Democratic Poor People

The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015


                                             Are You Really Saved Or Lying                                           
What I’m about to tell you cannot be disputed by no one on the face of the earth.  I am always talking about the false church and how it has come to be flooded with lies that’s sending many on the road to hell by not having sense to understand scripture or just plain do not care.

Being that the world and especially the United States are living off sayings coming from decades of pastors and ministers that’s geared toward nothing but money, I have a spiritual goal  to reshape the mind of those believing for the benefit of saving a few. The bible speak of only a few.

Today is Sunday, the day of the Sun, and millions that claim Christianity and save by accepting Jesus will tear down the doors, literally, to hear what they received last week, because they keep forgetting how to be a Christians. All of these consider themselves saved and a Christian or they wouldn’t be there.

But, if you are not saved, as they say, don’t feel bad. They are not saved as they say either. Why? Because they cannot get enough of lying.  Lying, whether knowing the truth or not is still lying. Remember, God hates a liar as we precede.

Christians claim they are saved.  However, ... continue  ...

Friday, December 25, 2015

My Final Thought On The Matter Of Christmas

                                                   WEEKLY YEAR END  FINISHER

Happy “Omega’ Celebration to all. We made it thus far and move onward toward the “Alpha”
 (New Year). The year is not over with, so lets pray (hope) to reach it’s end which is December 31 first.

I created the Omega Celebration 10 years ago in hopes of trying to prevent so called Christians from lying and hell bound if they continue on into Satanic worshiping of degrading God and Jesus with Christmas lies.

Omega is an attempt to reach just as many people as I can to renew their faith in the true word of God once again. It separate the righteous from the sinners. It give truth and Godly thankfulness for year long blessings. It obey the word of God and not disrespect God in thinking falsely that God will accept their lie just because they want too.

Omega allow given of gifts to family and friends and telling kids the truth, that their gift come from dad and mom to let them know that it is you that is taking care of them and providing for them with the help of God’s blessings he already bestowed on mankind from the beginning of creation…. You stop lying…

Today, many will go to their wooden church and declare this is the day Jesus was born. Well, I said before and I say it again, “any one, and I don’t care who they are, that do, say, teach, believe and promote “The Greatest Lie Ever Told’, is not a “True Christian, but one caring the name as a nation of Christians such as Christian America.” However, they are lying sinners.

Listen! Many of you are aware ..... continue ...

Sunday, December 20, 2015

It’s A Fact, Christmas and You may not be Living for God

                                                         WEEKLY FINISHER

Did you know that most Protestant people have for over 260 some years celebrated a lie about the birth of Christ  and Christmas and your pastors help promote this lie right along with many of you.

Do you know that it is hard to call one’s self a Christian when they live, love and promote the Christmas lie. Search the internet for yourself. Plenty of history there.

But people caring the name Christian do not want to change from this celebration even if it is rooted in history filthy pagan celebration.

When the bible state man loves a lie more than the truth, then Christmas is it. And who’s spreading this lie around the world, so called Christian  I call the False Church. This is proof of the false church.

Why do people that call themselves the church continue in Christmas? Wouldn’t you think for so long many people in over 200 years would question why, where and when such a celebration was started?

Why would a pastor that said they were called by God help  spread and uphold a lie about God? This doesn’t make sense. One reason is that these pastors were never called by God. There names are not in the bible as being called by God. Thus, this make them a liar again. Why? Because God calls no one to spread lies nor to lie on Him. So, they are open to believing and spreading lies.

As  for the people, they also have become liars and willing participants and protectors of their pastors and Christmas. People that call themselves Christians could care less about this lie because they love it. They like lying to their children and telling pagan stories and playing Santa Claus.

Since the bible speak of a false church, when are the pastors, ministers and followers going to realize this is the false church and begin speaking out against it to restore as much of the true church (people) from becoming lost.

Here are some more facts. While protestant Christians speak against the Pope and the Catholic Church, they get in bed ..... continue ....

Monday, December 7, 2015

False Christmas and Church Pastors lying Again

                                                         DECEMBER FINISHER

Is there anything the church not involved into. I am not talking about the building but the people. I speak a lot about how pastors are sending people to hell by the truckloads. Many have no  business teaching.

In fact, this reminds me of a parable….

“There was this man struggling with whether he should become a preacher or not. He stood firm that when the right time came, God would send him a sign. So, he waited! One day as he was walking across his yard, he happens to look up into the heavens or some may say, the sky. There, he saw letters that spelled “GPC”. I finally got my answer, said the man! “GPC” mean for me to “GO PREACH CHRIST.”
He went to the building or church, told his story and allowed to preach, which he made a mess of it. Afterward, while standing outside looking bewildered, a man approached him, and asked , “why look so down?” “The preacher replied, “how could I do so badly, to say all the wrong things!” “God gave me the sign in the sky.”  “It said, “GPC.” “This meant for me to “GO PREACH CHRIST.”

The man exclaimed, “Oh!” “You must have.... continue..

Friday, December 4, 2015

Shooting In California and False Pastor

                                                          WEEKEND FINISHER

If you are following the news, you should have seen and heard a black minister that come to pray and give comfort to families of those caught up into this terrible murder of Christians in California.

I hope you caught the last part of the top sentence. I said “Christians!” Yes these were Christians once again caught up into being killed and terrorized after being taught in church that this can not happen to a person of God because “we have God right in our front pocket” and “He’s “right on time.”

Well, once again I have proved my point that there is no such thing as God coming to your rescue or doing anything for any one down here. No one can prove such a thing.
The thing about the black pastor I want to point out is that his coming to do a false prayer for the living is too late when the people had already been killed. … No prayer can change things or alter events as you have been told. We just hope that things go all right. Prayer is hope and not a cure.

