Democratic Poor People

The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015


                                             Are You Really Saved Or Lying                                           
What I’m about to tell you cannot be disputed by no one on the face of the earth.  I am always talking about the false church and how it has come to be flooded with lies that’s sending many on the road to hell by not having sense to understand scripture or just plain do not care.

Being that the world and especially the United States are living off sayings coming from decades of pastors and ministers that’s geared toward nothing but money, I have a spiritual goal  to reshape the mind of those believing for the benefit of saving a few. The bible speak of only a few.

Today is Sunday, the day of the Sun, and millions that claim Christianity and save by accepting Jesus will tear down the doors, literally, to hear what they received last week, because they keep forgetting how to be a Christians. All of these consider themselves saved and a Christian or they wouldn’t be there.

But, if you are not saved, as they say, don’t feel bad. They are not saved as they say either. Why? Because they cannot get enough of lying.  Lying, whether knowing the truth or not is still lying. Remember, God hates a liar as we precede.

Christians claim they are saved.  However, ... continue  ...

Friday, December 25, 2015

My Final Thought On The Matter Of Christmas

                                                   WEEKLY YEAR END  FINISHER

Happy “Omega’ Celebration to all. We made it thus far and move onward toward the “Alpha”
 (New Year). The year is not over with, so lets pray (hope) to reach it’s end which is December 31 first.

I created the Omega Celebration 10 years ago in hopes of trying to prevent so called Christians from lying and hell bound if they continue on into Satanic worshiping of degrading God and Jesus with Christmas lies.

Omega is an attempt to reach just as many people as I can to renew their faith in the true word of God once again. It separate the righteous from the sinners. It give truth and Godly thankfulness for year long blessings. It obey the word of God and not disrespect God in thinking falsely that God will accept their lie just because they want too.

Omega allow given of gifts to family and friends and telling kids the truth, that their gift come from dad and mom to let them know that it is you that is taking care of them and providing for them with the help of God’s blessings he already bestowed on mankind from the beginning of creation…. You stop lying…

Today, many will go to their wooden church and declare this is the day Jesus was born. Well, I said before and I say it again, “any one, and I don’t care who they are, that do, say, teach, believe and promote “The Greatest Lie Ever Told’, is not a “True Christian, but one caring the name as a nation of Christians such as Christian America.” However, they are lying sinners.

Listen! Many of you are aware ..... continue ...

Sunday, December 20, 2015

It’s A Fact, Christmas and You may not be Living for God

                                                         WEEKLY FINISHER

Did you know that most Protestant people have for over 260 some years celebrated a lie about the birth of Christ  and Christmas and your pastors help promote this lie right along with many of you.

Do you know that it is hard to call one’s self a Christian when they live, love and promote the Christmas lie. Search the internet for yourself. Plenty of history there.

But people caring the name Christian do not want to change from this celebration even if it is rooted in history filthy pagan celebration.

When the bible state man loves a lie more than the truth, then Christmas is it. And who’s spreading this lie around the world, so called Christian  I call the False Church. This is proof of the false church.

Why do people that call themselves the church continue in Christmas? Wouldn’t you think for so long many people in over 200 years would question why, where and when such a celebration was started?

Why would a pastor that said they were called by God help  spread and uphold a lie about God? This doesn’t make sense. One reason is that these pastors were never called by God. There names are not in the bible as being called by God. Thus, this make them a liar again. Why? Because God calls no one to spread lies nor to lie on Him. So, they are open to believing and spreading lies.

As  for the people, they also have become liars and willing participants and protectors of their pastors and Christmas. People that call themselves Christians could care less about this lie because they love it. They like lying to their children and telling pagan stories and playing Santa Claus.

Since the bible speak of a false church, when are the pastors, ministers and followers going to realize this is the false church and begin speaking out against it to restore as much of the true church (people) from becoming lost.

Here are some more facts. While protestant Christians speak against the Pope and the Catholic Church, they get in bed ..... continue ....

Monday, December 7, 2015

False Christmas and Church Pastors lying Again

                                                         DECEMBER FINISHER

Is there anything the church not involved into. I am not talking about the building but the people. I speak a lot about how pastors are sending people to hell by the truckloads. Many have no  business teaching.

In fact, this reminds me of a parable….

“There was this man struggling with whether he should become a preacher or not. He stood firm that when the right time came, God would send him a sign. So, he waited! One day as he was walking across his yard, he happens to look up into the heavens or some may say, the sky. There, he saw letters that spelled “GPC”. I finally got my answer, said the man! “GPC” mean for me to “GO PREACH CHRIST.”
He went to the building or church, told his story and allowed to preach, which he made a mess of it. Afterward, while standing outside looking bewildered, a man approached him, and asked , “why look so down?” “The preacher replied, “how could I do so badly, to say all the wrong things!” “God gave me the sign in the sky.”  “It said, “GPC.” “This meant for me to “GO PREACH CHRIST.”

The man exclaimed, “Oh!” “You must have.... continue..

Friday, December 4, 2015

Shooting In California and False Pastor

                                                          WEEKEND FINISHER

If you are following the news, you should have seen and heard a black minister that come to pray and give comfort to families of those caught up into this terrible murder of Christians in California.

I hope you caught the last part of the top sentence. I said “Christians!” Yes these were Christians once again caught up into being killed and terrorized after being taught in church that this can not happen to a person of God because “we have God right in our front pocket” and “He’s “right on time.”

Well, once again I have proved my point that there is no such thing as God coming to your rescue or doing anything for any one down here. No one can prove such a thing.
The thing about the black pastor I want to point out is that his coming to do a false prayer for the living is too late when the people had already been killed. … No prayer can change things or alter events as you have been told. We just hope that things go all right. Prayer is hope and not a cure.

I listen as he prayed for them and it was ridiculous. None of it was possible nor made any sense to a person who is grown in grace or understanding to know the different between right and wrong.

We are to be prepared for thing occurring in this world. We know not when the time will come, but it will come and we must be prepared. That’s bible.  This does not say that God is prepared to do for us when trouble comes. Doing for us is against his plan for salvation. He said, .. continue ...