Democratic Poor People

The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Christian Republicans works of the Devil

Weekend Finisher

Are so-called Christian Republicans works of the Devil

In a quest to bring all men together I have found that inbedded deep within the Republican Party a new breed or an army of devilish people I believe is influenced by Satan which has legions of his demons working his will within the Conservative False Church hiding behind Christanity.

As I end this months message I cannot forget and I want to remind you that the ones continuing to push the Obama issue of "him being a Muslim, "not a Christian", "he was not born in this country", "he is not an American", "he's a liar" is all promoted by so-called Christian Conservatives. Yes, it's the very pastors and followers you watch on your television sets Sunday after Sunday pretending like they are doing God's will and care about your problems and especially your salvation.

The problem is that they only care about the Conservatives watching them.  Like Romney, they can care less about the other 47% or Democrats that watchs them. If you are not a Republican you cannot receive the goodness of their God.

But yet, you, the innocent Democrats, are not looking at this in any other way than I want to believe in and love this pastor because I believe he or she is a man or woman of God.  Ain't that so sweet? Are you paying attention Conservative pastor?

But what they really want is to keep you fooled into believing in them long enough to get your money. this is a fact because of the way these pastors vote against you, to take away everything from you that is needed for your survival at the same time telling you "we are in this together with God".
The Bible tell us that Satan come in sheep clothing, to destroy and kill. KJV Matthew 7:15
 "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves".

Satan has conservative pastors thinking this verse is only for old bible times when God was sending prophets throughout the land to speak to Israel. But this was not just for Israel. The word of God is forever, toward all who believe or disbelive in God. To those today speaking and actually believing in God's words. 

False Prophets was then and today are still using God's word to surpress and twist the minds of people in believing God is sending a new message and it's through them. These false prophets are against what and how God really want man to live so they change the word of God to fit how they want things to be.

If you have been paying attention to Republican so-call Christians remarks and outbursts this sound just like them. Their pastors speak and teach in this exact way. How do they do it? Well, Satan give them a life long goal that will take them away from the real word of God. "Abortion!" He will give them blessing.

Satan told them that "abortion has nothing to do with salvation, but it will cause a life long commitment of dividing the people and Churches if you make people think so". "Just keep hammering on it over and over even telling them they are commiting murder. "This", "said Satan", "will keep you from ever mixing with those other heathens call Democrats which pretend to be Christians". "I'll make you great, said Satan"!

Satan implanted his demons into the ministers and pastors of this false Church and has been successful in his cause. The Republican Party has already reduced itself to killing and blowing up abortion clinics in past years in the name of their false God with pastors never denying the killing was wrong.

Say, what! Did I say killing! Isn't killing and being a part of killing the same thing. If abortionists go to hell as they put it for what they say is murder  shouldn't they go to hell also for instigating it. Yep!
Satan has them thinking they can't lie. That their lies about Obama are need lies. Beside, Abraham lied about Sarah being his wife Genesis 12:11-20 and Gen. 20:2. Therefore, there is a needed lie that God will accept. Wrong again. Abraham was an example of what lying will cause. Harm! Don't do it.

But the false Church believe because Abraham got away with it they can also. Satan told them they was right and can get away with it because they are Christians, Yet, the Bible read after Abraham that:
Proverbs 6:16-19
"There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers".
Proverbs 12:22
"Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight".
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
"Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God".

Wait a minute. Did I just read what I read. Not only does this sound like inter-country (new word) terriorists but it make it clear that God hate a liar and that all of the above will land you into hell. Doesn't matter whether you dislike abortion or not. And this party should be the one aborted.

This sound like the whole Conservative right GOP is headed for hell. I would like for them to change and I offer them the opportunity to change by getting out of that Republican Party and joining the Democratic Party.

For many, there are hard nose pastors who do not want to part with their money machine followers so therefore have to keep them fooled and confused to keep their pocket full. Right Pat Robertson and Osteen.

Satan has these people, meaning the so-called Christian false Church, in the palm of his hand and know what they want. They want to hate. So Satan set up a stage from which they can perform upon. First, Satan make them drunk from hate then blind them of truth. Then let them loose upon the nations.

Again, "Woe upon earth for Satan has come down to you". Riding a great white horse:. And following with him is his dominions of Republican. And their numberss are "many". "Gun toters", Tea Party, Rich lions and haters". And their names are called Conservatives".

