Democratic Poor People

The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Does Going to Church or Temple make you a Christian

Weekend Finisher

So much need to be said about this issue of going to Church. Some where in history, people that became worshipers came to the conclusion that the Church must mast together to form a coalition with each other within a structure. Thus, Churches were built for Christians not replacing temples or synagogues and Christians moved into them making them the center point of God's holiness.

Through out modern time Churches were and still are built in groves in all kind of monumental designs. Having signs of welcome and all sort of phrases to impress the outsider etched and carved on small to very large signs hanging in front or on top of the Church to extra large paid roadside billboard signs. All advertising the greatness of them there in.

Yes, for years the Church has appeared in all kind of settings and marvelous designs, drawing large numbers of people that flood them. They enter being very quiet and polite and, oh yes, humble, giving honor to the sanctuary where they believe the Spirit of God dwell.

Pastors over centuries has embedded in Church goers that to be a Christian you or they must maintain a constant relationship with and in the Church to guarantee one's salvation. That after a week of work and partying, time must be taken out to go to Church and worship God and, of course, give thanks.

This is not the first message I've written on this subject and will not be the last. But when you see so many blind people being taken advantage of by Satan it make you feel sorry for the people and even more for uneducated pastors posing as teachers being held in the grip of Satan unwilling to break loose for money and power sake causing the destruction.

I want to take the time with this message to get you to open your mind and think once again on things that have been taught wrongly and is and will continue to be taught to people thus, leaving them thinking things are well with their soul. Blind false service loosing ground,  going up hill falling faster than the climb.

Folks are charmed by Churches and things there in while pastors welcome all into God's place of worship and Let all be silent!

What am I alluding to? It's to the misleading and twisting of the word of God as to the need for people and or Christians to go to Church to so called hear a word  from God or find God whom ...continue...

Sunday, July 6, 2014

What in Hell is so Tempting to the Republican Church

Weekend Finisher

It's hard to believe that after nearly 400 years we find the offspring's of hateful slave masters of the past still alive and well masquerading as the Church's of God.

It seem there are two groups of people in the world that have the same agenda. Islamic Terrorists, Conservatives and the Republican Party. Both have nothing but destruction of society as they see it constantly on their minds.

First, we have Islamic terrorists that want the world to conform to them and their religion. And next, we have the Republican Church that want the United States Constitution to conform to them and their kind of religion or else.

In their minds and hearts, hand me down hate runs in their blood line like vampires always needing a daily dose of  trumped up excuses and causes to keep sucking the life out of innocent people.

Believe it or not, twisted religion of hate and death has always existed in religions and religions has always inserted itself into every kind of criminal and war like situations. Always attempting to use God and religion as means to control and get what they want over the will of others.

Such two religions are Islamic terrorists type and Christian Conservative type and both have something in common. Lunacy!

Like Islamic terrorists, Christianity has been hijacked and twisted by terrorist type groups in the United States calling themselves Republican Christian Conservatives, lead by sinister broken groups like the Tea Party which has many different parts and broken heads just like Islamic terrorists.

Rallies, shouting and cursing even threats to life are always in the mind of these radicals. It seem their only purpose of living is to make life and the world suffer. Tormented on a daily basic believing God want them to rule and disposed of the weak and unbelievers that dare challenge them.

As I said before, Conservative's Christianity in the United States are broken into many groups. Just like Islam. Each claiming God is on their side and all others are demons and should be dispose of.

But the truth can be seen in the actions. Such action was shown when the Conservative Tea Party so-called Church turned back a bus load of children with minimum parental security while looking for a place to belong and be love.

Recently, shouts by the Right Wing Conservative so-called Church told the kids to "go back where they belong." "Get out of the country." "We have no food, no help, no medicine, no pity on you." "We can care less that you are hungry" or "being persecuted where you come from." USA! USA! USAaa!

This is pitiful coming from those calling themselves Christians. Pitiful because Conservative pastors never have nothing to say against the hateful acts coming from their friends--- their groups--- their Tea Party. They are silent just as they were during slavery. Silent because they agree.

They never say anything because they to want these Spanish children immigrants to leave the country or should I say, ...continue.....