Out of hate___ overthrowing the Kingdom of God and setting up his order of government has always been Satan's objectives since his fall from grace. He has always had earth and it's human hosts in his site as becoming our king on earth over the will of God as crowning the true savior, Jesus Christ, as King of Kings and Lord of Lords over all the righteous to be inhabitants of earth living in a new order of tranquility (peace, calmness, etc).
However, throughout biblical history Satan's quest has been a constant struggling one as time and time again his earthly armies with ruthless dictators and generals failed to seat him as head of this world. Yet, he waits, create and manipulate situations.
Realizing he cannot rule through wars and simple manipulations along he turned his attention toward another plan. Towards another kind of war he knows he can eventually win. Through governments!
Instead of war and armies he's decided to concentrate on internal wars between government and the people. Wars between parties and the people. Between the rich and the poor. High positions held by his followers where as they rule through hunger for power, lust and money. Through hate, manipulation and greed. Through these Satan can take control, imprison, make war through the people themselves. Cause disturbancies and chaos.
Satan has weak power and cannot do it along. He need willing subjects. People he can easily con into thinking what they do is right and is of God. Yet, opening the way for Satan to one day control the world for a short period of time. But for now he's satisfied moving ever so closely to total control through powerful twisted forces in Governments around the world and through the Republican so-called Christian conservatives and the ever expanding Tea party, who themselves, have the same agenda in mind of world domination as Satan. A perfect pair. They fit together like hot dog and mustard.
Now listen up carefully and see if all I've said make sense..... Satan need powerful people with lots of money rich and wealthy in high places with the ability to make things happen and the ability to change and pervert others. People rich in business, secret societies, contacts around the world and organizations capable of controlling those in governments. Now if I'm not mistaken, this leaves out us poor people. However, poor people are foolish enough to be drawn in by them.
Now listen up again! Who in our country has the power and money and is consistently pushing to protect the powerful rich from sharing along side poor people? Who pledge to change laws to give them more upper hand to quickly take control of our government and nation. Answer.. The Tea party and so-called Christian conservatives.
What rising organization in politics in such a short few years have spread across the US even into other countries with many followers with the desire to spread their way of belief, faith and thinking? And lastly, who believe that only they and their party can run the United States along. Again...The Tea Party and so-called Christian conservatives.
Now, I'm not too smart as I should be but I am smart enough to listen at what's being said. It should cause you to "raise an eye brow" ( or I never thought about that) to something I was told that was fulfilling scriptures.
Some may say preparing the way for future events involving Satan taking his kingdom seat on earth will start overseas. No way. It can't! Americans and those of the west are too proud and arrogant (superior) to follow someone from another nation. Look how hateful we are (not me) to those we don't understand from other nations. How we pretend. Some one from another nation may rise up but they better have spent great time in great favor in this country sleeping with the rich and working with powerful organizations and governments.
Satan's plan to control has always targeted the United States. Because we took the lead in power, hate, unruliness, violent and perverted filth then pretend we are angles. The rest of the world even other free world countries follow our lead. We (not me) are a great sin breathing ground. Satan knows this. So what better place to make his base than with followers of like minded intentions right here.
The Republicans and so-called Christians conservatives from the beginning of it's conception was formed by Satan. He saw a way to use this party during the building of the nations because of their hunger for power, greed and hate of others (slavery). They are unchange today, yet, presenting a false different change with devilish slickness.
Conservatives best suit Satan's need to carry out his plans because they are with out love or true caring for all, hard headed, steadfast in their belief, teaching twisted and false religion, separating themselves from liberal churches, pretending they are working for the true God of love, full of richness and pride, full of lust and lies, greedy and power hungry. The joy and darlings of Satan.
Liberal Christians are not with out their faults. Some also, are rich and lovers of themselves with the same hateful thoughts as Republican so-called Christians and must be put in the same catagory . However, with Liberals they are more God fearing, loving and caring for all people. This cause Satan not to spend much time with plotting his take over through us. Besides, there are too many poor people who spend too much time calling on God that scares Satan. Not all Liberals are righteous, but enough. Satan needs the big dogs.
As I end there is a calling to salvation for conservatives and liberals alike to repent and return to your first love. Come out from within the world for it give off sweet believing lies that leads toward a short trial before God and an everlasting punishment that will eventually end in death. But when found innocence we will be sentence to life forever and ever in a world we cannot begin to imagine.
I sure would like to see that along with you. Think about it!
Bishop Ward
Democratic Poor People
The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Is God part of a broken religion created by the Republican Conservative So-called Christians.
The answer is NO! There are many more no's that separate those who call themselves Christians from those who are really practicing righteous Christianity. Now days,as in politics, hate has separated the Church and placed God in a position of Judging against himself, if that was possible, by conservatives who has taken away the "Great White Throne" from God and now determine who is worthy of "their love" on earth. However, they are blind to real love and can only identify with deep buried hate they twisted into self love. This is that which the true God cannot identify with.
