Weekend Finisher
Today I ventured around a bit and spoke to a few Democratic workers in different places in the lower south of North Carolina. I want mention the areas because I know what I'm going to talk about is happening all over America.
Let me tell you that what I saw was not that good in getting people signed up. It is a shame to find so many people still blind to the fact that this election is seriously about them and their way of life. It is so sad to see that many still will not vote no matter how detrimental it will be to them.
At some spots I witness first hand many blacks who said they would vote for Obama but he hadn't done nothing for them. While these voters are a sure shot for Obama and Biden it sadden me that they remain so ignorant to what the government has and is doing for them.
But, not just blacks but poor whites and Mexicans as well. It is a shame when people rather sit on the front porch or in a country mobile home park drinking beer and slurping on slurpies rather than taking 30 minutes a day to watch a good news network to enhance their understanding on who is working for them and who want to bury them under a bus sinking in quicksand. "Who love you baby"!
There were those who frankly stated, "I don't vote"! I, while standing around, could not resist the urge to step in the conversation to ask a tiny small minute teeny weenie question. "Why, I asked"?
Gazing upon one such look and actions I knew there was some kind of problem here going on. So, I asked, do your receive benefits? They said yes. "So, how would you like for those benefits to get cut"? "Do you know that will bring a lot hardship on you"? You will have to cut back on things needed for your personal needs.
You wouldn't be able to come to this store and buy the things you normally buy as the month drag on. You would have to probably go out and beg for help, I said. "Do you know that the free medical you receive from clinics could get cut or eliminated if Romney get to be President? "Would you like for this to happen to you"? They said "no". "So, sign up and get registered I said".
Guess what they said? "I'll do it later". I said, "why not do it now"? "The Representative is right here with the paper work, it only takes minutes". Happily some was convinced to sign up while others said, "I have to go get something and rode off in the sunset leaving others to care more about them than they do for themselves.
Then again there was others who was not receiving benefits, working and had good jobs with no excuse for not wanting to vote except, "what different does it make, they gon do what they wanta do anyway". No excuse for not voting except "pit- tee - ful".
S blacks and Spanish people feel that Obama haven't done enough for them. The correct answer is that they haven't done enough for themselves. Obama was elected to fix the countries problem. This problem can only be fixed if concentration is focus on the whole country. When he do this every one began to benefit from it. But it take time.
Both blacks, whites, reds, yellows and browns can improve themselves when they and they only decide they are tired of the way they live. Until you get tired of your sorry behavior and attitudes your situations will continue. And guess who's fault this is? Yours! Not Obama.
So, stop blaming, and start realizing that everything the Obama Administration has done was to help poor people and the middle class. I call both class "poor people' because we all need more help getting jobs that is not in the hand of Obama but businesses. He can't make a business hire you. He can't make you get a trade. He can't make you get out of bed and look for a job. That's your job.
Romney want to put rich businesses behead of you. To control who they hire and how they should treat their workers. Doing away with safety standards and unions. Taking away your ability to fight for your jobs. Firing you at the drop of a hat. Increasing insurance hold on you to raise your policy and taking away benefits you now enjoy. When this happen we all lose. This will happen under a Romney Administration. "Don't let it happen!"
But let me say before I finish and that is that I discovered that there was well more, many many more people that was already registered to vote than those suspicious or will not vote no matter what they're told.
I was well please at those that did hear the Representatives and stopped what they were doing and signed up. The Representatives are doing a great job and the Obama Administration are doing a great job protecting us. Now get one to get one to get to the polls on November 6.
Better than that! GO EARLY VOTE the lights at some voting stations suddenly goes out. The voting station may even suddenly disappear. Then you will be told, " It's all in your mind", "You really didn't show up" or Democrats are pulling tricks again"! Now think about it!
Notice: You can register on line. Get your friends and help them register to. It's easy. Go to GOTTA REGISTER then go to GOTTAVOTE and find the location and information for early voting. See your locals.
Check out my new "Nig-bits" news page.
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