I listen as he prayed for them and it was ridiculous. None of it was possible nor made any sense to a person who is grown in grace or understanding to know the different between right and wrong.

We are to be prepared for thing occurring in this world. We know not when the time will come, but it will come and we must be prepared. That’s bible.  This does not say that God is prepared to do for us when trouble comes. Doing for us is against his plan for salvation. He said, .. continue ...

Saturday, November 21, 2015

The False Church is Scared of Terrorists-Look to Police

                                           WEEKEND FINISHER

Before I get started let me say that there is a true part of the church of God that’s a very small remnant surviving even today. However, what you see as a whole isn’t it. It’s the false church.

No better proof than what is happening today with terrorist scaring Christian nearly half the death. Both in France and here in the United States. As you see, for centuries, false prayers claimed by false servants have not worked.

No where in the world and especially in the United States can you get any powerful pastor, minister, or “holier than thou” person to make a trip to Syria or Iraq and confront Isis and tell them ‘God love them so much that he sent them to save their souls.”  No not one. They are happy to stay where it’s safe.

False servants of the devil have taught and promoted false scripture that twisted good people into talking all wild and crazy, saying things that make no sense.  Drunken as the bible say. Trying to have power no one else has or seen, while  pretending to be in contact with God whom they never knew, whether in word or in spirit…. “You shall know them by their spirit.”

One can’t be living for God if everything they are doing involve lies. If every thing they say involve lies. I find this hard to believe that even though people are attempting to partially maintain a Christian connection,  it is tarnish with lies.

What is so insane about this is that people are not allowed to “think on these things” because of demonic fast and slick talking pastors that Satan have gathered to keep throwing the people a curve ball to keep them Confused. Even they do not know right, only wrong.

Yet, pastors never think to concentrate on what God said about liars and other sinful acts.  But you can read it here.

Proverbs 12:22. “Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are his delight.”

Proverbs 13:5, “A righteous man hates lying: but a wicked man is loathsome, and comes to shame.”

1 Corinthians 6:9-10, “Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men.”

Revelation 21:8, “But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars--they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death."

Now! What can a pastor actually do ... continue ...

Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Comforter vs The Holy Spirit Who are they?

                                     Weekend Finisher

There are many high educated and popular pastors and ministers around the world with degrees and Doctorate sitting before their titles (names) that cannot discern the word of God to literary save their own souls. I can't see how these pastors can think there's a chance they will be placed in leadership positions to guide future beings using their twisted thoughts and actions that birth worthless copies of themselves.

Many that teach cannot understand the "comforter" which Jesus said he would send. Many stories have been told that this is an individual it self, sent to spend time, guide and protect us.

People are believing such a thing and has quoted it throughout generations in order that people may think there is a presence from heaven sent to earth by God to babysit and make sure nothing happen to us. No such protection has ever been seen. Just imagination in one's own mind.

So people quote behind the pastor believing their really is an immortal spirit lurking about for the last 1900 years _+-. But as you see, this comforter they speak of has not saved lives nor gave physical satisfaction to no one out side of the bible.

I want to prove something that is right before your eyes about us, living in modern time. It is that the comforter pastors love to talk about is not meant for us but for disciples. Read below and get the proof. Notice in John 14:26 at the very end of this scripture that it is plainly written and seen, that the comforter was for the disciples only. No for anyone else and certainly not for us. We believe through in by what they wrote.

It read: "and bring ... continue....

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Iyanla Fix My Life With a Gay Pastor

                                                                Weekday Finisher

I keep hammering on this subject because it is the most deadliest sin to date destroying the people of God and undermining the word of God while those in church grow more and more silent, given in to the world without a single attempt of forming a military to fight back.

Many people are being misled and being turned away from the true will of God by many impostors of the Church. The bible speaks of a time when people will no longer believe in God but will be turned away by mighty men of high popularity with power to sway and convince many that what God said is not to be believed --- because what God said about gays is not right and he should be ashamed of himself. Therefore, we should not hold him to his word but cling to our own Constitution and laws to love any one we want to no matter who say otherwise.

Preachers today have reached a point to where they now believe in this new modern time where some how God has changed his mind and now no longer believe that the right to love and procreate is the right of a man and a women only but also the right of same sex. -- And even granted them rights to alter their bodily creation by altering their sex through surgery.

These coward of ministers are so convincing in twisting God’s word that many will follow and believe them right on into hell.  For they have become warriors for Satan, growing an army of wickedness faster than growing corn planted in a manure field. An army of Satan warriors in human form working toward preparing the way for Satan’s throne here on earth.

How can people continue on living in complete ignorance being blind to reality. Blind to that which is right before their eyes, but ... continue  ...

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Proof that God is not on earth

                                                   WEEKEND FINISHER 
There are remnants of a  bad storm moving across Charleston South Carolina Called Joaquin. The very churches pastors tell people that God reside are closed. Christians that attend them are at home calling on rescue squads instead of God to come get them out of flood waters. If left at their homes they would certainly drown.

Even the pastors are being rescued, or running to high ground. The powerful prayers they claimed they could get through to God at church is finally proving it was all just a put on scene. A play perform during the calm for many that believe Superman and Batman are real.

Yes, South Carolina as well as North Carolina consider themselves Bible Belts to God. That all one has to do in these states  are to call on God and he will quickly leave his Kingdom to travel through time and space just to pick up change money one dropped on the floor because you asked him to.

