Democratic Poor People

The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Will straight people in the future go to jail

Week End Finisher ....
Will straight people in the future go to jail for denying homosexuality?
Duck Dynasty star, Phil Robertson, made a comment in DQ magazine against gays and their liken to bestiality. Let me make a statement here by saying I do not like most of what Republican Churches stand for but I do agree with them that gay activities are against God.

Many Democrats support my reasoning although you will not know it because the Democratic news medias speak for the party along with a few high level people that supports anus back doors sex where as a man board another man just like an animal. Phil is correct.

I give you a warning. If you support such filth as this, when you don't need God or any scripture to tell you this is wrong, then you are hell bound already. There is no place in the coming world for you because there is no use for you in building worlds. (See front page "A look into the mind of God").

There"re a lot of smart mouth demonic people out there that already have their name written on hell's gate. These are those that have gone so far as to be the devil's advocate in protecting the rights of these people  against God. Twisting the minds and turning others against any one that speak out against homosexuality. Saying they should be ashame because we live in a different world, or twisting what God say in scriptures.

These are slick workers of Satan that are ready at the drop of a hat to protect the very thing that will destroy the soul of man. If you want to know what can cause the greatest downfall of the world and especially America It will be the advancement of homosexuality? It is destroying the word of God when he said to Adam and Eve to "go and multiply." Something only a man and woman can do.
When the world can no longer multiply it will start to dwindle. Man then will turn to ... continue...

Friday, December 13, 2013

The Greatest Christmas Lie Ever Told

Week End Finisher ....

There is no doubt that nearly every minister, pastor and their followers this holiday merry season will be competing for who can tell the biggest lie on Christ. They will use every scripture in the bible from wise men, shepherds in the fields, sweet baby Jesus in a manger to "lets keep Christ in Christmas."

They will make Christmas one of the saddest feel sorrow feel gladness occasion they can, to prove to the masses that they really are connect with God and all this woop d do is showing God how much we thank him for sending Jesus and that this is the best time of the year for all to love on this "one day" because God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son. Bells and whistles.

Most will wear their best garbs and fluffy robes of golden colors and black laced front paneled show off gowns pretending to be in kingship power and position bellowing out something they know little about but continue because lying is a habit and the masses love hearing a sweet lie not knowing it is a lie but if they did wouldn't care if it was a lie because it is a good feel good lie and most like it.

Lame brain ministers, pastors and those taught by them will declare every thing good that happen after Thanksgiving to be considered a miracle from God ranging from some one being saved from a brutal crash to a baby being healed by a doctor from an incurable sickness. All, including thhe news media will blame this on Christ saving grace of miracles that only works within this time span. Afterward, you're on your own.

There are many that will get angry with me and try in some way to dig deep into their sinning mind to try to justify Christmas and make me out the liar. But guess what? They can't! You can't!  And as long as you can't and I can then I remain the truthful one.

But I'm not hard at all nor a bragger. I'm just doing what servants of Christ are suppose to do. Stand up for the truth no matter who it hurt but do it with love. If one can't do this then they might as well leave the gospel and become the worldly whom they try to protect.

Christ should be removed .....continue .....

Friday, December 6, 2013

Weekend Finisher

Farewell to Former President Nelson Mandela and Shame on America

We morn the death of the first black South African President, Nelson Mandela, who blazed a trail for equal rights and opportunity between blacks and whites and manage through many obstacles make his dream come true for the nation of South Africa and the viewing world.
He died on Thursday night Nov. 5th at 8:PM at the age of 95. The world owe him a lot as a peace maker and activist as a freedom fighter for all people. He will be missed and our condolences to his family and friends.
As a minister I cannot forget my place as my allegiance is to God and the truth as I see it. The United States at this time is in a morning state whereas half the nation opposed the freedom and turn deaf ears to brutality handed out by the South African's regime.
This black mark of US racist do nothing fell upon the Administration of President Ronald Reagan and the Republican Party for not denounce the hateful acts during Apartheid but supported the brutality handed out by white South Africans toward and on black South Africans.
Even today after much freedom has been gained in South Africa, the United Stated which, was pretending at that time to be leaders in the free world of civil rights and freedom find itself still bound in deep racial discrimination and deep division within itself today.
Half our nation, being mostly the Republican Party, still have great hate for blacks and minorities and fight tooth and nail to prevent them from having equal rights whether in jobs or basic life needs.
On the issue of Mandela, a lot of political backers of Apartheid in the Republican Party are still in office in our nation and just like the hate of the past this same hate is still there but translated into false faces, trickery and new laws that slowly cut the life line of those they don't like.
While condolences are given from leaders and friends alike from around the world the Republican Party remain silence. Their evil is so deep that even if one decided to speak nice of Mandela it is not to be believe. It's what you do that make a different and not what one just say.
We know that Obama has been called every thing but a child of God by the Republicans from the birtha issues to the many degrading pictures we find on the web.
We also know that Martin Luther King nor Mandela has said anything to deter Confederates wanna be's or white supremacist from flourishing . Or gun lovers and racist militias from ...continue.....

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Week End Finisher ....


"Thou shalt not take the name
of the LORD thy God in vain"

As I watch TV and listen to nearly every one, especially black people and those calling themselves Christians continually use God and Jesus in their conversations no matter what they are talking about. I find this habit has gotten worse and worse over time from bad teachings from pastors. So, I want to focus just a little bit on a very bad habit even God don't like. It read in the bible like this.
"Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain" for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain." Exodus 20:7 (KJV)
Another reading from Exodus 20:7 (NIV) Bible read lke this.....
“You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name."
New International Version (NIV)....
Somewhere down the line this piece of serious information has been over looked by billions of practicing Christians. This is what God said to not do. To not take his name in vain Yet, we find Church people doing it every day and all day long as though God was not the God of all wisdom but just a God in name. A name told about but received as a low class God that changes as time move further into the future.
People think that because we change God change along with us.  They think they do not have to abide by things he once said and was against not realizing that God words will never change to suite our situation or need.
Those calling themselves Christians use the name of God with out thought. We can give him praise in a proper way and setting but not with every breath for any thing. Meaning, people use the name of God or Jesus in vain in stupid and derogatory situations.
For example, if some one or a dog act weird and ridiculous, people will say God help this silly person or dog. Knowing it want happen but love saying it out of a joke or just stupidity.
People even say..... continue....

Monday, November 11, 2013

Why most Religious people in America will go to hell if not reformed

Week End Finisher ....

They will be lead by most pastors
Christianity and all religions are doing nothing toward making the world a better place to live in. Nations against nations are the same as was during the bible days when it was first said in Matthew 24:7, "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places."

Nothing has changed as for nations against each other just silent as a whole. But within they are like raven wolves at the throats of each other each bound by a code or creed of religion that none seem to follow or know how to. So, what do they do? They twist, change and add to it thus creating a system of habits that perpetuate dreamed up ideals religious leaders feel should dictate the lives of individuals in their own organizational structure.

Since I prefer Christianity and the structure in which the New Testament bible and the King James Version of it and since 180 million  Americans are claiming  to be Christians, yet, having none of the characters of Christ nor know how to respect the authority of God and because their leaders and teachers doesn't know nor do they respect God or know how to discharge the true word of God thus creating imperfect people thinking they're thriving for perfection is why I focus on reforming Christianity to write the wrong. Whew!

It is because of pastors lies that I find myself having to make the statement that, "most Religious people claiming Christianity in America and around the world, speaking as if they are Christians, will go to hell for lying to the people and the people accepting the lies accept being blinded of the truth by them.

We live in a society where every one can become what ever they want to be, some time. But in Christianity any one can become a minister or pastor or a regular loud mouth. Most ministers have one goal in mine. No! It is not imparting love between fellowmen but pride, power and money and in many cases, women and Mister Big Stuff!

But lets get to why most will go to hell. .. continue....

