Democratic Poor People

The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Silence of so-called Christian Republican ministers on Trayvon Martin, slavery, civil rights, God and race relation

Weekend Finisher

With all the fuss about the legal cause of death of Trayvon Martin I would think that every one who care about racial hate and disparity in this country would stand out and let themselves be heard. Yet, I see all of the familiar favorite blacks like Jessie Jackson and of course white Democrats in the forefront always asking for justice for all. But I never have seen prominent so-called Christian Republicans taking a stand against it never and mean it.

It takes me back to the days of Bible and slavery. When the Klux Klux Klan was the backbone of the Republican Church. Where ministers and congregations preached love for their race, and hate, death and sorrow to all blacks at the same time when when God was preached as a loving God to all but black people.

I never could see how slaves could believe their Bible messages when God seem to be working for whites and not the blacks. How could people be so deceived in letting this kind of twisted religion stall their flight to be equal when these same white ministers and their followers was the same that came at night under hoods to kill them in the name of the same God they said slaves should follow.
White ministers during slavery did much of nothing, and what they did didn't amount to a bean sprout as you see that hatred today is the same as it was during the slave days only in a more slick paper work kind of way.

With as many Churches around during slavery there should have never been any man subjected to slavery, as the kind that was offered blacks, in the so called God fearing country.
Black have to understand that the so-called Christian Republican Churches today is the cause of racism. Some may say not, but these are the ones that have fail in the past and can't see the forest for the trees.

Though Christianity is the best means to bring universal love and togetherness on earth, it has been used to twist the minds of blacks for Republicans so called Christian to control them. That is. keep blacks believing in their brand of the Bible, pretend to love them through split lips, but against them when darkness come while collaborating in secrecy how best to keep them down. Christian militias with guns.

When I came to the conclusion that God is a merciful God, I realized that God did not work, according to his written word, like the so-called Christian Republican Churches claim he worked. That is, choosing colors and plotting these colors against each other. That God want these pretending Christians to stand by and allow others of his creation to be down trotting by the hands of those who lie and say they are Christian.

Slavery went on because these pretending Church people wanted it and allowed it. Today their silent still represent their stand on dividing the races just like the Islamic religion. Both Ideals are the same. Use God as a means to conquer and destroy. Confuse the mind and control the body.
So from this I discovered the true God and and now can tell the different from the work of God and the hand of Satan. God loves all men because they are his creation just like a child is the creation of their parents. A parent love them all unconditionally.

This I cannot see in so-called Christian Republicans and therefore cannot except their kind of God loving preaching and living. I cannot accept a god of hate but a God of love.

I have though observed from their sites many voices of hatred saying Trayvon Martin should have been killed and calling him a thug and on and on. These are comment that should be left up to sinners and not Christians who should value life. Oh, their life only pertain to the unborn not the living.
Where is the mouth of the great liar Pat Robertson or all those big shots in the Southern Baptist Association. Why haven't they said something about the tragic death of Trayvon Martin and race relation.

I speak out as a minister and say Trayvon death is completely a shame, a mockery of his Constitutional rights the Tea Party feel belonging to them only.
Why is it so hard to say from all that has been heard that Trayvon was murdered. That a conspiracy is looming.

Why haven't someone spoken out as to how can a "stand your ground law "extend down the street. I know I'm pretty smart enough to know that stand your ground means to protect the area which you stand and does not extend a block away or cross town. If it does then Florida is a city of vigilantes.
I know enough to know that these laws was made for Republicans to legally kill blacks, I also know that when they were writing these laws blacks and Mexicans was on their minds.
Guns in this country are not sold for hunting completely. They are sold to mostly Republicans to kill blacks and Mexicans should the time arrive. And believe you me that most of the so- called Christian Church people have their share of guns.

There is a lot of talk going on about race relation on how we should have forums to talk openly about it. Any thing is a help, but a forum is no good talking to those who don't hate about how fix racism. You need to speak to those who do hate and that want never happen. Too many. So what is the solution? There is none!

