A servant of God the Father was sent to summon Jesus for an seasonal meeting long needing to be discussed. As God waited, he sit starring into one of many special worlds he hold close to him. One particular one, being earth.
Its been awhile since God took personal interest in earth. But after seeing an anomaly in the people that caused him to wonder how his creation was coming along, he wanted to speak with Jesus since it was his Kingdom to be.
Such duties of keeping track of all life on planets are normally left in the hands of the great book keepers, stewards and other high officials of the Kingdom of Heaven. God is consulted when ultimate matters reach level of God’s interest and final say so.
Though God the Son who is equal with God do handle matters of God the Father, but this time a friendly chat and a question troubled God the Father and God wanted to hear it from Jesus. Such explanation will reign true in the written word for all human inhabitants.
I was looking upon earth and gazed upon a celebration called Christmas, said God, where many there are celebrating your birthday and involving me in it. I see they have used certain scriptures of my word to created a festive occasion in an attempt to honor you.
I see that they are a mixture of all kind coming together as one. But not just your birthday, but they celebrate another character to blend in with yours. Tell me more about this.
My question to you is, “is this your birthday?” “I do know when you were born, said God,” but I want to hear what you have to say.”
“No, replied Jesus, it is not my birthday and never have and never will be.” This thing they do called Christmas has been devised by Satan and a group whom call themselves the Catholic Church. Since it’s conception I have sent many people with many warnings to avoid it, separate and stand for righteousness, but to no avail. Even our word in scripture are used to twist and justify Christmas continuance.” “Many has gone the way of the world.”
But Jesus, say God the Father, look at them with all the lights and Santa Claus, gifts and partying, music of all sort and mixture. They worship you as a baby in songs. They have even brought you back down to a baby, and I must say you are kind of cute.” The kids love to place your image around things and in yards, but care less to have you for a doll.”
“What is going on?” They celebrate your birthday, is this not true?” Is it your birthday or not? Tell the people again.
NO, it is not my birthday, said Jesus! No man on earth know it and this is the reason for my not disclosing it. Man has a way of taking things out of proportion, adding to and taking away, joining in and accepting all that feel good to them rather than defending the true word of God.
They have no concern or nor ever think that I am a God and not to be played with as a baby or praised as one. Such an attempt to put me in a crib is disgraceful. I am a God and those that believe in me believe in me through the word of God and not through me as a baby that had not yet ascended. Such will not win them salvation.
But will you honor what they do any way, said God. They look so happy! No, I cannot even if they continue, as many will. If I approve of or agree with them I would be agreeing with a lie. To do such a thing will make me a liar, said Jesus. If I accept this lie it open the door to every things I’ve said and done to be challenged and scrutinized because now, I am a liar. Who will believe a liar?
No! let them have their fun and on the appointed hour, he that endured unto the end shall be saved. Then those that preached and spread discourse and lies shall fall under much weeping and woe, said Jesus. For many shall come, but few are choosing.
Yes, they are indeed celebrating with much joy, but it’s not for me nor you Father. It’s for their own Joy. They must learn to celebrated the seasons we gave them with much joy, yes, but do it in truth, said Jesus.
Then God stood, came close to Jesus, smiled and said, “once again your have proven to my Son in whom I am well pleased always.” Jesus smiled back and said, “you better believe it!”
Note: This is strictly fiction with a lesson of understanding…. Think about it!… Visit site for more on Christmas....
Democratic Poor People
The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Sunday, November 13, 2016
The god of Trumps Wins
Facebook © 2016
News Feed
Well, well, well, it looks like this old minister is right again, as usual. The false church turned out in groves from every dark spot and crack. Yes, the followers of false pastors, mostly from the conservative and Republicans side, has led the push toward putting the head, now, of the most racist groups in America, to be their leader.
Yes, today this side of the false Republican Church is giving praise to their god because he answered their prayers. Notice I written god with a small "g" because this god is the god of hate,liars, rebels, back bitters, under handed schemers and tricksters and violently insensitive hoard of deplorables pretending to be the true Church.
And yes, Democrats and false Christians, some, foolishly, did the same, with no results. Each false Christian group thinking to do or trying to evoke God into choosing and turning against his own for another.
Yet, Conservative false pastors teach this is true and told their followers the true God was own their side and hate all those that do not believe as they do. And their people believed them.
Conservatives Churches voted to get the records of this black man, President Obama, removed from history. They voted to do away with Black Lives Matter. Protecting police during black shooting and hinder or refuse to prosecute them. They voted to give the KKK, which they truly are, the right to practice racism openly which they participate in and inwardly are one.
They, the false church voted to carry their guns any where they want and to use it in "Stand your Ground" laws and more.
As, I have pointed out for years, this is the age of the false church and I have challenge anyone on the planet to prove me wrong, which none have come forward to do it.
Now you should be able to see it right before your face. The election shows you how divided and twisted so-called Christian people are and how they truly despise each other.
Democratic false Christians, some, woke up ready to snatch their heads off with disbelief of how could church people vote for Satan. Well, they did and many blacks and Democrats will once again watch and glory over these racist pastors on media as God fearing teachers. Blind leading the blind.
Now that elections are over, every one will go back with lying on Jesus and God as usual. Facebook will be flooded with banners of "what God will do' and "Jesus answer prayers" and all other kinds of false twisted sayings by false prophets. False pretenders and blind followers will say "amen" to knowing no better.
They couldn't get Hillary elected, so they will go back to playing with the Almighty God as if they have direct cell phone connection and power to command God himself. Such foolishness!
But there is one thing you can believe on and is the truth and that's bu getting the truth by visiting my web page and getting in touch with true knowledge as God intended. While there, think about it and grow in grace. Read more at www.ppartymovement.com
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Great Liars OvertakingThe Church
Weekend Finisher
What is it that cause people to lie? Why can't they tell the different between truth and a lie? Truth is that which can be seen and verified. A lie is that which cannot be proven.
90 percent of what church people say about God is a lie. They lie on God and do not care. The Bible say a liar shall not enter into the Kingdom of God. Do this make people fearful of hell? No!
The Church flaunt lies constantly, and for years, and it matter not that they cannot and have not proven absolutely nothing they say about God healing or providing substances for people.
They cannot show with any proof where God is doing all this healing or any other thing. Where! Certainly not in nursing homes or hospitals or children in health facilities, and lets not forget the sick and poor all over the world.
Its messed up when people say God will do all this but has nothing themselves nor records of healing any one from death, whether, of those asking for prayer for self or love ones.
When I look around I see no one from other centuries still alive. Although there may be 6 or 7 spread across the world. But the fact is no one was healed by God to live forever in the flesh. They are all dead.
We get sick of some thing and we go to doctors as we all does and we all will continue. So will the people that lie to you telling you God will heal your every situation. Think how rich, healthy and wealthy we all would be if such was so.
It take great nerves or just plain stupidity to lie on God or reduce God down to very low deliverance of fixing people problems of every situation.
Think! Do you not know that if God was working on earth it would be a great thing. Not some itsy bitsy thing the world will not hear of.
We are talking of a Great Creator, not a play toy. We are here to live by the words of God. We are here to love God, obey his word, love and we help each other. This is what we are supposed to do.
Look around you at the types of business created and working together to cause us, not God, to build and move ourselves forward. We work together and develop ways to help each other through jobs, homes, borrowing, developing, using, insurance, recreation, travel, working, banking and the beat goes on.
God has already given us all we need. It's life and a brain to work and continue his creation for him first and us next. For us to build, multiply and to help each other beautify that which he placed in our hands and care.
You haven't seen God nor any angel with a hammer in their hands building or doing any thing for us.
We are the keepers. We are the teachers. We are the ones that remind others of the goodness of God and the reward toward those that trust, believe and abide in him.
In the end we will be judged on how we conducted ourselves and hope or pray we are approved by God based on the work and life we lived.
Saying God helped you in any way other than by his written word in a book makes this person a liar... God cannot take care of your every need then judge and send you to hell afterward.
God cannot take care of your every need, yet, let you suffer, get sick, die or not give you what ever you want.... Do you see how foolish this is when someone say such a thing? Such a person that say God do and will must have already reached perfection and immortality and should not be among the living...
Stop listening to false people lie on God. But stop, think, look around you and ask, what, when, how, why and especially, where! Do this in all things and you will catch them every time in a lie or learn the truth.
Question any pastor, person or minister with this. Make them prove it, not say it and let them get away with it.
Ask them to prove it at public places away from their facilities and at places, like, healthcare facilities, VA, Child Care facilities and others.
Watch them lie their way out of not wanting to go to these places heal at them. Even pastors and ministers won't take a bite of this apple, even with false teeth.
When I look out I see wars and rumors of wars. I see storms and earthquakes in different places. I see sickness and death, hate, fear,
sorrow, theft, murder, rape, lust envy, liars, robbers and other great sins. What do you see?
