Did you know that most Protestant people have for over 260 some years celebrated a lie about the birth of Christ and Christmas and your pastors help promote this lie right along with many of you.
Do you know that it is hard to call one’s self a Christian when they live, love and promote the Christmas lie. Search the internet for yourself. Plenty of history there.
But people caring the name Christian do not want to change from this celebration even if it is rooted in history filthy pagan celebration.
When the bible state man loves a lie more than the truth, then Christmas is it. And who’s spreading this lie around the world, so called Christian I call the False Church. This is proof of the false church.
Why do people that call themselves the church continue in Christmas? Wouldn’t you think for so long many people in over 200 years would question why, where and when such a celebration was started?
Why would a pastor that said they were called by God help spread and uphold a lie about God? This doesn’t make sense. One reason is that these pastors were never called by God. There names are not in the bible as being called by God. Thus, this make them a liar again. Why? Because God calls no one to spread lies nor to lie on Him. So, they are open to believing and spreading lies.
As for the people, they also have become liars and willing participants and protectors of their pastors and Christmas. People that call themselves Christians could care less about this lie because they love it. They like lying to their children and telling pagan stories and playing Santa Claus.
Since the bible speak of a false church, when are the pastors, ministers and followers going to realize this is the false church and begin speaking out against it to restore as much of the true church (people) from becoming lost.
Here are some more facts. While protestant Christians speak against the Pope and the Catholic Church, they get in bed ..... continue ....
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