Weekend Finisher
Here lately I have come upon smart but angry black Christian voters angry over other so-called black Christian voters who ignorantly say they are not going to vote for Obama because he stood up for gays.
Some blacks say he should be ashamed of himself and he is not a Christian because he turned his back on the Church and God. Any one, they say, who does this is not a Christian and cannot get my vote.
When I heard this I was boiled over and wished I had the chance to speak in some of their Churches. Though this is impossible, because black ministers don't want any one to speak in their Churches if it seem the other Minister will tell something he or she should have told them. Many Church pastors feel the same.
Many black members tend to listen to their pastor no matter how dumb they are because many, including whites, want take up the Bible and read the written word for themselves but rather let the pastor dictate any lame brain story they can come up with to so called educate them on biblical life where as they "become dumber" and "dumber". This is not me speaking but the Bible say so. This is the last days that we have been in for decades and the Church is getting dumber. Turning away from the truth.
In my days of old I find that the lack of intelligence in all Churches are proving that God's struggle to find fighting warriors have fallen short. This is true in all buildings and establishments that call themselves Churches.
Where man should be by now, which is elevated to an higher understanding, he has fallen like Satan. That by every passing year the Church becomes weaker and weaker with less understanding of God as time passes by. Yet, he become more and more controlled by the spirit of Satan. He or she acts like Satan. That is, sneaky, refusing to comprehend or understand the truth, lazy, unteachable, wanna be know it all and less not forget, "Cowards". Yes, sneaky low down cowards not fit for the kingdom of God.
Now that I've open the minds of those desiring to pass judgement on Obama without doing some good ole fashion house closet cleaning themselves, let me talk about them.
How weird these blacks that all of a sudden are without sin can now past judgement. Passing judgement is only if you have your ducks in order and if you know what you're talking about.So lets get right to the gay issue that make these holy ready for heaven not gonna vote for Obama the gay lover suddenly righteous.
First, the Church as a whole, I mean all Churches are responsible for gays being in the positions to demand their rights and get it. Don't blame Obama for what you did not do. For what you let happen. For years of you sitting on the side lines scared to death to get out in the streets when the gays did to march against them.
It is the Church that coward behind stone buildings with shielding walls talking secretly and silently to a scarry congregation that sat quietly by hoping some body else, like non-Christians. would fight your battles. The battle God left for you to handle. For you to fight. For you to get angry and cause just as bigger wave as the gays did. But you didn't!
But you, the now big bad wolf, have the nerves to try to speak out when you know you is the one that failed God. So now you need an escape goat to blame it on. "Let's blame it on Obama" you say.
Well, Obama did what you, the Church people, thrust on him. You let gays become so big that there was nothing else he could have done base on the number of millions of voting gays you, the Church, let grow so fast and so large.
You the black Church better be focusing now on the larger picture that is affecting your poor lives. Just now bashing Gay rights are not going to give you a job, better healthcare nor the dignity to know you are just as much a Constitutional American as any body else. That you deserve to have someone in government looking out for poor people as much as the rich having Mick Romney.
We must do all we can to not allow the Republican Party to take back over the country and treat us like dogs and dirty rags while believing that all poor people are just parasites on the government and want to put an end to social services as we know it and bring back suffering of untold proportions.
Enough of the foolish thoughts of not voting for Obama. Get over it and get this out of your heads. I believe you will do the right thing and vote for Obama just as strong as you did in 2008. Don't be discourage by the polls. It's just early polls that we know mostly are Republican so-called Christians that's out to destroy your way of life.
Forget about high unemployment in blacks. It's always been that way. Get a life. While looking for it, "you think about it!
Send your friends to my sight to read this message if you can't convince them.
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