Read more truth at www.ppartymovement.com
Friday, September 2, 2016
Detroit And Lying Black Pastors
Weekend Finisher
If you are watching the candidates, I point you toward another instance of the false church. It is seen in black Republicans hosting Donald Trump. He will meet with Wayne Jackson, a big timer that built a mansion and millions off lying to his congregation.
It seem this man and his relationship with racists bother him not. He have voted so long with racists that he thinks like them and see no wrong in them. In fact, Jackson and those sticking with Trump are just as dangerous to sound minded blacks as the KKK and other race groups that seem to flourish in the Republican Party.
But enough with that part of them. What I want to discuss is what I always speak on and that’s the lies constantly told by people that call themselves the church. Tomorrow in Detroit, Donald Trump will meet with Republican clowns at a building they ignorantly call the church, to try an prove to sensible black people that Trump can be our savior as he is theirs and “what have we got to lose” foolishness.
I’m saying this to get you to see how pastors have been lying to you for well over a thousands years about God doing this and that for you or for those calling themselves the Church. Not so! This is another proof.
Bishop Jackson is hosting Trump in Detroit because he finds Trump a savior for black people. He will ask Trump 12 ready prepared questions they gave him in advanced to try an appeal to Democratic blacks .
This pastor and other Republican Mega church pastors along with their congregation should be having a moment of reality or can‘t see the forest for the trees.
Now what am I talking about? It’s this! These Mega Churches that make their living lying to people and robbing them have finally realized, themselves, that God is not working for them in their lives and is not giving them a thing, not even us. Only one man can truly make a good life for them, Donald Trump! What do this say?
What! Do you mean all the time when they were telling us, them, you, that God will fix it for you us or turn it over to Jesus, or God will get you a good job, home, nice car, heal you, or pray to him to make things come down, pray for him to build our neighborhoods are really not true! You mean these pastors are lying to us? Yep!!!
God has already done what he was going to do for us. As a Christian you should know it and that.
Wayne Jackson is sucking on Donald Trump like ants on a lollipop. He has been shouting to his mega churches to trust God with your finances but now he’s saying, Donald Trump, not God, will do for blacks.
He and other black Republicans will meet with him and ask him to save them. To save the country. To get rid of Mexicans because they are buying up all the Pepsi Colas and taking jobs from every one.
Do you see the foolishness and the lies pastors have been telling you, us. Even the Democratic pastors are doing the same. Vote Hillary because she is best to help us, not God.
Look! Either you believe in God doing things for you or believe in the candidates working on your behalf. You can’t have both and don’t. Yes, we, you believe in the candidates. This is why we vote for them. And 121 + millions will vote. Now if this be so and it is,
WHY do you go to a building then? For what, you just admitted God is not giving it to you so you turn to these Candidates and others? What can you say this Sunday or after the election?
You say we, I love God and in our hearts we move forward helping each other as we should be according to the word of God..
Yes, both whites and blacks and others are playing a dangerous game of lying on God. Those that does it will go to hell for lying. This is a fact!
Wayne Jackson is proving or if you read this after His and Trump meeting, that he is a fake and so are the ones that take him to heart. Wayne Jackson and numb skull pastors like pastor Barns both are wolves in sheep clothing.
The fake scam artist Trump will never get the majority of black votes no matter how many buildings he enter. Spanish surrogates are now leaving him. The truth will set you free.
By the way! One of the question Trump will answer is about his faith in God. Afterward Trump will meet be broadcasted and will speak live to Jackson’s congregation. Give me a brake! Read more at www.ppartymovement.com
If you are watching the candidates, I point you toward another instance of the false church. It is seen in black Republicans hosting Donald Trump. He will meet with Wayne Jackson, a big timer that built a mansion and millions off lying to his congregation.
It seem this man and his relationship with racists bother him not. He have voted so long with racists that he thinks like them and see no wrong in them. In fact, Jackson and those sticking with Trump are just as dangerous to sound minded blacks as the KKK and other race groups that seem to flourish in the Republican Party.
But enough with that part of them. What I want to discuss is what I always speak on and that’s the lies constantly told by people that call themselves the church. Tomorrow in Detroit, Donald Trump will meet with Republican clowns at a building they ignorantly call the church, to try an prove to sensible black people that Trump can be our savior as he is theirs and “what have we got to lose” foolishness.
I’m saying this to get you to see how pastors have been lying to you for well over a thousands years about God doing this and that for you or for those calling themselves the Church. Not so! This is another proof.
Bishop Jackson is hosting Trump in Detroit because he finds Trump a savior for black people. He will ask Trump 12 ready prepared questions they gave him in advanced to try an appeal to Democratic blacks .
This pastor and other Republican Mega church pastors along with their congregation should be having a moment of reality or can‘t see the forest for the trees.
Now what am I talking about? It’s this! These Mega Churches that make their living lying to people and robbing them have finally realized, themselves, that God is not working for them in their lives and is not giving them a thing, not even us. Only one man can truly make a good life for them, Donald Trump! What do this say?
What! Do you mean all the time when they were telling us, them, you, that God will fix it for you us or turn it over to Jesus, or God will get you a good job, home, nice car, heal you, or pray to him to make things come down, pray for him to build our neighborhoods are really not true! You mean these pastors are lying to us? Yep!!!
God has already done what he was going to do for us. As a Christian you should know it and that.
Wayne Jackson is sucking on Donald Trump like ants on a lollipop. He has been shouting to his mega churches to trust God with your finances but now he’s saying, Donald Trump, not God, will do for blacks.
He and other black Republicans will meet with him and ask him to save them. To save the country. To get rid of Mexicans because they are buying up all the Pepsi Colas and taking jobs from every one.
Do you see the foolishness and the lies pastors have been telling you, us. Even the Democratic pastors are doing the same. Vote Hillary because she is best to help us, not God.
Look! Either you believe in God doing things for you or believe in the candidates working on your behalf. You can’t have both and don’t. Yes, we, you believe in the candidates. This is why we vote for them. And 121 + millions will vote. Now if this be so and it is,
WHY do you go to a building then? For what, you just admitted God is not giving it to you so you turn to these Candidates and others? What can you say this Sunday or after the election?
You say we, I love God and in our hearts we move forward helping each other as we should be according to the word of God..
Yes, both whites and blacks and others are playing a dangerous game of lying on God. Those that does it will go to hell for lying. This is a fact!
Wayne Jackson is proving or if you read this after His and Trump meeting, that he is a fake and so are the ones that take him to heart. Wayne Jackson and numb skull pastors like pastor Barns both are wolves in sheep clothing.
The fake scam artist Trump will never get the majority of black votes no matter how many buildings he enter. Spanish surrogates are now leaving him. The truth will set you free.
By the way! One of the question Trump will answer is about his faith in God. Afterward Trump will meet be broadcasted and will speak live to Jackson’s congregation. Give me a brake! Read more at www.ppartymovement.com
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Emails and Appearance Of…What's Wrong With Democrats Thought Process?
Like most church altar worshipers, Christian Democrats, which mostly are Christians, seem to have NO instant recall.
Instant recall is the basic of being a Christian. This keep you up and in tune with the word of God. Politicians also should have instant recall when hearing comments that should tap into their memory.
As Democrats, and as a politician, we the people expect those running for office and representing those running for office to have instant recall to defend a cause in any situation they are speaking on, and especially specific conversations.
I say that to say this! Democratic Clinton advisors and responders seem to have no recall at all when speaking to the media while having Trump representative(s) present.
They act like they are afraid to speak their minds or challenge CNN news people when they seem to be attacking Hillary based on twisted lies coming from Donald Trump.
For example, no Democrat representative will continue bringing up Trump’s taxes as does Trump people when speaking on Hillary’s emails. They mention it for a second and lose their thought. man.
They let Trump’s people control the talking points. When ever, the media ask a question about Trump, his people speak shortly in defense and quickly turn it back to Hillary’s emails.
The news media agree and a question about Hillary emails to the Democratic spokes person take the talking points off Trump and back on Hillary emails.
Rather than deflect the issue back to Trump’s taxes they engage in defending emails and never returning or trying to control the talking points as earnestly as Trumps representatives by returning the talking points back on Trumps taxes..
What’s in his taxes and what is it he doesn’t want the American people to see or know about should be demanded every time a Democratic person meet the press with asking points.
Democrats should interrupt any conversation and keep the focus on his taxes. There is something in them he doesn’t want the American people to see and we demand to see them. He cannot speak of Hillary being corrupted when he’s the corrupt one. Prove he is not corrupt by showing your dealings and donations.
Trump has Clinton Campaign on the defensive and they are letting him control the talking points on Pay to Play lies as all rush to defend his remarks. This is what he want!!!!…
They seem to be playing right into his hand. Return to his taxes and stay there. Something is there. Put him on the defensive. Make this one of our main talking points!!!
Another example of Democrats lack of recall:
Talking points: Trump’s representatives and release of thousands of emails.