Read more at NIGBITS NEWS

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday, a time to return to God

Weekend Finisher

Sunday, a time to return to God, a time to play Church
What a great day to be alive. To be amongst the living. To be in a world that Gods created and decorated with the beauty of  flowers, grasses, trees, mountains and valleys, hills and streams, oceans and rivers and races of colors, tongues and textures. ----- What a God to sit in glory and declare to the cosmos that He and his Son has created the best of the best when they created man. How proud God must be to think that out of all the many worlds created by him, this world call earth would be his shinning example to all others. He cared so much for this earth and it's people that he wanted to created something different for them after their death that He would send his only son to teach and mold earthling into the quality of beings he can use to fulfil his mission of world building.  ---- Jesus came and for 3-1/2 years preached the word of God He was sent by God to do and accomplish.

He had such a hard time getting through to many but did find worthy disciples that would listen, that  did believe, didn't compromise, didn't join in with the other crown of disbeliever, wasn't swayed by personal interest and wealth, determined, wasn't afraid to speak the truth, had very good  understanding of what God's objectives were, knew how to love, how to share love, how to feel the pain of others and how to reach out to all with the same kind of love and forgiveness that Jesus gave his life to preserve for us.

Man has turned God's word into a Sunday morning show offering love mixed with saturation of trivia games and programs to substitute for the night life of heathens many wish to partake of. It is a time of fake religion and false love where the ministers and pastors use Las Vegas type slot machines, spinning the wheel porker games blanketed in the form of tithes or money packed in envelopes where all the loot goes to the dealer being the pastor. Where less goes to benefiting the mind of followers who hunger for light than to the boss of prosperity with clever techniques.

But we see that money, power and misguided teaching has produced a people of acting in a habitual manner of pretending to shout, hollering, pretending to speak to God. lying on God by saying God told them to say what ever they are telling.  Telling the all time lie that God will heal and turn it over to Jesus and many more prepared saying and doings to captivate those viewing from their living rooms or sitting in their audiences.

The heart of this game is all about money and not about changing or molding new people into the character of God. It's a fact that most followers of all religions, if the rest was real, are not fit to ride an automobile and definitely not fit to handle immortality. When you take a look at Christianity you'll see that the Church has lost it's ability to reach out and change devilish minds into Godly minds. With a Church on every corner in most towns of America one would think our country be equal in dishing out love and more togetherness but finding most being more hateful and divided than when Jesus was here on earth. Christianity is divided into to many groups with all claiming their religion and the way they serve is better than the others. So they stay far away from each other claiming the others worshiping was not real.

Well, what is real is that pastors for decades have hustled for the majority of people that they could scheme the most money out of the easiest. TV pastors has made million off the sad stories of people lives by telling them what "faith will do for them". Stories that they know play off their feelings and cause one to become not drunken by the word of God but by a trick just launched starting with stage one, "faith" to stage two, "offering a book", stage 3, "be obedience to God", to stage 4, "God loves a cheerful giver" which is "MONEY"! Lots of money!

This trick is the same in every Church but more with Republican Churches that has the connections to robbed from rich sufferers who was told through cheerful giving their lives would be saved and they would receive many blessing if they gave big. This type of motivation has funded their lavish life styles and televangelist programs of Satanism for years. They have taught the people not of love but of receiving. But of gaining and not caring who and how you get it as long as you get it.  Then attributing this to God's word and how he want his people to prosper.

However, with all these Churches we find very little love. But we do see what money is creating. Big luxury mega Churches with rotten people inside like a rotten apple. Look good on the outside but is rotten and not fit for anything than to be cast aside and burned.

Who is God? Who Is Jesus? They are creators of all of all of us hoping we would become more than what he now see. He want a people that can get along and knows how to care for each other. To see the poor as one see themselves. To visualize at all time a world where God would appreciate us offering to change non-believers into believing the only way to God is through Jesus.

Their are character changes and attitudes that goes along with serving Christ. It is a salvation thing that goes far beyond the Church on Sunday. Far beyond saying you are a Christian and every time a rock song or rap or country song you hear you begin to twist and sing. Getting behind closed doors and doing things you are ashamed to do in public but use your home as a cover. Then rushing to Church acting like you didn't do a thing and now so Godly and precious with songs of joy after giving Satan his private time.

