Democratic Poor People

The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Senator Reid not afraid of Tea Party

House Speaker John Boehner and newly elected legislators is feeling the heat from their Tea Party supporters. 
They are being threaten and pushed in corner because of 2012  coming elections. They Republicans are scared to death.
Senator Reid, the most powerful man in the Senate, made some bold declarations about the Tea Party Wednesday. He said that the "country doesn't care much about the Tea Party," and that the Republican Party should not shackle itself to the conservative movement's demands regarding cuts to the federal budget.
He quoted from a CNN poll that 47 percent said they had a negative opinion of the Tea Party while 32 percent said they had a positive opinion and 14 percent had no opinion. Both the Democratic and Republican parties received 48 percent unfavorable ratings.
 A possible government shutdown. Government will come to a halt April 8 if a budget for the rest of the fiscal year is not passed.
The hold up is that the Republicans headed by House Speaker John Boehner who want a $61 billion dollar cuts which will force our economy back into economic turmoil and the Tea Party wants cuts promised to them back in November of $100 billion dollar cuts which will put us back deeper into inflation. Democrats cuts are 30 billion dollars which will not hurt the poor people Republicans are trying to do.
Unlike some other Democrats, Harry Reid is fighting the Tea Party hard. He speaks what he feel and stand ready to defend it.
The Tea Party is feeling the heat and we need to keep the pressure on. So far, the Poor party is the only movement speaking out nationally against the Tea Party and Republicans.
Once again, Christians live in this country and should be doing and saying more to help poor people rather than remaining silent letting others do it.

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