Emails show no facts to back up wrong doing by Hillary, but this does not stop the media and Trump’s people from saying it show the “appearance of” and this show her frame of mind because she’s had the appearance of taking money which she didn’t.
Therefore, to Trump she is guilty of taking money from clients and or show favor of doing something crooked and this is bad for Clinton Foundation and it should be closed down and charges should be brought against her.
Let’s talk about the “appearance of” that the news media often refer to and keep alive. Think of this!…. If you are standing in front of a bank when it is closed and people see you there, does this mean you intend to rob the bank?
What if you go inside when it is open and look all around you at the design and set up of the bank’s decoration. Can someone that see you looking around accuse you of about to rob the bank because they believe you have the “appearance of?” No!
If you are standing on a bridge looking down into the water, do this mean because you’re looking in the water you intend to jump just because someone see you looking off the bridge and called the law because they think you showed the “appearance of.” If so, no one would ever go around water again.
If I’m standing outside of a store looking back at it, does this mean I intend to rob it after just walking out of it because someone see me looking back at the store? No!
This is the foolishness Democrats are letting Trump and the media get away with. Why doesn’t they challenge crooked Trump and the news media’s “appearance of?”
The media should be promoting facts and not appearance of. “Appearance of “ will lock up every person and animal on earth.
There is no law that locks up anybody for the “appearance of” or every one that visit’s a sight the government deemed hostile or express hate and violent will be locked up because the “appearance of” will now be a law to convict. Ridiculous!!
So why doesn’t Democrats make this plain to news medias that constant see this as news worthy? Tell the media they are promoting lies for coverage. Why? because they are saying this may look like a crime along with Republicans when there is no proof?
Why can’t Democratic spokes people see the foolishness in this and call them out on it? I do! Why can’t people see the foolishness in lying church people and call them out on their lies? I do!
Also, black Democrats should remind black Republicans, when debating them, that they are the 1% of house pets that agree with race haters from within their party that want blacks to return to Africa. They bubby, vote and believe the same as KKK‘s.
If Democrats can’t find people that are not afraid to talk, think, recall, step in, criticize, be bold and steadfast to issues at hand and presented before them in any conversation, then contact me.
I’ll be glad to do this work for you….. For now, you are doing a very bad job in explaining!!! HIRE ME…!!!! LET ME SPEAK!!! Bishop, B. E. Ward.
As I end:
Can you imagine false Christian Conservatives that’s suppose to help all people are now calling for the Clinton Foundation that help sick people all over the world, to stop helping them because some are not white or Americans to close it down so they can hire an Idiot Donald Trump for president?
We are living in the era of the False Church! “Appearance of!“ No good for a warrant! …. Think about it! Read more at www.ppartymovement.com
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Church Revivals Are Not For The Church
Many church people are holding what they call “Revival“. This is from the Old Testament before Jesus brought us a ‘who so ever will, let them come” word from God.
There is no more asking God to revive us repeatedly. The word of God is now written on our hearts and in our minds and we live by it daily“. We live by every word that comes out of God’s mouth. You obey and live by it just as you obey and live by man made laws.
Needing to be revived means, you are no good for God and the word of God no longer lives in you. You are no good to yourself and others. You are almost dead and unresponsive.
No such thing can happen to a Christian unless you never were a Christian. Why would an already Christian need reviving or told over and over the purpose of Jesus and how to live right for him. This is the basic requirement of being a Christian.
This makes no sense. You can only be a Christian when you have learned to be a Christian and the knowledge of God now live in you and project out of you.
There is no such thing, as “I need a little more Jesus“ so let me go to be revived.
I can imagine everyone going to a revival and no one being a Christian. It seems that everyone there is in need of serious life support because they have lost consciousness and become unresponsive!
Church people that practice revivals are sinners blindly pleading to God of the Old Testament to revive them again. They even sing songs of “Revive me again, Oh Lord“. This is disgraceful against the true meaning of the coming of Jesus and the New Testament he brought.
The false church has so wrapped itself up into false religions that it has no idea that it has long become pagan. Yes, the greatest religion on earth is falling God badly.
No wonder two witnesses are sent from God in the end times to preach to people once more. The reason for them is because the ones he left to preach to the people have failed. Sin would have gotten worse at this time just as it is today!
I do not need reviving. As a Christian, the word of God lives in me 24/7. Think about! Read more on “Revival” at www.ppartymovement.com.
Prayer is not for Stopping Events
Just Stop The Lies Church People
I am still waiting for all those that say God will do this or that to put an end to sickness, and disease. To close down and heal those in nursing homes. Heal those kids at St Jude hospitals. To pray to stop crime, to stop killings, to do away with funerals. What about praying to stop ISIS or not to have any one else in the world commit sin.
Sound stupid don't it? But no more silly than playing with God and deliberately lying on God saying God will do this and that if you pray and believe or say some silly saying that has not stop death, sickness or any of these things for over 1, 900 years since Revelation and well before.
These things must be until Jesus come to put an end them. Don't you know if such was possible no one love one's would ever die because no one want to see their love ones past?
Common sense ought to be learned that Jesus did not come to put an end to sickness and death. Neither Pain and worry. Even sorrow is part of life. This is how our world works. Proof! Show Proof!
What I would like to see is every one that has the knowledge of God's power to get with their churches and board planes to be dropped off in ISIS territory of Syria and Iraq and tell ISIS, "I command you to lay down you weapons cause no weapons form against me shall stand." By the way. Tell the protecting military you want to go in alone.
I guarantee absolutely not one church will volunteer to go. Not one minister or pastor will put together or start a mission to confront ISIS or any other terrorist group.
It's easy to pretend when you're safe and surrounded by military and police. Take these things away and you will be just like the Christians being killed along with other Muslims in other parts of the world where terror and murder take place every day while calling on others with guns and military to come rescue you
I say again! It easy to talk gunk when you are protected with a military that protect your with nuclear weapons, submarine, airplanes and troops that has the United States surrounded and protected from other countries as does they.
Listen people! God just want us to love him, each other, keep his word, spread his word to those that do not know and those that fall backward and help bring peace to the world, build, multiply and take care of all living things whether on the earth or in the sea.
That's it in a nut shell, nothing more! There is no power of God working in you other than the power to do right. Any one saying other wise is a liar and should show mass proof which will never happen except on some corner where the weak is taking advantage of and not allowed to think.
Any volunteers to take a bible and meet with the head of ISIS in one of the territories he holds and tell him "you better do what I say in the name of Jesus!".... I didn't think so! Now think about it! Read more at www.ppartymovement.com
I am still waiting for all those that say God will do this or that to put an end to sickness, and disease. To close down and heal those in nursing homes. Heal those kids at St Jude hospitals. To pray to stop crime, to stop killings, to do away with funerals. What about praying to stop ISIS or not to have any one else in the world commit sin.
Sound stupid don't it? But no more silly than playing with God and deliberately lying on God saying God will do this and that if you pray and believe or say some silly saying that has not stop death, sickness or any of these things for over 1, 900 years since Revelation and well before.
These things must be until Jesus come to put an end them. Don't you know if such was possible no one love one's would ever die because no one want to see their love ones past?
Common sense ought to be learned that Jesus did not come to put an end to sickness and death. Neither Pain and worry. Even sorrow is part of life. This is how our world works. Proof! Show Proof!
What I would like to see is every one that has the knowledge of God's power to get with their churches and board planes to be dropped off in ISIS territory of Syria and Iraq and tell ISIS, "I command you to lay down you weapons cause no weapons form against me shall stand." By the way. Tell the protecting military you want to go in alone.
I guarantee absolutely not one church will volunteer to go. Not one minister or pastor will put together or start a mission to confront ISIS or any other terrorist group.
It's easy to pretend when you're safe and surrounded by military and police. Take these things away and you will be just like the Christians being killed along with other Muslims in other parts of the world where terror and murder take place every day while calling on others with guns and military to come rescue you
I say again! It easy to talk gunk when you are protected with a military that protect your with nuclear weapons, submarine, airplanes and troops that has the United States surrounded and protected from other countries as does they.
Listen people! God just want us to love him, each other, keep his word, spread his word to those that do not know and those that fall backward and help bring peace to the world, build, multiply and take care of all living things whether on the earth or in the sea.
That's it in a nut shell, nothing more! There is no power of God working in you other than the power to do right. Any one saying other wise is a liar and should show mass proof which will never happen except on some corner where the weak is taking advantage of and not allowed to think.
Any volunteers to take a bible and meet with the head of ISIS in one of the territories he holds and tell him "you better do what I say in the name of Jesus!".... I didn't think so! Now think about it! Read more at www.ppartymovement.com
Sunday, August 14, 2016
God Is Not Protecting Us Or You .. Louisiana Flood…. Part 2
Nearly 5 days ago I wrote an article on how people in church pretend in good and safe times how God is taking care of them and they are so blessed because they are something special according to scripture that, if there, has been twisted it to suggest the impossible.