With as many Churches that open their doors to help people on Sunday has and is proving to be worthless. A waste of time for most. This, however, does not reflect all Churches. The problem we have is that very few know what is the true Church and how to teach about the true God. I know there are many false Churches because Jesus said, "Many many may say Lord, Lord. but I know them not". This is proof that I am right. Yet, most Churches think they are right and this is where we have the problem.

To fix it and move toward God and not hell is why every one should start to question their pastors as to why and where does the Bible say this or that is OK and to do it? Then read that scripture for your self and break each word down to see if it really say what the pastor said. You will find that much is taken out of context. Ask why you go to Church on Sunday and where does it say it? Ask why you do not get healed? Ask why your prayers are not answered? If someone says his prayers are answered, ask them to show how and compare his prayer to another person's prayer that was not answered? Is one a favorite of God that He would answer their prayer and not the another child of his. Not hardly.
Why can't we just love each other without all of the hype. We can do it just by trusting in the word of God. We can be a better person by accepting Jesus as the Son of God and abiding in him in all things like keeping our mind on God at all times meaning every hour and all day and night long.

The very intent of God is not to get us to pretend and play games of corruption but to live, love, share and enjoy each other along with enjoying the beauty of this world called earth that he want us to build upon, create things and enjoy it. He want us to do this by realizing it is he that gives all things and not Satan. He want you to worship him and give him the glory, the praise, the honor at all times. He is the only one that give life and can take it away just as fast. But most rather serve Satan of hate, division, lies, lust, despisers of those that are poor, corrupt and diseased in the mind.

Pastors on Sunday will continue in their old ways of deliverance and today most followers will leave in no better shape than when they entered in. Tomorrow,  it will be Satan's time again. All the Church will once again "do what I want to do "and "God should tend to his business".

I no the truth and want you to no the truth that this world is getting worst and worst and less and less caring about what God want. If you don't believe me then why is the Republican Church against the Democratic Church? Why is the Republican Church filled with so much hate against the Democratic Church? And there is more right before your sight. You can see it if you want to.
I hope I caused your mind to wonder on the great things God has in store for the endures.

Please read my NigBits News day by day or when ever at Nigbits

Friday, September 14, 2012

Tony Perkins supports Mitt Romney's lies, pray

Tony Perkins, President of President of Family Research Council, is speaking out boldly for Mitt Romney who promises to repeal Healthcare for poor people. Perkins are not interested in the many living boys and girls wanting parents and homes to stay in, but rather seem more interested in the unborn. Those living I guess ask to much out of his pockets.

He and others like him would make you think they dislike woman who have abortions. Yet, there are many in his circle that have taken their kids overseas to have abortions so no one can know about it.

Perkins also talked about the love of the United States, like Democrats doesn't. He stated that Obama was apologizing too much to other nations and should be strong. The fact is that Tony Perkins is a liar. There is no data showing Obama apologized to anyone. This has already been proven to be a lie, yet, Tony Perkins like Romney continue to spread it.

The so-called Christians and Tony Perkins still don't believe Obama is a Christian. His so-called Christian brothers have the Internet full of Obama Muslim images and lies.

The bad part about Tony Perkins is that he call himself a Christian. I guess he must be one of the new kind. Those belonging to the False Church of Satan. The God of Lies posted by them.

Tony, who I guess is an educator on the Bible, don't no very much about the Bible. For example, there is a segment image on CNN showing his followers, attempting to pray to God for Romney to win.

This fool ought to know that God has nothing to do with politics going on in America. Why? Because God has nothing invested in racism. In dividing races. In sticking it too the poor and protecting the rich like Tony Perkins.

What Tony has done in Christianity has amounted to nothing except raising twisted folks that quickly cradle and attach themselves to those only  in their personal circle. His lies about Christ has netted him millions of dollars. He haven't caused a one to be saved from death nor has he raised the dead or help cure the common cold. Yet, he fool people into believing God will take care of their problems as long as they continue to give him their money. Common in most ministries.

Tony Perkins is just a slick sheep in wolves clothes. Him, like the rest in the Conservative false Church is Taft amongst the wheat. As it look right now only God will be able to separate the right from the wrong.

But you as good Democratic Christians can offer Tony Perkins and all of the famous so-called rip off ministers whether on the media or not salvation. They must reject the Republican party and Conservatism. It will be hard but you got to do it.  They are a danger to God's melting pot. (melting pot meaning, "where all kind of people live together"). Jerusalem was a melting pot. hink about it!