Now you see this is not true and never has been. Asked the people in the vicinity of this storm. The phrase God will be there is just a phrase. God is not preventing storms from destroying and killing. He is not going out on the ocean to rescue lost ships at sea. And he is not stopping flooding that affect Christian and non Christian alike.  (For the sun shine on the just as well as the unjust-scripture).

Yes, down in South Carolina Christians are fleeing for their lives looking for help from fire and rescue along with the police. While in parts of North Carolina and dry states churches jump and act like fools telling those out of harm way, “ want God do it,” “just turn it over to God because nothing is to big or to small for God, “ “ God will hear your prayer.”

No such thing. Every one past 130 years old are dead. They said they were church people to. That God would hear their prayers and save them from sickness and death.  But they are dead. Trillions of people are dead. God did not save any one from sickness, hardship nor death and he is not saving anyone from sickness hardship nor death now. Any pastor or person that say so is a liar.

Those in South Carolina believed this, and even after being rescued, instead of just saying thank you Jesus, will go back to lying and believing in the impossible. They will say God sent the rescue to them. How pitiful!

It is impossible for God to...   continue...

Friday, September 18, 2015

The Pope and Jesus Comes To Town

                                   Weekend Finisher
All of the false church has been talking about God and Jesus coming to their rescue is finally getting their wish in the form of the Pope.

Yes, the very persona of Jesus, oh, I mean, Pope Francis I, will come down from Heaven, oh, I mean, the Vatican, to bless the United States.

Wow! Excuse my french, or in this case, my english, "but it really take big balls to impersonate Jesus."

News medias are having a frenzy
Millions of protestant Christians will pore out right along with Catholics to cheer and roar and even struggle to kiss his ring.

Many will even asked to be blessed by the usual waving and touching the heads of people by him.

Protestants who claim a dislike for the Catholic church will gather their childrens and tell them this is a day to remember.

Like the antichrist, the Pope will stand before thousands of media outlets around the world that will beam his appearance and speech into every country and homes with connections.

This speech is to soften the onlookers and have them believe in the words he speak and in the Catholic Church. This will also increase followers from those that lineage will take the mark of the beast in future events waiting ahead.

Like the antichrist, many will see ..continue...

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Gay Right Marriage License Kim Davis False Church

                                                                      OFF THE CUFF
Right now in the news and in Kentucky there is a county clerk name Kim Davis whom refuse to issue same sex marriage license.

Kim Davis refusal has landed her in jail for a spell for refusing to do her job or issue licenses according to the law and Constitution.

Now here's my take based off the bible. We find it in Matthews 22:17-22. It read,

17. "Tell us therefore. What do you think? Is it lawful to pay tributes ( tax money) to Caesar, or not?"

18. "But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, "why do you tempt me, you Hippocrates?"

19. "Show me the tribute (tax money)." And they brought to him (Jesus) a penny."

20. "And Jesus said to them, "whose image (face) and writing is on it?"

21. "They said Caesar's. Then Jesus said to them, "render (give) to Caesar the things which are Caesar and to God the things that are  God's."

22. "When they heard these words, they  marveled, and went their way."

Conservatives, which have always twisted and abused God's word is now doing it again. They stand with Kim Davis, and ignorantly think she is doing the will of God. That issuing  same sex license was against her religious beliefs and theirs.  But as usual she and they are wrong.

The scripture above clearly state... continue....

Friday, August 28, 2015

War Room False Church Movie Conspiracy Against God

                                                               Weekend Finisher
When someone say something that they want others to believe they must in some way provide some kind of proof. If not, they fall into a category of liars. I make it a habit and a life long job and concern for people’s souls for God to point out and exposed those in the False Churches that is and have been forever turning  people away from God with their twisted lies. Even lies in their own characters.

I find that foolishness and ignorance is accepted without challenge as though people have been consumed and swallowed up into the belly of Satan‘s deceptions with out care.

Unknowingly lying has been accepted in the false church as being the absolute persona of God where insane actions, comical behavior mixed with false impossible mind sets and storybooks fairytales swamp the congregation. 

People believe this weird mind set is what God seek in mankind. That this is why Jesus died on the cross for, to produce people that breath lies and liars like fire breathing dragons.

It is a fact, through simple observation of death, sickness, the  poor, not to mention disasters and wars that take place every day that God cannot be involved in mankind affairs and be every where, every thing to every one at one time. Never has happen ever any where and at any time in history. Absolutely no one has any fact to prove otherwise.

Before going any further, there are many people that will love to twist God’s word and tell me I am lying. So, to prove my point, I bring you to scripture that cannot be challenged or denied

But I’m interested in liars and believers of those that believe in a lie. Below is a few words of proof that is not a lie. The word of God!…..Let’s read some… It come from:

Proverbs 6:16-19, “There are six things that the Lord HATES, seven that are an  AMBOMNICATION to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.”

This definitely sound like the False Church! This definitely sound like the whole world.
Revelation 21:8, “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burn with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”

This also sound like the False Church since mostly everyone  in western nations and especially in the United States, claim mostly a Christian identity. I said before and say it again, it is knowledgeable people in the United Stated that know of Jesus or belong to a Christian or religious organization that do most of the murdering, stealing, lying, stealing, hating and more.

Why do you think we call ourselves a Christian nation? Not because there are 10 people in every state, but because nearly every one you meet or be around whether good or bad identify themselves as a Christian.

Good or bad they end up in a Christian church for their funeral and burial. The preacher preach their funerals and other preacher speak from the Old Testament and the New.

 Then look at the people that show up for the so-called bad. They may say they are not a Christian but they no and respect God and death  to their love ones or friend enough to come to the CHURCH to would them off  to heaven. ..Now, am I lying or not?

