I did not get off into the Royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton as many did. Although I did see bits and pieces of it on every news station I turned to.
This was a grand wedding fit for an English Prince as billions watched from their televisions and millions tweeted their approval.
However, once again I am reminded of another grand wedding soon to take place that will make this one look like a poor kid's thrown together birthday party. I'm speaking of the wedding of King Jesus to the Christians. God keeping his promise to redeem all those who have remained faithful and true.
Obedience and trust is a must in a marriage. God, who has given Jesus away, hold the list of those being invited. He's looking at character, attitudes, behavior, love of each other and He will find only a few worthy to be invited to this special Royal Celebration.
I'm also mindful of all those who will watch Jesus from their homes, ascending from heaven for the "preparation". The Prophet states, "every eye shall see him and and every tongue shall confess". With Modern technology this will be a breeze to project. Every eye will see and confess that this truly is the Son of God coming in all his glory and beauty.
Unlike Prince Charles and Kate small guest list of chosen individuals of wealth, God's invitation has gone out all around the world. All it say is, "who soever will let them come". His invitation is to the very lowest, no matter your crime or situation, color or religion, to the very highest.
Can you imagine the glorious celebration of Christians meeting Jesus once again in the flesh, yet immortal, in all of his glory. We, the Christians, who have also taken on immortality, is finally meeting our true love.
Whether here on earth or in Heaven, this will be the largest and final wedding of it's kind ever to be performed. How long the celebration will last is unknown. God has the habit of taking his time. "A year is but a thousand years to him". And there will be a lot of us. Most from the old days. Many today don't believe. Only a "few"."We are getting weaker and wiser" and into our own imagination".
Again! What about those looking on and seeing Jesus arrive for his bride? Well, that is all they will see. Unlike Prince Charles's wedding being watched on television, the Celebration of Christian and Jesus will not be televised. News media cannot follow nor report the event for viewing later on. This time you must be invited.
Those who have whored will remember this was prophesied to happen one day, but didn't remain faithful. So they all was left behind and not invited to the celebration and the feast of the Lord.
Yes, the Royal Wedding of Prince Charles and Kate was grand. Every one there felt like gods. No poor people allowed. Only those in high places could come while billions bowed before them at home before their televisions.
But one day, all of us, even the Royal family, Kings of the earth, Presidents and others will bow before Jesus as he is Crown King of Kings and Lords or Lords over all the earth. Think about it.
God bless!
Read more at: http://www.ppartymovement.com
Democratic Poor People
The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Take my hand, not my life is another anti-abortionist slogan.
Take my hand, not my life is another anti-abortionist slogan.
Republican anti-abortionist road signs are being placed in strategist areas around the State of North Carolina with a baby and wording that state, "take my hand, not my life".
I don't have no problems with the signs. Choosing life over death is always the Godly way to go. However, what comes to mind is that so much is made about protecting and saving life by the Republicans that I wonder why there is so many homeless and lonely kids needing loving parents and homes in our country.
I think it's very hypocritical of them to whoop and rage over saving lives just to turn their backs on them when they are born and needing a caring home. Instead, they let them go into adoption agencies to stay for years. For some, a home is never found. The burden is put on others and not them.
Since they claim they have so much love and concern for babies lives, so why aren't they adopting those kids they say they love so much. OOOP! Did I say that! I certainly did.
If all the Republicans and Tea Party folks whose always hollering about the life of kids would take an active role in practicing what they preach, then there would be no adoption agencies.
There are enough anti-abortionists out there to shut down adoption agencies if they adopt a baby or larger child.
But we know that will not happen because if it did, there would be no anti-abortionists to make pro-choicer's angry. They need some thing to woof about.
I think they are hypocrites! Think about it!
God bless!
Read more at: http://www.ppartymovement.com
Republican anti-abortionist road signs are being placed in strategist areas around the State of North Carolina with a baby and wording that state, "take my hand, not my life".
I don't have no problems with the signs. Choosing life over death is always the Godly way to go. However, what comes to mind is that so much is made about protecting and saving life by the Republicans that I wonder why there is so many homeless and lonely kids needing loving parents and homes in our country.
I think it's very hypocritical of them to whoop and rage over saving lives just to turn their backs on them when they are born and needing a caring home. Instead, they let them go into adoption agencies to stay for years. For some, a home is never found. The burden is put on others and not them.
Since they claim they have so much love and concern for babies lives, so why aren't they adopting those kids they say they love so much. OOOP! Did I say that! I certainly did.
If all the Republicans and Tea Party folks whose always hollering about the life of kids would take an active role in practicing what they preach, then there would be no adoption agencies.
There are enough anti-abortionists out there to shut down adoption agencies if they adopt a baby or larger child.
