Democratic Poor People

The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

What religion does Joel Osteen represent. it's certainly not Christianity? He's a slick deceiver

Weekend Finisher
Famed pastor Joel Osteen reiterated his position that Mitt Romney is a Christian on Tuesday, saying as long as the likely GOP presidential nominee believes that Jesus is the Son of God then he subscribes to the Christian faith.

"When I hear Mitt Romney say that he believes that Jesus is the Son of God–that he's the Christ, raised from the dead, that he's his Savior–that's good enough for me," Osteen said in an interview to air on CNN's "The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer." Joel Osteen is pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas.

Before Osteen say Mick Romney is a Christian I want to let him know that he is not one either and neither is Mick Romney.

Osteen, like many so-called Christians, wouldn't know Jesus if he stood before their faces. Matter of fact, the Jesus that I know wouldn't take up the time of day with him or Romney because they are money hungry fast talking swingers. The God I know would be too concern about how the weak and shut-ins are being treated, feed and taking care of. The downtrodden. Little attention is focus on thieves except to document their antics.

The stuff Osteen preach or should I say, lecture on is trickery invented by the Devil on how to get over with out really serving God. He uses positive thinking to motivate other greedy followers to seek richness and better themselves with out God being imbedded in their hearts. They say they they are Christians but their heart is in money, silver and gold. And it just so happen money is their greater self love and not God.

They buyers of his books may say they are Godly but they are not seeking God they are seeking Osteen because has not been able to reach them through the Bible. Besides, Osteen offer richness and wealth and God offer just life after death. His followers has chosen an enjoyment of life right here right now with lavish lifestyles and luxury for themselves. Osteen, the God of earth, offer a beautiful life right now.

Osteen is smart though. He get people to focus their minds on what they want then tell themselves they can do it.  However, he is telling them nothing new. The world has always worked this way. This is how countries was created and continue to move forward today in industries and businesses, etc..

What Osteen teaches is based on cleverness by taking advantage of unmotivated delusional wannabe's. It just that you always will have some stupid person who can't think for themselves and get beguiled by Satan or I mean Osteen and pay Osteen big bucks to remind them of the basic things it takes to live in this world that they already know. Pretty smart If I may say so.

Osteen tell them things like, they need to study to get through college, plan to get a house, save to buy a car, take up a trade to better yourself, think first before you act, share with others an other will share with you, ask a friend for favors and return those favors. Oh, here is a good one. "Believe in yourself", "if you feel yourself going down just tell your self I refuse to  give in, to give up". "I'm not a loser", "think about what you did yesterday and improved on it today", "make a list of the things you don't like and work on doing away with them". The guy is smart!

Osteen is a clever skinny man if I may say so myself, cause a sucker is drawn in often and he has the biggest lot of these clowns.

But let me get back to this guy not being a Christian. I ask you this question? Is salvation based on how much money one can raise? Do God need some one with the ability to raise money? What about a great motivator? Who in heaven would he possibly be motivating to? Is selling million dollar books heaven material? Or will his books be used to fuel the fires of hell.

Osteen and Republican so-called Christians are totally confused. Republican so-Christians are talking junk about Romney not being a Christian but in the end they will give in like liars they always are and vote for Romney, the person they said "we can't vote for a non-Christian".

I think I'm proving my point about them being liars and twisters of Jesus teaching to fit themselves. Catch them in a lie, they come up with a way to twist their way out of it. Each time lying on Jesus.
Let me lay this on you before I finish. This is for both Democratic Christian and Republican so-called Christians. According to the Bible most people are going to hell anyway. It states" Few there be that make it in" "Many are called but few are chosen". Most people think they can make God out a liar, including Osteen and others.

I'm finishing up but answer this question? Why should you go to Heaven? Now don't tell me like Osteen said about Romney, "I believe Jesus is the Son of God".  Well, if you believe this is all that it takes then you are mess up more than one should be. This want get you into Heaven.

How many time must I tell you that the Devil believe in Jesus and God? He know more about them than we humans does. Yes, the Devil believe Jesus is the Son of God also. So, does this mean that the Devil is saved? No! Then Osteen is a liar and every one else who make this claim without an enlightment.

One must be enlighten to make truthful statements about the quality of people entering Heaven. Most don't even no the half of the story. Most are their own positive god.

