Democratic Poor People

The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tea Party Un-patriotic Government Shut Down

All over the Internet we find the Tea Party favorites like the Tea Party Patriots, Tea party Express and of course the all time favorite, the Tea Party Nation, blasting shut downs on web pages,
Twitter and any where else about how much they love this country. About how the rest of us are trying to tear it down. and send us back to the stone ages.

They claim they are all about keeping the government working by putting patriotic Republican politicians in office to preserve our nation. They complain how big government is taking over the lives of ordinary people and how they don’t want government telling us what to do or interfering in our lives.

They talk about how Mexicans illegals are coming across the border and how their presence here in this country is causing our country to incur heavy debts because of them. Tea partiers like judson Phillips are constantly raving about how Muslim are terrible and is trying to take over the country and turn it Islamic.

“We the people” are  part of their daily speeches as well as “"Let’s take America Back” or some other slogan they’re chosen in attempt to prove their loyalty to America. Oh! Don’t forget the all time favorite, “We love America”.

With all this loving America pushed down our throats by so-called real patriots like leader, Judson Phillips, Michele Bachman (2012 presidential candidate), and every Tea Party member across the country, who would have thought they would called for a nation wide shutdown of the government.

The Patriots, all of a sudden, are not so patriotic. They want to kill what economic gains we’re made by threatening the Republican legislature into not negotiating budgets cut.  These American loving hypocrites want to see the country fold and fall apart if they don't get their way.

Are these the people we want to run our government? Do we really want to elect hand picked threathen politicians that will bend and do every thing the Tea party wants and leave the rest of us with out a voice?
I say NO! We can't trust them! No true patriot will ever call for a shut down of the government. Do one know the implications of such a thing (see shutdown 2011). Many true patriots will be hurt.

Let's not forget in 2012 that it's not "out of country terriorists" we need to be afraid of bringing down our country, but the Tea Party and presidential hopefuls trying to get elected to impose a one rule government and party rule. "The Tea Party!"

While other countries are trying to get rid of dictatorship, the Tea Party is trying to impose it here, in our country.
I will keep this post posted through out 2012 for your remembrance.

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