But we know that will not happen because if it did, there would be no anti-abortionists to make pro-choicer's angry. They need some thing to woof about.
I think they are hypocrites! Think about it!
God bless!
Read more at: http://www.ppartymovement.com
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Ministers stand in support of Muslim religion
Christian Ministers stand in support of Muslim religion against Terry Jones, a Christian Minister while the court , in fear, violate the Constitution.
This is a subject matter I want to talk about as a Minister about how Terry Jones, Christian Pastor, was treated unfairly by our court system by denying him his first amendment rights to protest in from of a Muslim mosque.
When I heard about the ruling coming down from a court Judge in Michigan stating Jones and his assistant pastor was barred for 3 years from protesting in front of the Dearborn Michigan Mosque, plus charged a court fee of $1.
All I could think of was how scared to death is the people of the United States of Muslims. We let them have their way because we fear they will set a bomb some where.
This is not true. The majority of American Muslims have too much to lose to do such a thing. They love this country just like we do, but should not be given special scared privileges because of what they might do and prevent us from picketing mostly wherever we want to.
One can protest the President of the United States in front of the White House or any where he speaks and even carry a holstered gun. We can even call him ugly names as some do and nothing happens. But let some say or do any anything against a Muslim and the country run scared with fright.
Even the Constitution is over ruled and goes against Christianity which it was founded upon. The first amendment only apply to every one else but not when you come up against Muslims. The right to assemble does not apply.
Americans seem to be on their way of becoming Muslims. Many are turning their backs on Christianity and supporting Islamic religion. For example, there were Christian Pastors standing in support of Islamic religion against Terry Jones, the Christian Pastor.
I'm not in support of what Terry Jones did, but I'm more disappointed in what these so-called Christian Ministers did. They acted like Islamic religion was on the same level as Christianity. They wanted to protect Islamic religion.
Every religion has the right to exist or be establish under our constitution, but every religion is not the same. With these so-called Christian Ministers, I doubt if our God would have two different religion. I would doubt that Jesus would be upholding another religion. If he did, then Christianity would be a joke. It wouldn't make any different what religion we served because they all would be on the same level.
These Ministers stood in defense of Islamic religion which mean they are confused. Bottom line is that they never should have been there.
We are fools in believing we serve the same God. If that be so, then God is confused. If that be so, then why not we all worship the same Jesus and God teaching from the same book. Why don't we attend the same worship. The answer is that we are different and we all know it, but too afraid to admit it in public.
One causes fear and one teaches of love of every one. Islamic religion, home and abroad, has Americans quivering. American are not supporting Islam because they want them to have rights under the constitution, but is fearful and afraid of what they might do even when they can do nothing. Every one is subject to violence. We can do nothing until they commit violence. Till them we remain strong and true to our Constitution.
Muslims. Christians and all other religions have the right to assemble and worship who ever they please with out any one bothering them. Terry Jones is not wrong and he's not right either. However, there is plenty other things he could be doing rather than wasting his time picketing the Mosque.
He would do well to listen to his own teachings. " Compel them to come", "Who so ever "will" let them come". Preach the word and let it draw men unto to God. We don't act like a fool making God look bad in the eyes of already sinful people pretending to know God.
You may not want to hear it but the truth will set you free.
Be blessed.
More at: http://www.ppartymovement.com
This is a subject matter I want to talk about as a Minister about how Terry Jones, Christian Pastor, was treated unfairly by our court system by denying him his first amendment rights to protest in from of a Muslim mosque.
When I heard about the ruling coming down from a court Judge in Michigan stating Jones and his assistant pastor was barred for 3 years from protesting in front of the Dearborn Michigan Mosque, plus charged a court fee of $1.
All I could think of was how scared to death is the people of the United States of Muslims. We let them have their way because we fear they will set a bomb some where.
This is not true. The majority of American Muslims have too much to lose to do such a thing. They love this country just like we do, but should not be given special scared privileges because of what they might do and prevent us from picketing mostly wherever we want to.
One can protest the President of the United States in front of the White House or any where he speaks and even carry a holstered gun. We can even call him ugly names as some do and nothing happens. But let some say or do any anything against a Muslim and the country run scared with fright.
Even the Constitution is over ruled and goes against Christianity which it was founded upon. The first amendment only apply to every one else but not when you come up against Muslims. The right to assemble does not apply.
Americans seem to be on their way of becoming Muslims. Many are turning their backs on Christianity and supporting Islamic religion. For example, there were Christian Pastors standing in support of Islamic religion against Terry Jones, the Christian Pastor.
I'm not in support of what Terry Jones did, but I'm more disappointed in what these so-called Christian Ministers did. They acted like Islamic religion was on the same level as Christianity. They wanted to protect Islamic religion.