But it is the lies that have torn God’s true church apart.  I don’t mean the building…but the people which God said was the temple of God. Yes, it is the people that have become the liars and it has infested the nations like an infectious disease.

Now on to the War Room!

This is a movie....Continue...

Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Fight Against principalities

                                                          Weekend Finisher

 Eph 6:12: For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

More proof of the false church.... Did you know that slavery lasted for 245 years and started in 1620? Did you now it was white Christians that enslaved us for that long, murdered and raped us before attending and after church?...Did you know it's been only 150 years since slavery ended, passed by Abraham Lincoln in 1863, but Christians still refused to honor it for another 2 more years in 1865?....

What was the church doing over 1800 years prior to this? Did you know that the man name Dillion that killed 9 Christian in a Christian church in Charleston South Carolina was a Christian.  So is his family?..

Did you know that all the policemen that killed innocence blacks were Christians and it is Christians that stand behind their killings?..

Did you know that Joyce Meyers, PTL Club Members, Joel Osteen, Rick Warren and other Republican heavy weight ministers refuse to speak out against these killings?

Did you know that the same black pastors that told their congregation that God will heal their problems, their sickness, their troubles, stood in front and led protestor's while begging the police, not God, to stop shooting blacks? Begged the government to investigate racism and give rights to blacks like that given to other races?..

But if and when there is a conviction, then they will say "God did it"...'He answered our prayers"... until the next time, which seem always ahead of us... God is not fighting your battles for you.  you are..

About church and slavery...

Do you realize how long 150 years are when some of you have parents living in their 90's today?... Yes, the true gospel of the bible for blacks have ... continue .....

Sunday, August 9, 2015

God Does Not Live In Walled up Buildings

                                                        Weekend Finisher

Do going to places that Jesus said ,  Acts 7:48, “the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet, or “he do not live in a house made of wood, stone or what ever,” make one a Christian? The answer is NO! Yet, there is a push to prove this scripture wrong.

Many pastors over 1900 years, more or less, has taught people just the opposite on how Jesus wanted people to worship God. Instead of in our hearts, pastors have seduced people into backward thinking by having them think that they must enter a walled up building(church) to seek God and pray for forgiveness or wants.

People honor Sunday as the day when God come down to man upon the altar in Spirit and consume the pastor to let the people be reminded that they are in the Lord's house and let all be silent. If people didn’t think this was not true they wouldn’t attend Church.

People even believe this is the Lord’s day or Sabbath day instead of Saturday which is the original Sabbath day. “Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.” Though this is not the way we worship. Most care more about the day set by  man. if we didn't, then Saturday would be the day of worship and not Sunday, the first day of the week, If I wanted to get technical.

However, under the Christian church, none of this is applied because any day is a day of worship and honor to God because the word of God does not live on a certain day or in a building, but in our hearts. We are the temple of God, Why? Because as a Christian, we carry the word of God in us.

Therefore, choosing to remain worshiping on a certain day or in a building after the gospel has been shared around the world is fruitless as is seen today. People are worst than ever.

Rather than spreading the gospel to each other we meet, the pastor have us rushing back to the church as though there were some special power of God lingering in these building. They are wrong and it shows just little people know about God whom they claim to worship.

However, most ministers have and answer of scripture to fall back on, such as, “forget not to fellowship between one another,“ a scripture taking out of content. We Christians consume almost entire cities and towns in the United States. I’m sure there are always someone around to fellowship with or talk about the goodness of God or be reminded that we are never to forget our mission as a Christian.

Being walled in inside a church (building) has taking away the mission... continue...

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Americas Obsession With Gays

                                  Weekend Finisher
One way to tell this is the false church is its obsession and overwhelming love and fascination with gays and filth. And yes, nearly everyone, about 1,800,000 people claim Christianity. The other religions, are the remaining 1,200,000 or more, that most, also whole the same infatuation.

Most of the corrupt burden lay with the majority. Though not all support gay rights, the majority, which is within the millions of so called Christians, does. Their vote for it prove it.

So, you can clearly see, when you tally this all up, it is indeed the false Christian Church that constantly defy God against his stand on gays. People pretend to obey God but not enough for him to tell them who they should love.

The Republican Party and other Conservatives, which have just as many gays in it as does the Democratic Party and other liberals,  think foolishly that their party is immune from such lust.

But they are wrong and delusional. They are right smack dab in the middle making up half the gay community. Satan has blinded people to their own participation.

The true church lay not within wooden wall, but is written on hearts that make individual's their own temple toward living the will of God.

But all this, however, is just pretty talk. It only sound nice for most in the church. In practice, we find even major church leaders have changed their opinion and become turn coats against God, but believe they are still Heaven material.

In early July 2015, there was the Oscars. There, Bruce Jenner was honored with a standing ovation by Christians, as he paraded his sex change and weird look before the world calling himself Caitlyn.

The really bad thing about this was these so called Christians was rebellious toward God by saying,..."how do you like us now God," while clapping, cheering and smiling with great joy.

I want you to take a good look at the church and tell me why are the church so silent? Why absolutely hardly no one, but a few, dare say anything. It's because the church of Christians are now the world.

The church has become cowards, and though they speak great words, it is only sounding brass of sweet nothing to those having no idea of what they're hearing or what is going on.

Gays have grown to the level of, not only out voicing the Christian church, but recruiting out...continue..

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Tithes and Lies

                                                      Weekend Finisher

Let me make a statement that will let you understand why the gospel is lost in this false church so many flock to.

While hundred of thousands of pastors teach against telling lies, they stand in the pulpits for hundred of years telling you a lie they cannot prove.

