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The Tea Party never stops. Rick Perry remind me of Satan trying to corrupt just as many as he can.
The Tea Party has the the poor in their sight. They want to stop the expansion of the government from helping poor people by trying to force the Obama administration to except their brand of excessive cuts on us. In the mean time, while the poor suffer, they will not be affected. Their lavish life styles continue on.
When you have much money and a good job, a bad economy doesn't really affect your life style. So you lost $2 millions out of your $10 millions. Woot te do! But when you're poor and working low wage jobs $25 make a big different in your chose of paying for medicine or your light bill.
Coming in September the Tea Party and Congress plan to initiate even more harder cuts they call "slashing" for the sakes of the country. It's reported that even replacement of the income tax with a consumption tax might be considered. This will surely be bad news for poor people while the rich smile all the way to the bank. Want hold water.
The Tea Party has a lot of loose minded follower that supports ridiculous ideals like consumption tax. Taxes on every thing you buy mostly plus additional taxes like value added taxes you don't see when you pay for your goods or products at the counter. Since the poor spend more and bank less than the rich we will be the ones hurt the most and once again paying the bulk of taxes while the rich gets off again. But this is what the Tea Party want and plans to push this to their congressmen.
Wisconsin GOP Rep. Paul Ryan wants to reduce corporate tax rates even more for the rich from 35 percent to 25 percent.What wrong with these guys?
Of course Rick Perry the so-called Christian, is becoming the Tea Party favorite because he can gather more so-called Christian followers (Satan worshipers, haters, liers, theives etc.) who natrually like taking from the poor and giving to the rich. That's why they supports Rick Perry's low wage program in Texas. If President, he could reduce minimum wages across the country which could cause a drop in wages all over. Almost like union busting.
These guys are like Satan. They never stop trying to bring misery to the poor hoping they will lose faith in God because it's taking to long to feel his promises. Rick Perry have followers that's not included in the poor category. They are easily persuaded and willing to follow Rick Perry or Satan any where if it's going to put more money in their pockets. Money drives this crew.
We, as Democrats, have to stay focus. We have to talk to each other much more about politics and who's best to vote for to rescue the poor, the sick, the widower, the shut-ins. A Democratic president of course. This time it's Obama. Stay focus. Satan rule by trickery and lies and so does the Republican party and their candidates.
Think about it!
All So-called conservative Christians need to be saved. Some liberal so-called Christians also.
Bishop Ward
Democratic Poor People
The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
Week End Finisher
Yes! UFO's are real! How do this affect the Church and the government?
Many UFO fanatics, ufologists and theorists for many years have filled books, magazines, radios, TV's and Internet with stories and sittings of seeing strange flying objects, among other things, all over the world.
UFO's carry history, according to ufologists, all the way back to Biblical times and even father. Are they true with some of their accusations. I believe so! Yes, I do believe in UFO's and the existence of life on other worlds.
Many stories of people seeing UFO's are dismissed as illusions of seeing airplanes and their lights or just an imagination of one's mind where as they are then labeled some what dinky.
While this is true for many sittings it is not true for those who actually witness clear and precise observation of UFO's, their shapes, reactions and appearances. I believe these witnesses really saw what they said they saw.
Does our Christian Bible give evidence of UFO visitation. It certainly does. In the Christian Bible Ezekiel 1st chapter gives a perfect description of a flying machine that no scholar can deny. Ezekiel describe what he see as he focus upon what he described as "a wheel in the middle of a wheel". Undeniable something not of this earth and not so clearly explainable by this prophet as to what it really looked like. But it is clearly noted by Ezekiel that it was a hovering, very loud sounding, had wings and a great amount of fire. This can be none other than "A flying craft".
Another is the assent of Elijah 2nd chapter first verse to the 12th verse. Also undeniable that he was taken away in a flying craft.
Understand that many people back then described what they were accustom to seeing, horses, chariots, fire, flying birds. Not metal flying crafts with metal wings, gushing great amounts of fire keeping hovering craft in the sky with some one actually sitting in it. They or Ezekiel described what they saw from their own sense of primitive understanding.
It is Ezekiel and others that caused me look at Christianity a little different than other ministers. Have I seen UFO's? I certainly have. One was a gigantic boomer ring type ship that could filled a football field back in the mid nineties. Looked to be too huge to maintain itself with such a slow speed. Sounded like very loud continuous thunder.
I've seen many bright crafts that looked like stars streak towards each other from different directions at great speeds and suddenly stop before colliding, remain for a minute then suddenly streak off in different directions.
But these will not compare by any means to what was to come. In just minutes my thoughts and beliefs in God was taken to new heights In1994. I will never forget what I saw as I step out of my car from the ending of a modest work day and a few stop offs.
Being late put me home at a time when the stars were beginning to come out. I've always had a habit of looking toward the sky quite often always looking to see something strange. Something up there that would connect my religion with God, more sittings of UFO's or something else. I was looking for signs and wonders as the Bible put it. These things were promised to us and I got my first look at "Wonders".
There is a star formation that has always had me puzzled because it is a some what large bright star that some distant apart has a smaller star directly in line with it. I became interest in it because I saw it moved. Telling others about it was like telling them the sky was falling.
After years of watching it, this time I was in for a surprise. While stepping from my truck I caught a bright light from the smaller star's end that caused me to freeze and take notice. The light turned into a straight parallel perfect line like the brightness of lightning while slowly connect to the larger star. Then from each star another bright lines running horizontally (upward) until another parallel bright line equaling the first parallel bright line come into view.
The view was a gigantic hollow rectangle. Looking at it would be greater than a football field. Knowing that we cannot see Nasa space ships, just seeing this would probably make each star thousands of milles from each other.
Then the entire rectangle moved a small distant across the sky. Changed angles rolled backward until all the visible bright lines faded and left the two stars visible only. This could only have been a craft with intellengence controlling the formation of the stars. See lost books of Moses.
The excitement from this was over whelming and gave me a new renewing belief that not only is there a God but intelligence life, a government of followers working the universe with powers and technology far beyond our own. I received conformation that all is real with Christanity.
Suddenly, the Bible I've been studying and conclusions I've had was true. Some things I was taught from others was false. False prophets. You see, "I was blind but now I see". Many will never see because they want proof. Blessed is he that believe but do not see.