Many people try to disprove things I say but cannot and will never when truth over ride non facts. When proof always win. With out proof you are left with conjecture. Conjectures are not facts.
This is what goes on when conjectured teaching lead to mindless thinking. So I will use the Louisiana flood as a proof and fact that God is not working for you or doing anything for you that has not already been dome. Many do not even understand what I just said, so let me continue.
Days ago I mention how God does not intervene in our affairs and how we look to ourselves as human and as people whom God told to take control of the earth and build and multiply to help ourselves. He did not say he would do it for us. We are to take care of what he left in our hands.
No sooner than I mention the role of the Police, Fire Department, Military, Coast Guard and National Guard as being our protectors did a rain flood, that prayer could not stop, flood Louisiana, killing some and leaving many with homes and businesses flooded. Even churches and other spiritual building or churches and temples bowed to the flood.
Since most in the country call themselves Christians, I can presume these were Christians and religious people that are being displaced in the flood that has been told that they are above disasters, sickness and death because they believe in the Lord. Just call on the Lord and the flood will not come or the rain will not drop it’s water.
As you see and hear from the media they and others called on these departments of rescue and not God as they waited for help and was glad they and or their neighbor or friends came to their rescue.
It’s sad what is going on, but we can’t pray to stop anything. Actions on our part in many ways can sometime be taken and sometime not. We do the best we can to overcome and move on.
Some said, “they don’t know why God would let this happen, a case proving them being Christians?” False teaching is why they blame God for that which God has nothing to do with. Natural occurrences! Natural life occurrences.
Yet, pastors leave people with this bad taste in their mouths when something doesn’t work out the way they were taught or told it would. Such lies make God looks bad and have turned many from Christianity and the reason so many other religion is flourishing.
The rain flood in Louisiana is just one of many storms and bad things that will be. The bible tell us this. But have to learn to tell and identify truth rather than being blinded against being a truth teller and a that servant that strive to be a near perfectionist pleaser of God or be wasted and destroyed because of ignorance.
Not perfect, but striving to be perfect. This is just maintaining yourself to be the best servant we can be for the glory of God every day. The false church of today is an enemy to God. Few there be that make it in, state bible scripture.
Read more at www.ppartymovement.com a poor party movement of Christian and Political views.
Many people try to disprove things I say but cannot and will never when truth over ride non facts. When proof always win. With out proof you are left with conjecture. Conjectures are not facts.
This is what goes on when conjectured teaching lead to mindless thinking. So I will use the Louisiana flood as a proof and fact that God is not working for you or doing anything for you that has not already been dome. Many do not even understand what I just said, so let me continue.
Days ago I mention how God does not intervene in our affairs and how we look to ourselves as human and as people whom God told to take control of the earth and build and multiply to help ourselves. He did not say he would do it for us. We are to take care of what he left in our hands.
No sooner than I mention the role of the Police, Fire Department, Military, Coast Guard and National Guard as being our protectors did a rain flood, that prayer could not stop, flood Louisiana, killing some and leaving many with homes and businesses flooded. Even churches and other spiritual building or churches and temples bowed to the flood.
Since most in the country call themselves Christians, I can presume these were Christians and religious people that are being displaced in the flood that has been told that they are above disasters, sickness and death because they believe in the Lord. Just call on the Lord and the flood will not come or the rain will not drop it’s water.
As you see and hear from the media they and others called on these departments of rescue and not God as they waited for help and was glad they and or their neighbor or friends came to their rescue.
It’s sad what is going on, but we can’t pray to stop anything. Actions on our part in many ways can sometime be taken and sometime not. We do the best we can to overcome and move on.
Some said, “they don’t know why God would let this happen, a case proving them being Christians?” False teaching is why they blame God for that which God has nothing to do with. Natural occurrences! Natural life occurrences.
Yet, pastors leave people with this bad taste in their mouths when something doesn’t work out the way they were taught or told it would. Such lies make God looks bad and have turned many from Christianity and the reason so many other religion is flourishing.
The rain flood in Louisiana is just one of many storms and bad things that will be. The bible tell us this. But have to learn to tell and identify truth rather than being blinded against being a truth teller and a that servant that strive to be a near perfectionist pleaser of God or be wasted and destroyed because of ignorance.
Not perfect, but striving to be perfect. This is just maintaining yourself to be the best servant we can be for the glory of God every day. The false church of today is an enemy to God. Few there be that make it in, state bible scripture.
Read more at www.ppartymovement.com a poor party movement of Christian and Political views.
Is God Really Protecting You?
It’s so easy to catch people in lies they can’t talk their way out of. Being wrong seem to be a love romance with Satan that claim the senses.
The bible state that God do not want you ignorant. Yet, ignorant matter not to the new Church. No matter what truth one hears they seem to find a way out of it, they think.
Many are claiming God is their protector. They think this protector become a spirit body and intervene on their behalf. This will never happen! Not now! Sickness, disease, killings, hurricanes and tornadoes and war defy this logic.
The use of this word, protector, as they put it, must always refer to saving grace. If I use this word, I immediately know it is related to me standing against Satan and keeping him from taking hold and leading my life. I am protected by the word and the blood as they become my shield as I apply the word to me.
Obedience in the word of God change actions and character. Believing on the word through Jesus and God will protect me and you from hell.
The word of God will not protect you from incidents or people from thousand of years ago would still be living. A reality check.
I am protected by the word of God if I abide by it and keep it in my heart. The bible say to write it on our heart. Be watchful, stay faithful and true.
So to once again prove a point to those that say God is moving in their live and doing whatever and is their protector through out the day, I say this.
God is not intervening in our lives at all! No time. No one on earth can prove it…We are judged on what we do and not what you think God is suppose to do for you right now!
But let me get your mind to wondering. I’m doing it just to show you how disconnected you are if you keep believing falsely as you do.
Here are a series of questions. Answer them fairly and not lie. Answer them truthfully and you’re on your way to higher understanding and away from the false church toward true worshiping. Answer the list below:
1. If your house catches on fire, who will you call? ….. God or the fire department
2. If you get seriously sick and have no car who will you call? …..God or 911
3. If some one is breaking into your home who will you call? ……the police or God
4. Who’s roaming the streets and highways for criminals and intruders at night while you sleep?….. God or the police
5. If you are in trouble on the deep waters who will call for rescue? …..God or the Coast Guard, 911
6. If shootings are taken place where you are and you run for cover who are you looking to come to your rescue? …… God or the police
7. If hurricanes and tornados bring floods and trap you in your home who are you looking to rescue you?….. God or the Nation Guard and police
8. Who’s protecting you from the inside of the United States from terrorists? …. God or the police?
9. Who protect you and the United States from the inside and outside, keeping our country safe from those who want to destroy us, thereby allowing you to worship in peace?…… Is it God or the military?
10. What does the military use to deter our enemies from attacking us, you?….. Do they use the bible or Guns, bombs, war planes, submarines, ships and satellites?
11. When you get a cold or feel really bad, where do you go to get help and relief? ……. Do you go to God in prayer or the pharmacy, local family care or emergency rooms at hospitals?
Look around you. This is your reality. This is how the world and nations work and has always worked. They work by having governments, military and super weapons. It’s how we get alone with each other in this world.
We, as Christians, try to reach all we can to change as many lives as we can to let them no that we are in the world and subject to the things of the world.
But we are not of the world. We behave differently and we endure the things of this world until the end or death. We share love and the love of Jesus to others. This is our commandment.
We will be judged on how we did. Then the righteous shall be saved. No one is saved in the flesh. They must first be judged. Only one that can make the decision on who’s saved or dies is GOD!……… Read more good news at www.ppartymovement.com
Friday, August 12, 2016
Donald Trump - The Father And Rise of The Ku Klux Klan
I hear all kind of foolishness coming out of Donald Trump’s mouth and most of it, though lies, find it’s way onto front pages of major news networks that send signals to his followers that the rebirth of racism and domination over nations and people have been reignited, yet, a foolish possibility.
Trump has prepared the way for the rise of the KKK (sympathizers) and other racist groups to resurface. He is now their new founder. He placed himself at the very head of his party, like the Anti-Christ, where his voice can rang out to millions that has laid silent waiting for some one that speak their language and views to emerge. This leader is none other than Donald Trump.
Saying Obama and Hillary Clinton is the founders of ISIS as stated by Donald Trump are a lie that his minions can get into. No! Obama is not the founder of ISIS and it is ridiculous that a clown like Trumps is allowed to continue to disgrace our nation. But his gangs love it.
But let look at something he said about Obama who is some one he always hated. He stated clearly that Obama and Hillary were the founders of ISIS.
Well if he say Obama and Hillary is the founders of ISIS, then wouldn’t it be fair to say Donald Trump is now the New Grand master of the Ku Klux Klan and other racist groups that include Conservatives and Conservative gun toting 2nd Amendment evangelical so called Christians?
When he state Obama is the founder of ISIS Democrats should say he is the birther, founder and new Grand master of the secret and silence Ku Klux Klan sympathizers that attend all his conventions.
