Democratic Poor People

The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Inspiration Campmeeting Ministries is a Fraud and Twisted liars

Weekend Finisher
Inspiration Campmeeting Ministries, a TV ministry, is a world wide ministry founded by David Cerullo, the head false prophet. That's what I call him. The organization is located in Indian, SC. He has his Hell bound crew, namely, Dave Martin, Henry Fernandes and Tod Coontz. There are other participators waiting with their hands out to.

Like hungry lions they all see a gold mind in becoming Christian ministers thus becoming rich by legally robbing and stealing from the Church using God's name to do it.

They take advantage of unsuspecting weak minded greedy individuals like themselves that's no better than these clowns they look up to. They all are trying to use God as a mean to escape their own responsibility of working hard on a decent job. Many clown has gotten rich off of the Church and their congregation left flat and broke, so to speak. Did I just say thatttttt!

Tod Coontz, one slick willie minister I watched on TV briefly, was lying his backside off and on the name of God by pretending to receive inspirational messages of insight to which he stated the spirit has lead him to ask one thousand people to send him a seed faith offering to help his gospel.
The offering consisted of no lower than $263. For this God was going to ...continue.....

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Joyce Meyer's (minister) Mind control Scheme

Week End Finisher ....

Not only does Joyce Meter have millions of followers. She keep them bowing to her by using twisted phrases to keep them paying her money and buying her lying books that never work.

I recently watched a 3 minute segment by mistake, and caught her saying one of the most heart felt emotional convincing phrase that is universal in every Church and in the mouths of every slick scheming minister or pastor.

Here's what she said.... " God want you to do all you can". "Then when you can't do any more, then God take over."

You know, I would be the richest man in the world and you would too if God actually made all of us rich, wealthy or well to do, so they say, especially the poor that's always struggling doing all they can do if such a thing was true. You see the poor in your Church? Do you think they are not in need after doing all they can? Are you one?

It is a fact that over half of Americans call themselves Christians. It is a fact that most of them are poor, well to do folks that's always needing more. If needing more is the only time God will answer, according to Joyce Meyer, then he's been late for over two thousands years because the Christian poor has always been with us. Even Jesus said they would.

Matter of fact the poor every where are still waiting for this Joyce Meyer rendition of " trying to use God to do all your dirty work" to take place. Even using him to get out of something that you yourselves put yourself into after receiving all the warning signs of not, be careful.

Don't get me wrong. I would (wish) for Joyce Meyer and any other jack leg minister or pastor..... Continue ...

Saturday, January 11, 2014

False Lying Prophets and False Pitiful Believers

Week End Finisher ....

I received a phone call by mistake from someone looking a certain woman they called a prophetess. Anger came over me when I thought, "this lady and that so-called lying prophetess is in the devil's grip.'

It is sad when there are so many ignorance lying people pretending to foretell the future out side of the Bible in the Church. They have little respect for God as they turn the name of God and his church into a side show. A ringling brother's circus.  All looking and acting like ancient soothsayers or modern day madam Dora's or fortune tellers.

Both Prophets and Prophetess of today pretend to be receiving a word from God to relay to the people. They got this from old Testament scriptures. However, Old Testament scripture referred to those prophets foretelling the coming of Jesus in one way or the other whether in war, peacetime or normal happenings and events.

Prophets and Prophetess of today are just liars and pretenders to those they claim they can foretell their future to.  Being soothsayers they real slick and study their craft well. They have, through studying others, seem almost believable. Saying God told them to tell them they are going to get cars and money or God is going to bless them in their sicknesses and problems and all they have to do is believe and have faith.

They no how to get in the hearts and mind of weak ignorance people and play with their emotions. The people, too beguiled ...... continue...

Saturday, January 4, 2014

End of another Year of lying pastors and it all start again

Weekend Finisher
My hope for you the readers, is that you're putting all you've learned from this website to use and has come to an understanding that most ministers are telling lies. The bigger they are the more they lie.

This past holiday I had a hard time trying to correct those that pastors have corrupted. Many debates occurred about Christmas and how it had nothing to do with God nor Christ. Yet,it fell on deaf ears. No stopping or wanting to hear because some people rather hear a lie than the truth.

These are those that are lost. The ones that prefer to die with a friend than die in the Lord. Many celebrated with wordily intentions and so called good will that benefited not God but family and friends. Tradition. Never real love but artificial caring and giving.

The so called hungry and needy are still hungry and in need but there're no one pretending to care about them any more until the end of the next twelve months. So what the poor was given had better last until December 25th again.

Pastors were at full force in their lying, not just about Christ but in many other ways. I attended a funeral where this pastor with a sudden voice change did the eulogy. He replied to the family of the deceased that "God was comforting them in the time of their need." That in times of trouble all you have to do is call on Jesus." " That he will answer prayers."

I heard many in the Church say amen while bowing their heads up and down in agreement. Some grieving family members was even agreeing also. As I listen in dismay I wondered what kind of minister would say such a thing when family members love one lay dead in front of them.
If this was so and that easy, then why wouldn't ..... continue......