Weekend Finisher
In watching the DNC ,Democratic National Convention, after all the speeches and especially the great speech given by Bill Clinton, former, president, and then another great speech by Obama, my thoughts went toward all those pitiful so-called conservative Republican Christians and how they could watch knowing the Democrats are right but rather fight for a lie.
As I write this message I'm always trying to let you see that the things I write about the False Church of the Republican Party is true and backed up by the Bible. They are a party that should never use the word compassion and love until they learn what they mean. Lets read what the Bible say:
John 13:34, 35: " A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35 By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”
As for as Immigrants are concern:
Lev. 19:33, 34 "`When an alien lives with you in your land, do not mistreat him. 34 The alien living with you must be treated as one of your native-born. Love him as yourself, for you were aliens in Egypt. I am the LORD your God.
Deut. 10:18, 19, 20 "He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the alien, giving him food and clothing. 19 And you are to love those who are aliens, for you yourselves were aliens in Egypt. 20 Fear the LORD your God and serve him. Hold fast to him and take your oaths in his name. "
Now I know what love is. From the scriptures above God not only tell us to love each other but those who come from far off places that move into your country. These scriptures seem to elude those mighty pretenders like the Conservative Baptist Association, Southern Baptist Assoc. of America, American Baptist Assoc.,Pat Robertson, Joel Osteen, Billy Graham, John Hagee, Benny Hinn, Hal Lindsey and many many more devils who who use the Bible to rob money for their own gain.
These guys and all of the conservative ministers are leaders of hate groups and provide the fuel, messages and attitudes to those who would do harm to others.
Listen to this. It is a fact that what Republicans want to do to poor people and the country alike is to put us all in a recession where the poor have to bow to them and beg from their trickle down table. They are living about as close to God as ice is to an erupting volcano.
How can they not listen to poor people who just about beg them not to take away their medicare. Not to make drastic cuts from funding's so important to them because it will cause them much harm. Yet, no sooner than our Thursday convention ended the so-called Christians dug right in again calling names and continuing on with lies they know are lies.
How can an Organization call themselves followers of Christ when they openly endorse lies. When one doesn't know a lie is being told to them is one thing and forgivable, but these so-called Christians know their party are liars and uphold themselves in it.
All of these television type liars spent nearly all their lives supposedly teaching about Christ. Well we know what they was really after. Money, separation of races, and promoting hate. Not teaching the true religion of Jesus Christ.
The problem with conservative ministers are that they all are smiling split lip haters. They are the red neck of the past and the new Confederates of the future. Their problem is not that they care so much for the economy, it's because they do not want a black man as president no matter how much good he's doing for the country.Conservatives would rather see the country go down than see the poor rise again.
Now, I want to tell you something and I want you to think about it. Did you know that the Republican Party, I mean the entire Republican Party consider themselves as being the voice of God in this world. Look at their platform and what they stand for while evoking God in everything.
God wouldn't back liars and that's a fact. So, point proven. Republicans are the False Church to. Pay attention how silent their Church leaders are on their political leaders lies. They say nothing, but yet, they get on Sunday morning media's pretending they are now filled with so much love for us and God. Now we know that their love is for their party and their Church only.
I don't know about you, but I can't snuggle up with them with their hypocritical false smiles. Smiles you will get until voting time. Then if you're not voting according to their false God the Devil and their Church belief then they began to hate you and call you names.
Listen to this. The biggest followers of the Republican Party are the Conservative Church. It is the one calling the shots from the background. I will not and you should not attend their Churches as long as they are Republicans. They can't love universally. Why? Because they can't tell you nothing about love and how to love if they can't love. They cannot tell you how to be compassionate when they don't have compassion for the poor and those right around them. Worst than this, they can't tell you and me anything about the Bible no matter how much a powerful jerk they are like Joel Osteen and Pat Robertson.
You tell them like I'm telling you. Tell them, "when you, the Republican so-called Christians, learn to live according to the word of God then you might be able to tell me something about God". "Til then, I don't think so". 'But you can be saved the right way and you know how".
I've found that Republican so-called Christians can smile and be friendly which is good for all of us. It is our duty as Christians to love everybody even those we know will turn against us at voting time. That's just the way it is. We as Democratic Christians will always do for the betterment of all. And that good.
Hey! let me tell you this. I almost forgot. I want to tell you how hypocritical they all for the last time in this message. Did you no that Republicans are fighting against "ObamaCare" but is using it. They are getting the same help as we but is willing to get it taken away if it mean regaining the White House. It make you shake you head doesn't it.
I'm getting tired of writing now, but be bless and always meditate on all things says the Lord. And be watchful. Now think about it.
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