Every religion has the right to exist or be establish under our constitution, but every religion is not the same. With these so-called Christian Ministers, I doubt if our God would have two different religion. I would doubt that Jesus would be upholding another religion. If he did, then Christianity would be a joke. It wouldn't make any different what religion we served because they all would be on the same level.
These Ministers stood in defense of Islamic religion which mean they are confused. Bottom line is that they never should have been there.
We are fools in believing we serve the same God. If that be so, then God is confused. If that be so, then why not we all worship the same Jesus and God teaching from the same book. Why don't we attend the same worship. The answer is that we are different and we all know it, but too afraid to admit it in public.
One causes fear and one teaches of love of every one. Islamic religion, home and abroad, has Americans quivering. American are not supporting Islam because they want them to have rights under the constitution, but is fearful and afraid of what they might do even when they can do nothing. Every one is subject to violence. We can do nothing until they commit violence. Till them we remain strong and true to our Constitution.
Muslims. Christians and all other religions have the right to assemble and worship who ever they please with out any one bothering them. Terry Jones is not wrong and he's not right either. However, there is plenty other things he could be doing rather than wasting his time picketing the Mosque.
He would do well to listen to his own teachings. " Compel them to come", "Who so ever "will" let them come". Preach the word and let it draw men unto to God. We don't act like a fool making God look bad in the eyes of already sinful people pretending to know God.
You may not want to hear it but the truth will set you free.
Be blessed.
More at: http://www.ppartymovement.com
Friday, April 22, 2011
The Most stupidest black man in America is back!
Lloyd Marcus of the Tea Party was the keynote speaker for the Hutchinson Tea Party recently in Hutchinson Kansas. As uaual he’s living up to my thoughts of him as being the most stupidest
black man in America. Listen to another fried brain accusation he’s making about Obama and the Democratic party.
He talks about a wealthy guy name Larry with two sausage factories he sold.
He said.... “According to his (Obama) recent budget speech, Larry is on President Obama's excrement list of selfish rich SOBs whose wealth is targeted for redistribution”.
As you can tell, Marcus is for the rich and against the poor. He also thinks he’s better than blacks and spanish people. If you have read other writings I did about Marcus you know that he has
always been against government helping black people. This is his so-called “Redistribution”
Here is the rest of his scrambled brain statement made about Obama.and the Democratic Party. He stated again...
“Obama, our great divider and grief administrator in the White House, is exploiting class
envy to nurture his political party's tried and true faithful vote producing ““entitlement
mindsets””; deadbeats who think government should take from Larry to give to them.
Totally outrageous and despicable”.
“Folks, Barack Hussein Obama is the unprecedented incredibly destructive bull in our
china shop called America. Politically removing Obama in 2012 is vitally crucial to the
survival of America as we know and love it; ending his War on Achievers”.
The fool even wrote a poem against Obama. Read it below.
“If you voted for Obama
I'm gonna tell you moma”
“Cause he has caused us so much pain
I don't know what you we're thinkin'
His administrations stinkin
Obviously, you were not using your brain.”
I know! I know! You want a piece of this guy. There is a whole lot of people out there that want to tear this country apart. They even think they know what’s right for it, like him. These are
dangerous people we cannot let into the White House.
If the Tea Party is this racially motivated hoping to take over the country in 2012, then think what this country would be in far. Poor people will suffer under a Republican Administration run by the Tea Party and unGodly individuals like Loyd Marcus.
I would tell you to pray for him, but that would be a wasted prayer. You can try it if you want too, but this guy is too far gone.
The way to get em is at the poll. Together we can take that silly smile off his face.
Be blessed!
More From: http://www.ppartymovement.com
black man in America. Listen to another fried brain accusation he’s making about Obama and the Democratic party.
He talks about a wealthy guy name Larry with two sausage factories he sold.
He said.... “According to his (Obama) recent budget speech, Larry is on President Obama's excrement list of selfish rich SOBs whose wealth is targeted for redistribution”.
As you can tell, Marcus is for the rich and against the poor. He also thinks he’s better than blacks and spanish people. If you have read other writings I did about Marcus you know that he has
always been against government helping black people. This is his so-called “Redistribution”
Here is the rest of his scrambled brain statement made about Obama.and the Democratic Party. He stated again...
“Obama, our great divider and grief administrator in the White House, is exploiting class
envy to nurture his political party's tried and true faithful vote producing ““entitlement
mindsets””; deadbeats who think government should take from Larry to give to them.
Totally outrageous and despicable”.
“Folks, Barack Hussein Obama is the unprecedented incredibly destructive bull in our
china shop called America. Politically removing Obama in 2012 is vitally crucial to the
survival of America as we know and love it; ending his War on Achievers”.
The fool even wrote a poem against Obama. Read it below.
