Week End Finisher
As shocking as this may seen this might be the truth and if it is I am proven all scholars of the past and of modern time wrong in their interpretation of just who is the whore spoken of in Revelation 17-18. I deeply believe it is the United States from a stand point of how things are right now.
I know if you are like me, I don't like to read long drawn out stories that's boring and do not keep my attention because I have to read to much to get to the good stuff. But some time something come alone that's so important that it beg spending a little more time to get to the truth, if their is one.
I believe this is close to the truth and I intend to prove it from the scriptures themselves and from proof that is before your very eyes that even you will have trouble disproving. Power of the United States.
First, I want you to take the time to read Revelation 17-18. I used the New American Standard Bible (NASB) bible so you can read it without getting messed up with "thou" and "shalt" and so on.
Taken from New American Standard Bible (NASB Revelation 17-18 Read, "The Doom of Babylon/United States. It read:
17. Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and spoke with me, saying, “Come here, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters, 2 with whom the kings of the earth committed acts... continue.....
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