Democratic Poor People

The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Evangelicals, gays, abortion, welfare reform lies and hell

Weekend Finisher

It's not often that one gets the chance to prove allegations they make against another party. But once again I'm proving true. This is the case with false lies being spread by the majority of the Republican Party which is a make up of mostly  Evangelical so-called Conservative Christians.

One such lie I'm talking about is the false video being blasted across TV screens about Obama not wanting folks to work who receive unemployment checks. This lie was approved by Romney and supported by his backers which happen to be mostly so-called Christians.

It is a fact that looking for work has always and still is the requirement for staying on unemployment. Romney knows this and so does his Church and all his backers. This is true in every state. Every one on unemployment know they have to look for a job. But it matter not. They keep playing the video any way.

So, if this is a lie then why is the Evangelicals backing it? They say they are for God. Then if this be so, are they saying God also is backing this lie. What about the remarks made by Todd Atkin, another Republican running for senate office in Missouri when he remarked that :

"From what I understand from doctors, that's really rare," said Akin said of pregnancy caused by rape. "If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. But let's assume maybe that didn't work or something. I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist."

This is what this Republican Senator said about women. Yet, he still has full support from his backers, which are mostly so-called conservative Christians. They have smothered him in love because of his ignorant stand.

You mean to tell me that God approve of rape and that woman should accept it like it never happened. What is wrong with them? ....Don't answer that!

It has already been decided for their Convention platform that they was against any type of abortion even if it was to save the mother's life. They're hardcore! These are so-called Christians that voted on such a thing. I guess their God care more for the unborn than those that are living and working amongst us. Yea, right!

There are so many lies the so-called Conservative Christians are involved in. More are things like, Obamacare is bankrupucting Medicare, he's selling the country out, Obama is a Muslim, he is a socialist, etc. All approved by their Church.

Big time conservative pastors are the leaders and is at the top of the list of these demonic lies . Their actions are enjoyable to them while turning millions of their followers toward Satan. They are his false prophets helping him get control of the country again. Once in control, like Satan, they plan to turn on the country and make the poor wear the mark of the beast as they suck the life out of the weak.

Are they part of the false Church? The answer is yes. Is Satan the liar of the false Church? The answer is yes? Is Satan the father of liars? The answer is yes? Is Satan the father of the Republican so-called Christian Conservative Party? The answer is yes.

They always pick out certain ones and certain issues like gays and abortion to jump on. They are the first to say these are a sin against God and they are standing for God to created righteous people in America and under the Constitution. That every one that break one of God's will's will go to hell so saith the Lord...Alleluia!

Hello! Hello! Hello thereeeee! Madea might say, "Hellure! Did you miss something?

So, since your pastors will not teach his flock , then I will do it for them. Read it below:

“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.” Exodus 20:16

 Proverbs 6: (16) These six [things] Jehovah hates; yea, seven [are] hateful to his soul; (17) a proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, (18) a heart that plots evil plans, feet hurrying to run to mischief, (19) a false witness who breathes lies, and he who causes strife among brothers.

Revelation 21:27 And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.

You too are going to hell for lying. Now who's better than who? This apply to all. Think about it!

Friday, August 17, 2012

So-called Evangelical conservatives backs Romney lie

Weekend Finisher
and turn on the word of God........
Now lets see what Mick Romney and Paul Ryan care about. Nothing! They can care less about medical help for the poor or given us benefits. He and his side kick, if elected, promises to cut funding to major social and school programs which will hurt the very poor and send them ever so deeper into poverty.

They promise to discontinue all of the great "Obamacare programs" which has helped  millions to date by repealing it if they get threw the doors of the White House. Yes, even medical help that Republicans themselves are enjoying they are willing to give it all up just to get Obama out of the White House or should I say, "get control of the Presidency and the country.

Mick Romney and his side kick thinks they have a good Idea and plan of attack on Obama by attacking his signature legislation "Obamacare". So, they created a great lie like that arbitrated by Satan. That lie is that Obama stole 716 billion dollars from Medicare and put it into Obamacare and that those on Medicare will be hurt by it.

The truth of the matter is that that 716 billion dollars they talk about is a twisting lie that I always have told you was the signature of the Republican Party. The 716 billion dollar cuts is the other way around. It saves medicare 716 billions dollars over the next 10 years.

How? Obamacare cuts eliminate waste by:
1.  Cutting overpayments to Medicare Advantage, private insurers who said they could do Medicare better and have proven they only do it more expensively.

 2. Stopping waste, fraud and abuse, such as when now Florida Governor Rick Scott was CEO of Columbia/HCA and the hospital group made money by defrauding Medicare.

 3. Slowing growth of payments to hospitals, health insurers and other providers. All trade associations agree with this (because of getting 32 million new people in the pool). Insurers did not.

There are NO CUTS in benefits to seniors. In fact, all the money saved goes back into health care. Some goes to help seniors pay for prescription drugs and afford wellness visits, preventive care and cancer screenings.

Some goes to fund the Medicaid expansion and insurance subsidies so the insurance companies complaining about Medicare Advantage cuts actually get the money back anyway through the exchanges.