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Abraham wealth and twisted lies by Pastors Vs Jesus

Abraham wealth and twisted lies by Pastors V's Jesus
First, a few scriptures you should no about. They are:

Genesis 17:4,   "As for Me, behold, My covenant is with you, And you will be the father of a multitude of nations. 5 ."No longer shall your name be called Abram, But your name shall be Abraham; For I will make you the father of a multitude of nations. 6. "I will make you exceedingly fruitful, and I will make nations of you, and kings will come forth from you.

Genesis 24:35  "The LORD has greatly blessed my master, so that he has become rich; and He has given him flocks and herds, and silver and gold, and servants and maids, and camels and donkeys.

According to the bible Abraham was a wealthy and trader and herdsman - the journey he made followed an ancient trade route. But what most don't no or your pastor don't no is that Abraham got his wealth from from both his family line and his ability to be a great trader. Abraham had male and female servants or people employed to work for him.

Above we see that Abraham traded with others of wealth and not so wealthy or maybe even the less to help others provide for himself and his band. Trading was big business all over the land and civilization of that time.

Pastors will tell you, you have to give and obey God just as Abraham did when he was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac because God told him to kill Isaac to show faith in him. Abraham indeed was going to show God how much he love him as he was ready to kill Isaac but was stop by God and given a ram instead. He was blessed afterward as being a man after God's own heart.

Although Abraham was blessed, it is not like God gave him a gold mine or a thousand dollar bill every time he gave. He was blessed because God saw favor in him because of the type man he was. These blessing came as Abraham did the right thing by people. God was not forcing anything on Abraham.  Abraham had to show God........ continue.....

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Weekend Finisher
Jesus, hide me beneath your wings! Yea Right!
Why does Churches and pastors and even members of these organizations I call "false churches" of today treat Jesus as though he has to do all the work for them or  us, so to speak, and we or they never have to live up to his expectation of us learning how to do for him. To live the life he want us to live. Isn't this what it's suppose to be?
Yet, the false church of today have taught such backward religion for such a long time that people are into the silly season of not having common senses of reasoning. They believe any thing with out second thought.
Church pastors have taught that which they don't even understand even though they have shown no evidence of proving anything they say except "Jesus love you and me" or" turn your life over to Christ, ask for forgiveness, change your life according to the word of God and if you do this you shall be saved" and lastly,  "learn to love each other as God has loved each and every one of us or you" and " Love thy God with all thy heart and thy mind."
Basically, this is it! so what is all this other stuff that the church is doing and saying? All of the word of God fall on what I just said. The entire bible fall on what I just said. Yet, this is not what's being taught in our churches. If so, then why does the world and especially the United States live like it does?  And why haven't the impact of the church caught on and "love" dominates most of the world?
With thousands of churches, seemingly one on every corner, why should it be taking so long to introduce love as God and Jesus spent all of their time in the bible to tell us so. Yet, it has made no impact on our society. It may seem like people are in touch with God but they are not. It is all false. Satan is ruling and one day will get carried away and show himself.
But when you take a look at the big picture of hate, killings, rapping, partying, high tech live styles, liars, thieves, adultery, fornicators, night riders, dislike for the poor, gay life styles and the list goes on in America, you wonder exactly what has the church been teaching. Certainly not the love of God. At least not the love God speak of.
The False church of today has devised ( the word devised can easily be seen to spell devil) many clever uses of how to control people with clever sayings and not having to preach on love or commanding that love form the basic of one lives.
Pastor preach strong sermons as though they were on a Hollywood stage. In fact, there ...continue..

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Week End Finisher
Demonism in the undenominational Holiness Churches

As you know by now I have launched a campaign to reform Christianity. Why? Because for nearly 2000 years the Church has lost it's way from which that God has intended it to be. This has been going on since the six and one half rotten Churches of Asia. This is in Revelation.

If you have taken the time to read my articles on the Church you should by now be seeing what I see. Lies, playing and pretending. When you know better you eyes of understanding become acute and you can see what I see happening in the Church and none of it make sense when you compare it with the true word of God.

When I look at the false Church it make me sick to my stomach to see people go to Church and never change. Never knowing why they go to Church. Doesn't even know what they are going to Heaven for.

What is the Church doing that make it satisfactory to God. Is it having programs? Maybe it's having ridiculous and backward meetings and congratulatory services that for thousands of years, in the new world we live in, has change not one bit from the time of Revelation to now. Churches are still doing the same exact things. Using the Church as a mean to whore, fornicate, lie, pretend and steal or get rich through lying.

About 99% of all Churches celebrate pagan holidays.99% steal and rob from the people using clever lies about Jesus and what he will do for you when you dig deep into your pockets to supposedly "giving to God". Yea right! The only one that get the most out of giving is the pastors and their well oiled family and friends spread  ... continue....

Friday, September 13, 2013

Weekend Finisher
Conservative Christians at it again! Confuse Satan with God
No sooner than the pressure been taken off Obama and the Syria fiasco partly solved did the lunatics of the Christian right rear their ugly heads like a sleeping alligator waiting to snap up a wandering puppy dog. However, in this case they want to do away with the whole existence of even it's smell so the so called king of the swamp may remain king of the swamp. Not wanting to share any of the goodies of the goodies but wanting it all.
The alligator, like Christian Conservative, doesn't realize that if it did away with all it's food, it to would die. But be as it may it doesn't want to be told anything or can see the future of what would happen if it didn't share. Eventually it will slowly perish. But the alligator and Christian Conservatives doesn't care. Take it all, is what motivate them.
Long ago the Conservative Party dared to silence the poor people of this country by robbing them of their wealth. Wealth that equaled to a small piece of bread satay in canned salmon in tomato sauce, or delicious fried chicken taken from the chicken yard after.......continue.....

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Weekend Finisher
The Church lies about Lottery Tickets and Gambling
Many Church folks are confused about and very hesitant to buy a lottery ticket. They say it's a sin to gamble. I'm going to the Bible to disprove those that say this, so I'll just say they are wrong.
There is nothing in the bible I've see that say buying lottery tickets or even gambling will keep your heart away from the love of Jesus and God the Father. Just go to the Bible and read about the temple when Jesus turned over the tables. It was not about their gambling but how and where they were doing it. Greed in the temple. Slick willies using God as a mean to steal from others.
To understand what's right or wrong one first must understand sin. Sin is always related to evil desires, emotions, evil habits, pride, lust, anger, hate, spite, murder, thief, lying, fornication, adultery, evil deed and etc. Things that dishonor the character of God. The absent of love.
Buying a lottery ticket and taken a chance on winning is not sinning because no one can find sin in it. Ministers seem to think they are doing something great when they tell people it's wrong to gamble but Ok to steal from the Church and people.
But I say show me the sin in it. If a person can afford to buy a ticket that's their right. It's his money and no one has the right to tell another what to spend their money on. Except illegal stuff.
Now if that person is not taking care of his or her family to includes paying the bills because their money is wasted on lottery tickets then that person is sinning because if they cannot take care of their family they cannot be trusted with the things of God. You are sinning because so many depend on you for food and shelter and you wasted it.
I know there are some smart sister or brother or some unlearned minister or pastor out there that will question what I say so let me put you in order. People do a lot of talking about some one else's so-called sin so let's take a look at your self.
For example: Why are so many pastors fat and.... continue.....

Friday, August 30, 2013

Week End Finisher
No! I do not agree with Obama Attacking Syria!
Should the United States attack Syria? For me I say no, but the Obama Administration, it seem, has made up their mind to attack or bomb some parts of Syria not knowing exactly where to bomb but thinks it may be here or there.

Being a Democrat does not mean I do not have a mind of my own. I have do common sense. Some may say not too much, but I have enough to know that bullying come in many forms. It always seem to be the big guy that bullies the little or weak guy while the side liners cheers them own.