Many do not believe in UFO's no more than they believe in God. They will call you liars. I don't care. When ever I think I'm getting off the path of righteousness I have something to remind me that there is a God. To remember what I've seen, believe, stay strong, committed, giving, loving, caring, watchful and a warrior. What do you have?
Yes there are UFO's, a government of God. Yes there is a Hell also!
Think about it!
Salvation for Christian conservatives. And for non-Christians alike.
Bishop Ward
Yes! UFO's are real! How do this affect the Church and the government?
Many UFO fanatics, ufologists and theorists for many years have filled books, magazines, radios, TV's and Internet with stories and sittings of seeing strange flying objects, among other things, all over the world.
UFO's carry history, according to ufologists, all the way back to Biblical times and even father. Are they true with some of their accusations. I believe so! Yes, I do believe in UFO's and the existence of life on other worlds.
Many stories of people seeing UFO's are dismissed as illusions of seeing airplanes and their lights or just an imagination of one's mind where as they are then labeled some what dinky.
While this is true for many sittings it is not true for those who actually witness clear and precise observation of UFO's, their shapes, reactions and appearances. I believe these witnesses really saw what they said they saw.
Does our Christian Bible give evidence of UFO visitation. It certainly does. In the Christian Bible Ezekiel 1st chapter gives a perfect description of a flying machine that no scholar can deny. Ezekiel describe what he see as he focus upon what he described as "a wheel in the middle of a wheel". Undeniable something not of this earth and not so clearly explainable by this prophet as to what it really looked like. But it is clearly noted by Ezekiel that it was a hovering, very loud sounding, had wings and a great amount of fire. This can be none other than "A flying craft".
Another is the assent of Elijah 2nd chapter first verse to the 12th verse. Also undeniable that he was taken away in a flying craft.
Understand that many people back then described what they were accustom to seeing, horses, chariots, fire, flying birds. Not metal flying crafts with metal wings, gushing great amounts of fire keeping hovering craft in the sky with some one actually sitting in it. They or Ezekiel described what they saw from their own sense of primitive understanding.
It is Ezekiel and others that caused me look at Christianity a little different than other ministers. Have I seen UFO's? I certainly have. One was a gigantic boomer ring type ship that could filled a football field back in the mid nineties. Looked to be too huge to maintain itself with such a slow speed. Sounded like very loud continuous thunder.
I've seen many bright crafts that looked like stars streak towards each other from different directions at great speeds and suddenly stop before colliding, remain for a minute then suddenly streak off in different directions.
But these will not compare by any means to what was to come. In just minutes my thoughts and beliefs in God was taken to new heights In1994. I will never forget what I saw as I step out of my car from the ending of a modest work day and a few stop offs.
Being late put me home at a time when the stars were beginning to come out. I've always had a habit of looking toward the sky quite often always looking to see something strange. Something up there that would connect my religion with God, more sittings of UFO's or something else. I was looking for signs and wonders as the Bible put it. These things were promised to us and I got my first look at "Wonders".
There is a star formation that has always had me puzzled because it is a some what large bright star that some distant apart has a smaller star directly in line with it. I became interest in it because I saw it moved. Telling others about it was like telling them the sky was falling.
After years of watching it, this time I was in for a surprise. While stepping from my truck I caught a bright light from the smaller star's end that caused me to freeze and take notice. The light turned into a straight parallel perfect line like the brightness of lightning while slowly connect to the larger star. Then from each star another bright lines running horizontally (upward) until another parallel bright line equaling the first parallel bright line come into view.
The view was a gigantic hollow rectangle. Looking at it would be greater than a football field. Knowing that we cannot see Nasa space ships, just seeing this would probably make each star thousands of milles from each other.
Then the entire rectangle moved a small distant across the sky. Changed angles rolled backward until all the visible bright lines faded and left the two stars visible only. This could only have been a craft with intellengence controlling the formation of the stars. See lost books of Moses.
The excitement from this was over whelming and gave me a new renewing belief that not only is there a God but intelligence life, a government of followers working the universe with powers and technology far beyond our own. I received conformation that all is real with Christanity.
Suddenly, the Bible I've been studying and conclusions I've had was true. Some things I was taught from others was false. False prophets. You see, "I was blind but now I see". Many will never see because they want proof. Blessed is he that believe but do not see.
Many do not believe in UFO's no more than they believe in God. They will call you liars. I don't care. When ever I think I'm getting off the path of righteousness I have something to remind me that there is a God. To remember what I've seen, believe, stay strong, committed, giving, loving, caring, watchful and a warrior. What do you have?
Yes there are UFO's, a government of God. Yes there is a Hell also!
Think about it!
Salvation for Christian conservatives. And for non-Christians alike.
Bishop Ward
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Why would a Tea Party Racist pretend to care about Martin Luther King Jr. Statue. Read how he uncovers himself.
One thing I can't stand is a slick liar. Tea Party terrorists may fool black Tea Party sell outs but they can't fool God's true followers. We can see right through them and especially Alan Caruba, Tea Party Nation contributor, as he attempts to glorify Martin Luther King while at the same time tearing him and those who proposed the designed of the statue down. Not to mention putting black people down as though white people do nothing.
He who have done nothing for equality for blacks and for that matter bonding peace and love between the races has the nerve to call Dr. King's statue "The Hideous MLK Memorial".
Read how Racists are able to enlist more racists with clever words that has no roots.
Allen Caruba speaks- "It is also one of the most hideous works of “art” imaginable for anyone who recalls the times and the character of a man who said, “I am not interested in power for power’s sake, but I am interested in power that is moral, that is right and that is good.”
"The statue depicts a scowling figure, his face fixed with the look of every despot whose statue is intended to instill fear or awe in those who gaze upon it. His arms are crossed over his chest as if protecting himself or preparing to pass a harsh judgment".
"It is hideous because it completely obliterates the gentleness of Dr. King, the heart that strove against injustice. The awfulness of the statue reminded me of another of his quotes, “Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
"I have no idea what the memorial committee had in mind when it sanctioned this statue, but I have little doubt that Dr. King would have been mortified by it. He was a man who, on that long ago evening on the Drew University campus, greeted Vivian and me with a big smile in the midst of a great struggle to secure the rights of blacks in America."