Read more thoughts at Nig-bits News

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Conservatives, God, liars and the False Church

Weekend Finisher

In watching the DNC ,Democratic National Convention, after all the speeches and especially the great speech given by Bill Clinton, former, president, and then another great speech by Obama, my thoughts went toward all those pitiful so-called conservative Republican Christians and how they could watch knowing the Democrats are right but rather fight for a lie.

As I write this message I'm always trying to let you see that the things I write about the False Church of the Republican Party is true and backed up by the Bible. They are a party that should never use the word compassion and love until they learn what they mean.  Lets read  what the Bible say:

John 13:34, 35: " A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35 By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”

As for as Immigrants are concern:

Lev. 19:33, 34 "`When an alien lives with you in your land, do not mistreat him. 34 The alien living with you must be treated as one of your native-born. Love him as yourself, for you were aliens in Egypt. I am the LORD your God.

Deut. 10:18, 19, 20 "He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the alien, giving him food and clothing. 19 And you are to love those who are aliens, for you yourselves were aliens in Egypt. 20 Fear the LORD your God and serve him. Hold fast to him and take your oaths in his name. "

Now I know what love is. From the scriptures above God not only tell us to love each other but those who come from far off places that move into your country. These scriptures seem to elude those mighty pretenders like the Conservative Baptist Association, Southern Baptist Assoc. of America, American Baptist Assoc.,Pat Robertson, Joel Osteen, Billy Graham, John Hagee, Benny Hinn, Hal Lindsey and many many more devils who who use the Bible to rob money for their own gain.

These guys and all of the conservative ministers are leaders of hate groups and provide the fuel, messages and attitudes to those who would do harm to others.

Listen to this. It is a fact that what Republicans want to do to poor people and the country alike is to put us all in a recession where the poor have to bow to them and beg from their trickle down table. They are living about as close to God as ice is to an erupting volcano.

How can they not listen to poor people who just about beg them not to take away their medicare. Not  to make drastic cuts from funding's so important to them because it will cause them much harm. Yet, no sooner than our Thursday convention ended the so-called Christians dug right in again calling names and continuing on with lies they know are lies.

How can an Organization call themselves followers of Christ when they openly endorse lies. When one doesn't know a lie is being told to them is one thing and forgivable, but these so-called Christians know their party are liars and uphold themselves in it.

All of these television type liars spent nearly all their lives supposedly teaching about Christ. Well we know what they was really after. Money, separation of races, and promoting hate. Not teaching the true religion of Jesus Christ.

The problem with conservative ministers are that they all are smiling split lip haters. They are the red neck of the past and the new Confederates of the future. Their problem is not that they care so much for the economy, it's because they do not want a black man as president no matter how much good he's doing for the country.Conservatives would rather see the country go down than see the poor rise again.

Now, I want to tell you something and I want you to think about it. Did you know that the Republican Party, I mean the entire Republican Party consider themselves as being the voice of God in this world. Look at their platform and what they stand for while evoking God in everything.

God wouldn't back liars and that's a fact. So, point proven. Republicans are the False Church to. Pay attention how silent their Church leaders are on their political leaders lies. They say nothing, but yet, they get on Sunday morning media's pretending they are now filled with so much love for us and God. Now we know that their love is for their party and their Church only.

I don't know about you, but I can't snuggle up with them with their hypocritical false smiles. Smiles you will get until voting time. Then if you're not voting according to their false God the Devil  and their Church belief then they began to hate you and call you names.

Listen  to this.  The biggest followers of the Republican Party are the Conservative Church. It is the one calling the shots from the background. I will not and you should not attend their Churches as long as they are Republicans. They can't love universally. Why? Because they can't tell you nothing about love and how to love if they can't love. They cannot tell you how   to be compassionate when they don't have compassion for the poor and those right around them. Worst than this, they can't tell you and me anything about the Bible no matter how much a powerful jerk they are like Joel Osteen and Pat Robertson.

You tell them like I'm telling you. Tell them, "when you, the Republican so-called Christians, learn to live according to the word of God then you might be able to tell me something about God". "Til then, I don't think so". 'But you can be saved the right way and you know how".

I've found that Republican so-called Christians can smile and be friendly which is good for all of us. It is our duty as Christians to love everybody even those we know will turn against us at voting time. That's just the way it is. We as Democratic Christians will always do for the betterment of all. And that good.