In this case having the bigger gun mean you don't have to concern yourself with gun control when it seem it may be in your better behalf. In this case it is alright to killed innocent men, women and children and not be held accountable for their deaths.

This is what I see when I imagine hundreds of cruse missiles tear into the bodies of innocent men, women and children while their death become meaningless. It's not alright to gas someone to death but it's ok to blow them apart. Death is death and no one has the right to take an innocent life unless their country is in eminent threat.

I look at this invasion as a face saver. Obama made a red line statement of the use of chemical weapons and now having to save face must do what I know he do not want to do but in his inner circle he must do it to prove to others in the world he is not that soft president Republicans say he is.

While Obama say his invasion will be a miniature one I cannot get away from the fact that we are attacking another country and thereby become the one to launce the first missile upon another's soil. Yet,..... continue.....

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Week End Finisher ....
Reformation ......The Most Righteous and Filthy Rags
In reforming Christianity we first must understand that the way Christianity has been presented to us is strongly flawed. Why? Because many have been misled in thinking that very little they have to do outside of saying they are a Christian do they have to maintain.

Note: The term man mean both man and women.....

Today's Christianity has taken man far away from the intended behavior God set in motion for man to follow. Man has taken the word of God as the word of God but not as the guiding force of his or her lives. For they see other greater things in life that whole greater promises and enjoyment than that they see "hampering" them call the word of God. Man want it all but really do not fully want God as the one advisor.

Man and woman walks around in this generation as though God has finally been reduced to a level in which he ,God, will forget and forgive any kind of rebelliousness one does against him because he, God, is no longer the powerful strong arm God of destruction of ancient times.

That he, God, does not have the heart to punish......continue...

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Week End Finisher
Reforming Christianity

As a minister and pastor of the people and not just in a particular Church but as a whole pastor or Shephard with the goal of teaching the true intentions of the Christian gospel to all those that will listen.

Matthew 11:15 say that,  "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear."  This is saying that many will hear but few will actually hear and heave the warning. Knowing does mean you are saved but only those taking advantage of what they hear.
Revelation 2:7, "Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God."

Over the years and for centuries pastors have dominated the Churches with a type of religion that even as of today does not meet and produce the quality and kind of people God is looking for. For centuries false religion has crept into the Churches and the minds of people and has seared their minds by an hot iron.

Even during the times of the disciples there were slick willie teachers and pastors taking advantage of people. Teaching about spirits of Christ and their association with him that had nothing to do with Christ. They Used demonic thoughts, creative ideals and jokes to confuse and amuse the people.

1 Timothy 4:2, read like this, "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

This is what's being conducted today in Churches. Pastors have devised ways to ... Continue.....

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Week End Finisher
The Keys to Salvation

I am disappointed in the Church of today as to just how salvation has been described to the people. What I've discovered and scripture verifies this, is that Pastors, Ministers, Popes and other clergies have no clear reasoning of why they teach Christianity. The only thing they do know is that is the better religion on earth.

However, knowing this along does not qualify and have shown that those that have made their profession and income from preaching and teaching the Bible have no idea of what they are doing. They made and make great fortunes off followers without ever having to preach the true gospel of Christ.

The Church started to get off track in Revelation. These being the seven churches which were in the Roman province of Asia being Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos,Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea. These was not the name of the Churches but where they was located. There could have only been 2 or three in each.

But in either case, corruption of the Church started well before these. God saw that they were getting well off the track of what he intended for his people to be and how they were to represent him. It was at this time and to these Churches he decided to intervene. He told them to straighten up or through their own hands they will cause the Church to disappear.

They listen for a little while.  But no sooner than the Angle of God parted they went right back at it again probably within days. By the way these particular Churches no longer exist today as they were. They are being pressured and overshadowed by Muslims when once they was the dominant figures. Indeed they have been removed.

The Churches of today hear this same warning. They (we) have the same word of God before them (us) warning of the same consequences of not obeying God but no one listen except on a Sunday morning. However, by the time they walk out the doors of the Church they are met by they friends the demons wearing their tux's and neck ties opening the back door to normal life vehicle saying, "are you ready to go sir: or ma'am." And you respond, "Let's go."

People have been going to Church or claiming Christianity for nearly 2000 years. Yet, the Christian history has been filled with murder, killings, thieving, lying, corruption, hatred and more through out it's existence. We"ve had many great ministers throughout eras proclaiming the word of God. Millions of Churches have sprouted all around the world teaching the same Gospel of God. For what?
So, here we are in the 21st century having not moved any further than the day the Angle of the Lord came to John in Revelation complaining about their bad faults and......Continue

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Week End Finisher ....
The word NIGGER Vs Picnic (Pick a Nigger)
Let me explain this Nigger word that people, or should I say, the news media, or places like CNN put it, that it is offensive to black people. Well, let me explain the dictionary meaning of Nigger from dictionaries of 1950's and early 60's. They state that the word Nigger mean "fool." this told me that any one can be a fool or Nigger.

But the white slave masters of slavery and up considered blacks as less than humans and called them fools or niggers. This word was used so much against slaves that they, the house boys, used it against their own people. That is, they use it to tell workers to, "get up niggers, the master is coming" or they would use it in a harsh way.

Soon blacks became so annoyed with it that they started calling each other niggers. This lessen the pain of it they felt when the master or over boss called it to them. They used it in joking manners as well as in violent ways toward each other.

Though each other use it toward each other it did not hit a core as much as it did from the whites that had evil intention behind it that usually brought about a hanging, a killing or some other harsh treatment.

This word nigger has been used by racist whites from slavery on up to today. We have racist web sits all over the Internet. Some avoid using the word "nigger" but substitute other words like "monkey." This is what they called Obama and have many pictures of hate online describing him as less than the President of the United States.

In the Republican Party mostly, no matter what one say, this word is still being used. However, in public they are Mr goody two shoe. "I never use this word" they say, but it was used in another way when Obama was called a lie on national media's by Judge Roberts. This was the first time a seating President has ever been called a lie in a public forum .
Again, he was called a nigger, when his...... continue... 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Week End Finisher
Church Sayings Not of God That Make No Sense
It has been proven that Christianity has been falling backwards for thousands  of years. Yes through time the Church which was the foundation of God's master plan has fallen faster than God has anticipated, I believe. During biblical time, and especially during New Testament era of the Church, strict words was laid out on how followers of Christ was to believe and become one with the word and each other.

Disciples of Christ, I'm talking those in the Bible, knew how to understand what they received from Jesus. They understood the word and understood that as leaders they had to translate the word of God to others far and near in a way that at all times their followers would know how to worship God in a way that represented the intentions of God. They knew how to worship. How to explain Jesus. How to act, speak and when and where to do all of this.

Let me explain. I'll break it down just a little bit so even a 5 year old can understand it.
Disciples knew that Jesus was going away. They also knew that he wasn't coming back until a "house was prepared and made ready" for thes,e his disciples, and all those disciples following after them because Jesus said so. In looking at a section in the Book of John it read....

John 14:1-3,  “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also."

Many people go around doing and saying that Jesus was doing things for them out of the ordinary. They even go around saying backward things that's not only not Biblical but just don't make sense. This apply to backward and twisted songs we have been bombarded with. Many in the Church have no clue to how ridiculous they sound and the terrible things to do.

I will give a few phrases and explain them away as lack of knowledge and understanding by Church people of high positions, ministers and especially those women that lie in the face of God as Prophets and predictors of nothing. they are false pretenders.

The verse above, John, will set the course of where I'm going with this. In Jesus own words he said, "If it was not so, I would have told you." Told us what? Jesus said, " I go to prepare a place for you."
Many for decades have been taught that:

1.  Jesus is with you or us! The pastor actually have people believing that Jesus is actually with them. That Jesus is literally with them and they can do anything. Even jump off a mountain, race down an highway going 100 miles per hour not fearing an accident or getting a ticket because Jesus is with them pushing them on.

