Democratic Poor People

The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

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Remote controlled New Hampshire presidential Republican candidates Monday night was a shamble. One by one these cronies that killed the spirit of America begged  Americans to let them finish the job they started under George Bush.   By Bishop ward

These rich vampires headed a who's who list of poor people blood suckers like Michele Bachman, Tim Pawlenty, Mick Romney, Newt Gingrich, Herman Cane, and Ron Paul. All wanting to bury sick people by refusing to give medicare care and help to those needing government assistance.

Poor people must wake up and realize that with out the government helping us we will suffer under a government that believe in not involving itself in our lives. If we let the Republican take over the government we will be left to suffer and die.

Did any one but me notice the crowd of people attending this function? There were only rich and wealthy snobby people who wouldn't give poor people the time of day. Not even poor Republicans. They are too stupid to see that when they take away "sweet Obamacare", it hurt them as well as Democratic poor people.

There are a lot of Silly Republicans with out health care and is suffering but is willing to suffer more to get their politician in office just to spite Obama and the Democratic Party. This is stupidity at it's highest.

Michele Bachman freely told Democrats and the nation that she will be running the country from the Tea Party principles because only the Tea Party is right and know what's best for America. She is a Remote Controlled candidate that will be a remote controlled President representing on the Tea party. And we know what the Tea Party stand for. Then again, all of these cronies will be remotely controlled by the Tea Party.

Poor people we must unite now. If this  type of Tea Party Republican get to be president,  we will really be in some serious trouble.

Think about it!
God bless!

New Hampshire presidential Republican candidates Monday night was a shamble

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