Democratic Poor People

The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.

Friday, July 29, 2011

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Weekend finisher
Christian Post liars stated nonreligious Americans are more likely to align more with Republicans.  By Bishop Ward

Are the United States a religious nation as stated on CNN. The answer is no!  Or is it yes? According to most people-- they are religious. But religious what? There are a lot of things you can be religious about or religious after.  Satanism is a religion. So is animal worship and so on.

What religion are you talking about. I know the one I prefer to be in and that's Christianity. Is this the religion many are relating too. If it is then this is the hardest to live up and the easiest.
But then again any one can say they are religious. It's a common word and any one is free to use it. If you are claiming Christianity, once again, any can claim it but it take a real Christian to live it. This is where those which claim Christianity fall very short.

What do I mean? Well, you just seen marriage vows of different sex's just approved by most Americans in New York and the country. They also claim religion and most do claim Christianity.
A poll taken by yesterday stated that very religious American identify more as Republicans. The report also showed that nonreligious Americans are more likely to align more with Democrats or lean Democratic. The Christian Post website are liars.

I want go any further with this, but as I said above, any one can claim to be Christian, but it take a real Christian to live it. These guys can't live it.

This is another Republican so-called Christian Conservative lying website that align themselves with racists and the Devil. Nearely half of 2008 voters was mostly Republicans and so-called Christian Conservatives that vented hate remarks towards Obama because he was black.

Democratic Christians may be afraid to call out the Devil but I'm not afraid to say to the so-called Christian Conservatives entire network that all of you are going to hell. You are lying hypocrites. That include those on TV whether you be Jews or gentiles. I don't care how much power you have or your position, If the shoe fit wear it!  And with you guys "one size fit all".

Democrats send these Satan worshipers to my website to be taught over again because I don't know what bible they study out of.
Think about it!
So-called Christian Conservatives need to repent or prepare to go to hell.
Bishop Ward
Christian Post liars stated nonreligious Americans are more likely to align more with Republicans.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

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Tea Party supports General Electric sending jobs overseas to China.
 By Bishop Ward
General Electric is spending $2 billion building a business in China that will hire hundreds of workers  to help their economy.

GM had a profit of $14 billion dollars where $5 billion was made right here in the United States but paid no taxes at all. You and me individually paid more taxes than they did.

This is America need jobs rhetoric that the Tea Party and Republicans are hammering into the minds of poor people daily. Yet, GM and the rich is who they represent to pay no taxes to this country,  take jobs from the poor and give them to China.

If a Republican is elected President this is what we can look forward too. More jobs going overseas by rich businesses to prevent paying decent salaries to Americans.

American businesses can hire but prefer working old workers into the ground to keep from hiring new ones. These over worked workers stay on the job because other businesses are doing the same and make getting another permanent job nearly impossible.

Keep in mind that the poor need a party that care abiut them. The Democratic Party!

Christian Conservatives need to repent! You are not saved!
Think about it!
Bishop Ward
Tea Party supports General Electric sending jobs overseas to China.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

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"Thou shalt not kill" is being quoted towards Oslo, Norway killer by hipocrites in America.  By Bishop Ward

What a stunning change from Americans behavior toward obeying the Bible when it comes to the Oslo killing where 76 people were murdered. Now "thou shalt not kill" is being quoted towards Oslo, Norway killer by hipocrites in America after refusing to honor the bible when it comes to gays and gay marriages.

It seem the Bible is only good when it can be used only against a very serious crime and not against the nature of man or should I say, "when it gets in my way".

Christian Conservatives need to repent. You are being deceived by the devil.
Think about it!
Bishop Ward
"Thou shalt not kill" is being quoted towards Oslo, Norway killer by hipocrites in America.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

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Why are Republicans candidates and Congress so afraid of Obama?  By Bishop Ward

One thing that trouble Republicans about Obama is that he is so favored by poor and middle class working people when it come to who's more likely to have their interest in mind.

The very issues like Healthcare, Medicare and Social Security are the things most people do not want bothered that they know that if Republicans get the chance they will make deep cuts, not moderate cuts, but deep cuts in these programs which already are not paying enough benefits to meet most recipients needs.