"Dr, King’s life was devoted to making all Americans think about the kind of society, the kind of nation, in which they wanted to live."
Dr. King surely would be appalled that young blacks would be rioting in the streets of American cities, looting, attacking people, nearly a half century after the achievement of the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts for which he gave his life.
"I think he would have been appalled by a thirty-foot-tall statue that resembles those of tyrants like Mao tse Tung, Stalin, or Saddam Hussein."
Me speaking - Do you see how he attempts to care but can't. His true feelings cannot be separated from his words. From a Bible quote, "what's in you will come out of you". And we can see the the farmer's bulls running all around him.
The Memorial is a great things for all races to see, remember and move forward with a Godly kind of mind that this world was given to all of us to love and care about each other as ONE.
Think about it!
Salvation for Christian conservatives. The whole organization need to be saved.
Bishop Ward
Why would a Tea Party Racist pretend to care about Martin Luther King's Statue. Read how he uncovers himself.

He who have done nothing for equality for blacks and for that matter bonding peace and love between the races has the nerve to call Dr. King's statue "The Hideous MLK Memorial".
Read how Racists are able to enlist more racists with clever words that has no roots.
Allen Caruba speaks- "It is also one of the most hideous works of “art” imaginable for anyone who recalls the times and the character of a man who said, “I am not interested in power for power’s sake, but I am interested in power that is moral, that is right and that is good.”
"The statue depicts a scowling figure, his face fixed with the look of every despot whose statue is intended to instill fear or awe in those who gaze upon it. His arms are crossed over his chest as if protecting himself or preparing to pass a harsh judgment".
"It is hideous because it completely obliterates the gentleness of Dr. King, the heart that strove against injustice. The awfulness of the statue reminded me of another of his quotes, “Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
"I have no idea what the memorial committee had in mind when it sanctioned this statue, but I have little doubt that Dr. King would have been mortified by it. He was a man who, on that long ago evening on the Drew University campus, greeted Vivian and me with a big smile in the midst of a great struggle to secure the rights of blacks in America."
"Dr, King’s life was devoted to making all Americans think about the kind of society, the kind of nation, in which they wanted to live."
Dr. King surely would be appalled that young blacks would be rioting in the streets of American cities, looting, attacking people, nearly a half century after the achievement of the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts for which he gave his life.
"I think he would have been appalled by a thirty-foot-tall statue that resembles those of tyrants like Mao tse Tung, Stalin, or Saddam Hussein."
Me speaking - Do you see how he attempts to care but can't. His true feelings cannot be separated from his words. From a Bible quote, "what's in you will come out of you". And we can see the the farmer's bulls running all around him.
The Memorial is a great things for all races to see, remember and move forward with a Godly kind of mind that this world was given to all of us to love and care about each other as ONE.
Think about it!
Salvation for Christian conservatives. The whole organization need to be saved.
Bishop Ward
Why would a Tea Party Racist pretend to care about Martin Luther King's Statue. Read how he uncovers himself.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
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Read why our wanting freedom for Muslim nations will never lead to peace for America.
Americans are putting the cart before the horse when it come to Egypt, Libya and Syria becoming true friends to the US.
The February ouster of longtime President Hosni Mubarak in a popular revolt had unleashed an outpouring of anti-Israel sentiment in Egypt and criticism of the 1979 peace treaty between Egypt and Israel after clashes on Thursday led to deaths on both side.
The 1979 peace treaty is being tested by the fall of Egypt's longtime leader, Hosni Mubarak as Egyptians chant anti-Israeli slogans as they hold Egyptian and Palestinian flags to protest the death of Egyptian security forces killed in the shootout.
We must not get so engaged in wanting Egypt, Syria, Lybia and so on to have their freedom so much until we start thinking they will be our true blue good friends. It will never happen.
As long as we stay allies with Israel we stay enemies of all Muslim nations and they want death to us as well as Israel whether they be terrorists or not. This will not change.
There are reasons we will never get along and one to consider is that both religions are different and directs us in different ways. The other is that Islam is their government and Christianity is our government whether we want it or not and will become even more. But with our government Christianity haven't taken over to the point of dictating scritures to maintain order of things, yet, as Republicans and Tea Party Christians want it.
Our government is largely Christian and becoming even more. With each passing election Christians enter our government as candidates for office, knowing Christian are the majority of our voting block. Politicians play on this group for nomination.
This is a concern for Muslims who want one day a Muslim in the highest office of our country to turn against Israel for a final blow from the hand of a traitor friend.
Since this will not happen, the Christian politicians and the United States will always be a target. So will all the western countries and this will always be until the "GREAT INTERVENTION"!
I know we think we are making peace and there is nothing with trying. But the hard core truth is, Islam and Christianity will never mix . And "NASA! "We have a problem".
I'm afraid we are putting the cart before the horse and we're getting no where. We need to keep the horse in front to always know where he's going. So sad we can't work together for a better world.
Think about it!
Salvation for so-called Christian Conservaties. Whosoever shall call......
Bishop Ward
Read why our wanting freedom for Muslim nations will never lead to peace for America.
Read why our wanting freedom for Muslim nations will never lead to peace for America.
Americans are putting the cart before the horse when it come to Egypt, Libya and Syria becoming true friends to the US.
The February ouster of longtime President Hosni Mubarak in a popular revolt had unleashed an outpouring of anti-Israel sentiment in Egypt and criticism of the 1979 peace treaty between Egypt and Israel after clashes on Thursday led to deaths on both side.
The 1979 peace treaty is being tested by the fall of Egypt's longtime leader, Hosni Mubarak as Egyptians chant anti-Israeli slogans as they hold Egyptian and Palestinian flags to protest the death of Egyptian security forces killed in the shootout.
We must not get so engaged in wanting Egypt, Syria, Lybia and so on to have their freedom so much until we start thinking they will be our true blue good friends. It will never happen.
As long as we stay allies with Israel we stay enemies of all Muslim nations and they want death to us as well as Israel whether they be terrorists or not. This will not change.