Many people today and for centuries pass has based their beliefs and faith on their surrounding, such as, their color, their communities, their money, their churches. Doing this isolated and took away the need to want to understand others and their life styles. It even took away using Christianity as a means to say "I love those I'm trying to stay away from" as conservatives,say they do.This also apply to liberals bigots.
It angers people, especially the Republican Party, When they are targeted as a hate party. Notice that the so-called Christian Conservatives heavy loaders and backers, namely, pastors of this party remain quite and laid back when race and hatred is mention so their true view of race cannot come to the forefront. With an image to maintain as a so-called Christian they send their dogs of hell to do their bidden.
Let me take the time and identify hate that impossible and false love of Satan is the father of. Here is a small list: For one, if you think you are better than others because of skin color or nationality, If you will not build nor live in a specific area because others living there are black or Spanish. If you will not or don't want other of other races in your home or community. Will not participate in black functions such as black history or Martin Luther King holidays willingly. If you don't like it or don't want your white son or daughter dating or marrying a black man or woman because they are of another race. if so, you are racist and hateful.
Do you turn your nose up and refuse to speak or acknowledge others when you meet or pass them on the streets or in stores as a good Christian should do? You can't do the work of Christ if you are this kind of better than you person. Do you give lovingly, yet, identify who you give to making sure it does not go to black or Spanish organizations? Are you constantly blaming other races for United States economic failures? If so, you are a racist and impossible to be a child of the God that should love everybody.
What about hiring and promoting. If you are not fair in hiring and given promotions to those needing it fairly, over pricing goods and services to steal from the poor you are not a Christian.
And lets not leave out robbing from your congregation. This is one area that really separate the righteous from the true child of God. Most conservatives gospel TV shows are making a killing selling twisted religion and their buy all no all books of encouragement during times of despair. Neat little way of squeezing the poor without going to prison.
If you fall in any of the categories above whether Democrat or Republican you are not a Christians and should stop going around saying you are when you are what you really are and that's a lying cheating hating self serving idiot attempting to use God as your payday.
Many people today and for centuries pass has based their beliefs and faith on their surrounding, such as, their color, their communities, their money, their churches. Doing this isolated and took away the need to want to understand others and their life styles. It even took away using Christianity as a means to say "I love those I'm trying to stay away from" as conservatives,say they do.This also apply to liberals bigots.
It angers people, especially the Republican Party, When they are targeted as a hate party. Notice that the so-called Christian Conservatives heavy loaders and backers, namely, pastors of this party remain quite and laid back when race and hatred is mention so their true view of race cannot come to the forefront. With an image to maintain as a so-called Christian they send their dogs of hell to do their bidden.
False Love
Let me take the time and identify hate that impossible and false love of Satan is the father of. Here is a small list: For one, if you think you are better than others because of skin color or nationality, If you will not build nor live in a specific area because others living there are black or Spanish. If you will not or don't want other of other races in your home or community. Will not participate in black functions such as black history or Martin Luther King holidays willingly. If you don't like it or don't want your white son or daughter dating or marrying a black man or woman because they are of another race. if so, you are racist and hateful.
What about hiring and promoting. If you are not fair in hiring and given promotions to those needing it fairly, over pricing goods and services to steal from the poor you are not a Christian.
And lets not leave out robbing from your congregation. This is one area that really separate the righteous from the true child of God. Most conservatives gospel TV shows are making a killing selling twisted religion and their buy all no all books of encouragement during times of despair. Neat little way of squeezing the poor without going to prison.
If you fall in any of the categories above whether Democrat or Republican you are not a Christians and should stop going around saying you are when you are what you really are and that's a lying cheating hating self serving idiot attempting to use God as your payday.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Herman Cain is a GOP rat trap loaded with cheese to entise blacks to take risks on a no winning gamble.
Herman Cain at Friday's "value voter's summit" at Omni Shoreham Hotel
Washington, D.C this pay weekend, got loud applause's from the crowd when he responded to a reporter who's question of whether he was angry at the historic injustice metered out to African Americans. He stated, " I said sir, you don't get it. "I have achieved all of my American dreams and then some because of the greatest nation, the United States".
......The problem I have with Herman Cain is that he used the word "I". "I" has always been about the Republican Party. "I" does not include the the "poor" . "I" is not giving fair wages and healthcare to others. "I" is about hanging with the rich and those he can get more out of for himself. "I have little concern for others. That's the GOP.
Herman Cain, in the Republican race of hopefuls, is a token black man that's only there to fool blacks and other Democrats in thinking they are not racists because, "we have a black man receiving high praises from Republicans". "So how can we be racists" They used Herman Cain like a carpenter uses a tool.