Read more on the false Church at www.ppartymovement.com
Trump has prepared the way for the rise of the KKK (sympathizers) and other racist groups to resurface. He is now their new founder. He placed himself at the very head of his party, like the Anti-Christ, where his voice can rang out to millions that has laid silent waiting for some one that speak their language and views to emerge. This leader is none other than Donald Trump.
Saying Obama and Hillary Clinton is the founders of ISIS as stated by Donald Trump are a lie that his minions can get into. No! Obama is not the founder of ISIS and it is ridiculous that a clown like Trumps is allowed to continue to disgrace our nation. But his gangs love it.
But let look at something he said about Obama who is some one he always hated. He stated clearly that Obama and Hillary were the founders of ISIS.
Well if he say Obama and Hillary is the founders of ISIS, then wouldn’t it be fair to say Donald Trump is now the New Grand master of the Ku Klux Klan and other racist groups that include Conservatives and Conservative gun toting 2nd Amendment evangelical so called Christians?
When he state Obama is the founder of ISIS Democrats should say he is the birther, founder and new Grand master of the secret and silence Ku Klux Klan sympathizers that attend all his conventions.
Read more on the false Church at www.ppartymovement.com
Friday, August 5, 2016
Prayer and Healing 7 Day Challenge
Weekend Finisher
Prayer and Healing 7 Day Challenge
test was given to people on Facebook trying those that was making a
mockery out of the name of God. Some have stopped but there will always
be those looking for power. They cannot stop lying for sake of trying
to prove to others they got it with no results. My job for God is to get
the truth of the word of God to the people. In doing this I run into
life long sinners that attempts to challenge me against what I say the
true interpretation of the word of God through Jesus Christ is.Without
job, and to me, this is a job, is work for God or speak for God as a
true representative of his. Forever keeping in mind what the
consequences will be for me if I knew the truth but did not give this
truth to the people. Back in the old days church institutions and
organizations learned to control masses of people through business
training and the art of speaking and motivation. A craft that run from
one minister to another catching on like a rope set on fire after being
dipped in gasoline. But have failed badly in their representation.
Friday, July 29, 2016
The Democratic Party is letting this campaign run closer than it should be with all the ammunition it has available to it against Donald Trump. Democrats are allowing Donald Trump to control the media with his out of control rants that the average voter can counter and counter with an impact.
Yet, no one in the party will constantly slam Donald Trump, but sit with news commentators and act like they can’t think of one thing to say against what Donald Trumps representatives say.
For example: Republicans call Hillary Clinton NOT TRUST WORTHY, but with all the stuff Donald Trump has done in ripping people off, shouldn’t he also be call NOT TRUST WORTHY.
However, Democrats allow this phrase to be used on Hillary only and not reverse it back on Donald Trump. This should be stated over and over just as Republicans does.
We should say Donald Trump is NOT TRUST WORTHY and is a TREMENDOUS LIAR and continue to say all the way until November.
Another such big advantage is to constantly align Donald Trump with Vladimir Putin as a TRAITOR. Not only Donald Trump but the Republican Party that has also turned against the United States and Constitution by praising a Russian leader and hackers of our Democratic National Committee mail system.
Democrats should align Republicans with Russia and never stop calling them TRAITORS no matter how much they deny it or what investigation show. This is what Republicans does and the same should be done to them.
When Donald Trump tells Russia it was good to hack of our security systems by a foreign government, this is TREASON. He should be SHOT and not LOCKED UP. Democrats should state this every time they are in the media.
It is proof also that Donald Trump did borrow money from Russia to finance one of his businesses and has dealings in Russia. Democrats need to stop laughing and get serious. Mention this over and over and in every media setting.
Donald Trump should be labeled a TRAITOR and charged by the government with TREASON then SHOT if he has a direct role in the hacking. He mention what he would do in the old days, then shoot him as we did for a trader in the old days.
The rest of the party that follow him should be labeled TRAITORS! Shout it and never stop it!
A TRAITOR is worst than any EMAIL!
Political correctness will cause the Democratic Party, if they don’t get their head out of the sand and fight back, to lose the election. Think about it!
The Democratic Party is letting this campaign run closer than it should be with all the ammunition it has available to it against Donald Trump. Democrats are allowing Donald Trump to control the media with his out of control rants that the average voter can counter and counter with an impact.
Yet, no one in the party will constantly slam Donald Trump, but sit with news commentators and act like they can’t think of one thing to say against what Donald Trumps representatives say.
For example: Republicans call Hillary Clinton NOT TRUST WORTHY, but with all the stuff Donald Trump has done in ripping people off, shouldn’t he also be call NOT TRUST WORTHY.
However, Democrats allow this phrase to be used on Hillary only and not reverse it back on Donald Trump. This should be stated over and over just as Republicans does.
We should say Donald Trump is NOT TRUST WORTHY and is a TREMENDOUS LIAR and continue to say all the way until November.
Another such big advantage is to constantly align Donald Trump with Vladimir Putin as a TRAITOR. Not only Donald Trump but the Republican Party that has also turned against the United States and Constitution by praising a Russian leader and hackers of our Democratic National Committee mail system.
Democrats should align Republicans with Russia and never stop calling them TRAITORS no matter how much they deny it or what investigation show. This is what Republicans does and the same should be done to them.
When Donald Trump tells Russia it was good to hack of our security systems by a foreign government, this is TREASON. He should be SHOT and not LOCKED UP. Democrats should state this every time they are in the media.
It is proof also that Donald Trump did borrow money from Russia to finance one of his businesses and has dealings in Russia. Democrats need to stop laughing and get serious. Mention this over and over and in every media setting.
Donald Trump should be labeled a TRAITOR and charged by the government with TREASON then SHOT if he has a direct role in the hacking. He mention what he would do in the old days, then shoot him as we did for a trader in the old days.
The rest of the party that follow him should be labeled TRAITORS! Shout it and never stop it!
A TRAITOR is worst than any EMAIL!
Political correctness will cause the Democratic Party, if they don’t get their head out of the sand and fight back, to lose the election. Think about it!
Monday, July 11, 2016
Racism, False Church, Silly Chief Of Police In Dallas
It seem that everything I've been telling you about the false religion and the false church is true and has finally come to the surface as you see pastors standing in movements, not calling on God as they have been telling others to do, but calling on the system, like we are supposed to do, to changes laws and apply them, not God, but those in the system, to all citizens fairly. To hold those that willfully kill without mercy accountable for their actions.
As you witness with your own eyes, it is not God marching, but people. As you see, prayer, as has been twisted, has not since slavery solved racism, and will not today solve racism and any problem concerning natural man.
Prayer will not solve what you want solved without your intervention. Without actions taken by you. Prayer is a spiritual thing relating only to spiritual things. These things are hoping you are doing enough to be given salvation. Prayer is keeping in remembrance that there is a Jesus and there is a God that loves us and care about our fate in the after life. And lastly, prayer is given thanks.
So wise people are doing what should be done and that is work and get involved and fight for what kind of country you desire.
Calling on God has not worked and will not work. We call on God through the word of God to forgive us our sins, according to his written word. Then it is we that must live up to God expectation, not God helping us to live up to his expectation.
Fighting for human rights is the rights of humans. We rule the world and set our own laws as does every country. However, ... continue ....
Saturday, June 25, 2016
False Sunday Church Worshiping and Terrorist
Weekend Finisher
Church is over for most today except for those pastors looking to make more money in night time donations and gift offerings. But in any case the doors will close once more and nothing will have been accomplished for God.
The same sinners that went to the buildings are the same sinners that left. The doors will lock Jesus in until next Sunday. In the meantime it’s now boogie down hardy baby.
For some, a belief they’ve heard one of the best sermons of their lives. In fact, they just found out that Jesus was the Son of God and he love them. For the first time they heard about sin. This was something new to them. They will say, wow! “I got to go next Sunday to hear it again..
But though nothing have occurred there are those that will past quickly by hospitals and nursing homes to get to Face Book to tell others what God will do or put banners up telling others that prayer moves God. They are false prophets.
Well 50 people were killed today by a terrorist. Why don’t they pray to stop ISIS and stop people from killing? Why don’t they pray to do away with sickness or death? Better yet, get ..continue..
Church is over for most today except for those pastors looking to make more money in night time donations and gift offerings. But in any case the doors will close once more and nothing will have been accomplished for God.
The same sinners that went to the buildings are the same sinners that left. The doors will lock Jesus in until next Sunday. In the meantime it’s now boogie down hardy baby.
For some, a belief they’ve heard one of the best sermons of their lives. In fact, they just found out that Jesus was the Son of God and he love them. For the first time they heard about sin. This was something new to them. They will say, wow! “I got to go next Sunday to hear it again..
But though nothing have occurred there are those that will past quickly by hospitals and nursing homes to get to Face Book to tell others what God will do or put banners up telling others that prayer moves God. They are false prophets.