People are so confused and mis-taught that when an accident happen and they didn't get killed they say,..... continue.....

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Trayvon Martin VS Mark Zimmerman First Week In Court
While I want to stay neutral in this case I am baffled, well not so baffled, at how the Prosecutor is letting the defense and those in the public portray this image of self defense by murder by not who started the fight but who was on top.

I am dismayed at how the public, especially the news, and let's not forget how laid back the prosecutor is by not strongly and constantly asking the question of "did' Trayvon Martin have the right to defend himself " when against Zimmerman when Zimmerman followed, approach and initiated a fight he got beaten in.

When we talk self defense, doesn't this mean either person have the right to defend themselves. Besides, Trayvon Martin was not killed because he committed a crime or about to commit a crime but because Zimmerman didn't like him walking the street in that area. Trayvon did what any of us would do when faced with the same situation. Fight for your life which he lost.

They said Zimmerman had a license to carry a gun. But when your clothes are concealing a gun, don't the law call this "caring a concealed weapon" which make this illegal. Why haven't the prosecutor said something about this?

As a past Union Representative I went through many cases where over looked details which many never sees or the simplest of attention to details can win or lose a case. I certainly hope these details will be brought out that I see by the experts. But the prosecutor has to bring this up and he should  touched on all this I'm saying. Here it is:

1. If George Zimmerman was on the bottom being hammered with MMA blows, how did he get up and why didn't he have more bruises?
2. For George Zimmerman to have gotten up, Trayvon would have had to let him up.
3. Zimmerman said Trayvon went for his gun. How could this be possible when it was concealed?
4. If Trayvon was on top throwing punches like an MMA fighter then he couldn't have been going for a gun he cannot see or knew he had.
5. Did Zimmerman shoot Trayvon while Trayvon was on top of him? If he did then there would be Trayvon's blood on his body from having to push trayvon off him and the police was lying for him as a cover up.
6. If this is not true then evidence will show, if the experts do a good job, that both men was standing in front of each other after Trayvon let him up.
7. Next, Trayvon was unarmed with nothing but a can of drink and a bag of twitters in his pocket when he was shot at close range when he let Zimmerman up at which time Zimmerman had time to run away himself or fire a warning shot in the air.
8. How close was Zimmerman when he shot him immediately after Trayvon let him up? Very close range will leave gun powder on both Trayvon and Zimmerman's clothing. If so, them why didn't the police do a through test or was there a cover up?
9. How far away from Trayvon was Zimmerman when he shout him.
!0. Why would Zimmerman having a gun be hollering and screaming for help, then shooting Trayvon?
11. If Zimmerman is being beaten how can he holler so freely for help being beaten with some one on top of him pressing down on his diaphragm. The scream sound as though it come from some one very frighten that is standing and trying to get away and not from a person holding a gun. Only the experts know and his mama.
!2. The prosecuter should stress the fact that dnow sooner than Trayvon Martin Let Zimmerman up, Zimmerman became so angry that he pulled his consealed gun and shot Trayvon killing him which is why rayvon fell face forward to his knees then forward belly and face down holding his chest.
13.  He had time to get his thoughts together to tell the police it was him screaming for help. Stll shouldn't make no different in the case.

This is just my thoughts I would ask and more if I was the prosecutor. Remember, Race or not, is not a reason to find another not guilty of murder. Altitudes are not a reason not to find a person not guilty of murder. Public opinions should not be the reason to find a person not guilty of murder. So one gaining weight or being stressed out like any other murderer that want their freedom is not a foundation to find that person not guilty of murder.

No one is above the law no matter the color. Race shouldn't determine guilt but the facts that led up to murder.
1. Concealed gun
2. Followed when told not too
3. Engage without a motive ( observed the person doing nothing)
4. Zimmerman got out of his car.
5. Initiated a fight while Trayvon was talking on a cell phone)
6. A cell phone party and phone records showing Trayvon was talking to a friend when approached by Zimmerman.
7. Zimmerman had the chance to introduce himself but instead pulled concealed gun and committed murder.

We need to hear what Zimmerman said he said to Trayvon when he approached him. Another thing I would like to know is how far did Zimmerman follow him away from the original location.

Maybe this will be brought out. It better or race would indeed be the reason Zimmerman got off. We as Christians have the same right to fairness no matter where it come from or to. Any thing less will make one a hypocrite. So for the court system has been a sham.  Zimmerman never should have approached Trayvon at all if he did not see him attempting to rob any body or any home.

Being a neighborhood watch person does not give you the right to initiate a confrontation or fight to use your gun or weapon. It is just what it says, "Watch and Report". You think about it.


Monday, June 24, 2013

Weekend Finisher
Mi-use of the Phrase,The Lord Giveth and the Lord Taketh Away
Recently I attended a funeral where several ministers lined the pulpit. One was the host and another, a women minister, did the service. I didn't go to look for judgement but when you have grown into another level of understanding then foolishness just pops out all around you. You see more clearly than ever before. We are to observe one another and try the spirit. But if you don't no anything then all things seem in order.
One thing you can bet own coming from all ministers is a lie in the first two minutes or less from the time they open their mouth. Such was the case with the host minister who's job it was to rouse the family and people. While hollering and screaming he said, "lets give God a praise" that sent the crowd into a spasm of cheering, hollering and clapping hands back at him. Actions of passion are needed but in order.

Now it was time for him to deliver his second lie to the people. In less than two minutes he said to the congregation while screaming, "God brought us here today for this moment!" Now I wasn't there to critique but this hit me no sooner than he said it. "Now why would God be so interested in a funeral and why would he, and he wouldn't, go around to all the people and tell them to meet at this particular temple for this particular funeral? Why would God want to attend a funeral in the first place? He wouldn't! God could care less about funerals. If he did he wouldn't have time for nothing else since someone dies every 3 seconds. So that preacher lied. Think about it!

Now it was time for the service to start. The woman preacher stood and began screaming to the top of her voice telling the crowd that we all must live and die and that we die once. The crowd came to their feet and the organ player hit the music and the crowd went wild standing and waving their hands like they were told something they never heard before.

But before I began I would like to say I do not know why black ministers scream and holler. I do not know why white ministers copy the black ministers and do the same. As I read my bible I cannot find one prophet or disciples that screamed and acted like they was possessed with a hollering demon.

Jesus never did it either. So where did they come up with this ear pounding shrieking ridiculous actions? They created it! Some one down the line did it and it became a "thang! A "hit!". People had what they call "a good time" and it was copied from one to the other. Satan saw another way to further demeanor God's people.

There is no such thing as screaming when you are teaching. A school teacher or college teacher would be fired if they hollered and screamed at students, especially those in much lower grades. Church is suppose to be a place of spiritual learning for the heart, soul and mind practicing love and forgiveness through actions.  But yet, it is the place that show more foolishness of twisted attitudes and behavior than all other learning institutions when it should be the place to set examples and the world take examples from it.

Now back to the funeral and this minister's two minutes to lie. continue ....