There are reasons we will never get along and one to consider is that both religions are different and directs us in different ways. The other is that Islam is their government and Christianity is our government whether we want it or not and will become even more. But with our government Christianity haven't taken over to the point of dictating scritures to maintain order of things, yet, as Republicans and Tea Party Christians want it.
Our government is largely Christian and becoming even more. With each passing election Christians enter our government as candidates for office, knowing Christian are the majority of our voting block. Politicians play on this group for nomination.
This is a concern for Muslims who want one day a Muslim in the highest office of our country to turn against Israel for a final blow from the hand of a traitor friend.
Since this will not happen, the Christian politicians and the United States will always be a target. So will all the western countries and this will always be until the "GREAT INTERVENTION"!
I know we think we are making peace and there is nothing with trying. But the hard core truth is, Islam and Christianity will never mix . And "NASA! "We have a problem".
I'm afraid we are putting the cart before the horse and we're getting no where. We need to keep the horse in front to always know where he's going. So sad we can't work together for a better world.
Think about it!
Salvation for so-called Christian Conservaties. Whosoever shall call......
Bishop Ward
Read why our wanting freedom for Muslim nations will never lead to peace for America.
Friday, August 19, 2011
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Maxine Waters, black Rep., should put up or shut up about Obama and blacks being unemployed.

Wait a minute! Have I just landed from another planet or have blacks always had higher rates of unemployment in this country. It's not Obama's fault. It's people like her that is voted into office to work for us to find jobs but failed. Now these representatives want to put the blame on Obama.
What are governors, mayors, county managers and board of commissions for. Not to mention all of the people on their payroll. Why do Obama have to take the blame for their lack of functionality. This is why we voted them in office. To work for us!
Blacks need to learn how to start businesses and work together and stop asking whites for so many jobs. Their are plenty of easy start up businesses that can be started and filtered into the system if blacks would pull together. We have many talents, know how's and experiences to do this.
But you say you need money? Well, black Churches should take some of that money they are doing nothing with and join together with each other to build businesses for blacks instead of taking it from them all the time and doing nothing but saying to them, "God loves a cheerful giver". Now it's time to be that cheerful giver back. Give back yourselves. Build black businesses with some of that money. The black Church can be the black loan company. Think about it.
Maxine Walters should be promoting blacks self worth, self help and business ventures to insure black jobs in the future. She should be telling them how to find ways to create and or get money to create businesses for ourselves instead of blowing hot air at Obama. Do your job Maxine!
Obama going and visiting black areas will not put blacks to work if their are no businesses to work at no matter how many areas he visit. Making some one smile doesn't put groceries on the table.
Blacks and Churches in all areas of this nation should be building busineses just like the whites. You want solve black unemployment until you do. Nobody cares about you but you.
Obama is a president for all people. Unemployment is not just for him to create but for local elected officials to hunt down and bring businesses into your areas. Local officials is more responsible for high unemployment across the nation than Obama and should be called out on it.
We love to talk but never put out where it counts.
Think about it!
Salvation for so-called Christian Conservatives.
Bishop Ward
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
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Tea Party darling Michele Bachmann and the big Obama lie. How she plans to win.
Bachmann (R-MN) told Fox News host Bill O’Reilly Monday August 10, one of the biggest straight face lies I ever heard.
Naturally she is a typical liar of the so-called Christian Conservative Tea Party making a run for the White House (they all claim to be Christian). Below is a clip I was able to obtain where she do what conservatives do best and that's tell a good believable lie to those that will believe any thing. Conservative!
Michele Bachmann is delirious. She want us to believe Obama is shafting the poor on medicare behind close doors with all people," her!" This Tea Party nit-wit is a Sara Palin wanta be that seem to be sniffing on some thing that's affecting her judgement.
Take a look at her if you can and determine if she is playing with a full deck.
Republican candidates will say and do any thing to win. Any one who lie like they do does not deserve to be the head of a country like ours. We can't trust them.
She made a statement Saturday August 13, that the "Tea Party is the best thing that could happen". She was talking about themselves. "Rich and wealthy so-called Christians Republicans.
Speaking of separation of Church and State, the Tea Party is "separation of rich and poor".
Stay with my site through 2012 and lets make sure we vote Obama back in office. No matter house bad it is a Republican as president will make it even worst.
Think about it!
So-called Christian conservative need to be saved. Liberals Christians you have your hands full right here at home. Go get em'.
Bishop Ward
Tea Party darling Michele Bachmann and the big Obama lie. How she plans to win.
Tea Party darling Michele Bachmann and the big Obama lie. How she plans to win.
Bachmann (R-MN) told Fox News host Bill O’Reilly Monday August 10, one of the biggest straight face lies I ever heard.
Naturally she is a typical liar of the so-called Christian Conservative Tea Party making a run for the White House (they all claim to be Christian). Below is a clip I was able to obtain where she do what conservatives do best and that's tell a good believable lie to those that will believe any thing. Conservative!
Michele Bachmann is delirious. She want us to believe Obama is shafting the poor on medicare behind close doors with all people," her!" This Tea Party nit-wit is a Sara Palin wanta be that seem to be sniffing on some thing that's affecting her judgement.
Take a look at her if you can and determine if she is playing with a full deck.
Republican candidates will say and do any thing to win. Any one who lie like they do does not deserve to be the head of a country like ours. We can't trust them.
She made a statement Saturday August 13, that the "Tea Party is the best thing that could happen". She was talking about themselves. "Rich and wealthy so-called Christians Republicans.
Speaking of separation of Church and State, the Tea Party is "separation of rich and poor".
Stay with my site through 2012 and lets make sure we vote Obama back in office. No matter house bad it is a Republican as president will make it even worst.
Think about it!
So-called Christian conservative need to be saved. Liberals Christians you have your hands full right here at home. Go get em'.
Bishop Ward
Tea Party darling Michele Bachmann and the big Obama lie. How she plans to win.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Weekend Finisher
Church and state and the agenda of the so-called Christian Conservative Churches.
Separation of church and state may be harder to do than some may want to admit.
Let's take a deep and sensible look at how this cannot work and will never work even though some organizations like Atheists and others think different. One thing to look at is that as long as you have a country with over whelming religious groups like Democrats and Republicans Christians making up the greater voting spectrum you will never separate church and state.