Well 50 people were killed today by a terrorist. Why don’t they pray to stop ISIS and stop people from killing? Why don’t they pray to do away with sickness or death? Better yet, get ..continue..
Friday, June 3, 2016
The Fate Of Pretenders Within The Church Body
Weekend Finisher
This might be one of the most important message you may hear for a while. That is, most religions are just fake and based on law and morality created by man to control and or build empires. Yet, does not contain complete righteousness God want in people because it mixes and deal more in unrighteousness, yet righteousness to those having and wanting their own will.
They all have failed to contain or have the right teachings to unite a world and people as God demands of us in order to move the universe further while being prepare to meet the challenges that will face us in a vast new world.
But there is one and only one religion that meet this qualification offered by God. Christianity! A written word that can fix all things by actions and character embedded in truth, love and the love of God through Jesus Christ.
Christianity is the only laid out teachings by God himself, through Jesus Christ, that over come the laws of man and his man made morality, and moves him towards Godly actions and character based off of the heart of God into our hearts where love dominate every action and thought.
However, even the people left to teach the word of God around the world has twisted so much of it, that it has driven many away from God rather than bringing them closer. The church has gone astray while continuing to teach the word of God.
Yes, the False Church has created a sense of love for people using the word of God, but not through the love of God. They Built countries and set laws to govern all that live within them.
All done through love of nation and people. Governments having the will to survive by building and developing many ideals and establishments to meet and care for every need and want that give hope to many.
Such is the will of God and man in most parts of the world through laws and self righteousness has done a pretty good Job.
But within these wonderful works ...continue ...
This might be one of the most important message you may hear for a while. That is, most religions are just fake and based on law and morality created by man to control and or build empires. Yet, does not contain complete righteousness God want in people because it mixes and deal more in unrighteousness, yet righteousness to those having and wanting their own will.
They all have failed to contain or have the right teachings to unite a world and people as God demands of us in order to move the universe further while being prepare to meet the challenges that will face us in a vast new world.
But there is one and only one religion that meet this qualification offered by God. Christianity! A written word that can fix all things by actions and character embedded in truth, love and the love of God through Jesus Christ.
Christianity is the only laid out teachings by God himself, through Jesus Christ, that over come the laws of man and his man made morality, and moves him towards Godly actions and character based off of the heart of God into our hearts where love dominate every action and thought.
However, even the people left to teach the word of God around the world has twisted so much of it, that it has driven many away from God rather than bringing them closer. The church has gone astray while continuing to teach the word of God.
Yes, the False Church has created a sense of love for people using the word of God, but not through the love of God. They Built countries and set laws to govern all that live within them.
All done through love of nation and people. Governments having the will to survive by building and developing many ideals and establishments to meet and care for every need and want that give hope to many.
Such is the will of God and man in most parts of the world through laws and self righteousness has done a pretty good Job.
But within these wonderful works ...continue ...
Friday, May 20, 2016
Why The Written Word?
Weekend Finisher
While out of own and not in a building I find it relaxing to know that no matter where I am, I am the true church. I need not be constantly be reminded of my role as a servant. I need not think there is one day more special than the other. Every day, yes, seven days a week is a must for completing the whole Saint.
In understanding God, you must understand how service to God work. First, I remind you of the reason of the written word and why God and not even the Spirit of God is intervening in ones life.
Are you familiar with the Epistles of the bible? Now are you familiar with books and why they are written? Books are written words that record all types of information people have to pass on to others. The Epistles are also recorded words.
These words are put into books because the writers cannot be with each individual that want to know about them or what they wrote. Writers leave biographies that tell of Jesus because it is all that will remind people of who Jesus were long after he is gone. The writers also.
Jesus enlisted disciples to write his biography. To write .... continue ....
While out of own and not in a building I find it relaxing to know that no matter where I am, I am the true church. I need not be constantly be reminded of my role as a servant. I need not think there is one day more special than the other. Every day, yes, seven days a week is a must for completing the whole Saint.
In understanding God, you must understand how service to God work. First, I remind you of the reason of the written word and why God and not even the Spirit of God is intervening in ones life.
Are you familiar with the Epistles of the bible? Now are you familiar with books and why they are written? Books are written words that record all types of information people have to pass on to others. The Epistles are also recorded words.
These words are put into books because the writers cannot be with each individual that want to know about them or what they wrote. Writers leave biographies that tell of Jesus because it is all that will remind people of who Jesus were long after he is gone. The writers also.
Jesus enlisted disciples to write his biography. To write .... continue ....
Friday, May 6, 2016
False Servers of Donald Trump and The False Church
Weekend Finisher
When I speak of the FALSE CHURCH one need to listen. While people seem to think God is a play toy, there are serious actions and events taking place right before your eyes that you are too blind to see.
For someone to keep saying God is doing this and that must not be living in the real world that I live in. Neither have they read the same gospel I read. Or maybe need a bigger pair of eye glasses.
History and life itself disprove any attempts for any body to say God is working in this world. Yet, In the Unites States, people feel and think this is the only country that God dwells in working hard as bringing change, as if this was true.
We see the military and others fighting for us and our lively hoods on earth. But God need no guns if he wanted to stop things! Again, there are to much death and diseases which lie in our past and in our future that know pastor can fix nor heal.
We have been taught false and twisted lies for so long until Satan has taken over most of our minds to the point that truth and common sense cannot be understood and thereby fight against truth.
Satan has place people in your lives, that does nothing but work for him in other areas and through out buildings they call churches for the sole purpose of producing warriors for him to place and spread through out God's few on earth in hopes of destroying just as many souls as he can.
So for, it is and has been working for over a millennium.... Destroy the mind ... continue ....
When I speak of the FALSE CHURCH one need to listen. While people seem to think God is a play toy, there are serious actions and events taking place right before your eyes that you are too blind to see.
For someone to keep saying God is doing this and that must not be living in the real world that I live in. Neither have they read the same gospel I read. Or maybe need a bigger pair of eye glasses.
History and life itself disprove any attempts for any body to say God is working in this world. Yet, In the Unites States, people feel and think this is the only country that God dwells in working hard as bringing change, as if this was true.
We see the military and others fighting for us and our lively hoods on earth. But God need no guns if he wanted to stop things! Again, there are to much death and diseases which lie in our past and in our future that know pastor can fix nor heal.
We have been taught false and twisted lies for so long until Satan has taken over most of our minds to the point that truth and common sense cannot be understood and thereby fight against truth.
Satan has place people in your lives, that does nothing but work for him in other areas and through out buildings they call churches for the sole purpose of producing warriors for him to place and spread through out God's few on earth in hopes of destroying just as many souls as he can.
So for, it is and has been working for over a millennium.... Destroy the mind ... continue ....
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Lying Prophets, Pastors and Sins of The United States
A Weekly Finisher
When someone tell you what God is going to do, you should tell them to prove it now. Not say it for latter, but prove it now. Any one, especially pastors, and building going people are not to be believed at stuff they say.
With hundred of thousands of sick places, haven't you ever wondered why they never go around places like Child Care Centers and heal those people there?
We have sick people in buildings located just blocks from religious institutions, yet, the sick remain. Most are from their own church or building near by.
Many people going to these buildings will listen and people will join and say amen to a lie and nothing will be done, as usual, when the clock strikes 1PM and turn out time.
When it's all done they will get in their cars after lying on God telling people what God will do, yet, will pass by these places without hardly a glance.
Why? Because they instantly come to reality after leaving their building that they can do nothing.
Even the raging, crowd pleasing, joking, so called slaying in the Satan spirit, slick talking pastors like all those pasturing great huge Churches or I mean buildings will go the back way out of sight just in case some one might ask them to come pray for their relative to be healed.
They are afraid because they know their prayers are not going to heal anyone. It hasn't happen yet! Yes, no one will come forth to attempt to close down just one institution of sickness.
Lying prophets are the worse. There are buildings in Greenville NC and New Bern NC that lie at the top of the list of Satan worshipers and liars. Even in small counties and cities through out the nation and especially in my small county of Jones County that is packed full of lying prophets deceiving the people.. None able to prove anything.
A Church call “House Without Limits” in New Bern .... continue ...
When someone tell you what God is going to do, you should tell them to prove it now. Not say it for latter, but prove it now. Any one, especially pastors, and building going people are not to be believed at stuff they say.
With hundred of thousands of sick places, haven't you ever wondered why they never go around places like Child Care Centers and heal those people there?
We have sick people in buildings located just blocks from religious institutions, yet, the sick remain. Most are from their own church or building near by.
Many people going to these buildings will listen and people will join and say amen to a lie and nothing will be done, as usual, when the clock strikes 1PM and turn out time.
When it's all done they will get in their cars after lying on God telling people what God will do, yet, will pass by these places without hardly a glance.
Why? Because they instantly come to reality after leaving their building that they can do nothing.
