The truth about blacks being Republicans is a very short and sweet truth. Yes blacks use to be Republicans.
There is a half truth going around and being mostly spread by the so-called, Black Tea Party members, that blacks were in the wrong party. That we were first Republicans because Republicans was against slavery and did more to help free, promote and get better rights for blacks back in the late 1800's than the Democrats did.
(my dates may be off just a little bit, I'm no historian, just a plain old Minister, so bear with me)
Is this true? Yes it is. From historical records that I've read, and as bad as I want to dispute it. I can't.
The answer is yes. Blacks were Republicans! Republicans did push a lot for freedom over the Democrats, and yes, Democrats opposed blacks moving ahead. Democrats was Racists of the worst kind.
But Wait! Let's not get carried away.There is more to this story that the Republicans and Black Tea Party is not telling you, or is omitting to tell you, because they know that most poor black and white Democrats do not study or try to investigate issues and stories they hear.
It's sort of like Church. There is a lot of things being told that has another side to it. You go along with it because the person telling it, you believe them. So you end up telling what you heard from them not really knowing that what they say is the complete truth.
But, if you have a gut feeling that something doesn't sound right, some where down the line there is something wrong with it. Such is this case as blacks being Republicans.
The whole truth!
What I'm about to tell you is true and can be confirmed from any history book if only you would investigate it. I'm not going to tell you where I got this information from because I want you to research it for yourself.
Now wait for it! Wait for it! Wait for it! Bammm!!!! Democrats were conservatives!!!
The key word here is "Conservatives". According to North Carolina history it was the conservatives who was Democrats and they were mostly for White rule or white supremacy through the south.
They were largely made up and often came to rule government with the help of the Klu Klux Klan. The klan was very large, but when the conservative Democrats came into office and they did quite a lot, the Klan slowly disappeared for awhile.
In 1874 -76 the Klan didn't need to raise sand about blacks having rights because the Democratic Conservatives views was the same as theirs.
Conservative meant death to slaves or blacks trying to get equal or fair opportunity. Just like today. Conservative took from lesser poor people and kept for themselves through clever manipulations.
Back then conservatives used the same issues then as they use today to gain power over the government and eventually get rich from it. Back then they claim the government was intruding. The people believe them. They got in power and socked it to the economy.
Blacks knew that it was not whether the party was Republican or Democrats, but it was the word "Conservative" that carried the hatred over tone. They could no longer be in a party that suddenly turned on them and forced them out of the party based on racism.
But as time went on, the views of the Conservatives became the views of the Republicans. Separate schooling, housings and so forth for blacks.
The Republican party slowly became a conservative party. Democrats lost it's support from the conservatives and turned to support more black rights.
Now being in the very party that was out to destroy them, blacks now found a home in the Democratic party who was now pushing for fair opportunity.
You see, It was never about Republicans vs Democrats, It was what they stood for. Conservatives are still today mixed with the same haters as had back in the old days when our country was still forming.
So, for those blacks still in the Republican party, you're been out witted and used against your own self. You got to be mighty stupid to keep voting against yourself.
Herman Cain, Lloyd Marcus and any Black Tea Party member who try to get you into the Republican party, remember this. Conservatives has never been for complete rights for people of color. It's impossible for them. This is their history and their roots.
Blacks, Spanish and other minorities chose the Democratic party to join along with rich and poor whites to make this a better America for all men to share in her equality and prosperity.
So Republicans, black or white, stop going around saying blacks was Republicans without telling them why they was Republicans. It was because Conservatives wanted to destroy blacks and maintain some level of control over them.
And who are those same conservatives today. "Republicans!"
It's a matter of History! No pun intended! "We The People!
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