Democratic Poor People

The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Great Liars OvertakingThe Church

Weekend Finisher

What is it that cause people to lie? Why can't they tell the different between truth and a lie? Truth is that which can be seen and verified. A lie is that which cannot be proven.

90 percent of what church people say about God is a lie. They lie on God and do not care. The Bible say a liar shall not enter into the Kingdom of God. Do this make people fearful of hell? No!

The Church flaunt lies constantly, and for years, and it matter not that they cannot and have not proven absolutely nothing they say about God healing or providing substances for people.

They cannot show with any proof where God is doing all this healing or any other thing. Where! Certainly not in nursing homes or hospitals or children in health facilities, and lets not forget the sick and poor all over the world.

Its messed up when people say God will do all this but has nothing themselves nor records of healing any one from death, whether, of those asking for prayer for self or love ones.

When I look around I see no one from other centuries still alive. Although there may be 6 or 7 spread across the world. But the fact is no one was healed by God to live forever in the flesh. They are all dead.

We get sick of some thing and we go to doctors as we all does and we all will continue. So will the people that lie to you telling you God will heal your every situation. Think how rich, healthy and wealthy we all would be if such was so.

It take great nerves or just plain stupidity to lie on God or reduce God down to very low deliverance of fixing people problems of every situation.

Think! Do you not know that if God was working on earth it would be a great thing. Not some itsy bitsy thing the world will not hear of.

We are talking of a Great Creator, not a play toy. We are here to live by the words of God. We are here to love God, obey his word, love and we help each other. This is what we are supposed to do.

Look around you at the types of business created and working together to cause us, not God, to build and move ourselves forward. We work together and develop ways to help each other through jobs, homes, borrowing, developing, using, insurance, recreation, travel, working, banking and the beat goes on.

God has already given us all we need. It's life and a brain to work and continue his creation for him first and us next. For us to build, multiply and to help each other beautify that which he placed in our hands and care.

You haven't seen God nor any angel with a hammer in their hands building or doing any thing for us.

We are the keepers. We are the teachers. We are the ones that remind others of the goodness of God and the reward toward those that trust, believe and abide in him.

In the end we will be judged on how we conducted ourselves and hope or pray we are approved by God based on the work and life we lived.

Saying God helped you in any way other than by his written word in a book makes this person a liar... God cannot take care of your every need then judge and send you to hell afterward.

God cannot take care of your every need, yet, let you suffer, get sick, die or not give you what ever you want.... Do you see how foolish this is when someone say such a thing? Such a person that say God do and will must have already reached perfection and immortality and should not be among the living...

Stop listening to false people lie on God. But stop, think, look around you and ask, what, when, how, why and especially, where! Do this in all things and you will catch them every time in a lie or learn the truth.

Question any pastor, person or minister with this. Make them prove it, not say it and let them get away with it.

Ask them to prove it at public places away from their facilities and at places, like, healthcare facilities, VA, Child Care facilities and others.

Watch them lie their way out of not wanting to go to these places heal at them. Even pastors and ministers won't take a bite of this apple, even with false teeth.

When I look out I see wars and rumors of wars. I see storms and earthquakes in different places. I see sickness and death, hate, fear,
sorrow, theft, murder, rape, lust envy, liars, robbers and other great sins. What do you see?
Read more truth at

Friday, September 2, 2016

Detroit And Lying Black Pastors

                                   Weekend Finisher
If you are watching the candidates, I point you toward another instance of the false church. It is seen in black Republicans hosting Donald Trump. He will meet with Wayne Jackson, a big timer that built a mansion and millions off lying to his congregation.

It seem this man and his relationship with racists bother him not. He have voted so long with racists that he thinks like them and see no wrong in them. In fact, Jackson  and those sticking with Trump are just as dangerous to sound minded blacks as the KKK and other race groups that seem to flourish in the Republican Party.

But enough with that part of them. What I want to discuss is what I always speak on and that’s the lies constantly told by people that call themselves the church.  Tomorrow in Detroit, Donald Trump will meet with Republican clowns at a building they ignorantly call the church, to try an prove to sensible black people that Trump can be our savior as he is theirs and “what have we got to lose” foolishness.

I’m saying this to get you to see how pastors have been lying to you for well over a thousands years about God doing this and that for you or for those calling themselves the Church. Not so! This is another proof.

Bishop Jackson is hosting Trump in Detroit because he finds Trump a savior for black people. He will ask Trump 12 ready prepared questions they gave him in advanced to try an appeal to Democratic blacks .

This pastor and other Republican Mega church pastors along with their congregation should be having a moment of reality or can‘t see the forest for the trees.

Now what am I talking about? It’s this! These Mega Churches that make their living lying to people and robbing them have finally realized, themselves, that God is not working for them in their lives and is not giving them a thing, not even us. Only one man can truly make a good life for them, Donald Trump! What do this say?

What! Do you mean all the time when they were telling us, them, you, that God will fix it for you us or turn it over to Jesus, or God will get you a good job, home, nice car, heal you, or pray to him to make things come down, pray for him to build our neighborhoods are really not true! You mean these pastors are lying to us? Yep!!!

God has already done what he was going to do for us. As a Christian you should know it and that.

Wayne Jackson is sucking on Donald Trump like ants on a lollipop. He has been shouting to his mega churches to trust God with your finances but now he’s saying, Donald Trump, not God, will do for blacks.

He and other black Republicans will meet with him and ask him to save them. To save the country. To get rid of Mexicans because they are buying up all the Pepsi Colas and taking jobs from every one.

Do you see the foolishness and the lies pastors have been telling you, us. Even the Democratic pastors are doing the same. Vote Hillary because she is best to help us, not God.

Look! Either you believe in God doing things for you or believe in the candidates working on your behalf. You can’t have both and don’t. Yes, we, you believe in the candidates. This is why we vote for them. And 121 + millions will vote. Now if this be so and it is,

WHY do you go to a building then? For what, you just admitted God is not giving it to you so you turn to these Candidates and others? What can you say this Sunday or after the election?

You say we, I  love God and in our hearts we move forward helping each other as we should be according to the word of God..

Yes, both whites and blacks and others are playing a dangerous game of lying on God. Those that does it will go to hell for lying. This is a fact!

Wayne Jackson is proving or if you read this after His and Trump meeting, that he is a fake and so are the ones that take him to heart. Wayne Jackson and numb skull pastors like pastor Barns both are wolves in sheep clothing.

The fake scam artist Trump will never get the majority of black votes no matter how many buildings he enter. Spanish surrogates are now leaving him. The truth will set you free.

By the way! One of the question Trump will answer is about his faith in God. Afterward Trump will meet be broadcasted and will speak live to Jackson’s congregation. Give me a brake! Read more at