There is no way to fix a problem that has existed for ever.  You can't fix the million of minds that hate. The only way is tougher laws that will never happen.

But there are two ways. One is with the return of Christ to rule and the other is 80 years of wandering in the desert until all of the haters has died out. We're talking 80 years of cleansing. But until the haters die out from among us this racial divide will continue. As long as their is a Republican race hatred will continue. Ask Rush Limbaugh.

Since the time when Republicans became conservatives we have had deep racial divide. It will continue until that party and their form of Christianity is done away with. and all that is left is people who really want to live according to the Constitution, "All men are created equal",  and " for God so loved the world".

Who gave them the power to hate what God created. Not unless they are gods planing to over take Heaven and overthrow God himself.. To apply the Constitution to heaven itself.
I think I'll stay a Democrat.

You think about it!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Talking with a black Republican so-called Christians about abortion

Weekend Finisher

Talking with a black Republican so-called Christians about abortion
is like a visit to the "outer limits".

Every now and then I run into a black Republican and as usual I'm blown away at how can a black person be so stupid. First of all, this person told a lie no sooner than they open their mouth. Listen at this, "I'm a Christian" they said.

From this, I knew It was going to be good. I always wanted to get inside the mind of one of these guys. Not to stay mine ya, but to just look around, find an open back door, plan my escape, and when least expected, save myself by running like the devil's den (h.....l).

Any Democrat talking with a Republican Christian with out a plan of escape is just asking for a sudden rush of  high blood pressure, throbbing heart beats and sympathetic stares. Yes, sympathetic stares! You see, while they're talking, you hear em, but lost for words. You're thinking, 'pitiful with a stare".

This is how I felt toward my black Republican so-called Christian friend. I pitied her for being so closed minded and out of touch with reality that common sense being free she should take it. I tried to give her some. Honest I did. But she wasn't hearing it. She was stupid and wanted to remain stupid.

It's unthinkable that God could have any relationship with such closed and twisted minded people as these that he would impart his spirit in them.  He didn't.

When I say the spirit I mean his words. Some people seem to think that God actually is voicing some thing to them. That's not so. God Spirit is his words. Our only connection with God is from what we read of him. His words. Any one who say God talked to them, you tell em to stop lying.
Let's get back. I just wanted to clear that up......

Let me tell you about one of the conversations we got into. First of all she came out of the blue and said, "all politicians are liars". Being a quick thinker I said to myself, "waitttt forrrr ittt" waitttt forrrr ittt" here it come. She said, "Obama is a liar". I knew she was a Republican. I said, "what did he lie about"? "

She said, " I don't want my money going toward contraceptives" I believe in birth control". I shook my head trying to line my brain back up because I thought we were talking about Obama lying".
She then said, "I believe birth start at conception". I said, "I  do not.  It's just male female semen with the composition to make life. it's not a person yet. She said, 'God said, "I knew you before you were formed". I said, The key word here is "formed". You are a school teacher, tell me what "formed" means. It mean a body, a structure, human formed with limbs. She said, "I don't care what you say, life start at conception". So God is lying I said. She stuttered awhile..... I said, "let me lay something on you".

Here is a fact that Democrats will not speak of or defend themselves by. I don't know why, because it's simple enough for any one to see. As I stated previously, life doesn't start at conception. One should merely think on these things to see that at conception there is only cells for making life. The key word to remember is"for making life", not already life.

According to medical experts,  cells call "morula" migrates down the woman's Fallopian tube to her uterus.  A morula is one of the earliest stages in embryonic development, occurring before the embryo has implanted but after it is fertilized. This stage is usually reached at about four to five days after fertilization, and it is followed by the development of the blastula, a cluster of cells surrounding a fluid-filled cavity. The blastocyst implants in the nutrient-rich lining of the mother's uterus. From day 12 through week six, this being is termed an embryo. This is deep stuff.

