Weekend Finisher
Let me make a statement that will let you understand why the gospel is lost in this false church so many flock to.
While hundred of thousands of pastors teach against telling lies, they stand in the pulpits for hundred of years telling you a lie they cannot prove.
What is it? They lie every Sunday when they tell you that God will not bless you if you do not pay your tithes.
Some pastors and cult members band together to embarrass members by posting their names on walls and inside literature for people to shun them.
Satan have them make up sad stories through slick and cunning ways like given their pay checks over to their ministry or telling people that the reason they are having hard times are because they are not paying their tithes or giving or giving enough to be blessed. That they are not paying their tithes according to the bible and it is disobedient to the church and God.
Every member has been led to believe this lie, that was orchestrated by Satan. If your pastor, and I don't care who they are, tell you this, they are lying through their teeth.
In everything their should be factual proof with out challenge. This is proof that cannot be challenged. Here it is!...continue...
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