Conservatives, when Democrats long ago now turned Republicans, have always had a dislike for any race that was not white. In the moment they act on pretensions and promises that they know will not happen . Their only concern is power in order to turn back the hands of time. Power that can only be obtained the way the Tea Party wants it. Total control over all the government to fool those they hate into thinking they care for them then reverse what the Democratic Party have given them.
Republicans have no intention of changing their political views or thoughts of blacks or any other minority groups. But they are smart enough to try to use stupid blacks like Herman Cain to achieve their goal of total control. Then throw him to the dogs and take over. Herman Cain is just a pawn in a bigger plan they see that just might work against Obama. Pit two blacks against each other. Don't knock it.
It want work because the Conservative so-called Christians who are most racists have their darling Rick Perry in their bible book back pockets.
Think about it!
Conservative so-called Christian need be saved.
Bishop Ward
I'm tired of hearing Republican so-called Christians speak about values. Where did they get this stuff from. Certainly not the bible.
The bible speaks in a way of values relating to "loving and caring". They, the conservative so-called Christians, do not represent the Bible in this way. Their values include only them and what they want things to be like. Their values consist of hidden dislike for others and hateful overtones, stealing from the poor and protection of the rich. They value what God hate.
Also, their summit did not include Democrats speaking. However, they said their venue was open to all. "Liars".
Think about!
Bisop Ward
Washington, D.C this pay weekend, got loud applause's from the crowd when he responded to a reporter who's question of whether he was angry at the historic injustice metered out to African Americans. He stated, " I said sir, you don't get it. "I have achieved all of my American dreams and then some because of the greatest nation, the United States".
......The problem I have with Herman Cain is that he used the word "I". "I" has always been about the Republican Party. "I" does not include the the "poor" . "I" is not giving fair wages and healthcare to others. "I" is about hanging with the rich and those he can get more out of for himself. "I have little concern for others. That's the GOP.
Herman Cain, in the Republican race of hopefuls, is a token black man that's only there to fool blacks and other Democrats in thinking they are not racists because, "we have a black man receiving high praises from Republicans". "So how can we be racists" They used Herman Cain like a carpenter uses a tool.
Conservatives, when Democrats long ago now turned Republicans, have always had a dislike for any race that was not white. In the moment they act on pretensions and promises that they know will not happen . Their only concern is power in order to turn back the hands of time. Power that can only be obtained the way the Tea Party wants it. Total control over all the government to fool those they hate into thinking they care for them then reverse what the Democratic Party have given them.
Republicans have no intention of changing their political views or thoughts of blacks or any other minority groups. But they are smart enough to try to use stupid blacks like Herman Cain to achieve their goal of total control. Then throw him to the dogs and take over. Herman Cain is just a pawn in a bigger plan they see that just might work against Obama. Pit two blacks against each other. Don't knock it.
It want work because the Conservative so-called Christians who are most racists have their darling Rick Perry in their bible book back pockets.
Think about it!
Conservative so-called Christian need be saved.
Bishop Ward
I'm tired of hearing Republican so-called Christians speak about values. Where did they get this stuff from. Certainly not the bible.
The bible speaks in a way of values relating to "loving and caring". They, the conservative so-called Christians, do not represent the Bible in this way. Their values include only them and what they want things to be like. Their values consist of hidden dislike for others and hateful overtones, stealing from the poor and protection of the rich. They value what God hate.
Also, their summit did not include Democrats speaking. However, they said their venue was open to all. "Liars".
Think about!
Bisop Ward
Friday, October 7, 2011
Rev Robert Jefferes, pastor of First Babtist Church Dallas TX, is a liar and so is his whole organization
Weekend Finisher
The Conservative Baptist preacher Robert Jefferes stated Friday that the Mormon organization is a cult. He stated he would support, down in the polls, Rick Perry over Mick Romney because he did not consider Mormonism a Christian Organization. He also stated that if it was between Obama and Mick Romney, however, he would vote for a non Christian, Nick Romney over Obama as though Obama was not a Christian. The Fools!
Robert Jefferes is pastor of 10,000 sinners in Dallas Tx. and do not speak for real Christians. Mormonism is as much Christian as any other Christian body that uses the pulpit to preach lies and hate and that's about the entire Christian Organization who use lies about Jesus to keep their misinformed followers following them.
Conservative Churches not only think Mormonism is a cult but they think Democratic Christians are sinners also. All of their Christian sites say the same. So, any Liberal Christians siding with them and their beliefs better realize that they are not your friends and do not consider you as heaven bound. You better wake up and think before you side with them.
