Democratic Poor People

The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Weekend Finisher
Christmas and false love from the Conservative South

It's time again when mostly  every one think they can make amend one day for that they neglected to care about the rest of the year. Each other. For it's the day of man made Christmas.

Christmas is the time of year set aside by the Church to give gifts and food to those they care nothing about all year long. It is a time when poor people and their children get to eat one fantastic meal and their children get a cheap toy for this one day. 

The Church pretend it's giving based on God giving Christ to us for our sins. But it's embarrassing to God to see how pretentious people are when they call themselves caring people but after this day of the twentieth fifth the Church and most people care little or nothing for those they pretended to like and love so much.

The South and especially the conservative Churches just voted to not give any help to the poor. They want the government to cut most programs used to help the under privilege and let them fend for themselves like the rest of them. They prefer to help the rich take more from the poor.

Now after voting hate and discontent about the poor so-called running up the debt, wanting hand outs, wanting something for nothing and even once cheered when a candidate said to let poor people die. They even voted to cut off healthcare to them.

Now these same people and others want to pretend they love us with their bag of "gift giving trinkle down gifts". They use their rich "look at me"  "look what I did" with my rich high seat by asking the public to be generous and compassion and give to the poor so they can have a glorious one day turkey and gravy Christmas.

There is an old saying that says, "eat now for tomorrow we die". If the poor depended on the church and others for their survival they would eat on the 25th and die on the thirtieth. No one care any more about those they gave toys to or the ones they delivered the can of porking beans to.

No matter how hard one tries to impress God with Christmas it will not work. Only true love ,and not lies and  pretending, is what God is looking for in a servant.  As I look about this season I feel sorry for those in the Church that doesn't no the different between a God and a child. In God and Santa Claus. In love and pretending to love. In truth and lies. In knowing and not knowing.

Tell me? Why would God want liars in Heaven. He don't and he want. The sad part is that most will not change because sinners and the Church love it so well. So most will die together.  The false Church and all.

There's nothing wrong with celebrating. It's how and what you celebrate if it's for God. My children and grand childrens have been celebrating what I created call "Alpha and Omega" for years. "The beginning and the ending. This is thanking God through celebration and gifts for great harvest, life and blessing throught the year God gave and provided for us. We look forward toward "Alpha celebration" of beginning a new year of life. So simple!

You don't have to be like them. The Church don't have to lie like them.

So, this year like those in the past, I and my family can celebrate with toys, food, hanging of lights and all the good stuff we come up with. But we don't lie about the birth of Jesus nor sing baby Jesus songs to a God, nor put Santa Claus on the same level as God. I like being in the world but not of the world. I am different. I must refrain and endure.

You too can now have a true year end celebration of thankfulness and a clear conscious toward God by beginning to celebrate the Truth. Start celebrating "Alph and Omega".  Want to know more, write me! You think about it.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Weekend Finisher

Conquering America-The true Agenda of the Right

My intentions are to bring to you everything I find out about the Republican so-called Christian agenda of world control. Many on the left do not have one single idea of what is going on. They are so into playing God until they find themselves thinking they are doing God's will rather than actually doing it.

The left I talk about is the Democratic Church who think they are not in this world or even in the United States. In fact, they don't realized that a good Christian is a warrior. A fighter. One who stand on defending God's words no matter the out come. A true Christian is not a coward. Is not one dead to what God is looking for in a servant. Is not one who go to Church, sit and stare and call themselves a conquer, a warrior, a fighter for God.

Each Church member must realized that putting on the whole armor of God mean just that. Putting on the armor because you will be going to war against those who seek to bring down the kingdom of God here on earth. A warrior know what is going on and study how to defeat the enemy. In this case the enemy is the Devil and his dominions are the Republican so-called Churches on the right.

There is a deep dark conspiracy under foot right now to divide and split the country and take control over all that we know is right in order that Satan can be well situated when he come and attempt to control the world. To do this Satan has to have millions upon millions in positions of power to carry out his domination plan. His plan over Israel, United States and finally the world. Only people of power and influence can make this happen for him, not the poor.

Poor Churches, Poor people in general, many on the left (Democratic Churches) with many having little power cannot make this happen for Satan or the prophet. There is only one party with the richness and power to make this happen and it is the Republican Church. Why? Because it is this Church with so many hateful and evil minds.

It is this party that embrace liars that no not that they are liars. It is this party that despise given and helping lesser people. It is this party that believe in trickle down given rather than "hand outs". Hand outs was what wealthy farmers was told to leave in the fields. It was left over food for poor people called "gleaming". These hand outs was to workers and friends and those who could not feed themselves.

As we watched through many processes of voting we find each year the Republican Party becoming more like a dictator. Becoming more full of twisting lies. More full of crafted slick underhanded tricks. More and more they become more like the father they work for. They are even deceving. And they are being deceived thinking they are working for the true God of heaven rather than for the god of the underworld. And they want us to believe them.

The Right has broken with the Left. Both supposing to be Christians. The Church is split or is it? The Democratic Church is not aware that by standing aside and allowing the "Right" to proceed with their corruptive behavior are damaging the creditability of their standing with God and the kingdom of God.