What is it? They lie every Sunday when they tell you that God will not bless you if you do not pay your tithes.

Some pastors and cult members band together to embarrass members by posting their names on walls and inside literature for people to shun them.

Satan have them make up sad stories through slick and cunning ways like given their pay checks over to their ministry or telling people that the reason they are having hard times are because they are not paying their tithes or giving or giving enough to be blessed. That they are not paying their tithes according to the bible and it is disobedient to the church and God.

Every member has been led to believe this lie, that was orchestrated by Satan. If your pastor, and I don't care who they are, tell you this, they are lying through their teeth.

In everything their should be factual proof with out challenge. This is proof that cannot be challenged. Here it is!...continue...

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Gays Continue To Win Victories Over The C-Church

                                       Weekend Finisher

A lot has happen in last months Supreme Court's ruling, June, 2015. Victories, like healthcare for millions were won and approval to legalize same sex marriage in all States and death of 9 church workers.

It horrified a few church people, but not many, that such a ruling to allow same sex marriage was legalized. So, I focus on this and the C-church (Christian church) and nine innocence deaths.

As a minister, I made a statement, that the United States has now become the filthiest country in the world. But, I was wrong. After further investigating I found that the majority of the world have already legalized marriage for gay couples or have systems in play to grant it. So, now the world has become one in filth.

Yes even ISRAEL, the people most in the Christian church think so highly of and refer to them wrongly as God's people. God's people are those that do his will through Jesus Christ. Jews dislike Christianity just as Muslims does.

So, I apologize, and make this statement instead. "The united States has joined the world against God in Blasphemous unforgiving filthy behaviors." So the whole world is worst than what I thought.

And guess who's in the midst of it? Religious sects, including so called Christians that can't seem to be able see or do anything to benefit God. Instead, pastors and church people rather continue lying to themselves that "God is moving."

Moving where? To what part of the universe is he moving to? What do they mean when they say "God is moving?" Too much death, destruction and sickness for such a statement to be true, as people want it to be.  ( study my web site)

Luke 21:36, " Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man."

We are to watch!  What does this mean? It mean... continue...

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Can One Give Forgiveness For Murder

                                                          WEEKEND FINISHER
Over time I've heard many victim's families say they forgive the murderer for brutally killing their love ones. They often point to the bible believing that they are following scriptures and therefore having a forgiving heart to forgive the killer.

Such was the case in the brutal murder of 9 people praying at a prayer meeting at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church on June 17th, 2015 at 8 pm in Charleston, South Carolina where a white supremacist shot each victim multiple times. Soon after, family members of the victims made media statements that they've forgave the killer that brutalized their love ones.

I often speak about the false church and how scriptures over centuries by members of the church are twisted and misused for the benefit of certain church people to maintain the status quo of followers that follow whatever pastors tell them without question. This is the norm for today's false churches.

I will attempt to unravel a few scriptures that are taking out of content just as many other scriptures are taking out of content and passed alone.

First, read these scriptures ..... continue....

Sunday, June 21, 2015

The truth shall set you free-racism and the false church

                                                           Weekend Finisher

I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so. What have I been trying to teach you? Number 1, is that the church of today and in the past have long been the false church. 2. Pastors have twisted and lied to people about how to serve God like, forever. 3. God is not interfering in our lives. 4. Lying about God will answer your prayer was lying on God. And 5. God will never agree to racist churches nor two different churches represented by Democrats and Republicans Conservative Parties as divisive brother and sisters in the Lord, to enter Heaven.

Many people, though afraid to challenge me, have stood pat in believing that they can pray their way out of something or that they are so Godly until they are immune from devils or works of demons.

They use this particular phrase, "we are prayed up," or twisting this scripture, Roman 8:31 "if God is for you who can be against us."

The scripture only mean, "through Jesus is the way to salvation and not hell. Salvation was arranged by God for us. So we are to forget what others say against us and against Jesus if we are living accordingly to the word of God."

God is not protecting people nor is he personally doing work for you, you can do for yourself.

"Faith without works is dead."

For anyone to teach otherwise is a liar and history with all it's murderous ways and death and destruction without God intervening is proof of such.

One must remember that this has occurred to Christians as well as to every other religion right up to this very day.

But people seem to think this scripture is some kind of personal protection directly being carried out by God. This is far from the truth as we have just witnessed in Charleston, South Carolina.

Saying prayer changes things is not altogether true. What things will prayer change? Are people referring to God doing their work or changing situations you refuse to take part in?

HOW TO PRAY...continue....

Monday, June 8, 2015

You can't Defeat violence with prayer

                                                              Weekend Finisher

I've been spending much time trying to defeat twisted pastors from tricking people into believing God will do things that make no sense at all.

I want people to start thinking and meditating on things you hear coming out of and devised by false pastors and churches of today.

When ever I can, I will share some of the craziest stuff pastors are doing and saying, then state God put it on their heart.

Don't forget that Satan has long crept into the Christian Church and people's minds are seared with hot irons.

Foolishness has been taught for so long that it's easy to be taken in by any idea, message or program one can dream of.

One such twisted idea I came across was in an area of New Bern, NC, in an area called Trent Court. It was here that I came upon a church sign near a stop sign.

There sit an church advertisement that had a white pastor's face grinning like a ches cat asking people to come to his church.

His main purpose for the invite was to make money, "oh, I mean, "Defeating violence with prayer," the sign read. Oh! Get this! This area just happen to be a black area. You figure!

Now, can someone tell me how violence can be defeated through prayer?

There are many people that believe God is doing all kinds of foolishness even though they see absolutely nothing.

Right now the smart ones are saying, "yea, we need to pray about it and God surely will fix it". "Umm hum!" "Yes he will."

