Democratic Poor People

The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Tea Party and so-called Christian Republicans now hate the Constitution

Weekend Finisher

When I heard the news that ObamaCare was upheld by the high courts I was elated. The Constitution was finally upheld once again as doing what's right for all the people.

But It didn't take long before the "I love my Constitution" " we live by the Constitution", "Our Constitutional rights are being violated, "we must live by the Constitution's"  so-called lovers of the Constitutional nut balls like the Tea Party and twisted so-called Christian Republicans quickly come out and turn on their ever loving Constitution they so loved.

They are furious that the Constitution would do such a thing. It ruled fair. But it shouldn't. Besides, the Tea Party so-called Christians know best how the Supreme Court should have ruled. They was told by their God that ObamaCare would be thrown out because they spent countless nights at Church praying for it and God is on their side.

They should see, not only are they wrong, but their own God ruled against them. He went for ObamaCare! :Way to go big guy!

Now these cronies don't really believe the Constitution was fair. The Tea Party is already campaigning on how the Supreme Court could levy taxes on the people. They are even calling Judge Roberts a deserter from the party.

Unless the Tea Party and other Republicans are in total control then they are against anything and anyone. In this case, the good Ole Constitution which they now. after putting so much personal trust in, have became the new enemy. Now it's "Obamatution!" They plan to Repeal Obamatution if they can win the White House. I told you they was twisted.

Chief Justice Roberts, a Republican, was the swing voter upholding the legality of ObamaCare but called it a tax. Most are gracing him as a conservative that turned on the party. Hurrayyyy!
But wait! Did he really or did he vote the way he did because he thought it fair or was he thinking before head and doing something that he knew would cause problem for Obama in this election year. Taxes! American fear taxes.

By calling it a tax it struck at the core of poor people, those who want free rides by declaring them to pay higher taxes if not insured by 2014. Roberts knew this was a platform the Republican would quickly jump on and blow it out of the water  A HIGHER TAXES  as we see them doing. 
Unlike hypocritical so-called Republican Christians, I think taxing those who do not have insurance is correct. Most can afford insurance and ObamaCare helps those with little money to buy insurance.
Many say,  "what about those who cannot afford to pay anything". Poppy Cocks! If you can buy expensive cars, jewelry, shoes or tennis shoes, drugs, liquor and cigarettes, expensive hair doos and wigs, expensive clothing's, and partying then you can pay for insurance. Those who do not buy insurance are free loading on the rest of us.

Republicans are saying people shouldn't be made to buy insurance by the government. Well, State is government. We are made to pay property taxes or get your property taken away. We are made to buy drivers license, buy car insurance. We are even made to pay taxes on our food of any kind or not get it. I see paying for medical insurance and these i've mention on the same level.

So-called Christian conservatives do not care about the poor and their health. The m
ore die the better for them not having to put their money on them. Republicans pretend they care about the economy and high cost. This is not the true facts. It's their money they are worrying about.
People are dying and suffering and all So-called Christian Republicans worry about is that it costs too much to keep poor people alive. What God is this they serve. The God "Furina", the Goddess of thieves......

Let me eject this. Lunatic Congress and House Republicans said Obama wasted his time on ObamaCare and did nothing for the economy. But wait! Republicans are spending more time on it than Obama, as you see, they promise to carry this over into 2013 if Mick Romney wins. What about the economy?  They care nothing about the economy. It's getting their way.

It's a fact! Mick Romney cannot repeal ObamaCare. It must go to a vote that he will never get. He's making a fool out of sick hateful deranged Republicans.

Long live "ObamaCare"!!! You think about it!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Church is falling God and responsible for drop in believers

Weekend Finisher

America has a big problem. Every week something new is hitting the media about Americans doing or saying something against God. Now it's about America's view of "is there a God". They say in 2007 83% of Americans believed their was a God. From that time to now in 2012 it is down to 68%, a 15% drop and dropping every year.

Why is this? It's because the Church God left in charge has done so much dirt and foolishness in and out of Church that many people who see and hear them want nothing to do with them. For years they have seen and heard about well know Ministers fall lower than they while trying to preach to them not to do wrong.

People see the Church involved into every activity that the world involve itself in.  There is no different in the people and the Church. Both accept every thing that the world wants. What does the Church want? It want to serve the world and God.

Ministers have become no use to God because they do not know how to Minister for God. Most are pretenders with tricksters ways of squeezing money from begging followers. They have failed God because they have no message of real transformation to offer the people. Their preaching is the same old thing Sunday after Sunday telling the same sermons year after year teaching nothing to prepare a follower to really reach out to others.