“If you voted for Obama
I'm gonna tell you moma”
“Cause he has caused us so much pain
I don't know what you we're thinkin'
His administrations stinkin
Obviously, you were not using your brain.”
I know! I know! You want a piece of this guy. There is a whole lot of people out there that want to tear this country apart. They even think they know what’s right for it, like him. These are
dangerous people we cannot let into the White House.
If the Tea Party is this racially motivated hoping to take over the country in 2012, then think what this country would be in far. Poor people will suffer under a Republican Administration run by the Tea Party and unGodly individuals like Loyd Marcus.
I would tell you to pray for him, but that would be a wasted prayer. You can try it if you want too, but this guy is too far gone.
The way to get em is at the poll. Together we can take that silly smile off his face.
Be blessed!
More From: http://www.ppartymovement.com
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
High gas prices is the fault of the people and not Obama.
High gas prices is the fault of the people and not Obama.
I'm going to make this so simple that a new born can understand it. High gas prices is the fault of cable news agencies right here in the United States who, I want call their names, instigated and stirred up rebellions against leaders in Egypt, Syria, Pakistan, Libya and others.
They reported the sad story about how the people of Libya was so badly treated until the people of America became so caring and involved that we insisted the government send planes and bombs, to all places, Libya, to help the opposition get rid of Kaddafi.
We wanted to stop Kaddafi from suppressing the people and give them their rights to be govern some what as we, no matter the military cost, with out thinking precisely what it will cost us, the people.
We, in such a hurry to promote democracy in oil countries, was not thinking that causing rebellions drive gas prices up.
You might say we did it to our selves. We caused the high gas prices and Not Obama. But that doesn't matter. We need some one else to blame rather than our selves.
Next time we see another country going through changes we need to stop and ask ourselves how it will impact us if we get involved.
If the war or conflict in Libya is the cause of high rising gas prices as experts say, then we can expect to see gas prices continue to rise.
But remember this. There is a price for democracy and we are paying for it at the gas tanks. "Don't worry, be happy"!
More From: http://www.ppartymovement.com
I'm going to make this so simple that a new born can understand it. High gas prices is the fault of cable news agencies right here in the United States who, I want call their names, instigated and stirred up rebellions against leaders in Egypt, Syria, Pakistan, Libya and others.
They reported the sad story about how the people of Libya was so badly treated until the people of America became so caring and involved that we insisted the government send planes and bombs, to all places, Libya, to help the opposition get rid of Kaddafi.
We wanted to stop Kaddafi from suppressing the people and give them their rights to be govern some what as we, no matter the military cost, with out thinking precisely what it will cost us, the people.
We, in such a hurry to promote democracy in oil countries, was not thinking that causing rebellions drive gas prices up.
You might say we did it to our selves. We caused the high gas prices and Not Obama. But that doesn't matter. We need some one else to blame rather than our selves.
Next time we see another country going through changes we need to stop and ask ourselves how it will impact us if we get involved.
If the war or conflict in Libya is the cause of high rising gas prices as experts say, then we can expect to see gas prices continue to rise.
But remember this. There is a price for democracy and we are paying for it at the gas tanks. "Don't worry, be happy"!
More From: http://www.ppartymovement.com
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Donald Trump, rich man and Orly Taitz, attorney at law, are adding to my list of the most stupid people in America.
Donald Trump, rich man and Orly Taitz, attorney at law, are adding to my list of the most stupid people in America.
These clowns prove that a good education and making it big has nothing to do with common sense intelligence. When it comes to making a complete fool of your selves these two take the cake.
Having nothing constructive to do, they do what they have all ways wanted to do. "Come out of the closet." That closet being "racists". Using Obama's birth certificate as a shield to their real feelings of hate.
Donald Trump knows he don't have a chance in outer space of being president on his pass history of doing business. However, he knows there are quite a number of racist Republicans who will ponce on any lie they hear for sakes of expressing their inner self.
Orly Taitz appeared on CNN and sounded like she has just been let out of the funny farm with her accusations that she knew more about Obama birth than those in Hawaii. She even states she has evident that the FBI, CIA or any government agency has, stating Obama is committing fraud. That he faked his Social Security number and birth certificate. Great stupidity at it's highest.
Donald Trump backs her up and expects to Run for President just by saying over and over that Obama was not a legal citizen of the United Stated and should not be president. And as for as I can see, he is building followers fast. Even in the so-called conservative church.
Already he's showing he will not work with the Democrats. It's all about him and his power hungry need to really control a real empire. We don't need him in the white house any way because he has a few bankruptcy's behind him.
Since these guys will never come up with any thing against Obama's birth, I have to label them as "Closet racists" and "Birther Fools".
Read More at: http://www.ppartymovement.com
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Republicans just don't get it! We don't want you running the country!