But any one that think prayer can curve violence must be on a drug high. I mean a really great high.

So let me quickly get into details and wrap this up fast.

First of all,...continue...

Monday, May 18, 2015

The False Christian Church Of Today vs True Christianity

                                                                  Weekday Finisher

There is a quest that every Christian should be upon. That quest was started by God and signed in blood by Jesus.
The quest, being of a great one, was to find and weed out special people that would be useful for God's cause.

There is a reason for such saying such as,"separating the wheat from the tare. See Matthew 13:30, it say,

"let both grow together until the harvest. And in the time of the harvest, I will say to the reapers, gather you together first the tares, and bind them in  bundles to be burned. But store the wheat into the barn."

The reason why the tare or the useless is burned is because, like people going to church today, it is worth nothing. All it was and still today is just a hinder to the growth of the wheat or to the people really trying to be the best they can be. They are very few.

However, the wheat, that which will be used for other means, will be safely preserved until needed.

Let's look at the words, "stored away" and "needed."

We who are Christians or those which call themselves Christians should know that God has a need for us. Many lame pastors will say "God doesn't need us, but we need him."

They are wrong. We need each other, but God need us, the good ones, more than we need him. Why? Because his whole plan of further creation depend upon molding special people close to his heart and character that can be sent fourth through out the universe with trust not to defile, but will honor his will. For a creator must create.

We need him to live again, to see and become that which will never die,at least, as we know it. To see the invisible made visible. To see joy and peace as never before. To enjoy new bodies free from sickness. Yes, special people.

The quest for such people went forward as a search. Kinda like a talent search you..continue...

Sunday, May 10, 2015

In vain do they worship me

                                                             Weekend Finisher

We are living in times where the name of Jesus and God is thrown around like a slab of beef. God has been reduced down to nothing more than a bank. A place where loans are taken out but no one want to make payments.

They took the money, bought the merchandise, then show boated or told their friends how great or great looking that product was, but deep down doesn't want to pay back that which they agreed to pay to keep it.

So many make a few payments, get tired of paying then quit. From then on the phone is ringing because some one on the other end, that is the loaner, want to get in contact with you about their money.

You refuse to answer the phone hoping the loaner would just go away and forget about you. Thus, you have a free ride or I mean free stuff or money.

In the mean time you are enjoying the merchandise you think you are getting away with.

You are so happy with it that when asked, you're not afraid to tell others who financed it. In fact, you praised the loaner as a great place to apply for a loan.

Yes, you tell others it's a great place to get a loan like it's normal. You actually feel no sorrow or have a conscious against your behavior.

Your word mean nothing anymore because you decided to break your promise with the company. The company fulfilled it's promise to you, and was there when you needed it, but you felt you got what you wanted and no longer need them.

You even think back to using this company again when you see other things you need it's help with hoping over years they've forgotten about you.

Maybe some of you have picked up what I'm getting at. If not, let me explain.

I read many false speeches and clever remarks about God, written by people that go to church and borrow just enough of the word of God with no intentions of living by it every day.

They accepted Jesus as dying on the cross to save them from sin and thus, hell.  Agreed to paying him back by living a life pleasing before whom ever sight is watching and keeping records on your or our lives.

But many have decided to once again not pay the debt they owe or keep the agreement made when they/you supposedly gave your life to God.

Rather, like with some loan payments, many... continue ....

Monday, May 4, 2015

Black Pastors, Black Riots, Thieving Churches

                                                        Early Week Catch Up

I’ve been talking against the way Christianity has been and still is being wrongfully taught for years. This Christianity run through all races that claim Jesus, but today it is about black pastors, black people, the police, protest and riots.

I look at the news and see in Baltimore and what all police departments across America is all about. Total Rule!  Ruling without wanting challenged. Having total control without having to adhere to Constitutional restrictions against violence against it’s own citizens.

A force within our country so militarily armed, that it’s own very existence of violent today override the good it was set up to do. Serve and protect! Yet, through means of self governance they have turned into that which they were set up to protect us.  Their guns are fighting wars against our on citizens.  Mainly blacks.
The police has gotten away with bad action for decades because of powerful leaders from racketeering days and generic bloodlines ready to defend every actions whether legal or illegal like the bosses of past Mafias.

 Baltimore is an example of such actions, so is Ferguson. Many are saying all policemen are not bad, but I can safely say you’re wrong. Listen! When a good cop see a bad cop doing wrong and remain silent, he is a coconspirator to that cop(s). He remain silent because of his or her job and maybe threats from other cops. They  can’t quit and bring charges. But they don’t.  For the love of money is too strong!

I can guarantee you that there are no cop out there that is not familiar with some crookedness in their police department, just as it is in most every business.  Since every one is a  good cop it is only fair to say it is these good cops doing the killing.

The only way to fix it is to make real laws and procedures directed at human concern first and Billy the Kid last.

It is shown that cops, through videos and news medias are killing more people than gangs. Yet, gangs are represented as violent killers of the community. Especially in larger states where there are more human game to hunt. Police killing is considered as fair game shootings.

If one notice, the police has been and is taught to apply such violent reactions toward another human that it’s like they are trained to have no feelings toward human life. Especially blacks. They quickly draw their guns and shoot rapid shots into the human body with no more concern or feeling as with killing a chicken.

Police are given target points on our citizens, like the head, heart, chest. These are killing area. Never training on shooting humans about the leg, arms or hands. But killing areas as suggested by target practice.

GANGS start when police show no respect for human life. When a person’s body and very being is tread and handled worst that that given to a dog. Yes! A dog is worth more attention than many black human beings right here in the United States.

