Weekend Finisher
The High Seat
What is missing in the church
The High Seat
What is missing in the church
I want to talk about people and their ministers. First of all , we have so many churches on every corner, it seem, in every city and spare space or hole in the wall until I wonder why God allow the mockery of his name to continue. We have enough churches and pastors to save the world if it was possible, but they do not know how to preach the basic of our Christianity. Many haven't preached about it for so long until they themselves have forgotten what it is to fear God and work constantly at completing his mission here on earth.
Many members of churches know very little about God and salvation. They talk about it, and tell others they should have it, but they themselves do not have it and if they did they do not know how to use it.
Our Churches are moving further and further away from the true Church and no one seem to know what‘s the matter. People inside Churches are getting meaner and meaner, slicker and slicker, angrier and angrier, and more ignorance in the word of God.
They are being taught more bible by more educated pastors than any time in history, yet, Church people remain dumb founded to the main reason they became Christian, or why Jesus gave up his life for them (us). That’s right!! Many attending Church has no real clue of what’s going on. They just go through life pretending they are save, yet cannot tell you what salvation is and how to live a salvation life. Most live a double life.
Think on double life right now and apply it to your self? Are you a Jekyll and Hyde? Or are you living a true Christian life?
Who's fault is it when people cannot come together on one accord? Who's fault is it when arguments in Church seems to be as common as eating apple pie? Who's fault is it when the Church rise up against their minister or the minister rise up in favor of special members and against others because of certain standings they have with them or who‘s giving more money?
The fault is the pastor. They have taken the “High Seat” of power. Read more
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