President Obama said today, that the goal is to save 4 trillion over 12 years. Senator John Barrasso (R) of Wyoming stated, “the President owes the American people more than a dishonest budget”. “We didn't’ get this in his so-called major speech to the country.
Barrasso said, "he and the Republican party was not voting to raise the debt ceiling with out conditions ". When is the Party of "NO" going to get it? The only reason we borrowed so much money from China was to get us out of what Republicans put us in. Every bit of hardships we encountered was because of their do nothing efforts.
These Republicans got nerves. They really think the American people want them back in office. I’m still waiting to hear what they intend to run off of. Balancing the budget won’t get it. Neither will over spending, or big government.
If November 2010 was their signal that the American people wanted change, then they have been eating silly season cup cakes.
That Senate race was all Tea Party. Republicans came into office and did nothing from it. The run for President is a totally different platform. We poor people don’t want puppets on a string controlled by the Tea Party pretending to work for all the people.
We need spirit filled people who can feel our needs.
Barrasso said, "he and the Republican party was not voting to raise the debt ceiling with out conditions ". When is the Party of "NO" going to get it? The only reason we borrowed so much money from China was to get us out of what Republicans put us in. Every bit of hardships we encountered was because of their do nothing efforts.
These Republicans got nerves. They really think the American people want them back in office. I’m still waiting to hear what they intend to run off of. Balancing the budget won’t get it. Neither will over spending, or big government.
If November 2010 was their signal that the American people wanted change, then they have been eating silly season cup cakes.
That Senate race was all Tea Party. Republicans came into office and did nothing from it. The run for President is a totally different platform. We poor people don’t want puppets on a string controlled by the Tea Party pretending to work for all the people.
We need spirit filled people who can feel our needs.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
REP. MICHELE BACHMANN, R-MINN stated the country needs to get back on track and should have passed a better budget deal.

Bachman has decided to run for President. She said it didn't matter if she was a one time president as long as she get the country back on track.
Where has she been? The country is back on tract and with out her or the Republican help. We are doing find. Much better since Obama took office.
She forget she turned her back on the country when it needed her most. Instead, for two years she was the party of NO! No we want help keep the country from going under. Now that the country is doing good she want to be president to put us back on 2008 track when George Bush was president.
We don't need to get on the Republican track again because they don't how to look out for all the people. Just the rich!
They are modern day Robin Hoods in reverse. They 'steal from the poor and give to the rich".
We poor people however, know who saved the country.
It wasn't Michele Bachman or the other Republican presidential hopefuls. It was "OBAMA and his Administration.!!!!!!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Tea Party Abortion Deception
The Republican Tea party abortion deception has many in their party having abortions of their own.
Don't believe the hype that only Democrats have abortion. The fact is, they are having abortions and one doesn't need charts and rulers to figure that out.
I'm willing to bet if their was a way to determined who's having more abortions, it just may turn out to be them. Remember the old saying. "a hurt dog will holler", well this is what the Tea Party Republicans are doing. Constant hollering against it while at the same time, engaging in it.
I'm also willing to bet that many who are being out spoken against abortion has had family members secretly taken abortions.
This has been a continuing issue with Republicans in every election, the budget and the coming election will be the same. Hypocrites using the old "get them looking the other way, while we do our thing" trick, but at the same time blame abortion on Democrats.
When will Democrats start to fight back by telling the Republicans they are the one that's probably having more abortions than Democrats. If they say prove it. Tell them to prove you wrong.
All parties have some one in it engaging in abortion. Yet, the Republican Party deny it. Their dirt is done under cover.
Therefore Call them "back door" baby killers".
"The truth will set you free!
Don't believe the hype that only Democrats have abortion. The fact is, they are having abortions and one doesn't need charts and rulers to figure that out.
I'm willing to bet if their was a way to determined who's having more abortions, it just may turn out to be them. Remember the old saying. "a hurt dog will holler", well this is what the Tea Party Republicans are doing. Constant hollering against it while at the same time, engaging in it.
I'm also willing to bet that many who are being out spoken against abortion has had family members secretly taken abortions.
This has been a continuing issue with Republicans in every election, the budget and the coming election will be the same. Hypocrites using the old "get them looking the other way, while we do our thing" trick, but at the same time blame abortion on Democrats.
When will Democrats start to fight back by telling the Republicans they are the one that's probably having more abortions than Democrats. If they say prove it. Tell them to prove you wrong.
All parties have some one in it engaging in abortion. Yet, the Republican Party deny it. Their dirt is done under cover.
Therefore Call them "back door" baby killers".
"The truth will set you free!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
(R) Rep. Virginia Foxx of North Carolina is too old to be lying
(R) Rep. Virginia Foxx of North Carolina is too old to be lying for the sakes of pleasing the Tea Party.
