Being "called" by God as told by ministers are a lot different than becoming a minister through ordination by God himself. Simply put, the scripture "many are called" refer to folks hearing the word of God and accepting it. We call this being saved.
Ministers take this phrase out of context. When they became ministers they raised the bar a bit by reaching for a higher position of serving the people by saying God called them to the ministry. Better put, they say they were ordained by God.
Not so! They answered the same call as we all did. But there are some who feel they can teach others and do. There you have it. Any one who want to teach others have that right but they do not have the right to say they was called especially by God to do a work or that they were call and ordained by God. It is all our duty to proclaim the Lord.
Being ordained by God comes with a big responsibility. One is to proclaimed good news to those unaware of future happening. This happening was proclaiming the coming of a Savior. Those last ordained by God was those pioneering the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation. From Moses to John of Revelation. Since then there has not been anyone ordained by God to introduce any new gospel. Besides, no one overseas or else where could get this new addition to the gospel if this was so.
There are many reasons why man is not ordained by God. Here's one. For example, the Catholic Church ordaining the 25th of December as being Jesus birth and protestant ministers accepting it with out question and spread this untruth into all Churches and all over the world knowing there is no facts in or out of the Bible to prove such a date exist.
The fact being December 25 is made up, and since God cannot lie, he cannot accept this date as the birth of Jesus or he would be a liar. Which would make every thing we know and have been taught about Christianity to be questioned. Yet, Ministers persist in preaching it any way. . Are they called to teach untruth? Did God ordain them to teach untruth? No! Case proved...
How many of you remember Old Christmas. It was January 6th. This was the first Christ birth date before December 25th. Many of you younger folks don't know about it. But ask any 60 year old and older about Old Christmas. Ministers was preaching this date also as the birth of Christ. Is Jesus confused about his own birth? I don't think so.
So, do God personally call or ordain ministers? No! The gospel has already been written. Did God personally call or ordain ministers to teach and celebrate a false birth date in honor of Christ? Once again the answer is no!
I think the Christ part should be left out. I mean, the part about his birth and sad story and just celebrate the year end harvest of blessing like Thanksgiving while giving Christ our personal thanks in our hearts with friends. This way every one and religion can join in, if they like , while keeping all the hoopla and enjoying the holidays.
But you be the judge. I'm just saying.......Now you know... Think about it.
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