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Tea Party supports General Electric sending jobs overseas to China.
By Bishop Ward
General Electric is spending $2 billion building a business in China that will hire hundreds of workers to help their economy.
GM had a profit of $14 billion dollars where $5 billion was made right here in the United States but paid no taxes at all. You and me individually paid more taxes than they did.
This is America need jobs rhetoric that the Tea Party and Republicans are hammering into the minds of poor people daily. Yet, GM and the rich is who they represent to pay no taxes to this country, take jobs from the poor and give them to China.
If a Republican is elected President this is what we can look forward too. More jobs going overseas by rich businesses to prevent paying decent salaries to Americans.
American businesses can hire but prefer working old workers into the ground to keep from hiring new ones. These over worked workers stay on the job because other businesses are doing the same and make getting another permanent job nearly impossible.
Keep in mind that the poor need a party that care abiut them. The Democratic Party!
Christian Conservatives need to repent! You are not saved!
Think about it!
Bishop Ward
Tea Party supports General Electric sending jobs overseas to China.
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