Trayvon Martin VS Mark Zimmerman First Week In Court
While I want to stay neutral in this case I am baffled, well not so baffled, at how the Prosecutor is letting the defense and those in the public portray this image of self defense by murder by not who started the fight but who was on top.
I am dismayed at how the public, especially the news, and let's not forget how laid back the prosecutor is by not strongly and constantly asking the question of "did' Trayvon Martin have the right to defend himself " when against Zimmerman when Zimmerman followed, approach and initiated a fight he got beaten in.
When we talk self defense, doesn't this mean either person have the right to defend themselves. Besides, Trayvon Martin was not killed because he committed a crime or about to commit a crime but because Zimmerman didn't like him walking the street in that area. Trayvon did what any of us would do when faced with the same situation. Fight for your life which he lost.
They said Zimmerman had a license to carry a gun. But when your clothes are concealing a gun, don't the law call this "caring a concealed weapon" which make this illegal. Why haven't the prosecutor said something about this?
As a past Union Representative I went through many cases where over looked details which many never sees or the simplest of attention to details can win or lose a case. I certainly hope these details will be brought out that I see by the experts. But the prosecutor has to bring this up and he should touched on all this I'm saying. Here it is:
1. If George Zimmerman was on the bottom being hammered with MMA blows, how did he get up and why didn't he have more bruises?
2. For George Zimmerman to have gotten up, Trayvon would have had to let him up.
3. Zimmerman said Trayvon went for his gun. How could this be possible when it was concealed?
4. If Trayvon was on top throwing punches like an MMA fighter then he couldn't have been going for a gun he cannot see or knew he had.
5. Did Zimmerman shoot Trayvon while Trayvon was on top of him? If he did then there would be Trayvon's blood on his body from having to push trayvon off him and the police was lying for him as a cover up.
6. If this is not true then evidence will show, if the experts do a good job, that both men was standing in front of each other after Trayvon let him up.
7. Next, Trayvon was unarmed with nothing but a can of drink and a bag of twitters in his pocket when he was shot at close range when he let Zimmerman up at which time Zimmerman had time to run away himself or fire a warning shot in the air.
8. How close was Zimmerman when he shot him immediately after Trayvon let him up? Very close range will leave gun powder on both Trayvon and Zimmerman's clothing. If so, them why didn't the police do a through test or was there a cover up?
9. How far away from Trayvon was Zimmerman when he shout him.
!0. Why would Zimmerman having a gun be hollering and screaming for help, then shooting Trayvon?
11. If Zimmerman is being beaten how can he holler so freely for help being beaten with some one on top of him pressing down on his diaphragm. The scream sound as though it come from some one very frighten that is standing and trying to get away and not from a person holding a gun. Only the experts know and his mama.
!2. The prosecuter should stress the fact that dnow sooner than Trayvon Martin Let Zimmerman up, Zimmerman became so angry that he pulled his consealed gun and shot Trayvon killing him which is why rayvon fell face forward to his knees then forward belly and face down holding his chest.
13. He had time to get his thoughts together to tell the police it was him screaming for help. Stll shouldn't make no different in the case.
This is just my thoughts I would ask and more if I was the prosecutor. Remember, Race or not, is not a reason to find another not guilty of murder. Altitudes are not a reason not to find a person not guilty of murder. Public opinions should not be the reason to find a person not guilty of murder. So one gaining weight or being stressed out like any other murderer that want their freedom is not a foundation to find that person not guilty of murder.
No one is above the law no matter the color. Race shouldn't determine guilt but the facts that led up to murder.
1. Concealed gun
2. Followed when told not too
3. Engage without a motive ( observed the person doing nothing)
4. Zimmerman got out of his car.
5. Initiated a fight while Trayvon was talking on a cell phone)
6. A cell phone party and phone records showing Trayvon was talking to a friend when approached by Zimmerman.
7. Zimmerman had the chance to introduce himself but instead pulled concealed gun and committed murder.
We need to hear what Zimmerman said he said to Trayvon when he approached him. Another thing I would like to know is how far did Zimmerman follow him away from the original location.
Maybe this will be brought out. It better or race would indeed be the reason Zimmerman got off. We as Christians have the same right to fairness no matter where it come from or to. Any thing less will make one a hypocrite. So for the court system has been a sham. Zimmerman never should have approached Trayvon at all if he did not see him attempting to rob any body or any home.
Being a neighborhood watch person does not give you the right to initiate a confrontation or fight to use your gun or weapon. It is just what it says, "Watch and Report". You think about it.