Democratic Poor People

The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.

Sunday, March 30, 2014


Weekend Finisher

We have a history of going to Church as a regular routine for hundred of years. We look to Sunday as though it was one of the major holidays where we go out and buy beautiful clothes and funny brim hats with face nets. Not for men but for women. 

Men buy the dress suites and ties along with shinny shoes and satin socks.  Children are made to wash behind their ears, put on clean unawares then dress in freshly bought or our best garments to make the parents look good before other women that’s out to judge them.

Yes, going to Church has become a holiday in it’s own rights where millions gather at small buildings as well as great large ones to carry out traditional methods rehearsed over and over again.

Such rehearsals have been rehearsed so long in Church gatherings that the heart of Christianity has never taken time to learn the real meaning of what all this stuff about God, Jesus and the Resurrection is all about. The don’t even know the plan of salvation.

Fun and excitement has long replaced righteousness for seeing who can dress the best,  sing the best in choirs or even having the best choir, the best groups and who can afford to give the highest amount of money or who give the lest.

Righteousness has also been replaced by different types of programs created to entice many toward shows, seminars, conventions, designed breakfast, impossible prayer meeting, achievement awards, clown faced voo doo idiots,  Satan designed so-called Holy Spirit dancers and dedications for the proud.

The Church has become a place of power where one can gain positions not achieved on regular jobs to become teachers, stewards of think tanks, head mothers and deacons to be looked upon as authority figures, ushers head cooks, lay minister and of course the throne bearers themselves in charge of this falling crowd, the pastors.

All using the beautiful inside...... Continue ......

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Using the Church as a means to destroy God’s People

Week End Finisher 

As will continue, there are millions upon millions all around the world and especially in this country, that will use Sunday as a pretending day of worship. That this day is the do gooder day for all sinners to make amend to God, as if he’s listening to all their sins and problems in one to three hours or at all.

People think all there is to Christianity is to say nice words and pretend before those that do not no them that they are Heaven bound and Godly motivated.  Yet, they forget that there are many around you and them that know you well and laugh at your remarks of empty foolishness and slickness.

Sunday will again, as has for over two thousand years, be used by pastors to lie about healing, God’s giving and how we should care about each other, which they have failed miserably at explaining. They will start and end with twisted lies that can’t be proven but will push on for money and power sakes.

Yes, Sunday is the great day when most in church are sick in many ways. Where without medicine acquired from their doctors most would be dead or left suffering. Yet, the pastor push forward in telling them to turn all their problems over to God and God will fix them as though he has no kingdom to oversee.  As though God has no ...... continue..

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Week End Finisher 

Blacks pretending like they’re so religious 
just like Tyler Perry

One thing I can’t stand is a black person pretending like they are better than any one else when it come to God.  They never think how bad they lie on God and how they never get any thing but pretend they do by saying I know God will do it.

Blacks think they  have the power to raised up the dead if you here most of them talk because they  think they mean something to God just by saying God’s name over and over more than any one else and that give them a connection.

Here we are in the 21st century and there’ s not a black person on earth or any one for that matter that has ever seen a miracle or any thing the pastor’s has told them to come true but they pretend on.

Neither them nor preachers  have proven anything that’s been preached except the life of Jesus. Every thing else has been make believe and twisted lies.

Backs look stupid in the eyes of others pretending to have so much God but remain so far behind in poverty, sickness, education and legal rights that has expanded over hundred of years, yet, they say, God is working for them.

Many of us think that just because the preacher preach these silly lies that all we have to do is call on God no matter how sorry and out of touch with each other we are that God will answer our prayers over any body else‘s.  Foolish teaching by foolish pastors.

Tyler Perry is such a character that portray in his shows a way that God always come through for those that believe and whoops, some special miracle take place for them. No matter how vulgar his shows and movies have become  he still believe God is satisfied with the cursing and sex portrayal he promote.

People like Tyler Perry and Oprah Winfrey have the power to turn millions of blacks and whites away from the true way of God and into thinking God is part of the new culture and does not look on his word as he did from the beginning. With their gay beliefs they mock God and their followers cheer them for it.

I enjoy some of his movies and shows but he has become what money always make the weak minded become and that’s ...Continue...

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Big Churches in New Bern, NC and the Weak They take Advantage Of

Weekend Finisher

There are many Churches around the small town called New Bern NC trying to make names for themselves off the backs of poor and unlearned people. Unlearned people are those that go to a Church with the intention of getting help but are taken advantage of by slick wording ministers whom use these people’s lack of understanding to their advantage.

Such is the case with many Churches around New Bern. I pick this city because there is more money and people there than in country Churches. Here, any one with the guts and smarts and need for greed can quickly make themselves a lucrative income. Church is big business for the right ones that no the ropes.

Around New Bern you can see signs waving and fixed showing these money grabbing want to be kings and queens having and wanting their own thrones of worldly power. This come by way of  Satanic plots put together by husband and wife teams lead by the devil whose giving them the power to voice out false twisted frog like schemes to enchant the hearts of the weak.

The end game is to build giant beautiful Churches to bring in those that are poor want be somebody’s that the so-called pastors have figured out want to be seen in and belonging to something of great beauty.

This is a scheme well though after from the beginning by way of a smaller Churches wherein certain one’s are given power positions that bring in family associates thus growing the empire.

Once there and every so often to maintain a grip over their minds, money and trips must be hand out knowing that those receiving will claim God did it for them then go out an spread the word to other greedy unsuspecting victims that will be roped in. Others there that hear of it will also go out and spread the false news of God gave this or that.

Once hooked, another scheme of  “giving to God to be blessed” is the number one sermon of every service after ...... continue....

Saturday, March 1, 2014

The United States is the Whore of Babylon and Not the Catholic Church

Week End Finisher

As shocking as this may seen this might be the truth and if it is I am proven all scholars of the past and of modern time wrong in their interpretation of just who is the whore spoken of in Revelation 17-18. I deeply believe it is the United States from a stand point of how things are right now.

I know if you are like me, I don't like to read long drawn out stories that's boring and do not keep my attention because I have to read to much to get to the good stuff. But some time something come alone that's so important that it beg spending a little more time to get to the truth, if their is one.

I believe this is close to the truth and I intend to prove it from the scriptures themselves and from proof that is before your very eyes that even you will have trouble disproving. Power of the United States.

First, I want you to take the time to read Revelation 17-18. I used the New American Standard Bible (NASB) bible so you can read it without getting messed up with "thou" and "shalt" and so on.

Taken from New American Standard Bible (NASB Revelation 17-18 Read, "The Doom of Babylon/United States. It read:

17. Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and spoke with me, saying, “Come here, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters, 2 with whom the kings of the earth committed acts... continue.....