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Weekend Finisher
A Great Man Sentence to Death for Denouncing Homosexuality
Long long ago before man knew right from wrong even before he was thought of there were Gods and watchers that over saw the universe and it's magnificent glory of stars, planets, moons and bursting lights of colliding energy. Planets filled with life flourishing from the hands of Gods that determined the universe was now the garden of creation.
That God the Father and Son that ruled over the universe and Kingdoms to the very ream of  existence created and gave power to the minor gods to become watchers and teachers to visit and show the new world creations how to multiply and exist from living seeds.
Seeds that buried themselves into fertile soil then died, made a rebirth and multiplied into two strong roots that sprouted and produced great amount of fruits. And each fruit bore it's number of seeds that fell to the ground and like wise multiplied until as far as the eyes could see these also sprouted more fruit trees. Trees of living thinking being up rooted and planted through out designated planets. As they  prospered and grew the Gods were pleased.
But every so often the light of hope faded from planets of despair. Planets which fruits and it's seeds became corrupted and no longer can multiply. No longer satisfying the quality of beings needed to replant within the universe. The Character of good seed became tangled within the roots of bad seeds all bearing worthless bread of life unfit for the purpose of  God.
The Gods saw no need for such planets to exist so they made them desolate. Incapable on it's own to ever carry life again but left with possibilities. Others were so defiled that the stench it held could only be satisfied by utter destruction.A large boom from within exploded turning the planets into floating rocks, meteors and asteroids drifting through space like pieces of ghosts as a reminder to other planets what could happen to them.
Once there was such a planet unlike all others that the Gods found especially beautiful after their design. For millions of years it stood as a beacon as time brought forward in it's seasons life from the Gods. So much expectant and joy came from the Gods as they watched the new seeds prosper and grow into greater fruits trees than all before it. Fruit trees turned into humans.
But as this new life grew so did it's knowledge of reproduction, I's knowledge of love.  It's knowledge of self rule. It's knowledge of understanding which lead to these beings no longer depending upon what God wanted but began believing they can build a better world than God. That they knew better how to govering themselves. They would start on this planet and branch out to other planets in the future carrying the same message of self rule and free love by space travel.
So much corruption and disobedience over powered the beings and brought the hand of God by way of minor destructions upon them that only made them more mad and with contempt. Shout outs to God to leave them along as men turned toward men and women to other women in sexual love and orgies days and nights. Children being trained to disrespect the the law of multiplying  between man and women accepting the ungodly.
Seeds of the same seed smothered themselves in bad soil becoming unproductive to creation. Defiling themselves before God and deserving to be burnt and destroyed. All seeds of past gene now deserve to be destroyed. A disease has infested the basket of seeds producing unfit fruit that must be destroyed.
So much wickedness abound on this planet that only a few became aware of the consequences it brought and cried out for change. To remember the creator and his purpose for these once loved beings now called humans. But the cry was over shadowed by many that now has joined in with filthiness and homosexuality now mix with violent tempers and rejection of God wants. The Church wait in hiding with small voices making sounds of tapping on solid walls with no ears to hear nor if the outside could would care to hear what they had to say.
Arose one day a man of wisdom. Yes, out of this chaos a strong man stood and .....continue.....

Monday, May 20, 2013

Week End Finisher
Will Church People Ever Graduate Or Continue to Fail
I believe that ministers will pay a bigger price for their tricks and games than most think. They have become so comfortable in conning God's people until they no longer have a conscious. They no longer feel. Money has made them numb.

You, as readers, should have by now crossed over into another level of understanding. You should not still be believing in things unseen except that of the existence of God the Father, His Son Jesus and the Heavenly Kingdom that awaits us. Your eyes are open and you should clearly see that Love is the foundation of God and that this is the bottom line of what God allowed Jesus to bring to us, and we should believe in Jesus for that good news. We all know that love transcend all, and I'll come back to this later.

I was watching TV and suddenly an advertisement appeared telling the public "there's going to be an fiery Holy Ghost filled Church extravaganza at this particular Church with some of the biggest stars (get this, "stars") in the surrounding areas speaking. Every one should come out and get a blessing from the Lord."

I thought to myself how foolish are the ignorant and what a need it is for God's warrior to speak out against those that has the intent to rob God's people of not just their money but to take advantage of their hurt and pain through wise tales and sleek ingenuity. The people beguiled not knowing they walk in the midst of snakes and bats having their very soul sucked from them.

These kind of activities has been going on for thousand of years and for thousands of years folks has been running to them by leaps and bounds never coming away with no more than what they went in with.  Yet, all went in with the knowledge of Jesus.

One by one most came out and within minutes and hours having the knowledge of Jesus once again fired up immediately turn back to their old selves of loving Satan more than God. History has proved this. Look at the person next to you. Maybe not that person, but you have a lot of Church goers all around you that belong to the night, so to speak. Maybe filthy mouth people just to get your thoughts going.

This is because Pastors have been running businesses and not the Church that God intended for them to get the good news out to the people from. Pastors today think God elevated the position of Pastorship or Minister to a power position of "Tax Collectors" or  "IRS" agents or ...... continue..

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Week End Finisher
Miracles, Church, Kidnapping, Raping, Is it God?
It is hard for me to sit by TV and watch low life ministers attempt to explain God when it come to people being saved or rescued from disasters.

"It is true that as Christian we are going through the same things as the rest of the people." This was explained on CNN by pastor, Rev. Brady Boyd, senior pastor of New Life Church in Colorado, who's Church was entered into by a gunman which killed two women and injured others while service went on.

 A question was posed to Pastor Brady Body as to "how people can say God rescued these woman but did nothing to spare them from the abuse they went through for 10 years.

 Pastor Brady spent so many years lying to his congregation about God rescuing people but now has to face up to his lies by trying to turn it into a scriptural matter. He stated, " Christ said we are going through the same things as the rest of the people, kidnapping, raping." He studdard in his voice because he was caught in a position he knew was trampling on his money train and his congregation's sanity of knowing the truth.

Here is my take on this. First to the sorry ministers that's spend their time robbing the pocket books and mental sanity of the people is that if what Rev Brady Boyd said is true and it is, then why do they continue to preach to the people that "God "WILL" do this or that" if they stay faithful with their money and believe in miracles.

The question posed to Rev. Boyd is the same questions that existed for thousands of years as to why we went through hostile ages of murdering, rapping, stealing, hating,  wars where billions suffered and died and no miracles.

We can see that the Church has never been designed to stop violence, murder, sickness and diseases nor God given out certain types of miracles to a special group of people or races since the bible days to prove his existence. It is all made up and past from one to the other that God is healing his followers. Now somebody has got to die. A lot of some body. We have to die. There is no such thing a getting a one time healing but during death the healing doesn't work. So something is wrong when Pastors speak of healings and miracals. They lie! You think about that!

So, we come to a conclusion that as long as we, as Christians, are in the world..... continue

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Week End Finisher
What are blessings and why lie about them
Every where across the world people are using the words bless and blessing like free every day give away's giving out by the millions. Now a days you can't hardly hold a decent conversation with a so-called Christian with out them speaking a lie or telling some twisted explanation of a scripture from the bible they don't even understand.

The Church has focus so much of it's time on using "blessing" as a mean to keep their congregation together for money sakes until the true explanation of God's blessings have been deliberately unexplained. Unexplained because if they didn't teach  " God will bless you in any situation" they would have no one to preach too because people love to hear that God is still healing and giving with out one having to work for it. This sound good and rate another offering.

In every Church the word bless and blessing are in every sermon. And the Pastor is willing to speak of "God handing out blessing because he loves you" whether some members are suffering from sickness and diseases of every imaginable kind or not at the time.

They have no pity in preaching this knowing that death rule out the kind of blessing they claim God will overcome for those believing a blessing will turn into a miracles for saving sakes yet, the funerals continue. Continue...

Monday, April 22, 2013

Week End Finisher
To Fear God is to Know God, but There is More
There is a missing message that has never been preached until now. that message is to no God is to fear God but there is more that is not being told. No one is taking God serious. No one is looking at God, Jesus or their powers. No one has the fear of understanding. Most really don't know nor care deeply about who God is according to his promise of life for us.

To get you to see what I'm about to talk about I must first get you to see what we are dealing with. There are many powerful scriptures I could refer to God to show his powers but I want to give you this one. It may be quite long to read but you have to feel and see in your mind eye the power of God and the Power of his love. I want you to look through Heaven's door and take a glance at yourself.

So Read these scriptures and I will see you at the end.....

The Revelation of Jesus Christ  ....... Revelation 1-18

    1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show to His bond-servants, the things which must soon take place; and He sent and communicated it by His angel to His bond-servant John, 2 who testified to the word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, even to all that he saw. 3 Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in it; for the time is near.