All the Churches of today can offer disbelievers is "Jesus died on the cross for our sins". "God loves you". and it goes on and on. I know every thing a preacher is going to preach about before I go to Church. That's because they have been preaching the same stories and or sermons the very same way every since I was a child. There is never nothing new. It's like their minds never expands beyond their simple learning.

I go to many places and I see and hear loud mouth so called Christians talking loud trying to be heard talking nothing about something they no nothing about. I often stand my ground away from them because I am embarrass to be seen in their presence. And if I feel this way I know doubters feel the same way.

The Catholic Church and Protestant Church's are the reason for the drop. And it will continue. It is out of control. Christian Churches have taught God will answer prayer to millions of people, but the answer never comes.  Then the people start to doubt God because this God that the Church told them would help them didn't.

They say their mothers and fathers even small babies die after they were told to turn it over to God. I know how anyone would feel after they sincerely prayed for a miracle that never comes. This will turn any one away from God who is weak and unnourished. This will cause them to disbelieve. And the bad part about it is that the Church can't say they are wrong because they  cannot prove healing through God. Then they should stop!

The question is why do the Church continue on to give people false hope of healing? Why can't they help them to get to good doctors? Why can't they explain to them that death is life and has nothing to do with God taking anyone life personally? Why can't the Minister be up front and tell those looking for help that God has already given them all the help they need. It's inside of them and you and me.
The Church need to preach understanding, knowledge, the mystery and Love. Something that is missing and is costing God precious souls that they will pay for as false Ministers of God.
Now go tell that. While you doing it. You think about it!

Visit my site for new message of "Spanking kids and Atheists"

Monday, June 11, 2012

Judge Not lest you be judged

Weekend Finisher

Why do so many people in the US think they are better than any body else in the world. We have attained so much over other countries that some of us here actually think they are the gift to the world. That everything should be centered around them and what they say should go. They think they are right and every one else is wrong and if you can't live by their standard then you should be casted out, disposed of or let die through slow starvation while they watch eating a strawberry sundae topped with walnuts.

It's obvious by now that I'm talking about the Republican Party and their ideals of voting and picking candidates who definitely feel that the rest of us are not worth saving. These candidates put on false faces and magician's smiles to deceive. Smiling faces show no traces of the evil that lurks within. Tell you what you want to hear but have plans to do the opposite. They are not evil but just have twisted intentions.

Without knowing us poor people they have already determined that we are losers, criminals, welfare recipients, slum dogs, low life dark faces and oh yes, we are immigrants of parasites wanting their wealth.

Wealth belonging to high minded bright eyes uppity folks who cling to their green backs close under their arms tightly clinched while they determined who deserved it more but coming to the only conclusion they know of and that it is, "it's them". They have also formulated that because of their status that Heaven belong only to them because they say it.

With the many of so-called Christians in the US you would think they would be better people toward not only people abroad but to those right here under each other's nose's. But so-Christians are not. I'm using the term so-called Christian to reflect both the attitude of Democrats and Republicans who tell people who and what kind of people they should be.

Most of the people who are always telling somebody else how to act and behave, mostly church people, are not fit for God's service. People like judges and jurors sentencing people to death,  sending people to jail, accusing people of crimes. People that are totally messed up, like, not mixing with certain races, liars, abusive people, slick and cunning, night time drug smokers and drinkers, proud people, those who dress up thinking they are all cute and somebody with closet full of keep quiet and hidden skeletons.

Yes, skeletons that most of us have and try to keep hidden whether they are seen by others or unseen. Either case, with our skeleton out of the closet behavior, we attempt to change our old ways through growth and change however,  taken on more new deplorable attitudes and characters just as worst as those left behind supposedly hidden in our skeleton closet.

Yet, supposedly reborn, so many think that they have the right to judge others simply because their rotten character and slickness is cooly hidden. They think that "what's done in the dark" type things or mutter under voice, "I can't stand you", or sneaking around with him or her unmarried are not the same sin as "who did that guy rape, rob or steal" from.

The truth about the matter is that you are no better than the person you're trying to judge no matter the great pretension you think you are fooling God with. But as Americans we pride ourselves as already little gods and that give you the right to judge others despite your own faults.

It's ok to judge in the natural sense of order. Making laws to rule out those that would do harm in building a society of civil people. But judging those that do harm to the society does not free you from the judgement of God.

For it is, in the end of days and time, a time that you will be judged. And the end for all criminals is the same for all criminals. You may have judged rightfully according to man made law but now you must be judge according to God's law. And the wages of sin is DEATH! The same punishment, that is, hate, envy, pride and so forth you handed out is the same you shall receive in the end when you stand to be judge and condemned.

