Week End Finisher
No! I do not agree with Obama Attacking Syria!
Being a Democrat does not mean I do not have a mind of my own. I have do common sense. Some may say not too much, but I have enough to know that bullying come in many forms. It always seem to be the big guy that bullies the little or weak guy while the side liners cheers them own.
In this case having the bigger gun mean you don't have to concern yourself with gun control when it seem it may be in your better behalf. In this case it is alright to killed innocent men, women and children and not be held accountable for their deaths.
This is what I see when I imagine hundreds of cruse missiles tear into the bodies of innocent men, women and children while their death become meaningless. It's not alright to gas someone to death but it's ok to blow them apart. Death is death and no one has the right to take an innocent life unless their country is in eminent threat.
I look at this invasion as a face saver. Obama made a red line statement of the use of chemical weapons and now having to save face must do what I know he do not want to do but in his inner circle he must do it to prove to others in the world he is not that soft president Republicans say he is.
While Obama say his invasion will be a miniature one I cannot get away from the fact that we are attacking another country and thereby become the one to launce the first missile upon another's soil. Yet,..... continue.....
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