Nearly all, if not all elected officials of today, claim some sought of religious affiliation with Christianity. Though our forefathers wanted no part of it in government they did not foresee the growing strength of Christianity in the future as not only converting millions but out them coming elected officials holding allegiances to their faith.
The First Amendment to the Constitution reads "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." the phrase "respecting an establishment of religion" is the Establishment Clause and prohibits the government from establishing any religion as an official religion in America. Read broadly, it means the government cannot prefer, endorse, or promote any religion over any other, or even religion generally.
Not only was our forefathers against Christianity, they set the stage for the nation's failure and dislike for God's rules well into the future when we will pay for keeping God out. You see what is happening today and it can't do any thing but get worse as you see with the filth and disobedience our country and the world has adopted.
Now here is where Satan come in. The Conservative Party and Democratic Party has always used God to further their evil agenda from keeping Bibles out of the hands of slaves to hanging them while hollering the love of God all the way.
However, the Democratic Party, over time, came to see that the Constitution was for all the people and not just whites. "We the people" meant all races and began to reach out to those less fortunate, the poor, while The Republican conservative Party reached out to the rich and even turned on and killed white Democrats helping to promote freedom.
The so-called Christian conservative God worshiping haters of white poor and blacks gained much power in the government. They silently grew to what they are today with no change in their agenda of controlling the government and returning it to a period where conservatives ruled and made billion of dollars off the backs of the poor while given the rich the power to packed their bank accounts through cuts, low wages, bad working conditions, and under the table payout's and more.
The Republican so-called Christian Conservative Party built itself up from the most disgusting numb skulls of our nation beginning with the KKK, a conservative religious group whom names have changed to a more acceptable ones in their churches.
Their way of teaching has produced this countries worst killers, from abortion murders, school shootings, bombing, shooting of US congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona to the influence of shooting mass murder of children's in OSLO, Norway by Anders Behring Breivik, a Christian fundamentalist, who admire Christian conservatives and their views from America.
Conservative so-Christians organizations has built mega churches and followers of like minded intentions to help in their sinister plan. Evil organizations and churches influencing millions by twisting their minds through clever manipulation of God's word.
Now they got their eyes set on controlling the government to keep their riches coming. Planting a So-called Christian conservative in congress and the White House would insure their power over their flocks and protect the American rich.
The First Amendment to the Constitution is being challenged and so for is losing for now. Because it cannot take away a person's faith. Congressmen's and Senators mostly proclaim Christian affiliation.
Democrats for now are not pushing the issue. The Republican Conservative so-called Christians however, want the country back and will do any thing right or wrong to do it. Even through trickery they attempt to break the law What a Godly constitutional freedom we the people hippocritical organization!
Think about it!
So-called Christians Conservative need salvation. We have our hands full Liberals right here at home.
Good blessing! You'll need it.
Bishop Ward
Church and state and the agenda of the so-called Christian Conservative Churches.
Church and state and the agenda of the so-called Christian Conservative Churches.
Separation of church and state may be harder to do than some may want to admit.
Let's take a deep and sensible look at how this cannot work and will never work even though some organizations like Atheists and others think different. One thing to look at is that as long as you have a country with over whelming religious groups like Democrats and Republicans Christians making up the greater voting spectrum you will never separate church and state.
Nearly all, if not all elected officials of today, claim some sought of religious affiliation with Christianity. Though our forefathers wanted no part of it in government they did not foresee the growing strength of Christianity in the future as not only converting millions but out them coming elected officials holding allegiances to their faith.
The First Amendment to the Constitution reads "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." the phrase "respecting an establishment of religion" is the Establishment Clause and prohibits the government from establishing any religion as an official religion in America. Read broadly, it means the government cannot prefer, endorse, or promote any religion over any other, or even religion generally.
Not only was our forefathers against Christianity, they set the stage for the nation's failure and dislike for God's rules well into the future when we will pay for keeping God out. You see what is happening today and it can't do any thing but get worse as you see with the filth and disobedience our country and the world has adopted.
Now here is where Satan come in. The Conservative Party and Democratic Party has always used God to further their evil agenda from keeping Bibles out of the hands of slaves to hanging them while hollering the love of God all the way.
However, the Democratic Party, over time, came to see that the Constitution was for all the people and not just whites. "We the people" meant all races and began to reach out to those less fortunate, the poor, while The Republican conservative Party reached out to the rich and even turned on and killed white Democrats helping to promote freedom.
The so-called Christian conservative God worshiping haters of white poor and blacks gained much power in the government. They silently grew to what they are today with no change in their agenda of controlling the government and returning it to a period where conservatives ruled and made billion of dollars off the backs of the poor while given the rich the power to packed their bank accounts through cuts, low wages, bad working conditions, and under the table payout's and more.
The Republican so-called Christian Conservative Party built itself up from the most disgusting numb skulls of our nation beginning with the KKK, a conservative religious group whom names have changed to a more acceptable ones in their churches.
Their way of teaching has produced this countries worst killers, from abortion murders, school shootings, bombing, shooting of US congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona to the influence of shooting mass murder of children's in OSLO, Norway by Anders Behring Breivik, a Christian fundamentalist, who admire Christian conservatives and their views from America.
Conservative so-Christians organizations has built mega churches and followers of like minded intentions to help in their sinister plan. Evil organizations and churches influencing millions by twisting their minds through clever manipulation of God's word.
Now they got their eyes set on controlling the government to keep their riches coming. Planting a So-called Christian conservative in congress and the White House would insure their power over their flocks and protect the American rich.
The First Amendment to the Constitution is being challenged and so for is losing for now. Because it cannot take away a person's faith. Congressmen's and Senators mostly proclaim Christian affiliation.
Democrats for now are not pushing the issue. The Republican Conservative so-called Christians however, want the country back and will do any thing right or wrong to do it. Even through trickery they attempt to break the law What a Godly constitutional freedom we the people hippocritical organization!
Think about it!
So-called Christians Conservative need salvation. We have our hands full Liberals right here at home.
Good blessing! You'll need it.
Bishop Ward
Church and state and the agenda of the so-called Christian Conservative Churches.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Read more at:
Rick Perry and Demonistic behavior of so-called Christian conservative pastors.