So, there is no stealing money but Improving the care through preventing wasteful spending and thereby saving medicare 716 billion dollars. Yet, Mick Romney base is fired up and continue to spread this lie. They are backed by every so-called Christian Conservative group within the Republican Party.

How can they continually call themselves Christians when they no they are liars? first,

“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” Exodus 20:16 Secondly,

Jn:8:44: Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

I guess their father is the devil.. because they can't see the truth when it hit them square in the face. All they can see is how to move forward with that lie by adding to it and taken away from it. But, "2 Timothy 3:7, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

The Conservatives Churches, which are the Republican block of Evangelicals, care  nothing for the real truth. They use the same twisting tactics in Church that cause them to become filthy rich by taken advantage of poor people's money and given it to themselves by telling them God said to tithe. To give abundantly. Give and it shall be given to you. All the time "Robin The Hood of Church Poor Givers".

Of course, with Republicans if you tell a lie long enough you will soon find enough to believe in it. That's there strategy. Thus, making them filthy along with them.

Now they want to Rob the entire country by taken control over it. The lies must stop for the Evangelicals. There is no place in heaven for liars, non-caring people and behind the curtain sneaky out of public sight secret haters in God's kingdom.

I offer the so-called Republican Conservative Evangelical Christian and those in the Democratic Party that are not saved salvation by returning to Roman 10:10 and this time actually see your sins and truly be resentfully for them. Remember how to love. This is the only way you will be saved.
Think about it!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

So-called Christian conservatives,Votes, White Supremacists, Blacks Republicans

Weekend Finisher

This is a subject matter that have baffled me, like, forever. That is, how people can claim to be righteous Christians yet, belong to or share a party that contain the largest and most hateful groups in America.  I'm talking about none other than the white supremacist groups that are growing steadily  in this country once again when this sought of radicalism should be well behind us.

The fact remain as it has always that for hundred of years the KKK has found a home in the Republican Party under new names with the same ideology because this party best represent their cause of separation of races.

Another thing I want to point out is that these radical racists groups are the same so-called Christians attending Church on Sunday today. They are the same people that pump large sumbs of money to build big and beautiful Curches with big time Republican TV ministers as their pastors.

You're saying right now, well how do you know? I no and you will to because we hear it when so-called Republican Christians bring up the birtha issue on Obama, his autobiography, the thousands of race jokes on twitter and blogs, the many racist web sights, millions that listen to racist Rush Limbargh and follow his lead.

And lets not forget coming up with ways to prevent blacks, Latinos and young white college or non college students from early voting because the majority of early voting favors Obama.

Moving on...

I pointed out a few areas of ungodliness to let you see that these, even the Tea Party which is suddenly low key, are people who claim the Christian faith. They number probably over sixty millions in the Republican Party along.

So this mean the TV personalities, Christian networks and the local Republican Churches are some what believers in the white surpremacist cause though silently denying it. But then why both are Republicans and both believe in the same things as their political leaders does and their political leaders pray for their votes?
What would Jesus do?

From this I ask the question, "what would Jesus do? This is a phrase that seem to prove the faith that some one thought meant something if they said it. I don't think so. But either case I'll refer to it.

So, would Jesus discriminate against his own creation because of color? He colored us. Then the answer is No! Would he discriminate against another because of the way they talk or look? No! He gave the dialect and the look. Would he take from the poor and give to the rich? Of course Not! The poor is also his children. Would he support the right to bear arms when the country is not at war within? Absolutely Not! Jesus told Peter to put away his blade. He's not about violent and killing. But live and let live.

Now the kicker. Would Jesus belong to a Party where most of it's members violates the basis standard of God which is love? Would he turn from that which he intended the world to live by so others can gain by taking advantage of the weak? The answer is a big fat No!

Then why do the so-called Republican Christians feel this is God's desire for them to do so? To become conservatives, to steal undercover, to despise undercover, to be a part of hateful ideals and suspicions undercover, to be length to murderers and guns that destroy innocence lives?

They do it because simply "Birds of a kind (feather) flock together"

A very true saying that is hard to question. Enough of this....

So what is the problem with black Republicans? Why do they feel so proud and comfortable in the party of white surpremacist? Do they sometime feel like sometime hanging Democratic blacks? Would they like to hang Obama? Do they think that the insults larged at Obama by right wing racist do not apply to them also? Do they support the views of white surpremacists also? Are they taken in by so-called Republican Christians conservative twisted bible teachings?  Are they really as stupid as they seem? The answer is Yes! But it don't have to be this way.

Both blacks and so-called Republican Christians are on the wrong side of justice, love and equality for all. Though there are many Republicans in their party I cannot see the Spirit of God dwelling as the Church in the midst of them. I cannot see God happily saying "this is my Church" or "this is my party".

What would Jesus do?

But I can see Jesus belonging to the party that share the most love, the most mixed and inclusion as his races are concern, the most caring and providing and the most protective of the poor. The Democratic Party though far from pleasing God is more closer to what he want the world to look and be like. Now if he (Jesus) were trying to build a world where all can be as one, which party would you choose to best meet his expectations? You guessed it. The Democratic Party.