Republicans also know that most people want the rich to pay their fair share of taxes like the very poor does Trying to protect the rich has got them caught up in a Tea Party scanerio they find hard to get out of.

Republican Candidate(s)  and congress know that these issues favors Obama, but even though they know Obama is right must go against him or face threats of being voted out of office by the Tea Party who's pulling their string. No matter how bad jobs may be according to polls, most people prefer the Democrats to be in charge than Republicans.

The one big issue that trouble Republicans as a whole are that none of their  candidates or candidate can out speak Obama on truth issues that most voters agree with him on. The poor feel that Republicans have already shown what they will do to hurt the poor and no matter what they say about helping the poor is falling on deft ears.

They are out to find some way to bring him down even if it take lies to do it. They really don't want to face Obama going into 2012 with the majority of the nation squarely behind him. Only the Tea Party, a small share of Independents and hard core Republicans are the ones Republican candidate are depending on, which is not enough to get them elected.

This kind of non-support is troublesome to Republicans coming close to 2012 although they pretend not to be running scared. They are going through every one in the Republican Party looking for some one that may stand a chance against Obama. Whoever is chosen will find It hard to fool voters into voting against themselves when Republican candidates have so soon exposed their desire to take from the poor and Robin Hood the rich.

The debt ceiling is another issue. Congress want their plans to be accepted but poor people know what they have in mind for us. The Tea Party, lead by Judson Phillips, an un-Americans, want the United States to default on our debts hoping to make Obama look bad coming into 2012 as the first President to ever default on America's obligations. 1933 don't count.

Poor people keep in mind that the ones getting hurt here is poor people. Not Republican Congressmans or rich people. But us! It's always us! Why shouldn't the rich pay their fair share to live in the United States like the rest of us. it;s only fair.

Think about it!

Christian Conservatives need to repent!
A minister for all people.
Bishop Ward

Why are Republicans candidates and Congress so afraid of Obama?

Saturday, July 23, 2011

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Gays has put the world in more danger of destruction than terrorist ever could.

In New York City on Monday, July 25, thousand of gays will come out to get married to same sex.

As published by New York Daily News - An agency called "NYC & Company is working to create a multi-channel, global communications and marketing campaign - NYC I DO - to promote the vibrancy and attractiveness of the five boroughs as a gay weddings destination," said Kimberly Spell, the agency's chief communications officer.

The agency is already promoting an NYC I DO page on its website - - that tells couples the rules for getting married here, offers them deals on hotels and lists popular wedding venues.
Many states are giving in to Gay marriages. The only reason I can see for this to occur is that most of this country is gay. This include many Church members, politicians and the news media. How else can they continue to oppose God. The need heavy weight backing.

Politicians hate to hear this and those supporting them hate it too, because it might hurt their party vote. Like I've written before, this country is no longer in the hands of God but in the hands of the Devil. Satan keeps winning and the Church keeps losing. Who is this country more afraid of, God or gays. Gays win hands down.   For the Loves of gays has put the world in more danger of destruction than terrorist ever could.
I am not changing my stand whether Democratic politicians visit my site or not. I stand with God and will die for my cause. I love this country but love God much more. Seeing it being destroyed like this do nothing but bring tears to the eyes of God. And a thought comes to mind, (bible) when a question in heaven was asked, " How long", and the response was, "not long".

Some of you high class minister won't agree with me when I say the Church era is finished. Churches may go through the motions but only a "FEW" is holding on. To prove me wrong, revert the gay tornado that's plowing through the country. You can't! The Church can't stop this Sodom and Gomorrah train roll. It's more powerful and has more support than the Church or all other religions, to include Islamic religion and it's just getting started.

It's just a matter of time when God will have no choice but to take action through events that is being escalated by gays and worthless people that do nothing for God but talk and take his creation and power for a joke.

We think we will solve our debt problems. We will but slowly. It will seem like new life has poured back into the US and other gay excepting countries. Fun and enjoyment will be the norm. But suddenly the time will come when a wicked nation, a wicked world must pay to the creator whom kicked dirt in his face after he's given them so much.  "How long", "Not long".