Last Saturday Texas Gov. Rick Perry and many Baptist ministers including Dr. James C. Dobson, a psychologist who founded Focus on the Family; Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council in Washington; and Dr. Richard Land, the conservative president of the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, all creeps, met to do a so-call pray for country forum called "Response".
This group of characters just proved what God does not want us to be like. A bunch of lying hypocrites pretending to pray to God in a show mockery that could only please their father, the Devil, as "well done my faithful servants".
Rick Perry and Demonistic behavior of so-called Christian conservatives was clowns on a world stage that made intelligent people of our true Christian religion sick to our stomach as they showed good reasons as to how not to become Christians to those we are trying to convince to become followers of Christ.
What I saw was a mockery to God. It was an insult to Christianity. God would never sanction a division against itself. More than that it's ignorant for all these big name so-called ministers to have no more sense than to think they could pray to God for the economy. That's about as stupid as asking God to give me a glass of water when it's sitting right in front of me. It's about as senseless as asking God to baby sit your six months old baby while you go partying.
The pretense of prayer was thinking they could play God for a fool to get him to side with them in a political battle of the rich versus the poor. That God would side with the rich. Yea right!
Listen to this outrageous prayer:
"Father, our heart breaks for America. We see discord at home. We see fear in the
marketplace. We see anger in the halls of government and, as a nation, we have forgotten
who made us, who protects us, who blesses us, and for that, we cry out for your
forgiveness," said Perry, praying with hands clasped.
"Father, we pray for our president, that you would impart your wisdom upon him, that you
would guard his family," the governor said. "You call us to repent, Lord, and this day is our
Playing with God!
God is not involved into our government nor nation that's filled with Sodom and Gomorrah type habits. These habits also include liars, murderers, robbers, rapists, pornography, lust, unloving and caring, etc. people. Nor involved himself in trying to get a hypocrite in a particular office to rob the poor even more.
James Dobsons ought to know what it is to rob the poor and silly rich of their money and sanity. He's done it for years by twisting the word of God to benefit his empire and bank account. The same goes for the Baptist ministers who sat blindly following the wicked and want a be clever Rick Perry.
The truth about the matter is that the people long ago told God "we did not want him as judge over us", "We want a King like other nations. Some one we can see". And God gave them what they wanted and trouble and much sin has been on the increase ever since.
It is we the people that vote politicians in office and not God. It is we that will fix our problems and not God. However, the power of God is in the believer and doer to do what is right for all people and not just particular ones to correct our mistakes.
These so-called ministers should know this. But I guess not! Look at them.
Even God's interest in Israel is "Timed"! Let's see you smart guys wrestle with this one.
Think about it!
Christian conservatives and especially their ministers should repent and find God. Liberals Christians we have our hands full right here at home. Go get um!
Bishop Ward
Rick Perry and Demonistic behavior of so-called Christian conservative pastors.
Rick Perry and Demonistic behavior of so-called Christian conservative pastors.
Last Saturday Texas Gov. Rick Perry and many Baptist ministers including Dr. James C. Dobson, a psychologist who founded Focus on the Family; Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council in Washington; and Dr. Richard Land, the conservative president of the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, all creeps, met to do a so-call pray for country forum called "Response".
This group of characters just proved what God does not want us to be like. A bunch of lying hypocrites pretending to pray to God in a show mockery that could only please their father, the Devil, as "well done my faithful servants".
Rick Perry and Demonistic behavior of so-called Christian conservatives was clowns on a world stage that made intelligent people of our true Christian religion sick to our stomach as they showed good reasons as to how not to become Christians to those we are trying to convince to become followers of Christ.
What I saw was a mockery to God. It was an insult to Christianity. God would never sanction a division against itself. More than that it's ignorant for all these big name so-called ministers to have no more sense than to think they could pray to God for the economy. That's about as stupid as asking God to give me a glass of water when it's sitting right in front of me. It's about as senseless as asking God to baby sit your six months old baby while you go partying.
The pretense of prayer was thinking they could play God for a fool to get him to side with them in a political battle of the rich versus the poor. That God would side with the rich. Yea right!
Listen to this outrageous prayer:
"Father, our heart breaks for America. We see discord at home. We see fear in the
marketplace. We see anger in the halls of government and, as a nation, we have forgotten
who made us, who protects us, who blesses us, and for that, we cry out for your
forgiveness," said Perry, praying with hands clasped.
"Father, we pray for our president, that you would impart your wisdom upon him, that you
would guard his family," the governor said. "You call us to repent, Lord, and this day is our
Playing with God!
God is not involved into our government nor nation that's filled with Sodom and Gomorrah type habits. These habits also include liars, murderers, robbers, rapists, pornography, lust, unloving and caring, etc. people. Nor involved himself in trying to get a hypocrite in a particular office to rob the poor even more.
James Dobsons ought to know what it is to rob the poor and silly rich of their money and sanity. He's done it for years by twisting the word of God to benefit his empire and bank account. The same goes for the Baptist ministers who sat blindly following the wicked and want a be clever Rick Perry.
The truth about the matter is that the people long ago told God "we did not want him as judge over us", "We want a King like other nations. Some one we can see". And God gave them what they wanted and trouble and much sin has been on the increase ever since.
It is we the people that vote politicians in office and not God. It is we that will fix our problems and not God. However, the power of God is in the believer and doer to do what is right for all people and not just particular ones to correct our mistakes.
These so-called ministers should know this. But I guess not! Look at them.
Even God's interest in Israel is "Timed"! Let's see you smart guys wrestle with this one.
Think about it!
Christian conservatives and especially their ministers should repent and find God. Liberals Christians we have our hands full right here at home. Go get um!
Bishop Ward
Rick Perry and Demonistic behavior of so-called Christian conservative pastors.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Eead more at
Republicans have a patriotic duty to our country to give back all government stimulus money.
So-called Christian conservatives and non-Christians are all beside themselves when it come to the stimulus package not working for the economy. They say it was wasteful spending.
Mike Hucklebee has commercials blazing like fire on TV and cable stations constantly blasting high debts and healthcare waste is the fault of Obama.
All of the Republican candidates are blasting Obama for the same thing. Even the patriotic freedom loving love my country Tea Party losers are crying the same thing too, even worst than others of their evil party.
