It's time for elected politicians to put out or get shut down. Improving our chances for change means taking a long hard look at who's running for office.
Not trusting in the officials we elect to office is just "a thang" to poor people. Many don't even know whether they are voting for the right people or not, until it come to voting for the office of the president, because we have no contact with them.
We are use to them doing nothing we can visually see that truly affect our every day lives which seem to always be stalemated.
The problem with this is that local and state politicians have no contact nor do they want contact with the people until they are running for office again. When that happen they are all over the place looking for poor people to vote for them.
The problem we have is that poor people are caught in the middle of voting. We are "caught up in hell if we do and caught up in hell if we don't". (you add in the true word I should use).
In other words, we are use to big talking politicians telling is what we need, but never following through. We just vote for the lesser of the two. That is, the one who sound like they will make our lives better knowing they really want.It's a game politicians play on us poor people every voting term. "Hey!" "Vote for me"! "I'll set you free'!
Thirty and forty years have passed for most and our lives are worst, the same, or barely making it. Politicians in local and state government need to bucker down, visit communities and ask what they need.
There are problem facing voting poor people like, 1. "Not enough businesses being focus upon to move into poor people towns to provide much needed jobs and income. 2. Neither are there any programs in counties focusing on training and bringing business ideas and help to those wanting to start businesses in or out of their counties or cities". 3. Not doing enough to improve or help renevate homes of struggling working people whether mobile or not. This especially include those taxpayers who paid their dues but could not afford a modest home yet, but being denied help to fix up the homes they already own. 4. Bad dilapidated roads and neighborhoods. All of these need immediate attention.
We need to focus our vote on the politicians that promises to make changes and does or is trying and we see it.
Politician need to make themselves visible throughout their term to let people know he or she is working on our behalf and not just drawing a pay check and riding a big white horse to impress us when they come to town.
If they cannot produce as promise, get them out of office. If they keep isolating themselves and acting like they don't know you when they pass you in a "WALMART STORE" don't vote for them again because you are no more than a vote. A tool to their success and power.
We need politicians who like Obama can feel our need before we even ask for it. Politician's jobs are a parenting type. We look for them to make our lives better.
God bless!
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