Weekend Finisher
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Church and state and the agenda of the so-called Christian Conservative Churches.
Separation of church and state may be harder to do than some may want to admit.
Let's take a deep and sensible look at how this cannot work and will never work even though some organizations like Atheists and others think different. One thing to look at is that as long as you have a country with over whelming religious groups like Democrats and Republicans Christians making up the greater voting spectrum you will never separate church and state.
Nearly all, if not all elected officials of today, claim some sought of religious affiliation with Christianity. Though our forefathers wanted no part of it in government they did not foresee the growing strength of Christianity in the future as not only converting millions but out them coming elected officials holding allegiances to their faith.
The First Amendment to the Constitution reads "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." the phrase "respecting an establishment of religion" is the Establishment Clause and prohibits the government from establishing any religion as an official religion in America. Read broadly, it means the government cannot prefer, endorse, or promote any religion over any other, or even religion generally.
Not only was our forefathers against Christianity, they set the stage for the nation's failure and dislike for God's rules well into the future when we will pay for keeping God out. You see what is happening today and it can't do any thing but get worse as you see with the filth and disobedience our country and the world has adopted.
Now here is where Satan come in. The Conservative Party and Democratic Party has always used God to further their evil agenda from keeping Bibles out of the hands of slaves to hanging them while hollering the love of God all the way.
However, the Democratic Party, over time, came to see that the Constitution was for all the people and not just whites. "We the people" meant all races and began to reach out to those less fortunate, the poor, while The Republican conservative Party reached out to the rich and even turned on and killed white Democrats helping to promote freedom.
The so-called Christian conservative God worshiping haters of white poor and blacks gained much power in the government. They silently grew to what they are today with no change in their agenda of controlling the government and returning it to a period where conservatives ruled and made billion of dollars off the backs of the poor while given the rich the power to packed their bank accounts through cuts, low wages, bad working conditions, and under the table payout's and more.
The Republican so-called Christian Conservative Party built itself up from the most disgusting numb skulls of our nation beginning with the KKK, a conservative religious group whom names have changed to a more acceptable ones in their churches.
Their way of teaching has produced this countries worst killers, from abortion murders, school shootings, bombing, shooting of US congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona to the influence of shooting mass murder of children's in OSLO, Norway by Anders Behring Breivik, a Christian fundamentalist, who admire Christian conservatives and their views from America.
Conservative so-Christians organizations has built mega churches and followers of like minded intentions to help in their sinister plan. Evil organizations and churches influencing millions by twisting their minds through clever manipulation of God's word.
Now they got their eyes set on controlling the government to keep their riches coming. Planting a So-called Christian conservative in congress and the White House would insure their power over their flocks and protect the American rich.
The First Amendment to the Constitution is being challenged and so for is losing for now. Because it cannot take away a person's faith. Congressmen's and Senators mostly proclaim Christian affiliation.
Democrats for now are not pushing the issue. The Republican Conservative so-called Christians however, want the country back and will do any thing right or wrong to do it. Even through trickery they attempt to break the law What a Godly constitutional freedom we the people hippocritical organization!
Think about it!
So-called Christians Conservative need salvation. We have our hands full Liberals right here at home.
Good blessing! You'll need it.
Bishop Ward
Church and state and the agenda of the so-called Christian Conservative Churches.
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