We may not can stop the filth but we can slow it down if Christians would get out of their buildings and began marching down streets with voices and signs. Cowards! This won't happen!
No place in Heaven for cowards.

For the saints, I say "endure unto the end". Fight back, for the "same shall be saved".
Think about it!
Christian Conservative need salvation! Repent Now!Bishop Ward
 Gays has put the world in more danger of destruction than terrorist ever could.

Friday, July 22, 2011

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Tea Party sleezy plans to take over the government is finally being notice as a dangerous party.

The American people, it seem, is about to come to their senses when it comes to the intentions of the Tea Party.

Many American has attacked the Tea Party as not caring about fixing the debt ceiling but letting America default on it's bills which will make America look bad in the eyes of the world and probably will sink the United States back into another recession.

The Tea Party is finding resistance from legislators they threaten to put out of office if they did not do what they say. Sooner or later the rest of these cronies will get the point also, that they don't need them. And having them will hurt them.

Tea Party movement agenda has always been to protect the rich and let the little guy pay the rich part in keeping the country going. Their hate for the working poor and their attempt to tramper on the constitution is showing that their intent is to rule the country with out being challenged.

Today, the Tea party has been wounded in the eyes of the country, but has not shaken the Tea Party die hard's who vow to take the country..... so-called.... back. Back to what? I wonder!

Salvation for Conservative Christians... They need to repent!
think about it!
God bless
Bishop Ward

Tea Party sleezy plans to take over the government is finally being notice as a dangerous party.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

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Are news media's making the US less safe by Aiding and abetting terror attacks on TV? By Bishop Ward

For decades news media's have found it necessary to report and show on network TV every secret and detail information to the world and especially terrorists, who are watching and learning from their specials, any and all of our government and military secrets.

Seal Team Six a supposedly secret organization is no longer a secret. Most of their training and detailed information about them just aired on national TV on the Discovery Channel July 18, blew their cover. Here is a statement from their blog:

"For three decades, the elite government operatives of SEAL TEAM VI have existed under the radar, but now, their cover is blown. We'll uncover the classified information the government doesn't want you to know and discover the SECRETS OF SEAL TEAM 6".

Also on the History Channel July 19, a detail description was shown to terrorists how to blow up Washington DC and kill 5 millions people including wiping out the entire government. It even told what weapon to use.

While we hunger for knowledge, there is some things that should remain a secret for security sake. News media's are giving terrorist the tools, knowledge and training techniques to create more hidden and secret ways to attack the US. They are Aiding and abetting the rerrorists.

It is not if, but when another attack will happens. And you can believe their techniques used will have come from US news media's and online internet published documents.

Why aren't Russia and China publishing their secret information for the world to see.
Think about it!
Bishop Ward,
God bless!
Are news media's making the US less safe by Aiding and abetting terror attacks on TV?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

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Rudy Giuliani was a failure when it came to preventing New York terror attack! By Bishop Ward

This past Sunday Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of New York City,  on CNN stated that Obama was doing a terrible job in running the country by giving us high debts and stimulus that caused the country more harm than good. He went on to say he would be a better presidential candidate than Mick Romney and other Republican candidates because he brought down high debts in New York and oversaw the biggest terror attack in US history.

One thing he fail to talk about and news medias fail to ask Mr. Rudy is how did he manage to let terrorist attack New York? As mayor his job was to protect the people before an attack and not after. His poor handling of New York's security and air space fail to properly protect and safe guard the city thus leaving it waiting to be attacked.

Now he want to handle our security over the country saying he can do a better job than Obama. According to the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, September 11 terrorist attack cost America nearly $2 trillion. Some estimates as high as $5.7 trillion counting the war in Iraq and other associations. This is what his lack of experience cost the country.

Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani lack of experience in New York disqualifies him as a possible leader of the US. As for as lowing New York debts, that was New York, one state, not the entire country.
In his interview Sunday he never mention helping poor people, the ones who really need government help. God help us if any Republican manage to slip into the White House as president.

Think about it!
A minister for all people!
Rudy Giuliani was a failure when it came to preventing New York terror attack! 

