Democratic Poor People

The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.

Saturday, August 12, 2017


In Charlottesville Virginia these so called Christians of the KKK and Neo Nazi groups are out in the streets protest their right to continue hate and intimidation. They have been embolden by the hateful speech, radical and tough talk by our luna tick President, Donald Trump.

Other big time Republicans and Evangelic So called Christians are silent. They are silent because they believe in what is being acted out by the same people and president they say speak, say and do that which they say they want to speak, say and do. Trump and these nationalist idiots speaks for the Christian Conservatives and Republicans.

Other so called Christians are out in the streets fighting and protesting against these racist groups for wanting rights to utilize free speech as a right to legally spit out hate.

However, there just may be some Christian protesters there that are fighting for and against having their rights being trampled over to.

Can I say these fighting Christians are wrong to be there? No! They have a right under our law to protest and even fight for their rights and right to live without being in fear. We as Christians have a right to fight for our protection and survival just as we are supposed to do.

Lets take a deeper look at the role of Christian citizenry under our Constitution. We make up the greater number of American citizen, so, the majority of our military personals claim to be Christians. Their job is to be ready to kill and destroy to protect the United States.

Those of us Christians not in the military provide the funds and support, such as bullets, guns, war planes, war boats, submarines, bombs, missiles, death rays, nuclear weapons and more funded by our taxes to these Christians troops and other type religious troops for the purpose of killing and destroying others in what ever fashion it may be to protect them and the United States.

Donald Trump, a known coward and supporter of these hate groups pretend to put out a tweet about the violence protest that took about 8 hours to respond too. The news media quickly acted like this made Donald Trump now being against hate,  his number one campaign issue. But be not deceived.

We and I should not believe anything the Republican Party voters and officers of our government say on behalf of their sudden response of caring about justice for all and especially minorities. How can Satan suddenly tell the truth after 400 years of slavery hate and lies. Lies that even now dominate the mouths and temperance of our highest office and officials starting with the president being the greatest liar.

These racist groups state, “ white lives matter” in protest against the legally organized groups of “Black Lives Matter” and taking down of Robert E, Lee Confederate statue. 

Unlike these racial groups, “Black Live Matter” protested against racism and injustice against the police and it’s policy of singling out and killing black males with out giving them the chance to defend themselves in a court of legal law.  And by acting like black lives did not matter even though white lives for the same offense were apprehended, taken to jail and let go to await trial.

Lets not be ignorant, Conservatives voted for Trumps because, yes, they were racially charged seeing “Black Live Matter and black lawyers and even Democratic officials in government come to the aid of black people in general. They were droved by hatred of “Black Live Matter” and blacks being against renegade and racist police officers whom they felt is justified to kill black with the slightest resistant or talk back. From this, they  put Trumps into office. Their Grand Wizard.

Let’s not fool ourselves when it come to Conservatives and Republican Christians as being Christians and that they condemn theses racist groups. They don’t! They voted and told you just like David Duke said, that “Trump stated, we will take our country back.”

Take the country back from whom? From you and me and all minorities in this country. Wake up people, Trump and these hate groups are what the Christian hate organizations voted for.

Trump raise sand against Korea, and even threaten to send our military to Venezuela to help those people. But the police and even Trump seem not to care about the violence in our own streets taking place at this very moment between our own people.

Like I say and will continue to say, this is a false Christian religion and practice with people playing with false pretending prayers and lies on God in a midst of over 400 years of racial hate and lies by the Church that continue to this very day.

This continued confederate hate run through the false Church  and seem to never go away, but remain glued in hearts of ever generation of Conservatives.  They continue this hate through the Church. 

Only the people can fix this.  Think about it! Read more truth at