. Back then they claim the government was intruding. The people believe them. They got in power and socked it to the economy.

Blacks knew that it was not whether the party was Republican or Democrats, but it was the word "Conservative" that carried the hatred over tone. They could no longer be in a party that suddenly turned on them and forced them out of the party based on racism.

But as time went on, the views of the Conservatives became the views of the Republicans. Separate schooling, housings and so forth for blacks.

The Republican party slowly became a conservative party. Democrats lost it's support from the conservatives and turned to support more black rights.

Now being in the very party that was out to destroy them, blacks now found a home in the Democratic party who was now pushing for fair opportunity.

You see, It was never about Republicans vs Democrats, It was what they stood for.  Conservatives are still today mixed with the same haters as had back in the old days when our country was still forming.

So, for those blacks still in the Republican party, you're been out witted and used against your own self. You got to be mighty stupid to keep voting against yourself.

Herman Cain, Lloyd Marcus and any Black Tea Party member who try to get you into the Republican party, remember this. Conservatives has never been for complete rights for people of color. It's impossible for them. This is their history and their roots.

Blacks, Spanish and other minorities chose the Democratic party to join along with rich and poor whites to make this a better America for all men to share in her equality and prosperity.

So Republicans, black or white, stop going around saying blacks was Republicans without telling them why they was Republicans. It was because Conservatives wanted to destroy blacks and maintain some level of control over them.

And who are those same conservatives today. "Republicans!"

     It's a matter of History! No pun intended! "We The People!

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