Well I have something for these greedy stumulus keeping Obama wasted spending loud mouths stimulus banking Tea Party stimulus comercial making on stimulus money theives....... Giveeee..... ittttttt....... Backkkkkk!!!!!!!
All you Republicans and Tea Partiers have a patriotic duty to God and your country to give it back to the government if you feel like it did no good for the country. You shouldn't keep it. What signals are you sending to our your childrens. Shame on you. Do the right thing. Stop mouthing off and give it back or shut up.
I'm launching a campaign on my site for Republican to give back to the government all money they took and spent on themselves. This Could be billions of dollars toward the debt?
Help me tell the Republican Party to give back all stimulus money received from the government.
Think about it!
Liberal Christians you have your hands full trying to bring so-called Christian conservatives to repentant.
Bishop Ward
Republicans have a patriotic duty to our country to give back all government stimulus money.
Republicans have a patriotic duty to our country to give back all government stimulus money.
So-called Christian conservatives and non-Christians are all beside themselves when it come to the stimulus package not working for the economy. They say it was wasteful spending.
Mike Hucklebee has commercials blazing like fire on TV and cable stations constantly blasting high debts and healthcare waste is the fault of Obama.
All of the Republican candidates are blasting Obama for the same thing. Even the patriotic freedom loving love my country Tea Party losers are crying the same thing too, even worst than others of their evil party.
Well I have something for these greedy stumulus keeping Obama wasted spending loud mouths stimulus banking Tea Party stimulus comercial making on stimulus money theives....... Giveeee..... ittttttt....... Backkkkkk!!!!!!!
All you Republicans and Tea Partiers have a patriotic duty to God and your country to give it back to the government if you feel like it did no good for the country. You shouldn't keep it. What signals are you sending to our your childrens. Shame on you. Do the right thing. Stop mouthing off and give it back or shut up.
I'm launching a campaign on my site for Republican to give back to the government all money they took and spent on themselves. This Could be billions of dollars toward the debt?
Help me tell the Republican Party to give back all stimulus money received from the government.
Think about it!
Liberal Christians you have your hands full trying to bring so-called Christian conservatives to repentant.
Bishop Ward
Republicans have a patriotic duty to our country to give back all government stimulus money.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Read more at:
Weekend Finisher
It's long but take the time to read and pass it on.
Is Obama the sacrificial lamp for the nation's poor people. By Bishop Ward
I hear a lot of people from both the Democratic side as well as the Republican side call Obama a sell out, whimp, don't fight hard enough, give in too quickly, he is bad for the country and his so called spending privilege should be taken away.
At one time I began to question his reasons for giving in and compromising on the low end. I never wrote against him because for some reason deep down I felt that it was not time to speak out. There had to be something else. What was it? So I with held the pen on him until now because I finally realized He was the "Sacrificial Lamb".
What am I talking about? Well, not all the time do we know what's best for us. Most of the time we as poor people are in positions of not knowing what is happening and become upset when we do not get what we want when we want it.
We do not see the whole picture. For instant, the affects of a land mind well hidden and disguise ready to blow up as soon as we step on it. Not knowing has killed or severely maimed many lives. We suffer more than ever unless someone find out where the land mine is hidden and try to get it removed. Out numbered and well shielded the Land mine remain hidden.
The poor is unaware it is there. But Obama and his administration knows it's there and that the poor will be hurt if something isn't done. Those pushing against him is over whelming and it's hard to get them to see poor people needs.
The Republican Party and especially the Tea Party has a lot of hidden agenda's to take away our basic life style like raising your health care costs, affecting your social security, cutting medicare much worst than Democrats would do. Women rights and medical help will suffer, schools, teachers, colleges and students will suffer much worst also. Jobs will suffer as they are with airport and construction workers while we see congress go home and leave them with out a paycheck.
The Conservative Congress and Tea Party hoodlums are sort of like Satan. You know that Satan comes to lie, cause problems, still and destroy, even kill. The Republicans congress looks far ahead and find crucial issues that are not yet a problem but plan to make them one well ahead of time. Their plan is to wait until the very last moment, since they have the upper hand in congress and force the hand of Obama using Satan tools.
Like the Debt compromise, there was a land mind the Republicans Congress planted to kill and destroy the way of life for poor people. Other bombs were drop in the deal, some good, but it was the land minds that would hurt the poor the most that the poor could not see and needed the help of Obama.
Jesus also saw that the rich was taking advantage of the poor. Leaving them with out much hope. Many were burden. Much sickness and despair abound. This caused hate, disrespect for each other, violent and murder, no real love for each other except for the rich who loved themselves.
Though we had fell out of love for God with our envy, lust, greed, pride, gluttony and anger he would forgive us and allow us a way to return to him and our senses by understanding the reason why we exist and where love of God and each other would eventually lead towards a peaceful life and finally Heaven, through his son,Jesus Christ.
God required a pure sacrifice. Some one had to die with out spot or wrinkle so we could have a fresh start. Only a sacrifice of his only Son Jesus for our sins could this be possible or we would perish with no hope of life but eternal fire and nonexistent. Jesus suffered in our place so that we could live by allowing himself to be slang so that we can live.
Obama is a very very long ways from being Jesus. Many hate him and he knows it. But his mind was on the poor, the sick, the hungry, the unemployed, the helpless who could not help them selves from the land mine hidden within the Republicans debt deal.
Obama saw the land mine that would bring so much hurt upon the poor people that out of love for the poor twice he through himself upon the land mine and took the consequences upon himself. He sacrificed his good standing so the poor could not be forsaken. Now the poor must remember what he did and get behind him and support him for there is no more sacrifices. The fight for survival is in what you will do for Obama.
He don't need your let downs, but your praises in a complicated situation where you are on his mind.
But for now, he has been poor people "sacrificial Lamb".
Think about it!
So-called Christian Conservatives needs God. Liberal Christians you have your hands full. Time to get to work.
Bishop Ward
Is Obama the sacrificial lamp for the nation's poor people
Weekend Finisher
It's long but take the time to read and pass it on.
