Herman Cain at Friday's "value voter's summit" at Omni Shoreham Hotel
Washington, D.C this pay weekend, got loud applause's from the crowd when he responded to a reporter who's question of whether he was angry at the historic injustice metered out to African Americans. He stated, " I said sir, you don't get it. "I have achieved all of my American dreams and then some because of the greatest nation, the United States".
......The problem I have with Herman Cain is that he used the word "I". "I" has always been about the Republican Party. "I" does not include the the "poor" . "I" is not giving fair wages and healthcare to others. "I" is about hanging with the rich and those he can get more out of for himself. "I have little concern for others. That's the GOP.
Herman Cain, in the Republican race of hopefuls, is a token black man that's only there to fool blacks and other Democrats in thinking they are not racists because, "we have a black man receiving high praises from Republicans". "So how can we be racists" They used Herman Cain like a carpenter uses a tool.
Conservatives, when Democrats long ago now turned Republicans, have always had a dislike for any race that was not white. In the moment they act on pretensions and promises that they know will not happen . Their only concern is power in order to turn back the hands of time. Power that can only be obtained the way the Tea Party wants it. Total control over all the government to fool those they hate into thinking they care for them then reverse what the Democratic Party have given them.
Republicans have no intention of changing their political views or thoughts of blacks or any other minority groups. But they are smart enough to try to use stupid blacks like Herman Cain to achieve their goal of total control. Then throw him to the dogs and take over. Herman Cain is just a pawn in a bigger plan they see that just might work against Obama. Pit two blacks against each other. Don't knock it.
It want work because the Conservative so-called Christians who are most racists have their darling Rick Perry in their bible book back pockets.
Think about it!
Conservative so-called Christian need be saved.
Bishop Ward
I'm tired of hearing Republican so-called Christians speak about values. Where did they get this stuff from. Certainly not the bible.
The bible speaks in a way of values relating to "loving and caring". They, the conservative so-called Christians, do not represent the Bible in this way. Their values include only them and what they want things to be like. Their values consist of hidden dislike for others and hateful overtones, stealing from the poor and protection of the rich. They value what God hate.
Also, their summit did not include Democrats speaking. However, they said their venue was open to all. "Liars".
Think about!
Bisop Ward
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