So what we have here so for is cells and fluids forming to create life. Therefore life cannot start at conception but in progressive stages until it become "formed" to be call a life. The Bible say"
Leviticus 17:14

"For it is the life of all flesh (blood): the blood of it is for the life thereof:  (skip) For the life of all flesh is the blood thereof."

Life is not in sperm cells but in the blood which is impossible at conception because conception is when sperm fluids or cells meet. Fluid! Not Blood!  God said blood was the life of all flesh not fluid or cells.

So, when does life begin? In the blood farther up the line when life actually take shape or formed. Not at conception..... If you didn't get, read it again.

I ended with my Republican friend by asking her, why do Republicans care so much for the unborn and nothing for the living kids shut up in shelters who need some one to carry them home with them. To love and care for them. Republicans are hypocrites. If you care so much about abortion, the unborn, then why don't you adopt 5 or 6 of them. There are enough Republicans to empty these places. But it want happen.

She became quite and said, "I give". I said , yea, right!

I leave you with something to ponder.... Why Isn't an egg called a chicken or a chicken an egg.
Make your head hurt don't it........You think about that!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Pat Robertson is not a man of God. God don't say stupid things.

Weekend Finisher

Have you heard what Pat Robertson the so-called God fill minister just said against helpless people in the past devastating tornado storms that demolished and killed many people in the Southeast and Midwest. He said, "the tornados that devastated the mid-west could have been prevented if enough people had prayed".God does not send tornadoes "to kill people" and that those affected by the deadly string of twisters in the Midwest and Southeast only had themselves to blame for living in tornado-prone areas."God didn't send tornadoes.""God doesn't send tornadoes to hurt people," the Christian Broadcasting Network founder said Monday. "He doesn't send – what you call 'acts of God' – but they're not. So, all I can say is – why do you build houses in places where tornadoes are apt to happen?"
Do this lunatic sound like something God would say against his people. This guy is saying that everyone in the United States should not have build in areas where there lightly will be storms.
Excuse me Satan, but storms are all over the country. So, should we evacuate the United States? Is he telling us that New Orelean should not have been built because, he only, foresaw the coming of Katrina. 
Is Pat Robertson telling us God didn't know what he was doing when he sent Israel out from Egypt into the wilderness knowing their was no food there. Is he saying the people should have never went knowing they would run out of food. What's up with this guy.
"Acts of God" does not relate to storms killing people because those affected had sins  worse than any one else in the country.  No! Its just nature out of balance. Out of control brought on by atmospheric conditions. But since the storms are created by God it is called "acts of God" just like you being obedience and showing acts of God by trying to "love every body", "give to help the poor", take care of the sick", "the widows", "those in prison" and "reaching out to the lost". Yes, these are all also acts of God.
But for Pat Robertson to say God doesn't send storms to hurt people is very silly and against Bible Teaching. Want God be the one sending storms, diseases, hunger, famines and death along with the very dangerous "Woes" of Revelation that is intended to kill millions and millions  of people in the last days?
Matthew 24:6, "And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
Matthew 24;7 read that, "nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
Matthew 24:8, "All these are the beginning of sorrows".
With every storm man should see God as the supreme God that must must be feared. Dangerous storms are the only time man and woman is helpless and reduced to the stone age. Storms happen all over and is here for a reason for all of us. Rather than thinking that God sent a storm to a particular place, just see them as warning to the nations of the earth that we are not as tuff as we think we are. All power is still in God's hand and we should bow down and humble ourselves before him.
Will people be killed because of storms? Yes and no! If you happen to be in the path of which it originated and travels you will be harmed unless you flee to a safe place. If you are caugth in the storm you pay the price. You are not signaled out. That's just the way it is. Mathew 24;8 read that storms do indeed bring sorrows. So death and destruction is foretold.
The prayer that pat Robertson speak of only sit well with the rich, like himself. His prayer is his money. He sit with his chest pump out like a roster sitting in his own glory of the 700 club looking down on the weak making hurtful remarks towards those that's lost ever things. If he represent his god then I don't want nothing to do with his god..
No one can pray a storm away. No, not even Pat Robertson. If he had the power of prayer so much then why didn't he and his 700 club see the tornados coming and pray to stop them? Why don't he pray for peace in Syria or Afghanistan. Better than that, why doesn't he pray for his people and especially for himself. He certainly need it.
Think about it!