Friday, July 15, 2011

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Weekend finisher
What does Racism has to do with the Tea Party, conservative churches and racist sites. Must read! By Bishop Ward

Bad news for those of love if Republicans get in office. This is pitiful.
I was surfing the internet working on another story that needed more information when I came across a website accidentally that completely stop me cold. I completely forgot about my original story thoughts and knew I had to share this with the rest of you.

As a Minister, I present the truth to you whether it sound hard or harsh to the reader. The reason being, is that baby talk and pacifiers have created ungrateful people. In order to retain some kind of order one must be whipped with many stripes in hope that some regain some sense of knowing exactly why we exist on earth. To show love between each other! Period!!!!!

I'm always speaking against Republicans and especially the conservative church. This time however, I want to make a distinction between them and Democratic Christians.

A question I like to have answered is why does the conservative church, which think they are servants of God, align themselves with violent and racist groups and parties all across America rather than with other Christian groups in the Democratic Party with a lot less violent and hate coming from non-believers?

Here is what I mean. While surfing I came across a conservative racist website that is both heavily Tea Party represented and conservative valued. It speak the thoughts of the Tea Party and a lot of Republicans.  That is, it comes out and say what it has to say without pretending.

The site is called, "I rate Irishman". I know some of you are saying why would you give this site any more public coverage?  I do it because you who want that "more perfect nation" must know that behind the scenes there is a plan to take over the free nation we love being planed by the Tea party and conservative groups like this one if a Republican is elected into office pn 2012.

If this happen we can expect more racist groups to become more open and challenge the constitution to their free speech like gays have done. Don't be fooled. Just look how the Republican legislature is acting. Look how the Tea Party and Republican Governors are challenging and using the constitution as a base to restore past hate and regain the nation back from the poor as did in past history where they made millions off the backs of the poor.

Our nation cannot afford to drift backward not one little bit. Inciting discrimination in a time when folks are angry because of bad economic times is a good plan by the Tea Party to incorporate their legends of demons to so-called "take our country back".

If I can remember! "Taking our country back" means restoring it back to the days of total control over blacks, poor whites, Spanish people, Indians, Chinese and other dark or colored races who was the under dog to the rich.

But for the conservative church being a part of this is mind blowing. Their acceptance of this type of racist behavior, shared value and intentions to protect the rich by causing suffering to the poor is well below the standard of God. It's budding up with the Devil.

The leaders behind these groups are the Tea Party. You better open your eyes and begin to see what is going on behind the scenes. We as a civilized people cannot at this time let the Republican Party back in the office of the President. They need time to learn how to love and care. They need God!

Think about it!
God bless!
What does Racism has to do with the Tea Party, conservative churches and racist sites. Must read!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

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Gov. Rick Perry (R) Texas and ignorant Christians conservatives thinks God is a fool as they pretend to pray to God.  By Bishop Ward

Perry and hypocritical conservative Christians has invited the Obama administration, the nation's governors and Texas lawmakers to attend "a day of prayer and fasting meeting on behalf of our troubled nation" in Houston on Aug. 6. The event is being sponsored and blessed by evangelical fundamentalist Christian leaders.

Perry says the "country need God's help" He urges prayer.

I, being a Christian, is blown away when I hear stupid, ignorant, racist, so-called Church people like the conservative right fundamental Christian groups attempt to think that God is in their corner.  They play with with God as though he is a fool like the followers they lead by mind minuplation by way of KKK like rhetoric.

Perry states, "the country need God's help". Where has these powerful Christian conservatives been. If they had so much praying power, then why didn't they see this economic down turn happening under George Bush's administration and pray for it?

Even more than that, why didn't Christian conservatives pray for the country when Obama inherited a recession in 2009.  Wasn't God around then?

Next! Christian conservatives speak as though they dispise gays, but yet their lack of efforts over many many years has been silent to gays pushing forward. Why didn't they pray? Now that things are out of control with gays and marriage between them, these Christian losers now stick out their chests as though they represent God and want to take a stand. Well it's too late. You should have held street rallies 30 years ago.

