Democratic Poor People

The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Weekend Finisher
Pastors convince parents and followers they can pray
and heal troubled Children and each other. Is it true? No!

So often, Church people are fooled by pastors into thinking they are so Godly that they can pray for their children health, education, home, altitudes and behaviors and even pray them out of the world and into the Church. Not just their children but for themselves and others.

To fool these people pastors use scriptures or should I say take scriptures out of context from the bible to so-called proved their point. They will tell them that if God said it God meant it.
Before getting any deeper let me read a major scripture used by pastors to swindle millions of dollars from followers and into their greedy hands.

James 5: 13 - 16 read like this:
13. Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms. 14. Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. 15. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. 16. Confess your trespasses[e] to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. 17. Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. 18 And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit."

For many pastors, to get their followers into following them is to get them into believing in the pastor by telling them "God will give them any thing they ask for because the scriptures of James say so."  "That we must believe in it and not doubt and it will be given unto to you."  "All one has to do is get together pray and believe and the Lord will raise up the sick, the needy and come to the rescue of all your problems no matter what they are". "But you have to have faith and believe".  ....... "And I believe God will do what he said."  "Don't you believe it Church", the pastor will shout!!" And the people will say" yea!" "Amen!"...... Bam!.He's got em!


First of all let me burst a few bubbles. James is speaking to those in the Church only or in that congregation of people that was having situations even though they believe in Christ.  He wasn't there to do any healing or he would have in every situation.  He knew there was sickness, pain and sorrow, suffering and sadness because this was common through out all Churches and people whether in or out of Church, especially the poor.

Some disciples like Peter did do a few healing's. However, many did not and could not. Even with Paul, he went through great tribulation. Such abilities was needed at the time by disciples and most especially by Jesus to convince people of the holy word and that Jesus really was the Son of God.
But soon afterward healing even faded out with the disciples. This happened much earlier than James which some believe came along around 1 A.D to 2 A.D and is some what questionable as if this was indeed James the brother of Jesus.

But in either case it really doesn't matter because this James was doing what pastors did from that time on up to now and that is to hold the people together. Get them to continue to believe in the Lord through all hardship. He was telling them these things will happen and to keep the faith because some troubles will past in time.

He could not have been telling them that God would fix all their problems. This is impossible. Not only is it but because it was a time when the Church and many people was suffering just like today. If this would have been taken literally then no disciple would have died. No sickness would have conquered any one. No one in the Church would ever suffer.

No problems would ever be unsolvable. Peter, Paul, John the Revealer and others would have not died or had to fear the ruling government.

One way that problems, healing can be conquered is by people getting the word of God into them by consulting a good minister and meeting with others of faith to discuss their situations on how to better handle them. You can pray to God for good understanding. That is, to find some way to get out of situations or how to be content, knowledgeable and even acceptable no matter what's going on.

Church people are suppose to work together. Prayer, being hope and want, come along with you having some one around you not afraid to help and tell you the truth. One must realize that some sickness, if not most, is brought on by the life style one live. For example, if you are fat and have heart trouble then consult a real heart specialist and lose weight. No praying to God the way the scripture is structured will cause God to perform heart surgery or put you on a weight loss treatment program when one is not doing a thing to help themselves.

Before one get sick or is sick they should try to live a healthy life by cutting out things that's unhealthy for them. Drinking alcohol is bad on the body. Eating fatty foods will clog your arteries. Excessive smoking will give you cancer. Stress and improper eating habits will give you high blood pressure.

Exercising will relieve some back symptoms and loss of weight. Going to school and then trade school will get you a better job. Going to work will get you some of the things you desire in life like a chariot, car, home, furniture and even pay your bills maybe even a space ship.  more

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Weekend Finisher
Carnal Christians, Guns, and Hell
This is a message I should not have to write or even talk about but it is necessary to get you to see that when I speak against Christianity, the way it is presented, I am absolutely correct.

First, let me tell you that all of these Guns bearers who want to have the ability to kill any one who want to limit their ability to own high powered guns and ammunitions are the same people who call themselves Christians. They are largely Republicans and many Democrats posing as Christians.

When I look at the teachings of Jesus, I see that most carnal Christians are following their own twisted thoughts twisted even more by their twisted pastors that join in with other gun owners, not to live peaceful, but stress the use and spread of guns in order to bring down order in the United States if they have to share their wealth and guns with poor people they think want to take back their Ameirca.

Guns are about two things. Killing in order to protect their greed and killing because it's in their genes to do so. Carnal Christians are foolish thinking sinners who think they are doing what's right. They attend Church but never come to the understanding of the truth. Yet, they think they are near the heart of God.

What is a carnal minded Christian? It is a person that spends all their time around church, learning, studying and even teaching but doesn't live up to what they learned or teach. They seem to others as true Christians until they open their foolish mouth, their dark hearts and begin to spew out vomit.

We find a lot of these types on twitter, face book and others places throughout the Internet and in most Churches across America, mainly Republican's but also Democratic ones, having foul mouths pretending to be Christians.

We are now having a good look at heart felt gun loving carnal minded people who worship the gun rather than God. Peace to them is not love nor trying to bring people together. Neither is it turning the other cheek or put down thy dagger gun Peter but fight on to protect thy nation from the poor beggars of crum by blowing their brains out.

Education in warfare is taking aim at the heart and head with a Bush Master automatic, squeeze fast and hold, delivering just as many rounds to the body until the gun empty it's magazine then shout for joy thanking the Lord for making the gun because he, the real killer, didn't really kill the poor soul but the gun that God made possible did. So all is well with thy soul and eternity with God is still guaranteed. Amen!  Glory be to the gun god! Read more at

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Weekend Finisher

"Sisterhood" TV Religious show a Slap in God's Face

There's a real life so-called religious show I recently watched on TV called "Sisterhood", a so-called religious show, showing the lives of black pastors wives, their pastor husbands, children and moments in their luxurious Churches. Maybe later on white pastors may get on it or create the same, which remain to be seen.

As a minister, I do my best to watch as well as pray to see and rule out bad  principles that show up God in the eyes of secular people as foolishness. And I can say to all that read my messages, if you watch this program keep in mine of how the Bible say we are not to carry ourselves and remember the messages I've written about the such.

This is a secular show posing as a religious show. It's character format is the same as all other shows of it's likeness where there is arguing, gossip, backbiting, greed, lust and yes, money. It's story line start off disgracing God with gossip, money, jealousy, envy, greed and sneakiness.

First of all, real Christians would have had enough Spirit of God in them not to follow in the foot steps of other worldly shows like the Braxtons, Real House wives of Georgia, Mary Mary, T-boz, and many more which eventually make them at times look like fools.

Sisterhood first showing showed pastors and their wives bashing in money they received from their Church members, while two of the pastor's wives invite another pastor and his wife over to find out sneakily why they lost their Church because they think they are hiding something. They pretended they liked them by inviting them to a small dinner. They let go on them with questions and rolling eyes.

Two wives invite this same pastor wife to a separate dinner and keep hammering her about their past Church situation, then gets angry when this certain wife quoted scriptures on them, which was out of order I agree, but they invited her over to set her up for the questions and answer session, so they shouldn't have gotten mad when this pastor's wife rebel against them.

This particular pastor's wife they were bashing was acting like a freak. She acted like she was working for the devil rather than having common sense actions. What I mean was, she kept saying she was a woman of the kingdom and all other things these silly Holy Churches pretend God tell them to do, act or say. Read more