Message to the Seven Churches
    4  John to the seven churches that are in Asia: Grace to you and peace, from Him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven Spirits who are before His throne, and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To Him who loves us and released us from our sins by His blood— 6  and He has made us to be a kingdom, priests to His God and Father—to Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen. 7  BEHOLD, HE IS COMING WITH THE CLOUDS, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over Him. So it is to be. Amen.
    8  “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”

The Patmos Vision
    9  I, John, your brother and fellow partaker in the tribulation and kingdom and perseverance which are in Jesus, was on the island called Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. 10  I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like the sound of a trumpet, 11  saying, “Write in a book what you see, and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus and to Smyrna and to Pergamum and to Thyatira and to Sardis and to Philadelphia and to Laodicea.”

    12  Then I turned to see the voice that was speaking with me. And having turned I saw seven golden lampstands;13    and in the middle of the lampstands I saw one like a son of man, clothed in a robe reaching to the feet, and girded across His chest with a golden sash.14  His head and His hair were white like white wool, like snow; and His eyes were like a flame of fire.15  His feet were like burnished bronze, when it has been made to glow in a furnace, and His voice was like the sound of many waters.16  In His right hand He held seven stars, and out of His mouth came a sharp two-edged sword; and His face was like the sun shining in its strength.

    17  When I saw Him, I fell at His feet like a dead man. And He placed His right hand on me, saying, “Do not be afraid; I am the first and the last,18  and the living One; and I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of death and of Hades.

"Good googly moo."  I don't know about you but I felt every thing I spoke of above. The scripture provokes fear in me. It........ continue

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Using oil in Church and voodoo

I have to write about this subject call anointing with oil. I wrote about oil before but I keep running into freaky people belonging to side line Churches with run of the mill pastors and lunatic members who both can't understand scripture or just plain haven't got what Jesus Christ brought until I just continually find something to write about and against.

Once your eyes are open you see practically every thing in a new way. And it will bother you because you feel sorry for people  knowing there is not much you can do about it at the time because of how well they have been brain washed and will not listen but become confrontational.
So here go another true story showing the work if Satan.

I was stopped by a small shout from the rear, "Hi, How are you doing Bishop Ward and your's"? "Find we said", "how are you doing? "I'm doing just find praise the Lord, coming from a woman we both knew." "I been a little sick but since I retired I'm doing much better", she said. "You know before I retired the devil just stayed busy". "But I just gave it over to Jesus" she continued.

From her words and the way she spoke them I steadied myself for I knew it was on. I was about to cross into the Twilight Zone. "God is good all the time" she said." I said, yes he is". She said, "before I retire, there was this manager over me who tried to set me up to make it seem like I didn't know my job". "We both worked in the same office and I fixed him".

"What I did, she said, was I took my bottle of oil and and rub it all over every thing in that office". I rubbed down the walls, his desk, his computer even the door knob and said, "no weapon that is formed against a child of God shall prosper". "Four months later he got demoted and a couple months from that he was sent to another store".

Let me state right here that lies on God and misreading and misunderstanding scriptures is why many in the Church will go to hell. Unknowing to her she was practicing voodoo. Putting a hex she thought on this man and God was part of it.

After our good buys I said to my wife, as I was walking off, " this is pitiful". "Now God is Hexing people for others". "He's using oil instead of needles and pins as voodoo workers do". "He's helping people take revenge against others". God want heal when some one ask but he's ready to bring harm if a so-called Christian ask. ...Baloney!

How stupid this oil stuff is and how silly the use of it by some Christians to to get God to be their bounty hunter.
The scripture Isaiah 54:17 -  read:

"No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper".

The different here is the scripture is pertaining to this Prophet at that time. Had nothing to do with A.D. Christians. Period. Here is the rest of that verse:

 "and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.

Meaning: Any one saying any thing different than what God said, they should be condemned. That's what we are suppose to do today. Next part: This is what the servants of the Lord are suppose to do.

Next part: If One is of the Lord, then they will represent the Lord in Righteousness all the time. Period again. Now that wasn't hard to understand was it?

As we were saying our good buys and some yards away, I heard her say, "Oh thank you Jesus". Nothing wrong with praising God except she was reliving the voodoo oil experience of this guy in her thoughts.

When you approach people so holy and sanctified with a running mouth like this person, I've found one way to shut them up. Ask them, "What have they done so great that God would want them in Heaven? Then again, make sure you're not practicing voodoo with your oil. Just saying......You think about it!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Weekend Finisher
A look into the mind of God And a Brick Wall
This will be the most important writing that I will ever write explaining why most ministers have been preaching a type of Christianity that has not lead toward salvation for most. I have looked deeply into most religions of relevant and found that with all the flaws there are in Christianity it's still the only religion on earth that can better lead mankind toward a greater love and peace for the world. It will make a better human race and offer the greatest hope of salvation after death for all those who seek God through Jesus Christ in a way that will warrant a kingdom outcome of victory.

You see I had a life changing moment that shook my very foundation of what I thought I knew. It happened when I looked into the heavens and had an UFO experience. This is when I began to think there is more.  I saw moving stars form different positions forming lines and a great four sided object that moved across the heaven and placed itself before becoming stars or objects once more.

From this I learned that there is more. That there is something bigger going on in our destiny than what we are told. I needed to find out more. I needed to know what is beyond death. I believe I stumbled upon a large part of eternity.

But before entering God's mind  I must submit to thought not of this world. I must enter into the mind of God through every bit of scripture I've ever eating. I have to swallow and taste the sweetness there of. Heaven is in me and I in it.

This message is so powerful that it warrant two titles,"A look into the mind of God" and "a brick wall."  Why? Because first, I dare to do something that most can just touch on or imagine before they meet with brick walls. That is, while attempting to search "the mind of God" most have tried to think on God's existence for Christians after death just to come to wall after wall forming a weak theory thinking of, "that's it", "I got it", then suddenly slamming into a brick wall where their mind shut down.

For me, I have been to and over many walls of thought and Just when I thought I got over one wall, another wall suddenly slammed in front of me. I then shut down. No more thought. But I didn't stop. I looked at this wall. Something different about it. This particular wall seemed to beckon me. Challenging me to come and see. And I wanted to see real bad.... continue....

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Weekend Finisher
Forever Building Churches-a Con job

Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
2 Timothy 3:7 

The newest but oldest method of gathering a quick flock of baby sheep's is to build something nice, shinny and bright. We no that babies are attractive to bright and odd shaped objects. We also know they are drawn to anything new with a fresh smell. Just like being in a toy store a baby gotta go touch it or get in it.

Smart pastors that have come into certain amounts of money working together have gotten together and discovered there is a way to take a little bit and make a small fortune with it. How do you do it. Just convince sheep's they need an oversize pasture that they can run around, stretch their legs and have plenty of free grass to graze in and eat. For a price of course!

Pastors discovered nearly a handstand years ago that the way to most people hearts was not God but things and stuff. Adults,  like small children, are drawn to the most best looking and biggest churches. The way to get people into them is to fine a few people then give a little money to pay a bill they should be taken care of themselves and the word spread to those who look for something for nothing. Give a few people vacation money and the word gets out really fast that this pastor and Church really care about people.

Notice that I did not mention offering these people God because no minister today, that I've found, does this without involving sad lies into their messages to keep folks giving  of their pocket books into their, or I mean, to God's. They play on the mental state of the very weak. It is the very weak sheep's that these slick pastor's prey on today.

A well seasoned minister, from observing the con jobs of other high class minister, have learned .... continue......

Friday, March 15, 2013

Weekend Finisher

Who are more powerful, the Pope or God?

Some may see this as just talking or a person who need to get a life. I do have a life but as a minister I have an obligation to God to reach out to folks and try my best to reason with them. It seem that most of the fundamental Christians are afraid to challenge what they see as the biggest threat to Jesus's kingdom. The Pope and the Vatican!