Is Obama the sacrificial lamp for the nation's poor people. By Bishop Ward
I hear a lot of people from both the Democratic side as well as the Republican side call Obama a sell out, whimp, don't fight hard enough, give in too quickly, he is bad for the country and his so called spending privilege should be taken away.
At one time I began to question his reasons for giving in and compromising on the low end. I never wrote against him because for some reason deep down I felt that it was not time to speak out. There had to be something else. What was it? So I with held the pen on him until now because I finally realized He was the "Sacrificial Lamb".
What am I talking about? Well, not all the time do we know what's best for us. Most of the time we as poor people are in positions of not knowing what is happening and become upset when we do not get what we want when we want it.
We do not see the whole picture. For instant, the affects of a land mind well hidden and disguise ready to blow up as soon as we step on it. Not knowing has killed or severely maimed many lives. We suffer more than ever unless someone find out where the land mine is hidden and try to get it removed. Out numbered and well shielded the Land mine remain hidden.
The poor is unaware it is there. But Obama and his administration knows it's there and that the poor will be hurt if something isn't done. Those pushing against him is over whelming and it's hard to get them to see poor people needs.
The Republican Party and especially the Tea Party has a lot of hidden agenda's to take away our basic life style like raising your health care costs, affecting your social security, cutting medicare much worst than Democrats would do. Women rights and medical help will suffer, schools, teachers, colleges and students will suffer much worst also. Jobs will suffer as they are with airport and construction workers while we see congress go home and leave them with out a paycheck.
The Conservative Congress and Tea Party hoodlums are sort of like Satan. You know that Satan comes to lie, cause problems, still and destroy, even kill. The Republicans congress looks far ahead and find crucial issues that are not yet a problem but plan to make them one well ahead of time. Their plan is to wait until the very last moment, since they have the upper hand in congress and force the hand of Obama using Satan tools.
Like the Debt compromise, there was a land mind the Republicans Congress planted to kill and destroy the way of life for poor people. Other bombs were drop in the deal, some good, but it was the land minds that would hurt the poor the most that the poor could not see and needed the help of Obama.
Jesus also saw that the rich was taking advantage of the poor. Leaving them with out much hope. Many were burden. Much sickness and despair abound. This caused hate, disrespect for each other, violent and murder, no real love for each other except for the rich who loved themselves.
Though we had fell out of love for God with our envy, lust, greed, pride, gluttony and anger he would forgive us and allow us a way to return to him and our senses by understanding the reason why we exist and where love of God and each other would eventually lead towards a peaceful life and finally Heaven, through his son,Jesus Christ.
God required a pure sacrifice. Some one had to die with out spot or wrinkle so we could have a fresh start. Only a sacrifice of his only Son Jesus for our sins could this be possible or we would perish with no hope of life but eternal fire and nonexistent. Jesus suffered in our place so that we could live by allowing himself to be slang so that we can live.
Obama is a very very long ways from being Jesus. Many hate him and he knows it. But his mind was on the poor, the sick, the hungry, the unemployed, the helpless who could not help them selves from the land mine hidden within the Republicans debt deal.
Obama saw the land mine that would bring so much hurt upon the poor people that out of love for the poor twice he through himself upon the land mine and took the consequences upon himself. He sacrificed his good standing so the poor could not be forsaken. Now the poor must remember what he did and get behind him and support him for there is no more sacrifices. The fight for survival is in what you will do for Obama.
He don't need your let downs, but your praises in a complicated situation where you are on his mind.
But for now, he has been poor people "sacrificial Lamb".
Think about it!
So-called Christian Conservatives needs God. Liberal Christians you have your hands full. Time to get to work.
Bishop Ward
Is Obama the sacrificial lamp for the nation's poor people
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Read more at:
Debt ceiling deal will not solve high unemployment. By Bishop Ward
As I stated before, the ones controlling unemployment is greedy Temporary Unemployment Agencesies and greedy businesses. They control over 74% of job hiring in this country and growing. No mater what the government does, they won't win over unemployment until they wiln over temporary agencies.
There are too many Temp Agencies giving the ok by the Federal Labor Relation to open these types of businesses. While Temp Agencies look like they are benefiting job growth it's doing just the opposite.
Temp Agencies are a billion dollar industry who's best interest is to keep employers investing in temporary workers rather than full time workers because both make money by not furnishing proper level wages and benefits.The only place they keep full is the unemployment office, the revolving door for the poor.
If poor people can see this then why not our elected officials. They can't be this dumb not to see it and even take a look at it. .....Can they?
Is it because rich people are behind these agencies? In this case this debt deal will not solve a thing. Also, like I said before, businesses have the money and work to hire. But why hire, when I can use temporary workers to do the same job. Guess who these temps are? POOR PEOPLE! We are the loosers while the rich laugh and party hardy off our sweat and tears.
Think about it!
So-Called Christian Conservatives need to come to the Lord. Of course you must be saved first.... to repent!
A mimister for all people!
Bishop Ward
Debt ceiling deal will not solve high unemploment.
Debt ceiling deal will not solve high unemployment. By Bishop Ward
As I stated before, the ones controlling unemployment is greedy Temporary Unemployment Agencesies and greedy businesses. They control over 74% of job hiring in this country and growing. No mater what the government does, they won't win over unemployment until they wiln over temporary agencies.
There are too many Temp Agencies giving the ok by the Federal Labor Relation to open these types of businesses. While Temp Agencies look like they are benefiting job growth it's doing just the opposite.
Temp Agencies are a billion dollar industry who's best interest is to keep employers investing in temporary workers rather than full time workers because both make money by not furnishing proper level wages and benefits.The only place they keep full is the unemployment office, the revolving door for the poor.
If poor people can see this then why not our elected officials. They can't be this dumb not to see it and even take a look at it. .....Can they?
Is it because rich people are behind these agencies? In this case this debt deal will not solve a thing. Also, like I said before, businesses have the money and work to hire. But why hire, when I can use temporary workers to do the same job. Guess who these temps are? POOR PEOPLE! We are the loosers while the rich laugh and party hardy off our sweat and tears.
Think about it!
So-Called Christian Conservatives need to come to the Lord. Of course you must be saved first.... to repent!
A mimister for all people!
Bishop Ward
Debt ceiling deal will not solve high unemploment.
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