Happy “Omega’ Celebration to all. We made it thus far and move onward toward the “Alpha”
(New Year). The year is not over with, so lets pray (hope) to reach it’s end which is December 31 first.
I created the Omega Celebration 10 years ago in hopes of trying to prevent so called Christians from lying and hell bound if they continue on into Satanic worshiping of degrading God and Jesus with Christmas lies.
Omega is an attempt to reach just as many people as I can to renew their faith in the true word of God once again. It separate the righteous from the sinners. It give truth and Godly thankfulness for year long blessings. It obey the word of God and not disrespect God in thinking falsely that God will accept their lie just because they want too.
Omega allow given of gifts to family and friends and telling kids the truth, that their gift come from dad and mom to let them know that it is you that is taking care of them and providing for them with the help of God’s blessings he already bestowed on mankind from the beginning of creation…. You stop lying…
Today, many will go to their wooden church and declare this is the day Jesus was born. Well, I said before and I say it again, “any one, and I don’t care who they are, that do, say, teach, believe and promote “The Greatest Lie Ever Told’, is not a “True Christian, but one caring the name as a nation of Christians such as Christian America.” However, they are lying sinners.
Listen! Many of you are aware ..... continue ...
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