Democratic Poor People

The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Donald Trump, rich man and Orly Taitz, attorney at law, are adding to my list of the most stupid people in America.

Donald Trump, rich man and Orly Taitz, attorney at law, are adding to my list of the most stupid people in America.
These clowns prove that a good education and making it big has nothing to do with common sense intelligence. When it comes to making a complete fool of your selves these two take the cake.
Having nothing constructive to do, they do what they have all ways wanted to do. "Come out of the closet." That closet being "racists". Using Obama's birth certificate as a shield to their real feelings of hate.

Donald Trump knows he don't have a chance in outer space of being president on his pass history of doing business. However, he knows there are quite a number of racist Republicans who will ponce on any lie they hear for sakes of expressing their inner self.

Orly Taitz appeared on CNN and sounded like she has just been let out of the funny farm with her accusations that she knew more about Obama birth than those in Hawaii. She even states she has evident that the FBI, CIA or any government agency has, stating Obama is committing fraud. That he faked his Social Security number and birth certificate. Great stupidity at it's highest.

Donald Trump backs her up and expects to Run for President just by saying over and over that Obama was not a legal citizen of the United Stated and should not be president. And as for as I can see,  he is building followers fast. Even in the so-called conservative church.

Already he's showing he will not work with the Democrats. It's all about him and his power hungry need to really control a real empire. We don't need him in the white house any way because he has a few bankruptcy's behind him.

 Since these guys will never come up with any thing against Obama's birth, I have to label them as "Closet racists" and "Birther Fools".
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