From this we see that the Democratic Christian Churches need to dig down and realize that there is plenty of reaching out for salvation still fresh in the United States and around the world. The time is ripe right now, if you have nothing beside your name in the judgement books, to begin to rally soldiers for the Lord to reach out to so-called Republican Christians and let them know that salvation still can be obtained. This is what Jesus would do. Nothing personal, we love you, but you must be saved. "Come out from among them, saith the Lord".

I have heard this phrase stated so many times...... "Now Go And Tell That'! You think about it!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Gays, Chicken Fil-A Appreciation Day, Republicans

Weekend Finisher

On August1st  thousands of Christians, well I guess they called themselves Christians, went out to Chick Fil-A in groves in support for "marriage is between a man and a women" This was led by Fox News Channel host and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee who declared August 1st “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day.”

Once again I see these Republicans and probably, a few Democrats sprinkle in for tough guy look at me, standing in lines and driving cars all around Chick Fil-A in protest against gay marriage. While I too am against gay marriage I could not resist the need to write about sinners who steadily throw stones. Oh! let me let you read this right quick.

1 John 8: 5, "Now Moses in the Law, commanded us, that such should be stoned" but what sayest thou?
1 John 8: 6, "This they said tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stoop down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not."
1 John 8:7, "So when they continue asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her."

Let me explain this to you before one of you start saying "well you're not perfect and you're talking about people too".

What's happening here I'll tell you in a nut shell.
Jesus want us to tell people about their sins, true. But to keep hammering at someone or others about the same sin over and over and over as though this is the only sin that will carry you to hell is ridiculous especially when your sins are just as great an offense as theirs and will carry you to hell right along with them. Jesus was probably writing on the ground saying to himself, "I wish these hypocritical nuts would leave me along and go get a life".

Sure we can continue to tell others about sin, but spend just as much time on one sin as you do another sin. We go to hell because of one or many sins. I can get deep into this but there's not enough time.

Getting back....

These folks at Chick Fil-A are looser's thinking they can win some kind of brownie points from God if , all of a sudden they get aboard, and now join together and speak out against what they say is the "worst sin there is" band wagon. Humm! What did we just learn?

I watched as young and old stood in the hot temperature blazing a trail that is going down in history as "Chick Fil-A  Appreciation Day, I was there, did you see me accomplish nothing". Woo hoooooo!
I know many was so-called Republican Christians because they are the main ones who could afford to stand in line and give money away to other rich people. I doubt very seriously any of these were poor people spending their hard earn money trying to make a point that's going no where.

The only winners here are the Chick Fil-A owners around the country that was glad to have these weirdos pack their businesses at a time when Republicans say the economy is so bad and people are hurting. Well, it didn't seem like the economy was hurting them at all. They had plenty of money to fling around. Didn't look like the economy has hurt them one bit.  To tell you the truth, they looked like "Elitists". (Those that have it all to throw about. Rich and wanna be rich).

But let us get to the good stuff cause all of what they did was a show. It was a program where the ending has already been written and played with sequences to come. It's to late to march when your marching should've been done 30 years or more ago. The Church is in a battle it has not won and can't win no matter what they do. As will be, the show boating marching and support has accomplished nothing.

Next the gays will come out and they did and all of American, meaning those who voted and support gay marriages, all the news media, every freedom rights organization, even Satanic so-called Christian Church's will glorify them in support as their support grows.

The Church will look on helplessly thinking foolishly they have a winning hand not knowing they have already lost the pot. What's gains made will not be given back.

You don't have to like the gay life style and you can keep talking about against it. maybe we can turn a few. But remember this. You cause it. Now move on to what you are suppose to be doing and that's showing love to others and how to love while covering all aspects of sin. It's in the Bible.

But wait! I got carried away! So-called Christian Republicans must first learn themselves how to love. They for sure doesn't love Democrats and immigrants and poor people, social programs and healthcare and adopting unborn children's so they can have a good Republican home when they are born and do not have to end up in child care centers. Ummm! I must be talking about pro-lifers and how Republicans care nothing for the living. I guess I am.

In either case, the Fil-A marchers would have done well if their bibleless pastors would have told them that the work of the Lord was much more than spending everybody time on one issue. Especially when the Church's are filed with hell filling fire burning sinners of "hate", oh yea! There are fornicators, adulterers, liars, stealers, false accusers, proud people which God hate, Those buffed up in pride, there are many false pastors, curser's, loud mouth and angry people, alcoholics, sex abusers and the list goes on. Any of these will send you to hell. Why? Because it is of a character that God doesn't need and it must be destroyed.

You can march and woof about gays but it's too late. After God go and place the world in your hands what do you do? You dropped the ball. It's a God ending problem now so go an attack the "Love" problem with the same zest.  Oh! you dropped the love thing too! Hummm!

But dont worry. My quest is to re-teach the people as it should be taught accordingly to the word of God and Republicans is at the top of my list to offer salvation to.
You think about it.