Because of bad treatment and rough necking to combined this with wrongful killing, drug stealing and threats has cause gangs to turn to violence. Yes, violence with guns because they see the very police they once respected become worse than them and now must protect themselves from police brutality and even death. This later include violence against their own color because this seem to be a way to get back some control over their own soul. So, they copycat the police.

But again, when the police meet a situation where they could truly serve and protect, they stood back and watched. I guess for the first time, they felt like they might have gotten shot. 

The peaceful protest in Baltimore was welcomed. Nothing will ever happen if people didn’t protest. Though many whites feel otherwise, yet, it is a fact being that nothing is ever done to help a continuing condition before a riot start.

It’s a shame that many will die for others to make changes better for others while Non caring others, being so called Christians continually to keep their hearts harden to conditions they know exist but will not take a stand for hate reasons they claim are, “people are lazy”  and not, “I will provide equal opportunity to all in any place within the borders of the United States for it is the law, so help me God.”

Rather than do what is good and right toward poor citizens, these political right Christian wingers lie and say they do not have the funds or money needed to fix building, this bridge and highway, bring in new companies for jobs, better social services.

They can only find the money and the means when peaceful people of black, brown, white, red and yellow races take to the streets protesting for rights to life, rights to work and rights to be treated as human beings. Even given the same kind of respect and opportunity as they would give to their mothers and fathers, even those in their families or other races. We all are in this together to make life better for all which make our country great for all.

Yes, peaceful protests, not violent riots that have nothing to do with police unrestrained violence, will prevail. Some actually think violence will but it want. Breaking windows, burning down your own city and even burning up a medical CVS building will not alter the course of the justice we seek. 

The riots was a disgrace! I saw people that really did act like wild animals, jumping up and down on cars, cutting hoses to fire trucks, throwing bricks and bottles and every thing else.  Then they get mad when the mayor say these were thugs.

I agree with the mayor and Obama calling those that destroy “Thugs.  The Rev. Jamal Bryant and other down there are saying this word dehumanize the bad guys by making them feel less than what they are and it is ridiculous.

But saying they are not thugs is saying they have a reason to continue on killing and stealing because, though it is wrong, they have feeling and should vent their frustration toward destroying what does not belong to them.

Some in the black media say we should have feeling for them even after they destroy others way of employment or businesses that others built without their help but to help them. I guess they want us to call them angels with a temple, and this will make them feel better while they hit the police in the face with a brick.

 Yes! These were thugs and criminals and I was ashamed to see my people acting out, not for their concern for Freddie Gray, but toward their on thuggish behavior. They wanted a chance to lash out and this was their chance. It did nor will it do anything toward the outcome.

The mayor has apologized and Rev. Jamal Bryant want president Obama to do the same. He should not although he may.

This backward minister and pastor’s attitude toward sinful behavior is like saying we should no longer call anyone a sinner. Because the word sinner dehumanize one also. It hurt their feelings.

Do we tell God we will no longer.... continue....

Monday, April 20, 2015

God is not working through people nor doctors

                                                      Weekend Finisher

lOnce again I find myself correcting bad and wrongful preaching and teaching that has consumed the Christian community with false hope and lies like forever.

Such another false statement being and been told is "God is working through people or doctors."

I know you have heard this all your life and your mind has been trained in believing this is true.... No matter what you see and believe you can't shake the thought of God not coming to your rescue.

Let me back up and start from the beginning of what made me decide to write about my subject matter above. Well it all started at the hospital while waiting for a family member to be operated on in an outpatient facility.

The patient is also married to a minister or preacher, you might say. As we sat, another minister entered the waiting room and quickly family members showed smiles and thankfulness because not just a minister came forward, but a pastor. The holy grail of holiness.

He introduced himself to me as, "I'm pastor so in so," as I really carried after seeing how pastors have done nothing but disappoint God with twisted lies producing the false church that exist today leaving only a small remnant.

I did not get the chance to introduce myself back because he turned to the family to get the glory being offered. If I would have been given the chance I would just have said, "I'm Bobby Ward." 

I've found that by doing this, most time, people that claim to be this and that in the Lord, if you be around them long enough,as though you know nothing you will quickly discover them being far lest than the Christian they pretend to be.

Also, it make great writing messages to show that people are one way at Church and another way when they are not in members sight. They respect you face to face but can care less about who God has watching and taking note on them when not around you.

Listen carefully! I have no problem with ministers or pastors if they are teaching the absolute truth about the word of God, in which I can safely say,.. continue  ...

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Do God really wake us in the morning

                                                             Weekend Finisher

Here is a case where pastors have spent centuries filling generations of people heads with false and misleading information. You have been told that God wake us up in the morning by pastors, thus, because he or she is your pastor you believe with out thought or challenging them that this true.

Well, let me burst your bubble once more. There is no such thing. We wake by mechanisms built into us just like we go to sleep then wake. To say God wake us from sleep is to say he put us to sleep.

To put some to sleep he would have to follow different ones around, lets say, at night for them to finish night clubbing or doing sinful things or even waiting around until all of us feel very tired and then put us too sleep. Boy! How busy is God!

This doesn't make much sense, but if you believe in God waking you, then you must believe he has nothing to do but leave his Throne and follow billions of people around waiting for the very moment to snap his finger and whammo! Out like a light!

However, if he's doing such a thing it would be nice if he put some people to bed early. It certainly would cut down on crime, don't you think!

Let me make this clearer. I believe with all my heart that if God, the almighty, touched us to wake us up, there would be no way we would not be healed from his touch.