Read more on "Rush Limbaugh the charm of the Republican Party" at

Saturday, March 3, 2012

What is the conscience of man that he or she will defy God with it?

There's a lot of talk going around by certain powers of the Church concerning themselves with man's most intimate thought. His conscience.  Many of men's and woman have dared to equate their self immoral conscience with true conscience relating to God's word. That is, what you believe to be right based on what God said is right.  People take what they think is the thought of God and add to it because they thought  this was what God wanted them to do.  But what you believe to be right don't necessary add up to what is right. Especially when it come to Jesus.
The right choice for some is to commit murder and so on. Or, committing crimes they thought on for long periods of time. To them, what they are about to do seem right at the time, and for some, remain the right decision though still wrong even after they get caught. They followed their corrupt conscience.
We all have a conscience, but if that conscious has not been pointed in the right direction of behavior and thinking from proper teaching it can leave you looking and acting really stupid when acting on it. You find yourself raising sand over the sun not shinning as bright on Monday as it did on Tuesday. Who cares as long as it shines and we're here to see it.
Such is the case with so-called Christian Republicans. They say it is against their conscience to hand out birth control pills or contraceptives.  Yet, it is not against their conscience to take or use them.  They say it's against their Church doctrine, yet, their people are the Church and they violate this doctrine.  The Church leaders say nothing to the congregation to not use them because they know they cannot control what they do.
The Catholic Church Republican side is the main leaders in rasing this issue. But if you cannot control your people then the conscience you presume to have against contraceptives is voided. You have no followers to comply to your doctrine which make your doctrine voided.
So, if  Church leaders pursue a law to protect their conscience when they themselves violate their own doctrine then they are violators not only of their doctrine but of the very word of God they pretend to be following.
Titus read, " Unto the pure all things are pure; but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.
Here is a case where the mind and thought patterns of deserters of God are chasing butterflies claiming they are the real angels of the Lord. 
So, what is the conscience of man that he or she will defy God with it? It is the inner sense of what is right or wrong in one's conduct or motives, impelling one toward right action. To defy God is to misuse the conscience of right actions and using self immoral wrong actions to justify a dirty cause.
The political right wing dirty cause of " government violating their conscience" does not add up to salvation. That is,  no one is turned away from heaven for taking a pill or using a form of birth control. Therefore, the out cry made by the so-called Christian Republican Churches are without merit according to the doctrine of the bible.
Salvation is not based on abortion or birth control contraceptives, but on the inner man relationship with God. If one thinks going against these get one a place in heaven then they must be feeding off moon dust. You're still part of the hellish society of man that God hate and must be punished unless you conform to the entire will of God in time.
I cannot stress the relationship of God with man enough than to stress love and help toward your fellowman. A defiled conscience cannot do this. It searches for every thing bad to create a scene. Wasting time challenging small stuff while leaving the big stuff along. Like drawing people away from God rather than turning them towards God.
Attempts to make a mockery of God is the way of the defiled. To take such foolishness before a secular court show just how much real love the so-called Christian Churches care about the beauty, quietness, calmness, loving  and caring attributes of God through Jesus Christ.
In other words, it make the Church look stupid in the eyes of those who already hate or despise the Church. Even to those who are seeking, but not yet made up their minds toward which religion they should join.
Here we see that no conscience of rightness was or has been used. God is not in their kind of pursuit for religious conscience. They are! You think about it!