Rep. Foxx stated that American people does not want tax payer paid abortion.
This is a stupid Representative of North Carilina who has adopted the Tea Party reputation of lying and streatching the truth. She knows that the government funding to Planned Parenthood is against the law for any money given to them to be used for abortion.
She also knows that the money that the government allocates to Planned Parenthood is there to help women with breast testing for cancer, sexual tramitted deseases and more. In esssence it treat woman for early detection.
Planed Parenthood treats all manner of deseases. Their main concern is for the health of the woman.
Yet, Rep. Foxx wants to cause death to millions of women who could not otherwise get or afford help from other institution.
The bible says, "Thou shalt not lie". That also means not streaching the truth. But Rep. Foxx missed that part in her church days.
The Tea Party has her runing scared like they do for those in Washington. If she can't make just decisions, understand the law or no the different between right and wrong then she should' nt be in office.
Rep. Foxx stated that American people does not want tax payer paid abortion.
She also knows that the money that the government allocates to Planned Parenthood is there to help women with breast testing for cancer, sexual tramitted deseases and more. In esssence it treat woman for early detection.
Planed Parenthood treats all manner of deseases. Their main concern is for the health of the woman.
Yet, Rep. Foxx wants to cause death to millions of women who could not otherwise get or afford help from other institution.
The bible says, "Thou shalt not lie". That also means not streaching the truth. But Rep. Foxx missed that part in her church days.
The Tea Party has her runing scared like they do for those in Washington. If she can't make just decisions, understand the law or no the different between right and wrong then she should' nt be in office.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Tea Party Terrorists still plans shutdown
Tea Party is standing firm as of now to shut down the government. The Tea Party is certainly now, in firm hands, of slowly taking over the government and controlling poor people lives.
Today the employment rates all around the country is reporting job increases and showing the economy is growing.
The Tea Party and Republicans want to turn the country back. They really want to cripple the country in some way to gain an upper hand in the 2012 election.
John Boehner said, "“Listen, there's no daylight between the tea party and me,” the Ohio Republican said in an interview with ABC News conducted Wednesday. "“What they want is, they want us to cut spending. They want us to deal with this crushing debt that’s going to crush the future for our kids and grand kids. There’s no daylight there.”
Clearly John Boehner is speaking of the terrorist group called the Tea Party. Us poor people can't afford to lose a single dollar like they can and we will never threaten to jeopardize our military men's, woman's and their families. We will never take food away from the hungry in this country.
Yet, the Tea party will. They are bent on crippling the country with $100 billion cuts that will do more against recovery than the shutdown will.
The Republican Party has been bought out by these threaten thud mafia like hoodlums that promises to put them out of office if they don't vote their way or run the government their way.
Boehner said he and the President has different visions for this country. One of his visions is to return the country to George Bush era and fill the pockets of the rich again while stealing from the poor.
Republicans didn't have a vision in 2009-2010. They didn't help the country at all. They turned their backs and said no to the country. Now when things are much better they pretend to no what's best for the country when they have been proving wrong at every step.
Every thing they said Obama was doing wouldn't work has worked. The country today is doing good and well on it way back. To stop it, John Boehner, Rand Paul, Michele Bachman, Newt Gingrich and other Republican lackeys needs something big like a shut down to give them a false kick off.
We cannot let terrorist run the White House. We cannot let elected officials run our country through threats. We have to speak out more and call the Tea Party what they are. "Boston Tea Party Hoodlums and Terrorists".
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Is CNN news trying to force Obama into a war?
Obama Must pay very lttle attention to what CNN is saying about Lybdia and the Opposition fighters.
I've never seen a news station try so hard to force Obama into a war than how CNN projects the opposition fighters as being slaughtered, innocent civillians being killed, NATO is not bombing enough as the United States did, "these fighter need United States help". And Kadaffi is slaughtering his people and on and on and on.
They are trying to push Obama into a conflict in Lybia that we don't need, just to get the conflict started and then say, " He, Obama, should have waited and gave NATO more time". Slick!
It was once said, that "one newspaper is worst than a thousands bayonets".
This is true with CNN and any other news source that push horible news stories about Lybia, until the public, they hope, will agree with some poll that Obama should forget about NATO and go at it along. Ridiculas!
One thing CNN does not report is that American bombs was killing innocence civillians. They claim it hadn't. Not so! It is impossible to drop hundreds of missles and not kill cilvillians.
But the civillians that oppose the rebels does not matter. They have no right to oppose the rebel fighters, so it's ok to kill them. They are not "good civillian, they are Kadaffi civillians.
Civillians are civilians no matter what side they are on.
News stations need drama to keep it afloat. Dying soldiers are not on their mind. Just news for them. I'm a past war hero of Vietnam era. I know and care about our troops. I don't see them as XBOX charaters with push button restore life features. They are living human beings with a future and family.