Most conservative ministers are not God called, if that was such a thing, but low down slick money hungry weasels using the Church to fill their pockets. Robert Jefferes and the entire Baptist Organization and what ever other conservative organization there be are thieves, robbers and liars. And I can prove it to any one who care to listen.
For Jefferes to state that "it is a Christian right to vote for another Christian" is a lie. And I challenge so-called Rev. Robert Jefferes and any pastor to prove it with scripture. We can vote for any one we want to. Being a Christian does not mean you no what's best in running a government of mixed nations of peoples in all faith. There is no way a so-called conservative Christian ruler ship would be fair to any other religion except theirs, as we see already.
Listen folks! Unless you have someone to immediately counteract any thing a conservative say you need some one there to call them out because they will tell a lie so quick it will give you heart burn. That's why they have so many dense followers. There is no one to tell them the truth.
Telling lies and instigating hate in the name of God is a cult based organization also Mr. Jefferes. Is Mormonism a cult, could be, could not. Is the conservative Christian Baptist a cult. Could be, could not. From my stand point, you are.
Who am I but a mere Christian man with my own sins to tell another professing Christian with their own sins they and not my sins will be judged. As a teacher, all I can do is preach the truth from the bible with out twisting it and let the dust settle where it may.
Many of Christian carry the name only and rotten and not fit for the kingdom. There is more than just saying I'm a Christian. "It's not the hearer, but the doer" The conservative Churches talk it, but they can't live it. "Think about it'.
So-called Christian Conservatives need repentance.
Bishop Ward
Robert Jefferes is pastor of 10,000 sinners in Dallas Tx. and do not speak for real Christians. Mormonism is as much Christian as any other Christian body that uses the pulpit to preach lies and hate and that's about the entire Christian Organization who use lies about Jesus to keep their misinformed followers following them.
Conservative Churches not only think Mormonism is a cult but they think Democratic Christians are sinners also. All of their Christian sites say the same. So, any Liberal Christians siding with them and their beliefs better realize that they are not your friends and do not consider you as heaven bound. You better wake up and think before you side with them.
Most conservative ministers are not God called, if that was such a thing, but low down slick money hungry weasels using the Church to fill their pockets. Robert Jefferes and the entire Baptist Organization and what ever other conservative organization there be are thieves, robbers and liars. And I can prove it to any one who care to listen.
For Jefferes to state that "it is a Christian right to vote for another Christian" is a lie. And I challenge so-called Rev. Robert Jefferes and any pastor to prove it with scripture. We can vote for any one we want to. Being a Christian does not mean you no what's best in running a government of mixed nations of peoples in all faith. There is no way a so-called conservative Christian ruler ship would be fair to any other religion except theirs, as we see already.
Listen folks! Unless you have someone to immediately counteract any thing a conservative say you need some one there to call them out because they will tell a lie so quick it will give you heart burn. That's why they have so many dense followers. There is no one to tell them the truth.
Telling lies and instigating hate in the name of God is a cult based organization also Mr. Jefferes. Is Mormonism a cult, could be, could not. Is the conservative Christian Baptist a cult. Could be, could not. From my stand point, you are.
Who am I but a mere Christian man with my own sins to tell another professing Christian with their own sins they and not my sins will be judged. As a teacher, all I can do is preach the truth from the bible with out twisting it and let the dust settle where it may.
Many of Christian carry the name only and rotten and not fit for the kingdom. There is more than just saying I'm a Christian. "It's not the hearer, but the doer" The conservative Churches talk it, but they can't live it. "Think about it'.
So-called Christian Conservatives need repentance.
Bishop Ward
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
So-called Christian conservative Mark Driscoll preached losing battle on hell fire.

As a minister I'm a great lot concerned on how it took 15 years to preach on hell. Without hell being taught along side heaven there would be no need for any one to repent. DA! What was he preaching.
But like all conservatives ministers and some liberal ministers too, who make their fortune from elaborate schemes of books and seminars, their first thought is money. They preach any thing in any way to get paid. Now I wonder about Driscoll followers not knowing the real truth about hell until last week.
Many so-called Christians here in the US are so far from God that they wouldn't know the rapture if it was plastered across the sky: "The Rapture is about to begin" blinking on and off night after night in the same spot in the sky. They would say, "yea! Right! It's just confuse meteorites and gases giving the appearance of writing.
Conservative so-called Christians along with pastor Driscoll do not believe in Jesus and his words as they teach. Neither do they fear hell as they pretend or they would do more and be more considerate and loving towards the poor and needed. They would not be aligned with the worst racists, haters and murderers in this country. They would not be backing the rich to take from the poor. They would be trying to promote togetherness toward all people and not just those who think as they do. God is love but he is no fool.
There is a lot more than just knowing about hell that the so-called Republican conservative Christians need to know about. They need be retaught again..
Think about it.
Bishop Ward
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