Now you think about that!

Exactly who has the power to judge. Many in the Church are saying that the Bible said not to judge? By not judging other Christians, they say, make you obedience and sensitive to others who commit sin.

However, I find this to be a complete lie according to the word of God and false teaching is leading those that Pastors are bound to correct the wrong way.
Continue at

Friday, June 1, 2012

Silly Season, Mitt Romney Record, Work Agencies Economy, a plea to the government

I watch Reince Priebus, Republican National Committee Chairman, on CNN trying to explain why Mitt Romney would be a better President. One thing he said was that "Mitt Romney had more experience than Obama and can handle the economy much better".

I thought to myself, "what is this guy smoking"? Obama has been running the whole United States for nearly 4 years.  He's not dealing with a hand full of corporations, he's dealing with corporations all over in every state. Obama is responsible for keeping a country of over 313 millions people and businesses safe, sound and moving forward, and he's done this as President of this great big ole United States. Man, "what experience"!

Now what has Romney done. Much of nothing. He worked for Bain Capital as a Management consulting and interim CEO. Romney was successful in bringing Bain out of their rut. But listen to this. Bain Capital has 47 offices in 30 countries but employ only 5,500 employees. WOW! That's a lot of people! That's more than over 313 millions people. Smooth!

Listen, this is the main experience Mitt Romney is running off of. Wait a minute!  Walmart has over 200 store with over 1.5 millions employees worldwide. Maybe someone from Walmart should run for President. They handle more people than Romney. Surely most Managers at Walmart have more work experience than Mitt Romney. Like, a door greeter!

So, have these drunken drug like silly season Republicans forgot how to count. You mean to tell me that 5,500 employees equal the same as over 313 million people. Yo, hay! Give me a break. His experience at Bain Capital is pitiful! Democrats should play on this.

But less not get too far ahead. Mitt did become the 70th Governor of Massachusetts (2003–07) and produce a universal healthcare that the Obama Healthcare Plan was based on. And he was Governor over 6 millions people at the time. So, how did he do as governor?

Well, when he left office the state debt had increased, the size of government had grown, and over his four years, Massachusetts' record of job creation was among the worst in the nation."

His economic record as governor was a failure. Under Gov. Romney, the state was 47th in job creation, manufacturing jobs vanished at twice the national rate and household incomes fell even when they were rising nationally. Romney raised taxes more than any other governor in the nation during his term he added $2.6 billion to the state's debt and grew government at an astonishing rate of 6.5 percent per year. This is who Republican say is the best man?

I know that Republicans are backing their candidate, but they also know they are backing a loser, a  person they are stuck with that they don't even want. So, they,  like pathological liars, ....well..... they lie to keep from crying. And they believe their lies. Sick. Pure sick.

So what is a pathological liar, or with the Republican Party, Pathological liars. Well, they are people who lie more often than they tell the truth, usually for self-serving purposes. They've discovered that they can get what they want more easily by telling lies, and they do it so often that lying becomes a routine behavior. This certainly fits the Tea Party, GOP and girly Republicans.

But what about the economy Republicans are on Obama about. The Unemployment rose from 8.1 percent to 8.2 percent. Can either Obama or Romney fix this problem. Some say by making adjustments here and there, give incentives here and there to business to hire will put people to work. I don't think so.

Well, I've been saying for nearly a year that unemployment will only be a touch and go thing. That is, it will rise a few percents and fall right back again. There is a reason for this. It's because the government has allowed Temporary Work Agencies to run amuck ungoverned. They need to be disbanded in some way. It's hard because government can't get into a business business. So, there is a big problem.

There are many in politics who want touch this with a wet pole scare of the shock they might get. But someone explain this to me and my readers?  Let's drop down so I can make this crystal clear.

How can unemployment be brought under control when 72 to 75 percent of all job hiring in this country is done through Temporary Work Agencies? The agencies and employers are in it for money together. These agencies get paid by businesses to hire workers for them for only a year just to lay them off to be replaced by another poor soul. This is a revolving door for the unemployment office and the blue collar worker. No one wins except the agencies and the employers. The loser is Obama. Better fix it!

What's so disturbing about this is the government knows it yet, too afraid to attack the situation. Maybe some one with some guts will step up and ask the right government agency to investigate. This is a good chance to get your name in the news guys.

Who will step up? Just start, you'll be surprise at the followers you'll get. Senators, Congressmen's, Representatives, you think about that!