Christian conservatives so-called prayer rallies have always been about big ideals in the conservative Christian network when it comes to creating something stupid for the people to get into. They are always organizing something contrary against God. For example, "A National Prayer Day". No such thing! One day of prayer is ridiculous. Sound good, but a corrupt nation cannot pray to God.

God does not answer the prayers of lying people, yet, Conservatives groups have manage to mass fortunes through false prayers perpetrated on their weak flocks saying that God will do this and that, knowing it will not happen, just to get into their bank accounts. A great business!

They are against tax heights because it may cause lying tiding to be cut, another lie they fool the people on to grow their store houses, "their bankacounts". "We are under free will", not orders! God don't make us do nothing! We are not under "law" but "grace"!

There is no such thing as two Christian groups praying to God against another Christian group. This make our God a confused God. Yet, Christian conservatives try it. They think God only recognize them and they try or should I say, think God is against Democrats. But God is on the side of the oppressed. The poor and helpless. I guess they haven't read this yet in their Bibles.

Frankly, I think the whole conservative organization whether on TV or Off is heading for hell if they don't change. And I think other non-conservative Christians should launch a campaign to save them, like I do.

I also think Obama will be a fool to play into their hands. As usual the conservatives is up to know good.
Think about it!
A Minister for all!
God bless!
Gov. Rick Perry (R) Texas and ignorant Christians conservatives thinks God is a fool as they pretend to pray to God.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

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Conservative lying ads cover for temp agencies and employers as they collaborate to keep unemployment high.     By Bishop Ward

Republican have another ad out where a lady lie about voting for Obama. She state " I supported President Obama because he spoke so beautifully. But since then things have gone from bad to worst. He's said spending hundred of billion on  stimulus would create more jobs, but now all we got is a lot more debt and a lot more people out of work."

Listen up people! We know this person is a Tea party member, lying conservative and did not vote for Obama. She is the product of another lying concocted conservative scheme to mislead the American people through false ads and twisted lies to vote rich loving politician into office.

Yes, the unemployment is high at 14.2% I heard. Is it the Obama administration fault that it is this high?  No! It is the fault of greedy rich and well off businesses that can hire but have found a way not to hire and save money by collaborating with temporary employing agencies who's main concern is to make million of dollars off temporary workers by providing them with temporary jobs to slick businesses who do not have to make them permanent because these workers do not truly work for the businesses, but for the temporary employing agencies that place them. Quite a scheme!

It is a win win for both businesses but a lost to workers who think they will become permanent someday after a certain length of time, usually an agreed upon term contract by employer and temp agency. Most workers hired this way end back up in unemployment lines at the end of their contract usually six months to a year. While leaving these jobs, laid of workers past other workers replacing them on the same job set up by the same temp agency. It doesn't matter how great the worker is, they have to go.

This is a revolving door at the unemployment office created by the working business and by the employing temp agencies which make it impossible to bring unemployment down.  As fast an one comes off unemployment another goes on. Where is the winning here?

The temporaries agencies have been responsible for placing over 75% to 80% of all workers on jobs in the United States. They and working businesses enjoy the relationship they share.

As I have said before, this kind of employment must be stopped. It must be fully investigated by our government at both the federal and state level.

Being that Republicans are so under handed, it would not surprise me if they did know this was the cause of high unemployment and praise these agencies and employers because it keep high unemployment in the face of the Obama Administration.

I also wonder why the Obama administration is not launching an investigation themselves into this matter since high unemployment make our side look bad. Somebody need to wake up out there. If poor people can see what is going on then why can't these high educated folks we voted in office do the same.

I could be wrong, but most time not!

Think about it!
A minister for all people.
God bless!

Conservative lying ads cover for temp agencies and employers as they collaborate to keep unemployment high.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

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Republican's changing directions where there is no road will lead us "Right into a cannel".  By Bishop Ward

On Wednesday the Republican National Committee blamed President Obama's for the current state of the economy. They used the phrase "left turn after left turn" that will air nationally on cable television in battleground states, throughout the month. The 30-second spot uses a crashing car concept.

The ad projects "America's headed the wrong way fast - six million foreclosures, 14 trillion in debt, 500 billion in higher taxes and the worst long-term unemployment in generations," the ad says. "Don't let Obama drive us to disaster, change direction."