My hope is that Obama and his Administration is not listening to them or any other news station that claim we need to get back in the conflict. We need to take over bombing because we can kill more people than NATO and even put weapons and possiblely young soldiers on the ground to create a good news story.
Obama! Keep a clear head. We don't need another war. Nor do families want to see their sons dead. It will be Obama war and the news media will have a field day with it by turning it against you for a good news story.
Not to mention how happy it will make the Tea Party Republicans facing a tough run for the white House. They need something to run off of. They as yet, have nothing. So they are looking hard to find any thing that will turn public opinion.
Once another war starts, the economy moves to the back burner. Now we have another "George Bush war" repeating itself.
I've never seen a news station try so hard to force Obama into a war than how CNN projects the opposition fighters as being slaughtered, innocent civillians being killed, NATO is not bombing enough as the United States did, "these fighter need United States help". And Kadaffi is slaughtering his people and on and on and on.
They are trying to push Obama into a conflict in Lybia that we don't need, just to get the conflict started and then say, " He, Obama, should have waited and gave NATO more time". Slick!
It was once said, that "one newspaper is worst than a thousands bayonets".
This is true with CNN and any other news source that push horible news stories about Lybia, until the public, they hope, will agree with some poll that Obama should forget about NATO and go at it along. Ridiculas!
One thing CNN does not report is that American bombs was killing innocence civillians. They claim it hadn't. Not so! It is impossible to drop hundreds of missles and not kill cilvillians.
But the civillians that oppose the rebels does not matter. They have no right to oppose the rebel fighters, so it's ok to kill them. They are not "good civillian, they are Kadaffi civillians.
Civillians are civilians no matter what side they are on.
News stations need drama to keep it afloat. Dying soldiers are not on their mind. Just news for them. I'm a past war hero of Vietnam era. I know and care about our troops. I don't see them as XBOX charaters with push button restore life features. They are living human beings with a future and family.
My hope is that Obama and his Administration is not listening to them or any other news station that claim we need to get back in the conflict. We need to take over bombing because we can kill more people than NATO and even put weapons and possiblely young soldiers on the ground to create a good news story.
Obama! Keep a clear head. We don't need another war. Nor do families want to see their sons dead. It will be Obama war and the news media will have a field day with it by turning it against you for a good news story.
Not to mention how happy it will make the Tea Party Republicans facing a tough run for the white House. They need something to run off of. They as yet, have nothing. So they are looking hard to find any thing that will turn public opinion.
Once another war starts, the economy moves to the back burner. Now we have another "George Bush war" repeating itself.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Tea Party Un-patriotic Government Shut Down
All over the Internet we find the Tea Party favorites like the Tea Party Patriots, Tea party Express and of course the all time favorite, the Tea Party Nation, blasting shut downs on web pages,
Twitter and any where else about how much they love this country. About how the rest of us are trying to tear it down. and send us back to the stone ages.
They claim they are all about keeping the government working by putting patriotic Republican politicians in office to preserve our nation. They complain how big government is taking over the lives of ordinary people and how they don’t want government telling us what to do or interfering in our lives.
They talk about how Mexicans illegals are coming across the border and how their presence here in this country is causing our country to incur heavy debts because of them. Tea partiers like judson Phillips are constantly raving about how Muslim are terrible and is trying to take over the country and turn it Islamic.
“We the people” are part of their daily speeches as well as “"Let’s take America Back” or some other slogan they’re chosen in attempt to prove their loyalty to America. Oh! Don’t forget the all time favorite, “We love America”.
With all this loving America pushed down our throats by so-called real patriots like leader, Judson Phillips, Michele Bachman (2012 presidential candidate), and every Tea Party member across the country, who would have thought they would called for a nation wide shutdown of the government.
The Patriots, all of a sudden, are not so patriotic. They want to kill what economic gains we’re made by threatening the Republican legislature into not negotiating budgets cut. These American loving hypocrites want to see the country fold and fall apart if they don't get their way.
Are these the people we want to run our government? Do we really want to elect hand picked threathen politicians that will bend and do every thing the Tea party wants and leave the rest of us with out a voice?
I say NO! We can't trust them! No true patriot will ever call for a shut down of the government. Do one know the implications of such a thing (see shutdown 2011). Many true patriots will be hurt.
Let's not forget in 2012 that it's not "out of country terriorists" we need to be afraid of bringing down our country, but the Tea Party and presidential hopefuls trying to get elected to impose a one rule government and party rule. "The Tea Party!"
While other countries are trying to get rid of dictatorship, the Tea Party is trying to impose it here, in our country.
I will keep this post posted through out 2012 for your remembrance.
