Weekend Finisher
When I speak of the FALSE CHURCH one need to listen. While people seem to think God is a play toy, there are serious actions and events taking place right before your eyes that you are too blind to see.
For someone to keep saying God is doing this and that must not be living in the real world that I live in. Neither have they read the same gospel I read. Or maybe need a bigger pair of eye glasses.
History and life itself disprove any attempts for any body to say God is working in this world. Yet, In the Unites States, people feel and think this is the only country that God dwells in working hard as bringing change, as if this was true.
We see the military and others fighting for us and our lively hoods on earth. But God need no guns if he wanted to stop things! Again, there are to much death and diseases which lie in our past and in our future that know pastor can fix nor heal.
We have been taught false and twisted lies for so long until Satan has taken over most of our minds to the point that truth and common sense cannot be understood and thereby fight against truth.
Satan has place people in your lives, that does nothing but work for him in other areas and through out buildings they call churches for the sole purpose of producing warriors for him to place and spread through out God's few on earth in hopes of destroying just as many souls as he can.
So for, it is and has been working for over a millennium.... Destroy the mind ... continue ....
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