Democratic Poor People

The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Black Pastors, Black Riots, Thieving Churches

                                                        Early Week Catch Up

I’ve been talking against the way Christianity has been and still is being wrongfully taught for years. This Christianity run through all races that claim Jesus, but today it is about black pastors, black people, the police, protest and riots.

I look at the news and see in Baltimore and what all police departments across America is all about. Total Rule!  Ruling without wanting challenged. Having total control without having to adhere to Constitutional restrictions against violence against it’s own citizens.

A force within our country so militarily armed, that it’s own very existence of violent today override the good it was set up to do. Serve and protect! Yet, through means of self governance they have turned into that which they were set up to protect us.  Their guns are fighting wars against our on citizens.  Mainly blacks.
The police has gotten away with bad action for decades because of powerful leaders from racketeering days and generic bloodlines ready to defend every actions whether legal or illegal like the bosses of past Mafias.

 Baltimore is an example of such actions, so is Ferguson. Many are saying all policemen are not bad, but I can safely say you’re wrong. Listen! When a good cop see a bad cop doing wrong and remain silent, he is a coconspirator to that cop(s). He remain silent because of his or her job and maybe threats from other cops. They  can’t quit and bring charges. But they don’t.  For the love of money is too strong!

I can guarantee you that there are no cop out there that is not familiar with some crookedness in their police department, just as it is in most every business.  Since every one is a  good cop it is only fair to say it is these good cops doing the killing.

The only way to fix it is to make real laws and procedures directed at human concern first and Billy the Kid last.

It is shown that cops, through videos and news medias are killing more people than gangs. Yet, gangs are represented as violent killers of the community. Especially in larger states where there are more human game to hunt. Police killing is considered as fair game shootings.

If one notice, the police has been and is taught to apply such violent reactions toward another human that it’s like they are trained to have no feelings toward human life. Especially blacks. They quickly draw their guns and shoot rapid shots into the human body with no more concern or feeling as with killing a chicken.

Police are given target points on our citizens, like the head, heart, chest. These are killing area. Never training on shooting humans about the leg, arms or hands. But killing areas as suggested by target practice.

GANGS start when police show no respect for human life. When a person’s body and very being is tread and handled worst that that given to a dog. Yes! A dog is worth more attention than many black human beings right here in the United States.

Because of bad treatment and rough necking to combined this with wrongful killing, drug stealing and threats has cause gangs to turn to violence. Yes, violence with guns because they see the very police they once respected become worse than them and now must protect themselves from police brutality and even death. This later include violence against their own color because this seem to be a way to get back some control over their own soul. So, they copycat the police.

But again, when the police meet a situation where they could truly serve and protect, they stood back and watched. I guess for the first time, they felt like they might have gotten shot. 

The peaceful protest in Baltimore was welcomed. Nothing will ever happen if people didn’t protest. Though many whites feel otherwise, yet, it is a fact being that nothing is ever done to help a continuing condition before a riot start.

It’s a shame that many will die for others to make changes better for others while Non caring others, being so called Christians continually to keep their hearts harden to conditions they know exist but will not take a stand for hate reasons they claim are, “people are lazy”  and not, “I will provide equal opportunity to all in any place within the borders of the United States for it is the law, so help me God.”

Rather than do what is good and right toward poor citizens, these political right Christian wingers lie and say they do not have the funds or money needed to fix building, this bridge and highway, bring in new companies for jobs, better social services.

They can only find the money and the means when peaceful people of black, brown, white, red and yellow races take to the streets protesting for rights to life, rights to work and rights to be treated as human beings. Even given the same kind of respect and opportunity as they would give to their mothers and fathers, even those in their families or other races. We all are in this together to make life better for all which make our country great for all.

Yes, peaceful protests, not violent riots that have nothing to do with police unrestrained violence, will prevail. Some actually think violence will but it want. Breaking windows, burning down your own city and even burning up a medical CVS building will not alter the course of the justice we seek. 

The riots was a disgrace! I saw people that really did act like wild animals, jumping up and down on cars, cutting hoses to fire trucks, throwing bricks and bottles and every thing else.  Then they get mad when the mayor say these were thugs.

I agree with the mayor and Obama calling those that destroy “Thugs.  The Rev. Jamal Bryant and other down there are saying this word dehumanize the bad guys by making them feel less than what they are and it is ridiculous.

But saying they are not thugs is saying they have a reason to continue on killing and stealing because, though it is wrong, they have feeling and should vent their frustration toward destroying what does not belong to them.

Some in the black media say we should have feeling for them even after they destroy others way of employment or businesses that others built without their help but to help them. I guess they want us to call them angels with a temple, and this will make them feel better while they hit the police in the face with a brick.

 Yes! These were thugs and criminals and I was ashamed to see my people acting out, not for their concern for Freddie Gray, but toward their on thuggish behavior. They wanted a chance to lash out and this was their chance. It did nor will it do anything toward the outcome.

The mayor has apologized and Rev. Jamal Bryant want president Obama to do the same. He should not although he may.

This backward minister and pastor’s attitude toward sinful behavior is like saying we should no longer call anyone a sinner. Because the word sinner dehumanize one also. It hurt their feelings.

Do we tell God we will no longer.... continue....

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