Weekend Finisher
As the election loom ahead for this year most meaningful election of Obama, we must not forget that it is not just the election we worry about but the prospects of the Tea Party take over if Mick Romney wins.
While most people are focusing on the economy, jobs, fairness and equal opportunity for all, especially for the poor, we fine the Tea Party trying to use reverse psychology by pretending these are the issues most dear to their bloody hearts.
Like wolves in sheep clothing they use our most desperate concerns to twist the minds of poor voters by getting them to believe that taking away their healthcare, social services for families and schools age children are best for the saving of the country. That people that can't work and afford healthcare should die.
Believe it or not there are many Republicans who rather die than give help to their fellow man. Many of these are so-called Christians. They actually believe the Constitution is for the rich and able and every body else is in the way.
The Tea Party believe the US Constitution is for conservative high class thieves club members only and everybody else should be their money making slaves as they plan like Islamic terrorist to change our way of living.
Their plans are to take over, create a one rule party and return America to the days of the" Long Ranger" or "yesteryears" when muzzle loading guns and swinging ropes was controlled and promoted by vigilante politicians and militia "stand your ground" terrorist groups.
Though one rule has never been America's way of democracy this does not keep nor deter the Tea Party from trying to accomplish their goal of communistic one party government rule.
One shuould not be fooled. When they say they want to take back the country they mean exactly that. We are not part of their agenda. That's why they say "we". "we" are not the Democratic Party but the Republican Party ruled by the Tea Party. "We" pertain to "them" and "them pertain to "us".
Poor people, like those who have their head buried in stupid stuff, like I don't know, let's say, "wild music", "running women and men", hanging out long hours at night", "partying", "gossiping", "not watching the news", "ignorant of what's going on around them" has better wake up and realize that there is a force out there that want to take away everything you now enjoy.
This is not a joke! The intentions of the Tea Party is real. You can't complain after you gave them the ok to do what they want to do to you. If Mick Romney win the presidency you shouldn't complain about any thing he and the Tea Party does because you voted for it. Only those that fought against them will have the right to cry foul.
My complaint is this. How stupid can one be to vote for some one, who before your face, told you what they're going to do to you when they get in office.
Poor people have never meant very much to the Republican Conservative Party. Yes, they passed a few things for the poor but you can bet, it wasn't for the real poor. It just that certain ones couldn't get it unless others are include under the Constitution. Many have benefited that was never ment to benefit and now they want to take it away.
The Tea Party has figured out a way to twist and take the Constitution out of content in order to take back, heavily cut back or discontinue any thing they feel is remotely against the Constitution and their pocket book. They want to protect the rich from the poor all in the name of God.
The poor mean nothing to them. Control is all the Tea Party want. Protect the rich from the poor. Did I say thatttttt.? You think about it.
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