Hey! let me tell you this. I almost forgot. I want to tell you how hypocritical they all for the last time in this message. Did you no that Republicans are fighting against "ObamaCare" but is using it. They are getting the same help as we but is willing to get it taken away if it mean regaining the White House. It make you shake you head doesn't it.

I'm getting tired of writing now, but be bless and always meditate on all things says the Lord. And be watchful. Now think about it.

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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Democrat vote - the life you save may be your own

Weekend Finisher

Today I ventured around a bit and spoke to a few Democratic workers in different places in the lower south of North Carolina. I want mention the areas because I know what I'm going to talk about is happening all over America.

Let me tell you that what I saw was not that good in getting people signed up. It is a shame to find so many people still blind to the fact that this election is seriously about them and their way of life. It is so sad to see that many still will not vote no matter how detrimental it will be to them.

At some spots I witness first hand many blacks who said they would vote for Obama but he hadn't done nothing for them. While these voters are a sure shot for Obama and Biden it sadden me that they remain so ignorant to what the government has and is doing for them.

But, not just blacks but poor whites and Mexicans as well. It is a shame when people rather sit on the front porch or in a country mobile home park drinking beer and slurping on slurpies rather than taking 30 minutes a day to watch a good news network to enhance their understanding on who is working for them and who want to bury them under a bus sinking in quicksand. "Who love you baby"!

There were those who frankly stated, "I don't vote"! I, while standing around, could not resist the urge to step in the conversation to ask a tiny small minute teeny weenie question.  "Why, I asked"?
Gazing upon one such look and actions I knew there was some kind of problem here going on. So, I asked, do your receive benefits? They said yes. "So, how would you like for those benefits to get cut"? "Do you know that will bring a lot hardship on you"? You will have to cut back on things needed for your personal needs.

You wouldn't be able to come to this store and buy the things you normally buy as the month drag on. You would have to probably go out and beg for help, I said. "Do you know that the free medical you receive from clinics could get cut or eliminated if Romney get to be President?  "Would you like for this to happen to you"? They said "no". "So, sign up and get registered I said".

Guess what they said? "I'll do it later". I said, "why not do it now"? "The Representative is right here with the paper work, it only takes minutes".  Happily some was convinced to sign up while others said, "I have to go get something and rode off in the sunset leaving others to care more about them than they do for themselves.

Then again there was others who was not receiving benefits, working and had good jobs with no excuse for not wanting to vote except, "what different does it make, they gon do what they wanta do anyway". No excuse for not voting except "pit- tee - ful".

S blacks and Spanish people feel that Obama haven't done enough for them. The correct answer is that they haven't done enough for themselves. Obama was elected to fix the countries problem. This problem can only be fixed if concentration is focus on the whole country. When he do this every one began to benefit from it. But it take time.

Both blacks, whites, reds, yellows and browns can improve themselves when they and they only decide they are tired of the way they live. Until you get tired of your sorry behavior and attitudes your situations will continue. And guess who's fault this is? Yours! Not Obama.

So, stop blaming, and start realizing that everything the Obama Administration has done was to help poor people and the middle class. I call both class "poor people' because we all need more help getting jobs that is not in the hand of Obama but businesses. He can't make a business hire you. He can't make you get a trade. He can't make you get out of bed and look for a job. That's your job.
Romney want to put rich businesses behead of you. To control who they hire and how they should treat their workers. Doing away with safety standards and unions. Taking away your ability to fight for your jobs. Firing you at the drop of a hat. Increasing insurance hold on you to raise your policy and taking away benefits you now enjoy. When this happen we all lose. This will happen under a Romney Administration. "Don't let it happen!"

But let me say before I finish and that is that I discovered that there was well more, many many more people that was already registered to vote than those suspicious or will not vote no matter what they're told.

I was well please at those that did hear the Representatives and stopped what they were doing and signed up. The Representatives are doing a great job and the Obama Administration are doing a great job protecting us. Now get one to get one to get to the polls on November 6.

Better than that! GO EARLY VOTE the lights at some voting stations suddenly goes out. The voting station may even suddenly disappear. Then you will be told, " It's all in your mind", "You really didn't show up" or Democrats are pulling tricks again"! Now think about it!

Notice: You can register on line. Get your friends and help them register to. It's easy. Go to GOTTA REGISTER then go to GOTTAVOTE and find the location and information for early voting. See your locals.

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