Twitter and any where else about how much they love this country. About how the rest of us are trying to tear it down. and send us back to the stone ages.
They claim they are all about keeping the government working by putting patriotic Republican politicians in office to preserve our nation. They complain how big government is taking over the lives of ordinary people and how they don’t want government telling us what to do or interfering in our lives.
They talk about how Mexicans illegals are coming across the border and how their presence here in this country is causing our country to incur heavy debts because of them. Tea partiers like judson Phillips are constantly raving about how Muslim are terrible and is trying to take over the country and turn it Islamic.
“We the people” are part of their daily speeches as well as “"Let’s take America Back” or some other slogan they’re chosen in attempt to prove their loyalty to America. Oh! Don’t forget the all time favorite, “We love America”.
With all this loving America pushed down our throats by so-called real patriots like leader, Judson Phillips, Michele Bachman (2012 presidential candidate), and every Tea Party member across the country, who would have thought they would called for a nation wide shutdown of the government.
The Patriots, all of a sudden, are not so patriotic. They want to kill what economic gains we’re made by threatening the Republican legislature into not negotiating budgets cut. These American loving hypocrites want to see the country fold and fall apart if they don't get their way.
Are these the people we want to run our government? Do we really want to elect hand picked threathen politicians that will bend and do every thing the Tea party wants and leave the rest of us with out a voice?
I say NO! We can't trust them! No true patriot will ever call for a shut down of the government. Do one know the implications of such a thing (see shutdown 2011). Many true patriots will be hurt.
Let's not forget in 2012 that it's not "out of country terriorists" we need to be afraid of bringing down our country, but the Tea Party and presidential hopefuls trying to get elected to impose a one rule government and party rule. "The Tea Party!"
While other countries are trying to get rid of dictatorship, the Tea Party is trying to impose it here, in our country.
I will keep this post posted through out 2012 for your remembrance.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Tea Party thugs try to force $100 billion dollar cuts
Democrats tried to negotiate an agreement on $33 billion in spending cuts. However, the Tea Party, not Republican officials, turned it down.
Budget negotiators on Capitol Hill closed in on a deal Wednesday night that would trim $33 billion from this year’s budget -- $23 billion more than Democrats previously agreed to in short-term continuing resolutions and $28 billion less than Republicans passed in the House. The Tea party wanted more and we didn't even elect them in office.
The Tea Party who wants to control government became so angry that they held a rally outside the U.S. Capitol building with frighten and scared to death speakers like Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind., Rep. Michele Bachmann, who want to run for president in 2012, R-Minn., Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Tex., Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa as well as Meckler and fellow Tea Party Patriots national coordinator Jenny Beth Martin.
They are even pushing the Republicans Legislators to have a government shutdown if Democrats doesn't meet their demands of $100 billion dollars cuts.
There is a reason why we should stand together now and push against the Tea Party. We cannot have party officials be threaten by bullies and thugs.
They will, if we do not oppose them, tear apart our way of governing and fair voting's without fear of intimidation.
Believe it or not, these people are dangerous. As you see right now they are subject to, at any time, to create gang mobs to hold daily rally's at the Capitol in attempt to force Obama out of power before his time. They have the people and hate behind them to try it.
The Democrats need to take a stand and resist these thugs and stop giving in to their demands like sniveling cowards.
The Tea Party influence is evening scaring the Democrats and that include Obama too. What's going on.
It looks like we poor people have to stand up to the Tea Party.
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Budget negotiators on Capitol Hill closed in on a deal Wednesday night that would trim $33 billion from this year’s budget -- $23 billion more than Democrats previously agreed to in short-term continuing resolutions and $28 billion less than Republicans passed in the House. The Tea party wanted more and we didn't even elect them in office.
The Tea Party who wants to control government became so angry that they held a rally outside the U.S. Capitol building with frighten and scared to death speakers like Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind., Rep. Michele Bachmann, who want to run for president in 2012, R-Minn., Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Tex., Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa as well as Meckler and fellow Tea Party Patriots national coordinator Jenny Beth Martin.
They are even pushing the Republicans Legislators to have a government shutdown if Democrats doesn't meet their demands of $100 billion dollars cuts.
There is a reason why we should stand together now and push against the Tea Party. We cannot have party officials be threaten by bullies and thugs.
They will, if we do not oppose them, tear apart our way of governing and fair voting's without fear of intimidation.
Believe it or not, these people are dangerous. As you see right now they are subject to, at any time, to create gang mobs to hold daily rally's at the Capitol in attempt to force Obama out of power before his time. They have the people and hate behind them to try it.
The Democrats need to take a stand and resist these thugs and stop giving in to their demands like sniveling cowards.
The Tea Party influence is evening scaring the Democrats and that include Obama too. What's going on.
It looks like we poor people have to stand up to the Tea Party.
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