Even the raging, crowd pleasing, joking, so called slaying in the Satan spirit, slick talking pastors like all those pasturing great huge Churches or I mean buildings will go the back way out of sight just in case some one might ask them to come pray for their relative to be healed.
They are afraid because they know their prayers are not going to heal anyone. It hasn't happen yet! Yes, no one will come forth to attempt to close down just one institution of sickness.
Lying prophets are the worse. There are buildings in Greenville NC and New Bern NC that lie at the top of the list of Satan worshipers and liars. Even in small counties and cities through out the nation and especially in my small county of Jones County that is packed full of lying prophets deceiving the people.. None able to prove anything.
A Church call “House Without Limits” in New Bern .... continue ...
Saturday, March 26, 2016
False Church Sabbath Resurrection and Easter Sunday
Weekend Finisher
Here is another fact to prove paganism exist in the midst of False Christians. I point you to another fact most pastors doesn’t know about. It is that the Resurrection of Jesus did not occur on Sunday but on Saturday. This day of Sunday set aside for the Resurrection is really for Easter.
The Sabbath Day has always been held by the Jews as the Holy day. The Sabbath, which we call Saturday (pagan name) was told by God to keep it Holy. It would be naturally the day Jesus would be raised and come out of the tomb.
We as pagans and gentiles, did not and do not take into consideration old Israel calendar and time. We use the now western time of 24 hours which start from 12 PM midnight to 12 PM midnight the next day, where as 24 hours in Jewish time in bible started 6 PM Sunset in the evening until 6 PM the next day.
If you read the story of creation in Genesis Ch. 1, you will notice that it says, "And there was evening, and there was morning, one day." From this, we infer that a day begins with evening, that is, at sunset.
So, 8 hours in Jewish time would be 6 PM sunset to 6 AM at dawn which is one night. Then from 6 AM in the morning to 6 PM will be 8 daylight hours for a total of 24 hours.
Jesus had to stay in the tomb or grave 3 days and 3 nights. If Jesus was ... Continue ...
Here is another fact to prove paganism exist in the midst of False Christians. I point you to another fact most pastors doesn’t know about. It is that the Resurrection of Jesus did not occur on Sunday but on Saturday. This day of Sunday set aside for the Resurrection is really for Easter.
The Sabbath Day has always been held by the Jews as the Holy day. The Sabbath, which we call Saturday (pagan name) was told by God to keep it Holy. It would be naturally the day Jesus would be raised and come out of the tomb.
We as pagans and gentiles, did not and do not take into consideration old Israel calendar and time. We use the now western time of 24 hours which start from 12 PM midnight to 12 PM midnight the next day, where as 24 hours in Jewish time in bible started 6 PM Sunset in the evening until 6 PM the next day.
If you read the story of creation in Genesis Ch. 1, you will notice that it says, "And there was evening, and there was morning, one day." From this, we infer that a day begins with evening, that is, at sunset.
So, 8 hours in Jewish time would be 6 PM sunset to 6 AM at dawn which is one night. Then from 6 AM in the morning to 6 PM will be 8 daylight hours for a total of 24 hours.
Jesus had to stay in the tomb or grave 3 days and 3 nights. If Jesus was ... Continue ...
Sunday, March 20, 2016
The False Church to celebrate Easter Resurrection
Weekend Finisher
On March 27, 2016, once again, will be time to celebrate the rising of Jesus Christ. A rising that symbolize and assure us that we will not be defeated by death and will rise and live again. We will rise just as Jesus did. Some with honor and some with dishonor. That is, not just Christians, but every one that ever lived and sinned against God.
The pastor or should I say, your pastor and your congregation are so messed up that they cannot tell the different between right and wrong. Mixing and separating. I’m speaking of none other than Easter Resurrection.
Now somebody tell me what is an Easter Resurrection? Will some church or building member tell me what is an Easter Resurrection? Will some pastor, any pastor tell me what is an Easter Resurrection? Why? Because I do not see the connection between the two.
One is for the pagan Astoria or Easter, the goddess queen, Rabbits that lay mystical eggs and the other is for Jesus who died on the cross, buried and rose from the dead and grave.
The rabbit and Easter is for pagans and their holiday celebration and The Resurrection is for Christians and their celebration. Now how in the world can any pastor get up in the pulpit and preach Easter Resurrection?
No one but a liar and ,,,continue.....
Thursday, March 10, 2016
The False Church, Beliefs, Votes and lies
Weekend Finisher
In every thing that mean so much to people understanding, if one is teaching on a subject matter, there must be truth in what they teach or all is a lie. Proof is the bedrock to gaining people’s interest and trust when trying to dispute that which has been widely spread as being the truth.Trying to change one’s mind after they have been taught in another way and came to believe in this way is shocking to them when they find that not only have they been wrong, but they have taught others wrong.
Before I get you to read a scripture I have, I want you to see that the disciples, Jesus not God bit their tongues when making statements about liars, fools, and just plain silly talking and acting people not to mention those that live as pretenders.
My language is nothing and do not come close to that which Jesus called the people. However, folks want to be talked to like babies or some whining modern day, “you hurt my feelings and you can’t talk to me like that.”
Since my tone bother you, then I guess you can’t stand God, Jesus or care to hear the word of God. It is stated that God hate a liar. A liar is about the worst person that can be set loose upon this earth. They can literally bring down nations, cause wars, incite terrorism, break up families and let’s not forget destroy minds and send many to hell.
Below I will give you one scripture where you are called hypocrites! If I call you hypocrites you get mad. But now you will see from scripture, if you engage in lies you are a hypocrites!
What are lies? Lies are that which is told on or about another without proof, thus, bring down and or lowering the character of that person in the sight and minds of others.
Now! Here is what a lie will do to the unlearned following behind the unlearned. More stupid and ignorance. Read it for yourselves in….
Matthews 23:15, “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are”
WOW! “How can Jesus call anyone hypocrites!” “Who do he think he’s talking to? I dare him to say I am a child of hell?” “Why don’t he watch his language and have respect for the people and me he’s talking too?” ‘He’s so disrespectful!”
Yes, this is Jesus! If you don’t like his tone of voice used toward the kind of people he wants to help and against those that teach lies to those he want to bring peace and salvation to, then you are in the wrong religion.
As you see from the scripture, this apply to the false church today. Hypocrites are bringing many into their fold telling them lies and twisting the scriptures with false teaching. When a person leaves they are so screw up, without knowing right from wrong, until they began to spread that same lie to others seeking to learn.
This craziness continue without, it seem, with no end. Now they are worst when they leave than when they came in.
Votes, beliefs and lies…
You should remember that I constantly tell people God is not intervening .... continue ...
Sunday, February 28, 2016
The False Church Loves To Lie
Weekend Finisher
It’s easy to lie on God when everything, at the time, is going good for you. But no sooner than you get seriously sick, who do you call. “Not the Ghost Busters,” not God, but “The Doctors.” You now say God is in the doctors, to cover up your lie that you have this great contact with God. …
Let me put it this way. If someone is trying to break into your house, who would you call, God or the police? Most of you will think about something to hit with or protect yourself. While many others will reach for the great equalizer, the most high and most powerful piece of metal, THE GUN!!!
Here is something, for those that love to lie about being able to call on God and that God is their protector. Well, then I ask you to do this! From here on out get on Face book and state, “you have bought gold jewelry, and you keep your pocket book next to your bedside and your house is never locked. Not even when you leave to go to work.
Tell them from here on out you will never lock your doors again. Of course, I wouldn’t know why any one who can call on God and get him would even think about locking their doors. Seem there are some TRUST issues here.
Then, I want you to call the electric light company and tell them to cut your lights out, especially the outside pole lights because God will ..continue ..
It’s easy to lie on God when everything, at the time, is going good for you. But no sooner than you get seriously sick, who do you call. “Not the Ghost Busters,” not God, but “The Doctors.” You now say God is in the doctors, to cover up your lie that you have this great contact with God. …
Let me put it this way. If someone is trying to break into your house, who would you call, God or the police? Most of you will think about something to hit with or protect yourself. While many others will reach for the great equalizer, the most high and most powerful piece of metal, THE GUN!!!
Here is something, for those that love to lie about being able to call on God and that God is their protector. Well, then I ask you to do this! From here on out get on Face book and state, “you have bought gold jewelry, and you keep your pocket book next to your bedside and your house is never locked. Not even when you leave to go to work.
Tell them from here on out you will never lock your doors again. Of course, I wouldn’t know why any one who can call on God and get him would even think about locking their doors. Seem there are some TRUST issues here.
Then, I want you to call the electric light company and tell them to cut your lights out, especially the outside pole lights because God will ..continue ..
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Just as the President gave his State of the Union Address, I too will give the State of the Church Address of past and future.
Last year, like centuries before, I've done much writing about what I've called the false church. This was based on inconsistency of false and misleading lies delivered to the people by ways of twisted scriptures and or scriptures taking out of context by unqualified pastors.
God said it would be this way, and so we have it today, the "False Church." But such acts by pastors and leaders of the church have not just been conducted by them. They take likes from those before them. The ancient days. What happened then is happening now. Disrespect!