Why would God wake someone to continue suffering in sickness? Why would God wake a murderer knowing they will kill innocence people that day? Why wake a rapist knowing they will rape children or more women through out their life?

Listen, if God woke them knowing they are going to do these things, then wouldn't these people be justified in what they did since God woke them knowing what they was going do?

Do you actually think God wake ISIS terrorist to terrorize and cut off the heads of innocence people every day? Wouldn't they too be justified if God, knowingly, wake them to continue cutting people heads off and terrorizing the world.

Well, according to the way you are taught, you do.  And if you still believe God touches and wake people, then you should stop condemning what sinful people does. They have an alibi.

Church people tell some of the biggest lies ever when they stand in church and say, "God woke them this morning." Or "if God wouldn't have woke me this morning I wouldn't me here."

Then they began to tell sad stories about their life or about someone else misery. Can you believe it? God woke them in their sadness, sickness and trouble without healing or.... continue...

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Easter Jewish Paganism Claimed by Christians

                                   Weekend FinisherTomorrow most Christian churches will sadly celebrate Easter Resurrection thinking they are honoring Jesus when the fact remain, there is no such a thing for Christians.

It has always puzzled me to see pastors try so hard to convince others they are doing the will of God but don't even no how to tell the difference between whats right and wrong.

It is no surprise to ride down the highways and spot church signs reading, "come join us for our Easter celebration, public is welcome."

Why, seemingly, well educated pastors,as they pretend to be, have never ever seen in the bible where Jesus shared his resurrection with a rabbit or was buried with brightly colored eggs, but decades after decades continueto preach to innocence people that he did, can only be summed up as super ignorance.

Why can't they see that these are two different names and each stands along?

Easter is an event in itself that....continue...

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Israel Not guaranteed the New Jerusalem, Why Bow to Them

This is a question that is on every one’s mind or should be, because Israel is playing a big part in the coming of the New Jerusalem. The question is, will they get a free ride even after denying Christ?

It seem to me that something is wrong with how most of the world is looking at Israel as though Israel is automatically guaranteed  a place in in the New Jerusalem when it is lowered down from Heaven.

Most in the world thinks that because Jesus is an Israelite and came through the tribe of Judah, thus, fulfilling the will of God to die upon the cross by shedding his blood for our sin, now leave us with a great duty to praise and honor the people and state of Israel as though they are truly the only God chosen people.

Let me clear this up… The chosen people, the Jews, was only a short plan for God to carry out his will. He had to choose somebody.

“The chosen people are largely the Christians and any other names found written in the book of life in the end.”  These are the Chosen ones:”

and not corrupt people that think they have the right to sin and get away with it and some how God owe them something and automatically will give them salvation. Never happen!

“No one come to God except through Jesus.”

We act like God has made us the baby sitters for Israel since Christians, mostly gentiles, receive salvation through Jesus the Israelite and therefore we owe the nation something.

Well, we owe the nation nothing except,...continue ....

Friday, February 27, 2015

Is Mental Disorders Causing Pastors and Flocks to Lie

Weekend Finisher
Yes, I’m shamefully embarrassed before the gospel of God that so many pastors and people have used his name to grow wicked people through out centuries into believing in lies and twisted scriptures.

To constantly see so many so-called Christian people living in hypocrisy, pretending to serve God having no will or self sustaining inner consciousness to fight back worldly desires or eyes even to see, believing they represent God through Jesus Christ. For this, Father God, I apologize!! “For they know not what they do.” Yet, not knowing is not a pass to a free pay day.

The bible speak of pretender but it is intentionally over looked and not adhered to. It read in 2 Timothy 3:5, “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”

This and other scriptures have never been defined in a correct manner. We know that all people that enter the doors of the church claim a form of godliness or they wouldn’t go in the first place.

But through ignorance they think this give them the connection they need ..continue ....


Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Creation - God Is Not Making Babies, People or Gays

                               Week End Finisher
Put on your thinking cap again, because you’re once again going on a truth trip. Much has been said over centuries about man being created by God. I want to challenge this. Wait, before you go having a “gotcha moment.”  You haven’t caught me yet, and will not on this one either.

But you’ll see that once again, pastors and lying members of the Christian Churches have caused man to become part of a universal lie and abomination to God by insisting He (God) is the cause of certain problems that I will speak on latter.

I have scriptures I want to open with and hope you open up your mind as a Christian and not be timid in willing to use that, so called, third eye, to see what has always been before you, but because of bad pasturing, has been drawn into a web of senseless blind believing and sayings. I’ll get to what I’m talking about right after you read these verses.

The verse is Genesis 1:26. It read, "Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. 28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground." 29 Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. 30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground--everything that has the breath of life in it--I give every green plant for food." And it was so. 31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.”


Sunday, January 11, 2015

Death, Saved ,Caught up, Deeper Look Pt. 2

                                  Week End Finisher
To continue a deeper look into whether we are Saved now while living or saved at the end, meaning after death, is an ongoing message that need further clarity. Many will say that some will not die because they will be caught up and therefore escape death as we no it.

While this is good bible teachings, it is somewhat misleading to those living at this time that somehow “they” or “we” will be part of the caught up scenario. This is a mistake made during Paul’s time also when he preached, 1 Thessalonians 4:

15.  For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. 16.  For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  17.  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 18.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

Verse 17 say, “we which are alive and remain shall be caught up” indicating the thought that Jesus was coming back before his death and the rest with him. Come to think about it, when we say it, it also indicate we will be around too. But read on.

Maybe he should have said, “ saints that are alive at that time.” Writings could have been changed to mean the same thing with the same meaning for understanding just as our new bibles give clarity to the same.

Paul and other prophets had to know the circumstances ... continue ...