Yes, this is a Church but a Church does not have to represent God just as sinners that no of God does not represent him. A Church can be what ever one want it to be. The Church of Scientology or the Church of Satan for example. Saying the Catholic Church represent the main stream Protestants Churches is like Satan saying he now sit as King of the world of the elect. Not! But he can be if you, in your thoughts and actions, let him be.

The Vatican elected another Pope name Pope Francis March, this month, who now sit in this God like position to rule the world. This Pope already has caused millions to bow and cheer for his appointment claming him as the "Humble". All of the main stream media say he is the one that will look out for the protection of children and poor people all over the world. ("Suffer little children to come unto me.") (the Pope is an imposter of Jesus).

This Pope is even filled with tricks and  false habits to fools the eyes of those who really know who is by pretending to be like the lowest. Riding on the same white horse (Rev.) or I mean, the bus as his Cardinals. Staying in cheap hotels. Cooking his own food and such.

This is something which has been in the works for decades and soon will come to a head. Will this be the last Pope? He is young enough to be just that. He is smart enough to be just that. He's taken on a nature that's almost fooling the very elect. Is he the Prophet? Might be. Might not be. But could be.

The media are claiming this Hispanic Pope will equal God. Though I'm the only one that has the nerve to mention God, the media seem to put the Pope on the same level as God. No mentioning of Jesus. No praying to Jesus. No training young children in the name of Jesus but in the name of the Pope.

The crowd that stood outside waiting for the new Pope to be named was not looking to Jesus to lead them in the word of God but was looking toward being lead to God through the Pope. Jesus is just a second fiddler to them. A name but small in heart.

It's so sad that millions upon millions of today's practicing Catholics will go to hell. They are those that will be used in the end to hunt and kill the righteous through Jesus that stand against them and their rise to crowning the Antichrist and keeping him in power.

Truly the true Church has been given a heads up as to how changing events will usher in other events then another and another until BAM!!!!. Yea, you guessed it. The last leg of unfolding seven years of so-called peace from war before the big break-up middle way.
I'm talking the Beast...continue......

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Weekend Finisher
 Does Walking Around a House Seven Times bless it?
Recently I was invited to a house warming. You know, when one move into a new house. For some reason the occupants believe that their home and land  will be blessed if they get a pastor or regular minister to do a blessing or cleansing. This is done by walking around a house seven times while praying. I heard of people doing this but never up close and personal.

This idea of seven times came from the bible where incidents relating to the number seven appeared in the bible quite often. Some one made note of this and it took off like superman, only wobbling and twisting never being able to get straight.

I'm not going to spend time on explaining places where seven is mention. I see no salvation in it except trying to show how smart I am about the subject. However, I no very little about it and knowing all the places just don't raze my berry. Some things are not worth spending time on.

But there is a seven I do want to talk about and it's found in Joshua 6:1-6.You can read it for yourself but it speak of God telling the Israelites to walk around the walls of Jericho six days and on the seventh day to walk around Jericho seven times and the priest's was to blow the ram's horns and the walls will come tumbling down. They did and the wall fell giving them victory over their enemy.

This is totally different than one trying to bless a house. Yet, many undenominational Church pastors took this to be a thing to bless new homes and land of their congregation.  What blessings there're looking for God to perform is unknown and right out there with flying monkeys and striped elephants.

But weak pastors wanting power over the people lie on God to fool the ignorance into believing this is to be done because this type of blessing bring the house and land so called "good luck (pagan)."  Many in the so-called Holiness Churches believe such foolishness with out question or thought. Even some in other Churches believe the same.

Any way, this was done at a house I attended recently unaware what was to happen. It started inside with women pastors draped in Jewish head covering praying and pretending to speak in false demonic tongues followed with wolf hollering, it sounded like. continue

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Weekend Finisher

The End of a Pope - Not mine

As you know the Pope of Rome, King of the Vatican and leader of millions of Catholic followers has stepped down from his rule. Many of his followers are crying and filled with sadness and much woe as their leader and their connection with God is no longer possible or temporary broken.

Soon there will be another Pope to take his place and the kissing of hands, bowing and giving the highest respect, glory and praise will once again be given to this new Pope of the world.

As I have said many times, the world has a big problem with who exactly is God? Better than this, who is Jesus? What role do Jesus play in the Catholic Church?  I am told by the Bible there were only one mediator between God and man and this was Jesus.

There is only one way that man much come to God and that's through Jesus. But in the Catholic Church one must come through the Pope.The Catholic Church consider Popes to be mediators between man and God or is it mediator between man and Jesus. 1 Timothy 2: 5: "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus."

So, why do Catholic followers come out in droves, filling streets, waving and shouting through open windows with tears of joy while others push and shove through large crowds trying to get to touch the Pope or even asking a blessing from him for sickness and other problems? They think he has some special connection with God because of how he present himself.

Like Protestants pastors, he can't bless any one nor can he heal any one. If he could you would think he would heal all the health problems he has that forced him from his position. The question must be asked, why can't he heal himself? This is a fair question posed not only to the Pope and the Catholic Church but to all pastors and their followers as well. They can't!

Many in the Catholic Church see the Pope as a way to Christ and God for them. That the Pope and the Church have been given the power to.......... continue 

Friday, February 22, 2013

Weekend Finisher
The Ultimate
The Day of Enlightening and Eye Contact
(Ephesians 1:18 ) “The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of His calling,
The scripture above has been cut short because I only want to deal with this part. If you want to read the entire verse 18 an 19 go to my home page and toggle down.

I want to deal with enlightenment. This is a word that is just about the most important word next to staying saved. There are a few lunatics out there that consider "once saved always saved" no matter how many small children they murder" they're still saved.

But I do agree with them that once saved you stay in the good grace of the Lord to remain saved. If you are truly saved then you will always be saved because you will have no desire to do wrong. Now take that!  But wait! This is not altogether true.

There are those that are babes or know just enough to be dangerous to themselves. These are those that will not study, no every thing, twist the word of God to continue their sins while believing in God and Jesus. They figure as long as they go to Church this is enough to call  themselves saved. ,,, No, no, no, hands up before your face! I don't think so. Get back jack. See you later alligator.

You can't continue to sin against God and think him a fool just because he is a forgiving God......
This means not acting like a fool and doing any and every thing secular people does thinking if you rape the neighbor's dog it's ok or if you provided the guns to murder sweet old ladies that's ok too because you told yourself "you" still love God because "you" said "you" was saved.

Well, it is "you" saying it and not God, and God has already decided that "Only the righteous shall see God" "not sinners." (Proverbs 21:21 NKJV) He who follows righteousness and mercy Finds life, righteousness and honor. Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. Do I have to explain this too? Enough said. .......Continue


Friday, February 15, 2013

Weekend Finisher
State Of The Union on the Conservative Church
My fellow Americans, pastoral colleagues, Churches and friends. This is the first report of the state of our country, Churches and particularly the state of the Conservative Churches.

I wish to report that the nation of Conservative Churches and many in Congress have not changed. In fact, they've gotten worse. Worse to the point that they are a threat to Godly humanity.

But I can report some good news about them and that is, they are back to pretending to smile again.And as we know, "smiling faces show no traces of the evil that lurks within." Under those smiles are many challenges that loving and caring people will have to fight off as the years move forward.

After the presidential election we,the winners, expected to see a type of "given in" by the so-called conservative Church followers against the poor, women and disable but found them just as much still against them after the election as before. The battle for rights goes on.

It seem that their god is not an everybody God but remain their own personal god. But today I want to report that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of the Nation of Israel is still the God of the entire world.

I wish to report that he still love all of us good or bad, white or black, brown, red and yellow and that his love is universal. It's free to all those who seek him. All you have to do is unhardened your heart and reach out, submit to the word and a change will take place if you want it to.

You suppose to rejoice and say amen right here!... How bout a little smile... Come on... give me a little smile, you can do it. Great! Thank you!