So have you been lied to? A big "YES" and a small "no".

On my sight in the "Topics" are
a, in the center there is a"red star".  I will be explaing why Christanity is not what has been preached and hardly no one today is fit for Heaven. I will be showing you why most ministers have no business preaching.

Keep visiting that sight. It will be posted very soon. You will be blown away and never be the same again. I've already given you a hint above. Now you think about it!

Democrats are ready to vote. Republicans! Well,,, read more.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Tea Party, Constitution and Separation of Poor People

Weekend Finisher

As the election loom ahead for this year most meaningful election of Obama, we must not forget that it is not just the election we worry about but the prospects of the Tea Party take over if Mick Romney wins.

While most people are focusing on the economy, jobs, fairness and equal opportunity for all, especially for the poor, we fine the Tea Party trying to use reverse psychology by pretending these are the issues most dear to their bloody hearts.

Like wolves in sheep clothing they use our most desperate concerns to twist the minds of poor voters by getting them to believe that taking away their healthcare, social services for families and schools age children are best for the saving of the country. That people that can't work and afford healthcare should die.

Believe it or not there are many Republicans who rather die than give help to  their fellow man. Many of these are so-called Christians. They actually believe the Constitution is for the rich and able and every body else is in the way.

The Tea Party believe the US Constitution is for conservative high class thieves club members only and everybody else should be their money making slaves as they plan like Islamic terrorist to change our way of living.

Their plans are to take over, create a one rule party and return America to the days of the" Long Ranger" or "yesteryears" when muzzle loading guns and swinging ropes was controlled and promoted by vigilante politicians and militia  "stand your ground" terrorist groups.

Though one rule has never been America's way of democracy this does not keep nor deter the Tea Party from trying to accomplish their goal of communistic one party government rule.

One shuould not be fooled. When they say they want to take back the country they mean exactly that. We are not part of their agenda. That's why they say "we".  "we" are not the Democratic Party but the Republican Party ruled by the Tea Party. "We" pertain to "them" and "them pertain to "us".

Poor people, like those who have their head buried in stupid stuff, like I don't know, let's say, "wild music", "running women and men", hanging out long hours at night", "partying", "gossiping", "not watching the news", "ignorant of what's going on around them"  has better wake up and realize that there is a force out there that want to take away everything you now enjoy.

This is not a joke! The intentions of the Tea Party is real. You can't complain after you gave them the ok to do what they want to do to you. If Mick Romney win the presidency you shouldn't complain about any thing he and the Tea Party does because you voted for it. Only those that fought against them will have the right to cry foul.

My complaint is this. How stupid can one be to vote for some one, who before your face, told you what they're going to do to you when they get in office.

Poor people have never meant very much to the Republican Conservative Party. Yes, they passed a few things for the poor but you can bet, it wasn't for the real poor. It just that certain ones couldn't get it unless others are include under the Constitution. Many have benefited that was never ment to benefit and now they want to take it away.

The Tea Party has figured out a way to twist and take the Constitution out of content in order to take back, heavily cut back or discontinue any thing they feel is remotely against the Constitution and their pocket book. They want to protect the rich from the poor all in the name of God.

The poor mean nothing to them. Control is all the Tea Party want. Protect the rich from the poor. Did I say thatttttt.? You think about it.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Hillary Rosen has nothing to apologize to Ann Romney for. She is right

Weekend Finisher

what is going on with Democrats? As soon as someone tell the truth that does not suite the Republicans they all quickly throw that Democrat to the fire instead of formulating a way to defend them.

Such is the case with Democrat Hillary Rosen. Here's what happen.

April 11, 2012, during an appearance on CNN, Rosen commented on the difficulties faced by women and that Romney said Barack Obama's presidency was bad for women in this economy. She said"

"What you have is Mitt Romney running around the country saying, 'Well, you know my wife tells me that what women really care about are economic issues and when I listen to my wife that's what I'm hearing.' Guess what? His wife has actually never worked a day in her life. She's never really dealt with the kinds of economic issues that a majority of the women in this country are facing in terms of how do we feed our kids, how do we send them to school and why do we worry about their future."

 I can't understand why high profile Democrats caved in to dismiss her statement as untrue. Why didn't any of them come to her rescue and deeply explain her thoughts.
Well, as a person who has the ability to see further than high tech Democrats I will take the time to defend her.

RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT! Rosen is right. Why? Because if Ann Romney just sat at home with her boys, she do not know what it is to be a working struggling woman. She is Rich. It is a struggle for most working poor women  every day. They do not have the luxury of staying at home with their kids because they have to work to make ends meet. Poor woman staying at home with their children mean the lost of their jobs which mean they cannot feed their children. Ann Romney don't have to worry about this.

Let me explain further. While Ann Romney sat at home with her kids the poor working woman had to get up extra early in the morning to get their kids to day care centers they can barely afford,  which take up most of their income, then speed off from the day care to work where many struggle through low paying jobs and a tough 8 hours a day of pure hell for some.  After this, they get off work and rush to the day care center to pick up their kids. When they get them home they have to prepare meals for them. This cause them to use up extra gas money to do this every day. They are tired and worn out.

When Ann Romney put her kids in day care centers, if she did, she only came back home and rested all day. She probably cooked their meals if there wasn't a maid. When they rushed in they ate while she went back to chilling. Her kids cloths probably had been washed during the day and laid out for morning. Not so for the working mom. She has to work late into the night. When she rest, its only for a few hours before she fall asleep. Mick takes care of Ann and her every need and pays the bills.
Speaking of bills, these poor working moms if, single have to go at it along. They reach into their pocket of small cash and pay house payments, light bills, water, car payments, cell phones bills, gas to go to work, buy their kids clothes, if a baby, milk, and grocery.

Let's not forget having to pay very high cost of medical insurance payments, dental care, and yes, pay for all the things their children need while in school. To take care of all this require more effort and determination to survive in the midst of rich and wealthy people. It take all the energy a poor woman can mustard to make it through every day. It takes more money than she can afford. But she endures.
No way Ann Romney can stack up against these working women whether married or not. Rosen is right. She doesn't no what a working women has to struggle through.

No, staying at home is in no way close to what  a working woman has to go through, and it seem like some scared Democrats would have thought of what I just said and defended Rosen in this way rather than quickly agreeing with news media's and Republican Party silly season of stupidity..
I don't no why Democratic don't do what the Bible say do before they quickly act. That is, "mediate on these things".

If Mick Romney ingest his wife into his campaign then the public should have free reign to criticize both her and Michele Obama. If Romney doesn't like things said about her, then keep her out of the campaign and the media.  Right now Republicans are waiting for Michele Obama to make one good mistake and it's all on. They will lose their minds and so will the news media who pits one against the other.
Think about it.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Jesus has changed his mind. So-called Christian Republicans can now vote for Non Christian Mick Romney

Weekend Finisher

So-called Christian Conservative Republican ministers and their flocks must now vote for Romney. What happen to God telling them Romney was not a Christian.

So far the party is over for good ole Santorum and the last hope for die hard pretending Christians Republicans.  Their train is grinding to a crawling hault. Soon they must realize that Santorum is a false savior of the rich and there is no more blood to be squeezed out of this race.

Months ago most of the throne setting Baptist minister and their cronie organizations of conservative wolves in sheep clothing came out against Mick Romney as hard as a rattle snake. They put the poor guy down. Did every thing but talk about his family. They even said God told them that Mick was not a Christian and they shouldn't vote for him. Now the Lord has changed his mind. Mick is the right stuff.

I guess their god saw something in Mick he missed the first time, like Mick is winning and he better get on the winning side, meaning god made a mistake. Romney is a Christian after all. The Conservative god really is confused and got the Christian Republican confused also. Of course, this mean nothing since they are already twisted any way.

Now I would like to hear what new lies they will tell on "The God". Maybe they will vote for Obama. NOT!  You don't know! Maybe their god will change his mind and realize Obama is the Moses for the country and although he's being chased by Pharaoh's army he need more time to lead the people out of the wilderness and just plain tired of succubuses.

Since Obama is a Christian mabe they will follow their first decision and vote for Obama. And yea! And mabe If you believe this let me sell you the Red Sea real cheap. Let's say $5 and I'll credit you with 30 years to make your first payment.

Maybe their god is deciding to get on the right side. Wait a minute! This don't sound like a Republican god. He wouldn't no right if he see the unemployment rate go down.

Either case, I'm betting the Conservative Church will get quiet. I don't think they want us to know they lied on God again and gotta vote for Mick Romney! You think about it.