Democratic Poor People

The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Rev Robert Jefferes, pastor of First Babtist Church Dallas TX, is a liar and so is his whole organization

Weekend Finisher

The Conservative Baptist preacher Robert Jefferes stated Friday that the Mormon organization is a cult. He stated he would support, down in the polls, Rick Perry over Mick Romney because he did not consider Mormonism a Christian Organization. He also stated that if it was between Obama and Mick Romney, however, he would vote for a non Christian, Nick Romney over Obama as though Obama was not a Christian. The Fools!

Robert Jefferes is pastor of 10,000 sinners in Dallas Tx. and do not speak for real Christians. Mormonism is as much Christian as any other Christian body that uses the pulpit to preach lies and hate and that's about the entire Christian Organization who use lies about Jesus to keep their misinformed followers following them.

Conservative Churches not only think Mormonism is a cult but they think Democratic Christians are sinners also. All of their Christian sites say the same. So, any Liberal Christians siding with them and their beliefs better realize that they are not your friends and do not consider you as heaven bound. You better wake up and think before you side with them.

Most conservative ministers are not God called, if that was such a thing, but low down slick money hungry weasels using the Church to fill their pockets. Robert Jefferes and the entire Baptist Organization and what ever other conservative organization there be are thieves, robbers and liars. And I can prove it to any one who care to listen.

For Jefferes to state that "it is a Christian right to vote for another Christian" is a lie. And I challenge so-called Rev. Robert Jefferes and any pastor to prove it with scripture. We can vote for any one we want to. Being a Christian does not mean you no what's best in running a government of mixed nations of peoples in all faith. There is no way a so-called conservative Christian ruler ship would be fair to any other religion except theirs, as we see already.

Listen folks! Unless you have someone to immediately counteract any thing a conservative say you need some one there to call them out because they will tell a lie so quick it will give you heart burn. That's why they have so many dense followers. There is no one to tell them the truth.
Telling lies and instigating hate in the name of God is a cult based organization also Mr. Jefferes. Is Mormonism a cult, could be, could not. Is the conservative Christian Baptist a cult. Could be, could not. From my stand point, you are.

Who am I but a mere Christian man with my own sins to tell another professing Christian with their own sins they and not my sins will be judged. As a teacher, all I can do is preach the truth from the bible with out twisting it and let the dust settle where it may.

Many of Christian carry the name only and rotten and not fit for the kingdom. There is more than just saying I'm a Christian. "It's not the hearer, but the doer" The conservative Churches talk it, but they can't live it. "Think about it'.

So-called Christian Conservatives need repentance.
Bishop Ward

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