As time move forward, creditability in the church has lost it's pureness. The secular world, whom we the church are supposed to be witnessing to, no longer believe in us though believing in a God. This is because they have seen so many fowled and corrupted Church officials fall from grace.  They now see these same groups, Christian Democrats and so-called Christian Republicans fighting between themselves after spending years telling secular people they should be like them. Sick! Continue by clicking sight below...

Friday, November 16, 2012

Weekend Finisher
So-called bible belt Christians and Confederacy Rule
Just when I sit and wait to be proven wrong, what pops up? These southern god filled wolves in gray uniforms want to return the South to confederacy rule prove me right about the demonizing attitudes of Conservative Republican pretenders attempting to be Christians. Whew!!!

What they are now doing is raising 25,000 signatures, which is what it take to submit to the government, to get the government to let them secede or leave the unionto start themselves an independent state.  (United States constitutes a union like marriage)

These are the southern racists states still upset and hateful toward Obama getting reelected. These are the pastors and ministers, most of them, along with their congregations that can't shake their feelings of wanting to be masters over other races and those that oppose them. They cannot stand the fact that God let a black man get reelected over a rich white man.

Well, God had nothing to do with it and your god let you down. It was the people that voted and it was the people that said they didn't want your kind of religion nor the way of life you choose to hand out to poor and helpless people.

North Carolina is one of over 20 states that don't want to be considered part of the United States. They want their own president and governing body along with their own military and laws.

These devilish people think the government will give them the right to do so  and promote hate in the midst of the rest of the states. Maybe back during Civil War days this had a chance of working but not in a modern country of 50 states and 300,0000,000 Americans. We can't risk a war between the nations by mindless outsiders.

Such a move will break down our system. Can you imagine border lines and states once again going to war against each other. Well, this will happen. Why? Just take a look at the gun totters insanity and their dislike with any body that disagree with them. With out control, the first thing these rogue outlaw gunslingers will do is run to their guns which will trigger the government of the union to use federal forces against them to protect the union.

I often talk against Conservatives Churches and that they are the problem with society being against itself. It is this same majority of Conservatives and Republican so-called Church stupedow's ( I don't no whether that is a word or not) that want to tear the country apart and create an atmosphere where they can legally hate and discriminate with a governing law that will turn the other way.

What kind of god directs the mind of people to act and be this way? I have only one name in mind. Satan! Conservatives have torn Christianity apart in this country. They make people think that our religion is false when  Republican so-called Christians war against Democratics Christians. What's going on here?

They have shown they have always harvested deep ill wills for other races but held it inside thinking they would never be discovered while preaching and acting an actor's life of pretending.
But, what is inside you will come out of you. Remember the bible is true for those who truly use it. It reads,

Mark 7:15 (King James Version)

"There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: But
the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man".

In this case Rebublicans took foolishness in a long time ago. If stayed there because they liked it. They tried to surpress it, but there came a time when it had to come to the surface. Numbers 32:23:  Be sure your sin will find you out. or show you up!

Luke 6:45 (NIV)

A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart,
Conservative so-called Church - and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. ~
Why would the Church or God want to divide his people? Is this Christanity? No! No one should never trust in and believe in another TV or Republican pastors or their members. I don't! I ask them to come to true repentent or hell will be their reward.

Last words....
You must understand that most voters consider themselves Christians with a small amount of other religions. Most of Romney voter was so-called Evangelicals. Read more

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Weekend Finisher
The High Seat
What is missing in the church

 I want to talk about people and their ministers. First of all , we have so many churches on every corner, it seem, in every city and spare space or hole in the wall until I wonder why God allow the mockery of his name to continue. We have enough churches and pastors to save the world if it was possible, but they do not know how to preach the basic of our Christianity. Many haven't preached about it for so long until they themselves have forgotten what it is to fear God and work constantly at completing his mission here on earth.

Many members of churches know very little about God and salvation. They talk about it, and tell others they should have it, but they themselves do not have it and if they did  they do not know how to use it.
Our Churches are moving further and further away from the true Church and no one seem to know what‘s the matter. People inside Churches are getting meaner and meaner, slicker and slicker, angrier and angrier, and more ignorance in the word of God.

They are being taught more bible by more educated pastors than any time in history, yet, Church people remain dumb founded to the main reason they became Christian, or why Jesus gave up his life for them (us). That’s right!! Many attending Church has no real clue of what’s going on. They just go through life pretending they  are save, yet cannot tell you what salvation is and how to live a salvation life. Most live a double life.

Think on double life right now and apply it to your self? Are you a Jekyll and Hyde?  Or are you living a true Christian life?

Who's fault is it when people cannot come together on one accord? Who's fault is it when arguments in Church seems to be as common as eating apple pie? Who's fault is it when the Church  rise  up against their  minister or the minister rise up in favor of special members and against others because of certain standings they have with them or who‘s giving more money?

The fault is the pastor. They have taken the “High Seat” of power. Read more