Disrespect that caused an effect from God. For from days of ancient it was decreed that one will come to deliver salvation to the world. Reason being, God was not satisfied with how man was turning out.
While a very, very few respected God and saw God in things that was made and saw that man could never make nor comprehend the breath nor depth of that seen before their face, most others stood in doubt, undaunted. Refusing to see the truth of their existence.
They like you and people of our time, if you are wise, should see the face of God in everything and wonder. To see his handy works in the great oceans, seas, rivers and streams. Understanding the depths of things whether under the earth or on the surface of it. Hidden secrets.
For these things are properly designed and set in cuts and valleys of all forms, then intertwined, meet and dumped into it's own place to deliver up, feed and provide creatures for our food our enjoyments.
The wise see the wonders of the earth and how it hold everything in place presenting a perfect....Continue ..
Just as the President gave his State of the Union Address, I too will give the State of the Church Address of past and future.
Last year, like centuries before, I've done much writing about what I've called the false church. This was based on inconsistency of false and misleading lies delivered to the people by ways of twisted scriptures and or scriptures taking out of context by unqualified pastors.
God said it would be this way, and so we have it today, the "False Church." But such acts by pastors and leaders of the church have not just been conducted by them. They take likes from those before them. The ancient days. What happened then is happening now. Disrespect!
Disrespect that caused an effect from God. For from days of ancient it was decreed that one will come to deliver salvation to the world. Reason being, God was not satisfied with how man was turning out.
While a very, very few respected God and saw God in things that was made and saw that man could never make nor comprehend the breath nor depth of that seen before their face, most others stood in doubt, undaunted. Refusing to see the truth of their existence.
They like you and people of our time, if you are wise, should see the face of God in everything and wonder. To see his handy works in the great oceans, seas, rivers and streams. Understanding the depths of things whether under the earth or on the surface of it. Hidden secrets.
For these things are properly designed and set in cuts and valleys of all forms, then intertwined, meet and dumped into it's own place to deliver up, feed and provide creatures for our food our enjoyments.
The wise see the wonders of the earth and how it hold everything in place presenting a perfect....Continue ..
Monday, January 25, 2016
In Vain Do They Worship Me Right On
Weekday Finisher
Many went to church today and the results has been nothing. Nothing has been accomplished toward salvation for the people or for the purpose of God.
This is the norm for today churches. Make noise but no headway. Constantly falling backwards not knowing or caring which way you fall . Constantly traveling on the broad road keeping clear of the narrow road of understanding and truth traveled by a few.
We are engaged in a mockery of the gospel where slick and loud mouth pastors are turning and have turned many away from the Lord with their prosperity preaching of money into their own pockets….. and in order for you to receive gimmicks.
Gimmicks that say you must give to their ministry or God will smite you down by causing your life to spiral down into sickness and woes, not to mention the best trick of them all, “God will take from you and give to some one else that’s given.
What a bunch of manure! No such thing! Just a way to scare you out of your money. None of this has anything to do with salvation. These pastors and TV ministers not only scare billions of dollars out of the pockets of the poor, but even take the change jingling in the corners of their pockets also.
The Church is not and has not done the will of God for nearly 1900 years. It was long taken over by greedy pastors and slick willies with lies about God given and taken care of you. No such thing!
Yet, people are so gullible .... continue ....
Many went to church today and the results has been nothing. Nothing has been accomplished toward salvation for the people or for the purpose of God.
This is the norm for today churches. Make noise but no headway. Constantly falling backwards not knowing or caring which way you fall . Constantly traveling on the broad road keeping clear of the narrow road of understanding and truth traveled by a few.
We are engaged in a mockery of the gospel where slick and loud mouth pastors are turning and have turned many away from the Lord with their prosperity preaching of money into their own pockets….. and in order for you to receive gimmicks.
Gimmicks that say you must give to their ministry or God will smite you down by causing your life to spiral down into sickness and woes, not to mention the best trick of them all, “God will take from you and give to some one else that’s given.
What a bunch of manure! No such thing! Just a way to scare you out of your money. None of this has anything to do with salvation. These pastors and TV ministers not only scare billions of dollars out of the pockets of the poor, but even take the change jingling in the corners of their pockets also.
The Church is not and has not done the will of God for nearly 1900 years. It was long taken over by greedy pastors and slick willies with lies about God given and taken care of you. No such thing!
Yet, people are so gullible .... continue ....
Monday, January 18, 2016
Knowledge of the spirit led by the blind
Lies Told On The Spirit
Blind Leading The Blind In Churches
Today is church day and when it is over nothing would have changed. The pastor would have told another great story to people unable to understand, collected money and wait until the next day of the sun to deliver another message to the same people unable to comprehend what they heard last Sunday and take another pay check home.
Today, loud speaking pastors will captivate the unsaved and they will cheer, not knowing what they cheer about. Some will lose their mind and fall all over the floor, for what reasons I do not know, except to honor the day of the Sun god. Only Satan’s spirits present screaming and hollering.
The pastor will lie and say this is the day the Lord has made. Partially true but Sunday is not the name God gave it or ordained it to be called. Nor did God give a particular day to worship him. But do require 24 hours of obedience service.
Catholic churches use to worship the sun for all it’s glory because of the energy and vitamins it gave to all things growing and for light. Now, today, partial pagans worship and honor Sunday as the day the True God ordained, but not true.
Pastors will tell their congregation, that “God knows your hearts and minds.” They will say amen. I heard a pastor say this a few days ago. But this is not true. God do not have time to search billions of people hearts and minds every second of the day. He wouldn’t have time to rule Heaven if such was true. Makes no sense! God cannot save the world before he’s ready or his appointed time is reached.
God has never talked to a gang of people more less a billions or more. Yet, every sinner is running around claiming they have to wait on the Lord, the Lord told me this or that. I prayed to the Lord and he did this. All lies. If I could get God to answer my prayers, why not ask for perfect health and a million dollars?
What is truth? Truth is when you are standing..continue...
Lies Told On The Spirit
Blind Leading The Blind In Churches
Today is church day and when it is over nothing would have changed. The pastor would have told another great story to people unable to understand, collected money and wait until the next day of the sun to deliver another message to the same people unable to comprehend what they heard last Sunday and take another pay check home.
Today, loud speaking pastors will captivate the unsaved and they will cheer, not knowing what they cheer about. Some will lose their mind and fall all over the floor, for what reasons I do not know, except to honor the day of the Sun god. Only Satan’s spirits present screaming and hollering.
The pastor will lie and say this is the day the Lord has made. Partially true but Sunday is not the name God gave it or ordained it to be called. Nor did God give a particular day to worship him. But do require 24 hours of obedience service.
Catholic churches use to worship the sun for all it’s glory because of the energy and vitamins it gave to all things growing and for light. Now, today, partial pagans worship and honor Sunday as the day the True God ordained, but not true.
Pastors will tell their congregation, that “God knows your hearts and minds.” They will say amen. I heard a pastor say this a few days ago. But this is not true. God do not have time to search billions of people hearts and minds every second of the day. He wouldn’t have time to rule Heaven if such was true. Makes no sense! God cannot save the world before he’s ready or his appointed time is reached.
God has never talked to a gang of people more less a billions or more. Yet, every sinner is running around claiming they have to wait on the Lord, the Lord told me this or that. I prayed to the Lord and he did this. All lies. If I could get God to answer my prayers, why not ask for perfect health and a million dollars?
What is truth? Truth is when you are standing..continue...
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Republican Proof That This Is The False Church By Division
I am still waiting for someone, especially a woman, to prove to me the Church of this era is not the False Church the bible speak of and that most people have condemned themselves to hell by telling unproven lies. For more on these lies, you must read my website.
But first, I want to give you more proof or should I say, remind you of that which is right before your eyes. The reason you can’t see it is because you are blind and your spirit has no will to decipher what is taking play all around you. The bible tell us to “watch and pray that we may overcome.”
Since people minds, for centuries, have been blinded by hundred of thousands of false pastors and teachers, it has been false teaching until now when I bring you new revelations of the true gospel as it pertain to salvation.
All I want you to do is open your eyes, your mind and heart and start thinking out side the box you have been nailed into. A box where the out side has been polished brightly but embedded inside is filth. Yes, looking good for those around you, but stink inside to God.
For sinners, they holds tons of rotten lies, silliness, backward thinking, crazy looks, rotten characters, traditional worshiping of paganism, anger, pretentious nature and total disrespect for God inside.
This cycle of life (bad teaching) must be reverse or your worship will be in vain. But I want you to be as smart as you can and be my mouth piece guided by the true word of God to others. To be as close to righteousness as one can be, speaking and acting on the truth. Salvation depend on it.
So lets have a test to see if you have promises. This is a mind game of truth. I will give you a fact against the false church and you will score each statement, “yes” or “no.” …… Let’s begin! ... continue ....
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