Democratic Poor People

The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Silly Season, Mitt Romney Record, Work Agencies Economy, a plea to the government

I watch Reince Priebus, Republican National Committee Chairman, on CNN trying to explain why Mitt Romney would be a better President. One thing he said was that "Mitt Romney had more experience than Obama and can handle the economy much better".

I thought to myself, "what is this guy smoking"? Obama has been running the whole United States for nearly 4 years.  He's not dealing with a hand full of corporations, he's dealing with corporations all over in every state. Obama is responsible for keeping a country of over 313 millions people and businesses safe, sound and moving forward, and he's done this as President of this great big ole United States. Man, "what experience"!

Now what has Romney done. Much of nothing. He worked for Bain Capital as a Management consulting and interim CEO. Romney was successful in bringing Bain out of their rut. But listen to this. Bain Capital has 47 offices in 30 countries but employ only 5,500 employees. WOW! That's a lot of people! That's more than over 313 millions people. Smooth!

Listen, this is the main experience Mitt Romney is running off of. Wait a minute!  Walmart has over 200 store with over 1.5 millions employees worldwide. Maybe someone from Walmart should run for President. They handle more people than Romney. Surely most Managers at Walmart have more work experience than Mitt Romney. Like, a door greeter!

So, have these drunken drug like silly season Republicans forgot how to count. You mean to tell me that 5,500 employees equal the same as over 313 million people. Yo, hay! Give me a break. His experience at Bain Capital is pitiful! Democrats should play on this.

But less not get too far ahead. Mitt did become the 70th Governor of Massachusetts (2003–07) and produce a universal healthcare that the Obama Healthcare Plan was based on. And he was Governor over 6 millions people at the time. So, how did he do as governor?

Well, when he left office the state debt had increased, the size of government had grown, and over his four years, Massachusetts' record of job creation was among the worst in the nation."

His economic record as governor was a failure. Under Gov. Romney, the state was 47th in job creation, manufacturing jobs vanished at twice the national rate and household incomes fell even when they were rising nationally. Romney raised taxes more than any other governor in the nation during his term he added $2.6 billion to the state's debt and grew government at an astonishing rate of 6.5 percent per year. This is who Republican say is the best man?

I know that Republicans are backing their candidate, but they also know they are backing a loser, a  person they are stuck with that they don't even want. So, they,  like pathological liars, ....well..... they lie to keep from crying. And they believe their lies. Sick. Pure sick.

So what is a pathological liar, or with the Republican Party, Pathological liars. Well, they are people who lie more often than they tell the truth, usually for self-serving purposes. They've discovered that they can get what they want more easily by telling lies, and they do it so often that lying becomes a routine behavior. This certainly fits the Tea Party, GOP and girly Republicans.

But what about the economy Republicans are on Obama about. The Unemployment rose from 8.1 percent to 8.2 percent. Can either Obama or Romney fix this problem. Some say by making adjustments here and there, give incentives here and there to business to hire will put people to work. I don't think so.

Well, I've been saying for nearly a year that unemployment will only be a touch and go thing. That is, it will rise a few percents and fall right back again. There is a reason for this. It's because the government has allowed Temporary Work Agencies to run amuck ungoverned. They need to be disbanded in some way. It's hard because government can't get into a business business. So, there is a big problem.

There are many in politics who want touch this with a wet pole scare of the shock they might get. But someone explain this to me and my readers?  Let's drop down so I can make this crystal clear.

How can unemployment be brought under control when 72 to 75 percent of all job hiring in this country is done through Temporary Work Agencies? The agencies and employers are in it for money together. These agencies get paid by businesses to hire workers for them for only a year just to lay them off to be replaced by another poor soul. This is a revolving door for the unemployment office and the blue collar worker. No one wins except the agencies and the employers. The loser is Obama. Better fix it!

What's so disturbing about this is the government knows it yet, too afraid to attack the situation. Maybe some one with some guts will step up and ask the right government agency to investigate. This is a good chance to get your name in the news guys.

Who will step up? Just start, you'll be surprise at the followers you'll get. Senators, Congressmen's, Representatives, you think about that!

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