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus is leading the charge and as usual has a large amount of delirious Republican followers who will believe anything right down to believing Obama being responsible for the winter flu.

Once again Priebus attempts to plant lies into the public or should I say distort Obama's record because he knows Obama plans have worked and Republicans have yet to come up with anything of their own to help the country recover. Nothing but No!

While Obama was getting the car (economy) out of the ditch, they (Republicans) stood around sipping slurpies and saying no, no,no to every thing! Now that the car is going in the right direction they want to make a "Right Turn" or "change direction to the right" where there is no road except a  "waiting cannel".

The Republican officials have already shown they have no business driving because they keep running over poor people. Why are they trying so hard to destroy our country and distort the constitution?
Republicans!, We can't afford to put you back in the driver's seat until you guys get counseling and learn how to drive. We are afraid of you.

Until the "right" learn to love all people, we the poor people, will always have problems with conservatives, and especially that load they are pulling called the Tea Party that wants to take over the USA and then the world.

A minister that cares about all!
Think about it!
God bless!
Republican's cha.ging directions where there is no road.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

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Southern Baptist Association is raising hell about immigrants but silent on gays and their take over of the country. They are Hypocritical conservative church goers who pretend to be righteous through the hearts of demons. By Bishop Ward

Listen at politicking games they spend time advocating instead of promoting the true gospel of God as it is written. "Love" . There kind of love is that offered only to other conservative rich and wealthy folks who think demonically silly like they do.

A recent news source reported from Nashville Tenn. stated that the Southern Baptist Convention leader, Richard Land, says the group's policy arm supports a version of the DREAM Act —— the proposed law that would allow illegal immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children to earn legal status, either by going to college or serving in the military.

As a minister I want to know what has this got to do with the work of God toward salvation? Nothing! Sound Racist to me! What about gays getting married? Say what SBC! I don't hearrrrrrr youuuuu!!!!!!

Land also wrote that his commission could support the DREAM Act, with conditions. One condition would be making sure the bill does not allow young adults who gain legal status to help their relatives gain legal status or enter the country. He called such a measure "back-door amnesty.

Now wait a minute! What parent or relative would not want to help his father, daughter, brother or cousin to gain legal status in this country. Are they crazy? They would help their's and know they would. Sound Racists to me again not to mention stupid.

This ungodly group earlier this month passed a resolution at its annual
meeting in Phoenix advocating a path to legalization for non-criminal illegal immigrants.

Again, this organization is really out to put a stop to Spanish Mexicans entering this country. This country is filled with uncaught criminals. Isn't any one against the will of God a criminal. Figure that one out.

The fact is, they can't let too many immigrants come in this country because they mainly vote Democratic. That's their real concern. Not the saving of souls but the saving of money, power and position.

They hate Spanish people coming to this country so bad that they sent a letter to Senators Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., and John Cornyn, R-Texas, who are the chairman and ranking member, respectively, of the Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and Border Security voicing their decision........Now where is the gospel in this? Where is the letters against gays?

One thing that bothers me about the SBC is that I've  never seen or read any constant blasting against homosexuals with any kind of marching, signs or continuous news coverage voicing their dislike of this despicable act. They should be in the news every day. They are big enough. But they want. As the Bible say, "busy with small issues while the larger ones go undone". I read this in the Bible by the way.

If they were such a Godly organization, homosexuality would not have rising to the degree as it is now. Out of control. They did nothing but worry about immigrants and other foolish things claiming and lying that what they do is the will of God. Sorry ! I don't think so! My Bible don't teach this kind of underhanded religion.

Busy being racists on the part of SBA/SBC has created an ungodly country where homosexuality now command more respect than Christianity. SBC/SBA are afraid to write letters to Washington or appear constantly on TV speaking out against it for fear of losing their tax exempt status (money) or being talked about (fear).

I say to the SBC/SBA to continue on robbing the people cause you ain't doing nothing for God. By the way, most homosexuals are taught in Christian Churches. That's why they quote scriptures and challenge the Church so much. Say Whatttt?

Think about it!
God bless!

Southern Baptist Association is raising hell about immigrants and silent on gays.