The conservative based Church has caused a division between party Churches, sided with the rich against Lazarus, stole from the needed and their own flocks, protected high powered guns and just plain hate a good women trying to get ahead.
I report that ...Continue...

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Weekend Finisher
Carnal Christians and fleshy minds
There are so many ministers teaching that carnal Christians can still go to heaven. This is not true for a carnal Christian is in the same position as a non Christian. Pastors say this is possible but this do not live up to scripture.

What is the meaning of a carnal Christian. A carnal Christian is simply some who have studied and learned the basic of the word of God, change little but continue to live their worldly ways. These are people who use the church as a mean to make themselves think they are better than others.

Below is a more convincing scriptures for your understanding. You have two versions of the same scripture.

1 Corinthians 3:1–3    King James Version (KJV)
1. And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ. 2. I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able.  3. For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men?

English Standard Version (ESV)
1. But I, brothers, could not address you as spiritual people, but as people of the flesh, as infants in Christ.  2. I fed you with milk, not solid food, for you were not ready for it.  3. And even now you are not yet ready, for you are still of the flesh.

Above, you read that in most churches, if not all, and I believe all of today's churches, have many peoples in them that do not want to conform to the entire word of God when they know the truth. People still have in them and showing it in the church a lot of envying, strife and division in them. Full of troublemakers and the such.

"Walking as men" is having the same behavior and character as those of the secular world..... But wait a minute! It's the secular world these same carnal Christians. You see now days every one knows about Jesus. We are not living in the old ancient days two thousand years ago. Every one is in the know.

You see, folks went to Church and learned of Christ, the basic. This is just milk or the beginning of knowing. Many do not want the hard food because it cut off their planed life style. The writer gave them food but they spit it out early. So, he saw no need to give them solid food or go any further with trying to teach them things unknown because they can't and is not living by the smaller teaching already given.

People are forever learning but not coming to the understanding of the truth. Carnal Christians go to Church and today knowing more than the people that Paul, Peter and others taught, yet, they revert back to the basic because they still cannot swallow solid food or the whole word of God for self pleasure. Continue

Friday, February 1, 2013

 Weekend Finisher
Holiness Churches, Demons and lies
There are many churches and different religions in this country and abroad that make claims they are the better church. Most are down right full of everyday slickness and business manipulations. They are mostly all about money, more money and power. To be seen and known like, TV ministers.

Religion's other than Christianity are just there to say they are a religion, so, " lets create and do something to be different from Christianity" because Christianity want to stop people from doing what they want to do, like, lie, cheat, steal and kill.  Most can't stand to be told anything, at least by Christians.

Christianity is indeed the more right religion to build a nation off of than all the rest (you need to reread that again). And I believe in it with all my heart. If one will trust and believe in it and give it a chance they to can change their lives and habits. This is the promise of Jesus.

So, it is within Christianity that I will focus on. Why? Because it is my Job as a Christian, as a minister. In the past and right now many people are leaving the church and causing others to speak ill of it because of their own actions, attitudes, character and misuse of the word of God. I gotta fix it.

While many branches in Christianity have done much to do much of nothing, a few holding on; Yet, there are others that are turning many into worthless slugs and wild strange bundle of little future coal of liars fit only for fuel to keep the fire burning.

I speak of none other than groups that call themselves Holiness Churches and Undenominational Institutions, Pentecostals. These are the ones that scripture speak of as "Diviners". We read it in:

Micah 5:12, "and I will cut off witchcraft out of thine hand; and thou shalt have no more soothsayers."

Soothsayers in this case mean "Diviners".  They are those attempting to speak to others from a god to gain the confidence of others to keep control over them or to prove they are the real deal. These types of people clash with the true word of God that leave people totally confused and hard to know the true God.

Long time ago

Back in the old days was many gods beside "The True God". In some cases spells, witchcraft and magic was possible through soothsayers. For example, the events that took place with Moses, the magicians, snakes, river of blood, frogs and so on. You should know the story. It was real happening.

As from the scripture above God did not like this kind of performances. However, in the Holiness churches or Pentecostal Holiness churches they use the same skills and performances as did they in the old days. The only different is that today there are millions proposing to have powers that cannot be proven. So they fake it. Play on the weak and their pocket book.

A chilling story        continue

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Weekend Finisher
Pastors convince parents and followers they can pray
and heal troubled Children and each other. Is it true? No!

So often, Church people are fooled by pastors into thinking they are so Godly that they can pray for their children health, education, home, altitudes and behaviors and even pray them out of the world and into the Church. Not just their children but for themselves and others.

To fool these people pastors use scriptures or should I say take scriptures out of context from the bible to so-called proved their point. They will tell them that if God said it God meant it.
Before getting any deeper let me read a major scripture used by pastors to swindle millions of dollars from followers and into their greedy hands.

James 5: 13 - 16 read like this:
13. Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms. 14. Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. 15. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. 16. Confess your trespasses[e] to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. 17. Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. 18 And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit."

For many pastors, to get their followers into following them is to get them into believing in the pastor by telling them "God will give them any thing they ask for because the scriptures of James say so."  "That we must believe in it and not doubt and it will be given unto to you."  "All one has to do is get together pray and believe and the Lord will raise up the sick, the needy and come to the rescue of all your problems no matter what they are". "But you have to have faith and believe".  ....... "And I believe God will do what he said."  "Don't you believe it Church", the pastor will shout!!" And the people will say" yea!" "Amen!"...... Bam!.He's got em!


First of all let me burst a few bubbles. James is speaking to those in the Church only or in that congregation of people that was having situations even though they believe in Christ.  He wasn't there to do any healing or he would have in every situation.  He knew there was sickness, pain and sorrow, suffering and sadness because this was common through out all Churches and people whether in or out of Church, especially the poor.

Some disciples like Peter did do a few healing's. However, many did not and could not. Even with Paul, he went through great tribulation. Such abilities was needed at the time by disciples and most especially by Jesus to convince people of the holy word and that Jesus really was the Son of God.
But soon afterward healing even faded out with the disciples. This happened much earlier than James which some believe came along around 1 A.D to 2 A.D and is some what questionable as if this was indeed James the brother of Jesus.

But in either case it really doesn't matter because this James was doing what pastors did from that time on up to now and that is to hold the people together. Get them to continue to believe in the Lord through all hardship. He was telling them these things will happen and to keep the faith because some troubles will past in time.

He could not have been telling them that God would fix all their problems. This is impossible. Not only is it but because it was a time when the Church and many people was suffering just like today. If this would have been taken literally then no disciple would have died. No sickness would have conquered any one. No one in the Church would ever suffer.

No problems would ever be unsolvable. Peter, Paul, John the Revealer and others would have not died or had to fear the ruling government.

One way that problems, healing can be conquered is by people getting the word of God into them by consulting a good minister and meeting with others of faith to discuss their situations on how to better handle them. You can pray to God for good understanding. That is, to find some way to get out of situations or how to be content, knowledgeable and even acceptable no matter what's going on.

Church people are suppose to work together. Prayer, being hope and want, come along with you having some one around you not afraid to help and tell you the truth. One must realize that some sickness, if not most, is brought on by the life style one live. For example, if you are fat and have heart trouble then consult a real heart specialist and lose weight. No praying to God the way the scripture is structured will cause God to perform heart surgery or put you on a weight loss treatment program when one is not doing a thing to help themselves.

Before one get sick or is sick they should try to live a healthy life by cutting out things that's unhealthy for them. Drinking alcohol is bad on the body. Eating fatty foods will clog your arteries. Excessive smoking will give you cancer. Stress and improper eating habits will give you high blood pressure.

Exercising will relieve some back symptoms and loss of weight. Going to school and then trade school will get you a better job. Going to work will get you some of the things you desire in life like a chariot, car, home, furniture and even pay your bills maybe even a space ship.  more